November 2020
Published monthly
All Bible references are from the KJV
(Examining Current Events in the Light of Bible Prophecy)
P.O. Box 13006, Roanoke, VA 24030-3006
Unmasking Socialism
Part Three
“Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife,
… nor anything that is thy neighbor’s.” (10th commandment- Exodus 20:17)
By Mike Wingfield
This article is the third and final part of a three-part series on the evils of socialism. Please read the previous two newsletters before you attempt to read this one. In these articles, I refer to socialism as practically being the same as Marxism or Communism. In principle there is very little difference in these political philosophies. Each of these political agendas originated with Karl Marx, an atheist Jewish German philosopher in the 19th century. The purpose of these articles is four fold: (1) to scrutinize and evaluate the principles of socialism under the lens of Scripture, (2) to help Americans understand the threat of socialism to our faith and freedoms, (3) to review the historical and prophetic impacts of socialism, and (4) to expose the mission and tactics of those who are seeking to destroy the constitutional government of the United States of America and transform our country into a socialist state that will become a puppet of the New World Order. Please share this newsletter with all of your family, churches, and friends. We need to get this truth to America before the election in just a few days. Please join me in prayer that the Lord will use these articles to open the eyes of many Americans who have been deceived into believing that socialism is a good choice for our nation.
In just a few days, Americans will go to the voting polls and select our nation’s leaders. There is no question that this is the most critical election in the history of our great nation. The results of this election could radical change our nation and tragically alter the course of global humanity. It is a fact that what America does as a leader in the world impacts the entire planet.

Statistical data indicate that America has reached a very dangerous tipping point where almost one-half of its citizens look at socialism favorably. Most of those who favor this dangerous ideology are our youth, along with those who affiliate with the Democratic Party. Our young people are being brainwashed by liberal socialist professors at our nation’s universities and colleges. Sadly, our younger generation has been duped into believing that America and capitalism are evil. They have been deceived into believing that socialism is their ticket to economic liberty, with free stuff from the government.

