Financial Agreement
Many evangelists require a minimum offering to come to a church. However, Mike Wingfield Ministries has decided that this is not what we want to do. We do request that an offering be taken at each session that the evangelist speaks at, except Sunday School. You may select the method of receiving this offering. You can pass the offering plates, or have a container available at the door when people leave. On Sunday morning, some churches receive the church offering during the service and then receive our offering at the end of the service. Once again, the method is completely up to you.
It has become apparent to us that some churches have decided, prior to the evangelist's coming, that they will give us a certain designated amount, and they therefore do not receive an offering at every service of the conference. Based upon the principles in 1 Corinthians 9:7-11, we do not feel that this is fair. The visitors who attend the services should have an opportunity to give. If the church desires to establish a minimum amount, we are very thankful for that. However, we request that an offering should still be received at each session.
We also request that the church cover all of the travel expenses to your church from the Roanoke, Virginia area. In addition to all of this, the church should care for the evangelists meals, lodging, and travel to and from your church. The travel expenses should be paid by the church, and should not be deducted from the offerings received at the conference.
At the end of the conference, we request that the church financial officer make out a church check to this ministry, Mike Wingfield MInistries (or abreviated MWM) and give it to the evangelist, or mail it to our office within five days after the conference or seminar. (Mike Wingfield Ministries, PO Box 67, Boones Mill, VA 24065) The memo section of the check should note the total paid by the church for travel and any other expenses, and the total amount of the collected offerings at each session.
To request a Conference or Seminar Date please fill out the meeting request form: