September 2020 – Unmasking Socialism (Part 1)


September 2020

Published monthly

All Bible references are from the KJV

(Examining Current Events in the Light of Bible Prophecy)

P.O. Box 13006, Roanoke, VA 24030-3006

Unmasking Socialism

Part One

“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when

 the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn”  Proverbs 29:2

By Mike Wingfield

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This article is the first of a three-part series on the evils of socialism.  In these articles, I will refer to socialism as practically being the same as Marxism or Communism. In principle there is very little difference in these political philosophies. Each of these political agendas originated with Karl Marx, an atheist Jewish German philosopher in the 19th century.  The purpose of these articles is four fold: (1) to scrutinize and evaluate the principles of socialism under the lens of Scripture, (2) to help Americans understand the threat of socialism to our faith and freedoms, (3) to review the historical and prophetic impacts of socialism, and (4) to expose the mission and tactics of those who are seeking to destroy the constitutional government of the United States of America and transform our country into a socialist state that will become a puppet of the New World Order.  Please share this newsletter with all of your family, churches, and friends.  We need to get this truth to America before the election this November.  Please join me in prayer that the Lord will use these articles to open the eyes of many Americans who have been deceived into believing that socialism is a good choice for our nation.

At this very moment, the America that we love and cherish is fighting for its life as a free constitutional republic.  Today, America has many native-born enemies that hate her and are plotting her destruction.  Many of these enemies have openly embraced socialism.

We live at a time of incredible deception.  Truth and justice have been turned upside down. Our world is rewarding people for evil, while the righteous are being condemned.  Acts that perpetuate violence and forms of violence are being protected by liberal politicians, while the innocent are under constant threats and suffer injury.  Liberal Democrats who run some our larger cities have given approval for some people to openly loot and steal. Persons who commit these lawless acts treat law enforcement personnel in a wicked and shameful way, all under the banner of peaceful protests.  These people are permitted to gather in large crowds without any implications of disobedience due to government-mandated COVID-19 regulations.  However, at the same time, it is wrong for the church to gather and sing praises to God.  God says, “He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD” (Proverbs 17:15).  “God created government to be a force for good and a restraint on evil in society.  Yet sin-laden humans have distorted that original purpose to feed their own selfish desires” (Becca Coon, Decision, “The Dangers of Godless Government,” February 2020, p. 17).

Streets in many of our cities are filled each night with angry mobs who vent their wrath with violence and vulgarity.  Recently, in Charlotte, North Carolina, the Black Lives Matter protestors march down a street, while constantly chanting a vulgar reference to Jesus. This alone reveals the wickedness of their heart.  The Bible says, “An angry man stirreth up strife, and a furious man aboundeth in transgression” (Proverbs 29:22).

We have reached this point of confusion, wickedness, and danger due to the sad fact that most Americans are Biblically illiterate.  The Bible is our standard of right and wrong.  Its values and laws are the direct revelation from an unchanging God who is holy and good.  The Bible is the lighthouse that does not move and stands to warn all people to keep them safe during the storms of life. When a person or culture ignores, opposes, or suppresses the truth of God, it will create a deadly confusion that will destroy that person or culture.

When a person or culture ignores, opposes, or suppresses the truth of God, it will create a deadly confusion that will destroy that person or culture.

David Closson, director of Christian ethics and Biblical worldview at Family Research Council, states that only 7 percent of Americans hold a Biblical worldview (Becca Coon, Decision, “The Dangers of Godless Government,” February 2020, p. 17).    This simply means that the overwhelming number of people we come in contact with in our world do not think in terms of right and wrong from a Biblical frame of reference.  A 2019 Barna study discovered that only 5 percent of Americans consider themselves to be “Bible-centered.”

This kind of thinking has created the perfect soil in which socialism can germinate and grow.  We Americans, for more than 240 years, have had the privilege to live in a country that has been guided by a constitution and Bill of Rights that were founded upon the Bible.  However, in this current state of confusion, many Americans, especially youthful citizens, are being deceived into believing that the wicked and godless system called socialism is now superior to what has been our bedrock foundation.  Let us remove the mask of socialism and expose it for what it is.

As a spiritual watchman on the proverbial walls of America, it is both my duty and moral responsibility to warn my fellow Americans of the impending danger of embracing socialism.  God sent the ancient Jewish prophet, Ezekiel, to warn the rebellious nation of Israel.  Read Ezekiel 2:1-8.  He informed Ezekiel that his message would be rejected.  However, God informed Ezekiel that it was his God-mandated responsibility to give them a warning from Him.  If he neglected to warn his people of the dangers of sin, their blood would be upon his hands (Ezekiel 3:17-21).  I have sensed a calling from the Spirit of God within me to sound out this warning to America. I fear that if my nation does not heed this warning, the enemy will come in like a flood and the nation we have loved will cease to exist.  God have mercy on America!

Government is God’s business and the overall testimony of Scripture gives witness to His sovereignty over all creation.  Jesus declared, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.”  (Matthew 28:18).   God rules over all His creation and is the “King of nations” (Jeremiah 10:7).  He is “the Judge of all the earth” (Genesis 18:25).  As the lawgiver, His moral laws flow out of His unchanging holy character and they are for all people of all generations.   When Jesus returns to this earth, He will be King and Judge over every nation, “for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem” (Isaiah 2:3).

While we anticipate the coming of this earthly Kingdom of our Lord, we should never lose sight of the fact that He is now ruling over all His creation from His throne in heaven.  The Scriptures teach that both God and Satan are ruling over their servant angels in very highly organized governmental structures (Psalm 103:19-21; Ephesians 6:12).  The governments of this world are being targeted by this spiritual battle between God and Satan.  The Lord is directing human agents in civil government to carry out his agenda.  Satan is attempting to oppose God by tempting these same human governmental leaders to join his rebellion against the Lord (Psalm 2:1-3; Isaiah 14:12-13; Revelation 16:12-16).  If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, it is your responsibility to stand with the Lord in your home, church, and government.  We are to glorify the Lord and rescue the souls of men from the wages of sin in this life and from eternal damnation in the life to come.

Both the church and civil government have been designed and called by God to be His servants.  Each believer has been called by God to have a different, but complementary, role in society for the glory of God and the good of man. The church is the spiritual body of Christ on earth.  This body of believers is to be salt and light in a spiritually dark world so that “they may see [our] good works, and glorify [our] Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).  Not only are we to be the light, we are to speak the truth in love, proclaim the gospel, and teach them “all things” commanded by Christ (Matthew 28:19-20).   In

All who are opposed to God’s place in government are setting the stage for the final Satanic push in a demonic plot to overthrow God and create the final New World Order, which will be crushed by Christ in the end.

essence, the church is running a spiritual rescue mission on earth, bringing people to salvation in Christ by its lifestyle and message.  As a complement to this, God has created human government to maintain a moral framework of goodness to protect people from evil (Romans 13:4).  Leaders of civil government are “ordained of God” to be a “[servant] of God” (Romans 13:1-6).   When civil government fulfills its God-ordained role, it will exercise the authority delegated to it by the Lord.  That authority should operate within the boundaries of the laws of God.  There is no other legitimate authority outside of the One who is the Creator and Sustainer of the universe – Jesus Christ.  It is not a coincidence that those who are attempting to reorder our society are in direct opposition to the God of the Bible.  Moreover, they object to all of God’s law, and to the 10 commandments in particular.

They may not know it, but all who are opposed to God in government are setting the stage for the final Satanic push in a demonic plot to overthrow God and create the final New World Order, which will be crushed by Christ in the end.  Notice how the Psalmist predicted all of this in Psalm 2:1-3: “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?  The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.”  The people of the world and their leaders, as predicted by the psalmist, are demanding to be to set free from the binding commandments of their Creator.

It is very apparent that one of the major political philosophies that many world leaders have adopted to oppose God as mentioned in Psalm 2 is socialism.  Socialism is a godless form of government.  It was born in the mind of Karl Marx (1818-1883).

Marx was a self-proclaimed atheist.  He did not believe in God or the supernatural world. He viewed religion as an ill in society that lied to people about having a wonderful future in the spirit world after death.  To him, religion was used by oppressors to help people feel better about the tragic results of their lives due to their poverty. One of his most famous quotes is, “Religion is the opium of the masses.”

Marx was a contemporary with Charles Darwin, the father of the theory of evolution.  When Marx read Darwin’s theory he immediately embraced it.  To him, it was the perfect explanation for his view that life is nothing more than what is experienced in the physical realm. And, he viewed life as being like the physical world.  He concluded that they were both in an evolutionary process.  He believed that the evolution of life would produce a classless society, in which all people would share all wealth equally.