The Democratic Party, in the last few decades, has been hijacked by the left-wing extremists who are bent on transforming America into a socialist state. They want to usher in a New World Order, devoid of God of the Bible, and His commandments. Read Psalm 2.
However, many Americans refuse to believe the Democrat Party is affiliated with socialism. I challenge them to check out the Website of the Democratic Socialists of America – . Read about the agenda of these socialists on their Website and you will discover that this is the same goal of Democrats running for office in this election.
Socialists hate Christians because they hate God. They hate God because the Bible exposes their lies and thirst for power. The philosophy of socialism was created by atheists and it is the choice of those who want to ruthlessly rule over people by taking away the freedoms their Creator gave them. Look at the histories of Russia and China. In these communist nations (remember that socialism is only the first step toward communism) the people are the slaves of a government that controls every facet of their lives. They have no rights, no freedoms, and no property.
One of the driving forces behind socialism is the ultimate confiscation of all personal property. Dinesh D’Souza correctly states in his excellent book, United States of Socialism, “the central moral claim of American socialism [is] collective ownership. At least in principle, nothing is yours, nothing is mine, everything is ours” (Dinesh D’Souza, United States of Socialism, p. 14). The collective ownership of all property is controlled by the state. They own everything – banks, all commercial adventures, corporations, farms, resources, personal property, and our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
Those who promote socialism from the top down, realize they will be the ones who will manage the affairs of the people. History teaches that these leaders deceptively manipulate the people and control the possessions for their own personal gain. D’Souza states that socialism “is driven by lust for money and lust for power …. In principle, no less than in practice, socialism is the ideology of thieves and tyrants. As for the people who fall for the temptation, they are connivers attracted by the rip-off scheme” (p. 9).
The Bible supports the system of capitalism and the ownership of personal property. In the Bible, the possession of wealth is not looked upon as being evil, but is viewed as a sign of the blessing of God (Ecclesiastes 5:18-19).
In ancient Biblical times, people owned property and personal wealth. Land properties were marked (Deuteronomy 19:14). Deeds were recorded and retained by the one who purchased the property (Jeremiah 32:9-12).
God’s law provided protection for people’s personal property. The 8th commandment states, “Thou shalt not steal” (Exodus 20:15). Obviously, this command demands that others honor the personal ownership of property and wealth of others. Dr. Walter Kaiser, who is president emeritus and distinguished professor of Old Testament and Ethics at Gordon-Cornwell Theological Seminary, states that this commandment also “regarded as criminal all attempts to take that property from a person by a fraudulent way and to then regard it as one’s own.”
The Bible teaches that all wealth and property belong to the Lord (Psalm 89:11; 104:24; Haggai 2:8). Therefore, what we view as being our property really belongs to God. For example, God told Israel that the Promised Land belonged to Him (Leviticus 25:23). Therefore, the Bible teaches that we are only managers of God’s property. Furthermore, private property in the Bible was viewed as a very significant part of God’s order for society. A person’s property was tied to the past and the future of his family. When wicked King Ahab approached Naboth to purchase his vineyard, Naboth said, “The LORD forbid it me, that I should give the inheritance of my fathers unto thee” (1 Kings 21:3). When Ahab had Naboth killed, and seized his property, God condemned his sin (1 Kings 21:17-22).
When socialism declares that all personal property becomes the collective ownership of the state, it is attempting to displace God as the owner of all of His creation. In the Bible, God states that human government is to be a servant of God as it serves and protects the people and their properties (Romans 13:1-4). However, the leaders of socialism ignore the ownership of God and forcefully remove the property of others as they ruthlessly rule over them. This is why socialism is so appealing to wicked men who do not honor nor recognize God and His social order.
Socialism is based upon the sins of envy, stealing, and covetousness. The Bible openly condemns these sins as offences to God. Proverbs 14:30 says, “Envy [is as] the rottenness of the bones.” Galatians 5:21 states that those who are filled with envy shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Psalm 10:3 says, “For the wicked [boasts] of his heart’s desire, and [blesses] the covetous, whom the LORD [abhors].” The Bible clearly condemns those who attempt to take away another man’s property by force. This is the very essence of socialism. Micah 2:1, 2 speaks clearly about the evil practices of socialism when it says, “Woe to them that devise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds! When the morning is light, they practice it, because it is in the power of their hand. And they covet fields, and take them by violence, and houses, and take them away, so they oppress a man and his house, even a man and his heritage.”
Jesus warned us that covetousness comes out of a wicked heart (Mark 7:21, 22). He said, “Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life [consists] not in the abundance of the things which he [possess]” (Luke 12:15).
It is very apparent that those who are promoting socialism in America really do not care this nation or its people. They hate America! They do not care how much suffering, pain, or death they bring upon people. They only care about their own agenda. They promote division, greed, deception, immorality, violence, and lawlessness. They plunder, steal, murder, brutalize, and rape innocent people. They have joined forces with Satan and his demons who are in the business of deceptively weakening the nations (Isaiah 14:12), destroying marriages and the home, and attacking the church (Matthew 16:18).
For several decades, the socialists in America have attempted to achieve their goal by weakening the nation and dividing its people. They have twisted the facts and manipulated situations to promote a toxic hate across America. D’Souza writes, “Socialism in America today has turned black against white, female against male, homosexual against heterosexual and illegals against legal immigrants and American citizens.
“The point, for the left, is not merely to include but to exclude, to estrange their opponents from their own native land. … Whiteness, maleness and heterosexuality are now viewed as being pathological, as forms of oppression. In this way, the left by design seeks to demonize white male heterosexuality and thus make a large body of Americans feel like aliens in their own country” (pages 95, 99).

The socialists are also attempting to destroy America by attacking our Biblical moral values that have been the very foundation of America. They want us to openly reject the most basic laws of gender identity and the Biblically mandated roles of the husband and wife in the home (Ephesians 5:22-33). They are seeking to destroy the sanctity of marriage and the order of the home. They seek to pay honor to every form of sexually deviant behavior that is condemned by God in the Bible. They have made evil good and good evil. The Bible and history teach that when a culture has destroyed their moral foundation, it will collapse. Psalm 11:3 declares, “If the foundations [the settled order of things] be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”
Why would socialists do this? In their minds, what is the relationship of morality to the political/economic tenets of socialism? Socialists realize that our conscience and common sense tell us that it is wrong to live off of other people’s wealth. Therefore, if they are to successfully advance their case of stealing the wealth of others by causing people to envy the rich and covet their wealth, they must destroy the conscience of those who are being brainwashed by socialism.
In my book, Living in a World without a Conscience, I explain that immorality and violence are the top two conscience killers. When a person or culture continually ignores their conscience, it will eventually destroy the conscience (1 Timothy 4:1). When this happens, God ceases to strive in the conscience of that person and gives them over to their own depraved and deadly way of thinking (Romans 1:18-22). They are forever doomed for hell. They refuse “to retain God in their knowledge” (Romans 1:28). They are filled with a dangerous toxic love for self (2 Timothy 3:1, 2). Their speech is filled with “lies in hypocrisy” (1 Timothy 4:2). [Think about the truth bashing going on during this election process.]
W ithout any shame or guilt, those who have killed their conscience begin to act like animals. Read the character description of these people in Romans 1:28-32 and 2 Timothy 3:2-9. These people are dangerous and if they gain control of our nation, they will quickly destroy it.
The leaders of this socialist movement are seeking to use our young people, the oppressed, the poor, illegal aliens, and wicked criminals. They know that these groups are vulnerable to their message to steal from those who have worked hard to give it to those who want what others have without working for it. These actions certainly reveal that they do not have the best interest of America in mind as they push forward their evil socialist agenda.

