Examining current events in the Light of Bible Prophecy
This feature is currently only available for our  Bible Study Meetings. If leaders of a Prophecy Conference or Seminar desire to offer this to their attenders, please contact the webminister directly. Please do not contact Mike for this information.
Google calendar on Android devices can silence your device automatically for services and events. Any event on your device's calendar that has a status as busy will silence your device. If you currently have a Google account, submit your google account e-mail addres to us and you will be notified when you have access. Once you are notified make sure your device is set to sync and show "Roanoke Bible Study" or "Rocky Mount Bible Study". To begin this process, click here.
If you do not currently have a Google account, please set that up and then return here and click the link to begin. Then follow  any instructions.
All Bible Study attenders, please note the following:
We would ask that make sure your device is always quiet during our meetings. We will be doing our best to update our calendar. We ask that you do your best to keep your device quiet during services you attend.
iOS users - Apple devices do not have this capability. You have two options. Set your iPhone/iPad to be silent while locked and not use your device during meetings, or manually set it to do not disturb during each meeting, or turn it off completely just like a flip phone. You may however add the church calendar to your device by pasting this address in your subscription list:
Again, if you need any assistance in following these instructions, please see Jeff Crowder at the Roanoke Meeting. It should only take a couple minutes to get you situated once your device is logged into your Google account.
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