Marx’s socialist foundation philosophy is tragically flawed.  According to the Bible, neither creation nor man is naturally evolving toward a utopia.  Creation is not evolving, it is degenerating (Psalm 102:26; Romans 8:22).  Mankind is not moving toward perfection.  Our global population, as predicted by the Bible, is rapidly descending into more deadly and deceptive forms of depravity (2 Timothy 3:1-9, 13).

Like all secular humanists, Marx believed that man had the answer to all of life’s problems.  He believed that we could achieve a golden utopia if we would adopt his theory of socialism.  However, the conditions in nations that have embraced his socialist philosophy in the last 150 years, does not coincide with his dream of a godless, perfect world.  The Bible does teach that a golden era of life is coming.  It will take place when Jesus Christ descends from heaven and destroys the kingdoms of this world, and establishes His millennial kingdom upon this earth for 1,000 years.  Then, and only then, there will be perfect peace and prosperity upon this earth.

Marx arrived at these conclusions from the experiences in his own world.  He refused to work, being totally absorbed in his effort to study and promote his socialist philosophy.  Consequently, he and his family lived in utter poverty.  It is reported that if his associate, Friedrich Engels, had not consistently given financial assistance to Marx, he and his family would have literally starved to death.  In essence, Marx did not see the value of physical work, but determined that someone else needed to work and care for the financial needs of his family.  I am reminded the Bible says, “But if any provide not for his own, and especially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel” (1 Timothy 5:8).

This is the mindset of many career politicians in our government. Many of them, like Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, have never had a real job where they had to work to make a living.  This is why they have adopted and promote a political system that takes wealth from those who work to give it to those who have an entitlement mentality.  In his latest book, conservative author Dinesh D’Souza concludes, “This is a class of people that has no idea how to create wealth” (Dinesh D’Souza, United States of Socialism, 2020, p. 30).  The socialists are much like people who have no children but attempt to lecture parents about how to raise their children.

In essence, Marx developed an economic and social theory that aimed at setting workers free from their rich employers. He viewed all workers as being enslaved to the rich in society.  History demonstrates that the application of socialism to a nation brings enslavement of all the people to the socialist rulers.  Socialist governments take control of everything.  They seize the people’s rights and wealth.  In reality the people become the slaves of their government.   D’Souza, states, “Soviet socialism [is] a vast network of slave camps stretching from Europe to the farthest reaches of Asia. … [It] has made everyday existence a living hell nearly everywhere it has been tried all over the world” (D’Souza, pp. 2-3).  How ironic that some of our fellow African-Americans speak about the past evils of slavery, while they are attempting to help all Americans be enslaved to cruel socialist dictators who will dominate our way of life.  How tragic that they have been so deceived!  All they would need to do is to read the history of socialism and they would know that they are attempting to create an even more powerful and more evil form of slavery!

Socialist governments take control of everything.  They seize the people’s rights and wealth.  In reality the people become the slaves of their government.

D’Souza lists 25 countries that have experimented with socialism, “all ending in unmitigated disaster.  The worst forms of socialism proved not only totalitarian but also murderous to an unprecedented degree.  In the Soviet Union alone, socialist regimes killed some 20 million of their own citizens and enslaved tens of millions of others. The Chinese socialists, in the period known as Mao’s Cultural Revolution, killed another 20-25 million.  The Nazis murdered in comparable numbers, including Jews and gypsies and other occupied peoples, Poles, Russians, Eastern Europeans and others” (D’Souza, p. 3).

Those who established and continue to embrace the philosophy of socialism are foolish, evil persons. Their ideas do not conform to the character of our holy God.  Their plans are not in agreement with the Word of God. The Bible tells us to not “desire to be with them. For their heart [studies] destruction, and their lips talk of mischief” (Proverbs 24:1, 2). According to the Hebrew text, this is speaking about those who are plotting the destruction of a nation.   These are the same people who are mentioned in Psalm 2:1-3.  They “imagine a vain thing” (Psalm 2:1).  The “vain thing” is the promotion of a lifestyle that is free from the binding law of God (Psalm 2:3). They study and unite with other fools who think like them.  They are united in a global effort to get rid of God – His Word, His people, and His eternal plan to place the Messiah, God’s Son, upon the  “holy hill of Zion” (Psalm 2:6).