Another tool of destruction of the socialists is to overload the American economy to point of collapse. America is on the verge of bankruptcy. The politicians, especially those who are socialists at heart, are spending money faster than the Federal Reserve can print it. The federal government now has a debt of almost $27 trillion, with $155 trillion in unfunded liabilities. This is unsustainable! America now owes more than it is collectively worth! We are already bankrupt and do not know it!
State debt is also out of control, with 40 states that do not have the means to pay their bills. Remember that it is not legal for state governments to borrow money. Corporate debt is now a staggering $15.5 trillion. Consumer debt now stands at the dangerous level of $13.9 trillion. Americans are now carrying an average debt of $8,398 on their credit cards.
The COVID-19 pandemic, and our reaction to it, is destroying what is left of our economy. It is reported that 60 percent of all U.S. restaurants may close permanently. More than 100,000 small businesses will close their doors. Air travel is down by 70 percent. The hotel industry is collapsing. America is facing an economic disaster that will be more catastrophic than the Great Depression.

When the economy does collapse in America and around the world, the evil leaders of the world, the socialists and communists, will applaud this tragic event. They view problems of this magnitude as an opportunity to seize the moment and take control. I am convinced that many of the socialists want a much larger COVID-19 stimulus bill to be passed to help bring about this collapse a little sooner. If this were to happen before the election, it would serve their purpose.

Another tool of the liberal left is the “Green New Deal.” They want to reorder our world without any use of fossil fuels. For many decades we have heard the political spin on “Global Warming,” and “Climate Change.” When President Donald Trump took office in 2017, he disengaged our country from the international attempts to force upon America unreasonable regulations that were destroying our economy.
The proponents of the “Green New Deal” are trying to frighten the public into believing that man-made emissions are the cause for the warming of the planet. There is some evidence that our planet is warming and that it is the cause of some of the radical deadly weather patterns. However, true science proves that man-made emissions are only a very small fraction of the cause for this warming trend. True science indicates that this warming is being driven by radical and unusual radiation cycles of the sun (Revelation 16:8-9). It is also being fueled by the increasing number of massive earthquakes that are triggering a great number of volcanic eruptions around the world. When these volcanoes erupt, many of them emit dangerous gases from the interior of the earth that destroy our protective ozone layer around the world.
According to the Bible, the end of this age will be a time of increased earthquake and volcanic activity (Luke 21:11). During the Tribulation Period there will be several global earthquakes and massive volcanic eruptions (Ezekiel 38:17-20; Revelation 6:12-14; 16:17-21). The volcanic ash from these eruptions will increasingly fill earth’s atmosphere blotting out the light of the sun around the world (Revelation 8:12; 16:10). All of this will create a major problem with global warming. Listen to the warning about the Tribulation Period in Malachi 4:1, “For, behold, the day [comes] that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble; and the day that [comes] shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts…”
The socialists are condemning President Trump because he is not buying into the warped scientific reports of our day. The bottom line is that global warming is coming. It will be a massive judgment of God that will emanate from God’s control of the sun and the geological processes of the earth that are under His authority. Man cannot stop global warming because it is in the hands of God.
So, the “Green New Deal” is a massive scam to destroy the wealth of America and remake the country into a socialist state that it will fit into the New World Order scheme of the socialists. The socialists are intentionally distorting their facts to promote their agenda. God has a great surprise for them.
Please encourage your friends to vote. Don’t avoid voting because you do not have any candidate that meets all of your criteria for their office. For years, we have had to make a choice for the lesser of two evils in many election choices. There is a vast difference in the candidates running for the office of president this election. One wants to make America great. The other wants to make America a socialist state. One is pro-life. The other candidate is for abortion. One candidate holds to the Biblical order of marriage and decency. The other candidate supports an immoral agenda that honors sexual perversions. One candidate openly talks about God and the Bible, while the other candidate belongs to a party that avoids talking about God. One candidate stands up against evil in China and Iran, while the other one does not. One candidate has surrounded himself with friends and counselors that love America. The other candidate has surrounded himself with friends and counselors who hate America and are plotting the destruction of a free constitutional America.
Frankly, there are some things about all the candidates that I detest. However, I am not focusing on personality issues. I am focusing upon what these candidates believe about God, the Bible, the sanctity of life, justice, freedom, and law and order. I pray that the Lord will give you wisdom to make a choice that agrees with God’s holiness and His Biblical standards. Please put God first, America second, and then consider your political party.

Friends, we need to pray like we have never prayed before. What is about to happen in America will change our nation and the course of human history. This will greatly impact our churches, our freedoms, and our way of life. God is preparing America and the world for the pouring out of His wrath during the Tribulation Period.
I want to encourage you that none of this has caught God by surprise. He is still on the throne and He is the one who is directing the affairs of this nation and the nations of the world. He is the One that “[changes] the times and the seasons: he [removes] kings, and [sets] up kings… (Daniel 2:21). When the hour arrives, He will usher the command to the Antichrist, “Come” (Revelation 6:1).
I believe that the coming of our Lord for His church is imminent. If you know Him, you need to prepare your soul to enter into His divine presence. What a day that will be! As that hour approaches, we need to “abide in him; that when he shall appear; we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming” (1 John 2:28). Do not let the world pour you into its godless mold of wickedness and immorality. We need to act like children of the most holy God! “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it [does] not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him [purifies] himself, even as he is pure” (1 John 3:2, 3).
Friend, if you are not saved, I beg you to confess that Jesus is God, and repent of your sins. If the Holy Spirit is knocking on the door of your soul, please open the door and let Jesus come into your life.
The Bible says, “That if [you shall] confess with [your] mouth the Lord Jesus, and [shall] believe in [your] heart that God [has] raised him from the dead, [you] shall be saved. … Whosoever [believes] on him shall not be ashamed. … For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:9, 11, 13).
Friend, this very well could be your last opportunity to receive Christ and be saved during this age of grace. The deception that is capturing the souls of men and dragging them down to hell is powerful and alive and well on planet earth. Oh how I pray you receive Him before it is too late.
Please help us to get these newsletters on socialism into the hands of many of your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, and church family. We must arm ourselves with the truth as we vote this year. The stakes are high. America is not mentioned in the events of the end-times in the Bible. Are we watching the end of America as the last free superpower on earth?

May God have mercy on America!
Turkey Claims that Jerusalem “is our city”
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan a few days ago declared that Israel’s capital “is our city” (World Israel News, October 2, 2020). Erdogan has dreams of restoring Turkey’s position as the leader of the Islamic world. The Ottoman Empire controlled Jerusalem and the Holy Land for 400 years, from 1517-1917.
Erdogan continues to express his hatred for the Jewish presence in the Promised Land. He continues to make friends of those who also are enemies of Israel.

Turkey is one of the major nations that will join Russia and Iran (leaders of Turkey and Iran pictured above) in an attempted invasion of Israel during the Gog and Magog war mentioned in Ezekiel 38-39.
According to the Bible, the city of Jerusalem will continue to be at the center of global attention. When the end comes, God will gather all nations to Jerusalem and deal with all nations in judgment at the Battle of Armageddon (Zechariah 14:2, 3).
Israel, a World Leader in Turning Salt Water into Drinking Water
I have been amazed at how God is preparing Israel for her endurance during the Tribulation Period. Because she was so isolated from the international community for decades, Israel made it a point to be self-sufficient as a nation. She grows almost all the food she consumes. She excels in all areas to supply her own needs for transportation, utilities, commercial manufacturing, defense, health and pharmaceutical necessities, and computer technologies.

Israel is also a world leader in producing fresh water from ocean water at several large desalination plants. Israel transforms about 80 percent of all drinking water from desalination technology. No other nation comes close to that.
During the Tribulation Period there will be a major global crisis for fresh water (Revelation 8:10, 11; 16:4-7). Amazingly, God is preparing Israel for this crisis.