It is shocking to observe that Karl Marx was a Jew.  However, he hated his own people.  He observed their lifestyles and despised them because many of them were wealthy.  He claimed that money was the god of the Jewish people.  Many of his ideas about Jewish people represent the false anti-Semitic thinking that has permeated godless cultures for centuries. Therefore, it is not surprising that socialists and communists hate Israel and the Jewish people.  Anti-Semitism and socialism serve the same god – Satan.  It is not surprising to note that the socialists who have infiltrated the halls of congress all hate Israel.  The servants of socialism and of the god of Islam share common ground that

The servants of socialism and the god of Islam share common ground that enslaves people to their ideological systems, while hating Christians and Jews.

enslaves people to their ideological systems, while hating Christians and Jews.  It is my personal opinion that the political marriage of socialism and Islam will unite to form a New World Order that will become the kingdom of the Antichrist during the Tribulation Period. This is the working framework that has existed in the United Nations for the last 50 or more years.

Proverbs 24:2 states that these evil people are focused on “destruction.” As mentioned previously, this destruction is aimed at the destruction of a nation.  This is exactly what Karl Marx taught.  He promoted that workers should overthrow their political/economic system with acts of violence.  He taught that his followers should continue the struggle to take control of their government so that a classless society would evolve.

The lawless groups that are actively attempting to destroy America, Antifa and Black Lives Matter, are taking their orders from socialist leaders, some from within our own government.  Co-founders of Black Lives Matter, Patrisse Cullors and Alica Gara, both openly declare that they are “trained Marxists” (  These groups are not seeking social justice. They are attempting to destroy America.  Their goals and methods are right out of the socialists’ training manuals.  They want to make America a socialist society because socialism is a godless form of government.

The attempt to replace the government that was designed by America’s founders is aimed at getting rid of God and the Bible.  Its goal is to rid the country of Christians and Jews.  They hate the Judeo-Christian foundation of this nation.

God has blessed America because a godly remnant founded this country upon Biblical principles.  The Bible says, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD” (Psalm 33:12). American historian David Barton says, “Modern history teaches that our founding fathers were atheists, agnostics, and deists, yet a closer look into history tells a different story.  America’s founders were united by their deeply held spiritual beliefs, and those beliefs directly impacted the formation of the new nation.  Significantly, the Bible was the source of many of the unique ideas and unprecedented principles laid out in our founding documents, but today we are no longer taught these truths about our founding. Instead, we are taught a revisionist history in which religious faith is absent and God’s providential hand is ignored” (David Barton, Quote from The American Heritage

The framers of our constitution held that the faith of Christianity was essential to the existence of the newly formed nation.  Jay Adams, the second U.S. president, said, “The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. … Now I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God” (Cited by David Barton, The American Heritage Serieswww.wall

Jedediah Morse, known as the Father of American Geography, once said, “To the kindly influence of Christianity we owe that degree of freedom, and political and social happiness, which mankind now enjoys… Whenever the pillars of Christianity shall be overthrown, our present republican forms of government – and blessings which flow from them – must fall with them.”

Those who want to replace our constitutional government with socialism are evil and foolish.  “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God” (Psalm 14:1).  The Bible says, “The wicked through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts” (Psalm 10:4).

God has also blessed America because it has welcomed the Jewish people.  Socialism has a history of anti-Semitism.  They hate Jews and Israel.  God said to the father of the Jewish people, Abraham, “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee” (Genesis 12:3).

To adopt socialism in America will bring the curse of God.  May God have mercy on America!  It is time to stand up for truth.  We are involved in a spiritual war for the soul of our nation.  Many of our young people have had to literally sacrifice and fight on the battlefields for our freedoms.  It is time that we all involve ourselves in the spiritual battle for our nation.  This is significant for the future of our churches.  Without our freedoms, the future of the church here in America will dramatically change.  It will create a spiritual climate that will make the preaching of the gospel very difficult.  “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3).

In the next two articles on “Unmasking Socialism,” I will examine the methods and principles of socialism. Once again, we will see that socialism is opposed to God and the Bible.

Israel’s Treaty with UAE

In recent weeks, it was announced that the Trump administration has helped foster a treaty between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, an Arab Sunni Islamic nation located in the Persian Gulf area.  This is a very significant historical development that has incredible prophetic implications.  It is reported that these two nations have verbally agreed to “full normalization of relations.” A statement from the White House says these two nations will meet in the coming weeks to “sign bilateral agreements regarding investment, tourism, direct flights, security, telecommunications, technology, energy, healthcare, culture, the environment, the establishment of reciprocal embassies, and other areas of mutual benefit. …Opening direct ties between two of the Middle East’s most dynamic societies and advanced economies will transform the region by spurring economic growth, enhancing technological innovation, and forging closer people-to-people relations” (  To make this happen, the Israeli government has agreed to postpone declaring its sovereignty over areas of the West Bank that are a part of President Trump’s Vision for Peace.

This decision has been met with great opposition in Israel.  Some believe that it is more important to declare sovereignty over parts of the Promised Land, rather than to support a treaty with a former Arab enemy that could be worthless in coming months or years.

It is believed that this plan, called “Abraham Accord,” will open up avenues to additional peace treaties between Israel and other Arab Islamic nations in the Middle East. All of this is very significant because the Bible teaches that it will be a false peace treaty with Israel that will begin the Tribulation Period (Daniel 9:27).   What do we know about that future treaty?  It will be a treaty between secular Israeli leaders and enemies that really want to plot her destruction (Isaiah 28:14-22).  It will focus upon dividing the Promised Land “for [economic] gain” (Daniel 11:39). This treaty will lead to Armageddon because God says they have “parted my land” (Joel 3:2).

In light of all of this, it is apparent that the stage is being set for this false peace treaty.  The conditions in the Middle East are ripe for this agreement.  Israel is desperate for peace and security.  The entire region, including Israel, is suffering economically due to the impact of COVID-19. The Sunni Arabs view cooperation with Israel as a path to economic stability and security.  Many of these Arab Muslims recognize that Israel is the only regional military power that can deal with the threat of Iran (the leading Shiite nation), which considers the Sunni Arabs as their enemies.  Also, Iran is not an Arab, but a Persian nation. Therefore, many of the Sunni Arab nations in the region, for the first time in history, are looking to Israel with favor.  In reality, this is being driven by selfish motives.  One needs to ask, what will happen when Iran and her Shiite allies are defeated in the Gog and Magog invasion of Israel?  With the absence of the Iranian threat in the region, will the Sunni Arabs consequently break their treaty with Israel?  All of this seems to fit what we know about the coming false peace treaty that will begin the Tribulation Period, and then be broken a few years later.

In light of all of this, get ready for the shout that will take us out!

Europe’s Appeasement of Evil Powers

Is history repeating itself?  It is a well known fact that Europe’s appeasement in the 1930s of Nazi Germany was one of the major factors that forced the world into World War II.  This October, the UN arms embargo on Iran was set to expire.   When the UN Security Council recently met to discuss this critical matter, Britain and France joined China and Russia to oppose this embargo.  Both China and Russia are aggressively engaged economically and militarily with Iran. They plan to sell advance conventional weapons to Iran.

This action puts our world in grave danger.  Three of the most evil powers – Iran, China, and Russia – are supporting each other.  This is especially dangerous for the U.S. and Israel.

The world seems to turn a blind eye toward the threat of Iran.  Even the Democrats, with the approval of their presidential candidate, Joe Biden, are in a mood of appeasement with these evil powers.  President Trump and his administration are the only ones in the entire world that are being tough with Iran, China, and Russia.  It is not surprising that these enemies of freedom all support the election of Joe Biden because they know it will give them the leverage they need to continue to dupe the world so they can eventually create their evil empires and advance their New World Order.

In light of Biblical prophecy, it appears that the evil empire of the Antichrist is being formed at this very hour.  Humanly speaking, the only resistance to this evil empire is the leadership of President Trump.  This serves to demonstrate how critical the election is this November.

No matter who wins this election, God’s prophetic plans will not be thwarted.  We must remember that the Bible says, “The most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men” (Daniel 4:17).

Asteroid Impact before the Election

NASA has stated that an asteroid that is seven-feet in diameter is calculated to arrive in earth’s atmosphere on November 2, the day before the elections.  While this asteroid would create little damage, it certainly will cause great concern.  Scripture does speak of an asteroid that will break-up in Earth’s atmosphere and poison fresh water streams on earth near the beginning of the Tribulation Period (Revelation 8:10-11).  The Greek word for “star” is aster, from which we get the English word “asteroid.”  Read Jesus’ comments in Luke 21:25-28.