March 2023 – Deadly Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria

a Harbinger of Things to Come

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(Examining Current Events in the Light of Bible Prophecy)

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The Rapture & Feast of Trumpets

Behold, I [show] you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” 1 Corinthians 15:51-52

By Mike Wingfield

Deadly Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria

a Harbinger of Things to Come

For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in [different] places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginning of sorrows.”Mark 13:8

By Mike Wingfield

God’s eternal time clock in heaven is ticking. The time when He will supernaturally intervene with His judgments of wrath against the wickedness of man is rapidly approaching. In the Bible, this time of God’s judgment is called “the day of the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 5:2), or the “great tribulation” (Matthew 24:21). This time will follow the Rapture of the Church and it will last for seven years, ending with Christ’s supernatural visible return to earth “with power and great glory” (Matthew 24:30).

The Bible is filled with many warnings concerning what will unfold during the Tribulation. Hundreds of passages sound the warning of this approaching global time of trouble. For years I have been in awe of these warnings that help us to define the nature of the Tribulation and understand the developments that will unfold during this unprecedented time.

Jesus informed His disciples that the Tribulation would begin at a time when the world would be experiencing a time of global wars and conflicts, earthquakes, severe food shortages, pandemics, and increasing lawlessness (Luke 21:9-11). Obviously, we are now experiencing a marked escalation in all these occurrences.

Jesus said that the prelude to the Tribulation would be manifested by an increase in the frequency and magnitude of earthquakes. Furthermore, He warned that these earthquakes would occur around the world in different locations. An examination of the geological records of the last 120 years indicates that this is exactly what is taking place. Every 30 days, our world is experiencing an average of 6,500 earthquakes that measure 3.0 or greater on the Richter scale. History shows that 19 of the 20 largest earthquakes ever recorded in the world happened in the last 100 years. Six of the largest recorded earthquakes have happened in my lifetime! Without question, we are the generation that is experiencing the final geological upheaval of our world, and the worst is still yet to come!

On February 6, 2023, Turkey experienced the deadliest earthquake of this relatively new century. Within a matter of hours, it was hit with 7.8 and 7.5 earthquakes. These earthquakes captured the attention of the entire world. Currently, it is reported that more than 50,000 people have been killed by these quakes, hundreds of thousands were injured and left homeless. The pictures and videos of the devastation and immense suffering coming from this region have touched our hearts.

The Bible teaches that everything, including these catastrophic earthquakes, is under the divine control of the Lord God. He is directing the affairs of His creation to its desired end. The Bible makes it clear that He is in control of volcanoes and earthquakes. They are the evidence of the hand of God on earth. In Isaiah 2, the Bible declares that when the end of time comes, God will rise to “shake terribly the earth” (Isaiah 2:19, 21). Later, in Isaiah 13:13, the Lord said, “I will shake the heavens and the earth.” Psalm 104:32 says, “He looks on the earth, and it trembles, he touches the hills, and they smoke.”

God controls earthquakes and their timing performs His will. This happened at Jericho in the days of Joshua (Joshua 6:1-20). Powerful earthquakes accompanied the death and resurrection of Christ (Matthew 27:50-52; 28:2). Paul and Silas were set free from prison by a powerful earthquake in Philippi at the right moment in time (Acts 16:26). There are many more of these examples in the Bible.

God has consistently used earthquakes as a part of His divine judgment. The divine global destruction that produced a global flood in the days of Noah featured a massive earthquake that shook the world. God told Noah that due to man’s wickedness, He would “destroy them with the earth (Genesis 6:13). Genesis 7:11 reported the fulfillment of this warning, “the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.” This massive global geological upheaval continued for 150 days (Genesis 7:24-8:1). The earthquake encircled the globe creating a seam like a baseball. These cracks on the earth are still evident today. Geologists have mapped out these fissures which have formed tectonic platelets and deep canyons or trenches in the ocean. See the map above. All these scientific findings give proof of the biblical record in Genesis 6-7.

A study of the prophetic Scriptures indicates that the seven-year Tribulation Period will be characterized as a time of massive global earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis. They will be greater than anything ever experienced on earth. Near the beginning of the Tribulation, a global earthquake will strike the earth, causing “every mountain and island [to be] moved out of their places” (Revelation 6:14). This simply means the geological coordinates of earth’s surface will be altered. Concerning these global earthquakes, Isaiah 24 states, “The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is [thoroughly cracked], the earth is moved exceedingly. The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, …. It shall fall, and not rise again” (verses 19-20). This means the surface of the earth will be greatly altered so that, like the pre-flood earth, it will not look the same.

The greatest earthquake will take place at the end of the Tribulation when Christ returns to earth at His revelation during the battle of Armageddon (Zechariah 14:1-5). Concerning this earthquake, the Apostle John wrote, “And there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. And the great city [Jerusalem] was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell … And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found” (Revelation 16:18-20).

Scriptures indicate that many of these global earthquakes at the end will be accompanied by massive volcanic upheavals (Isaiah 24:6; Ezekiel 38:22; Revelation 6:12; 16:21). These earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will be centered in the Middle East and especially the land of Israel.

After examining the biblical prophecies about the future earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and the geological locations of the recent earthquakes in Turkey, I am convinced these recent quakes are the prelude to the Tribulation.

The earthquakes in Turkey and Syria are occurring along geological fault lines that connect them with many of the future earthquakes that will rock Israel in the last days. See the map on this page. Let us examine the evidence.

All the biblically recorded earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that will occur during the last days in the Middle East and Israel will take place along The Great Rift Valley. The Great Syrian/African Rift Valley begins in Syria along the border with Turkey, and extends for 4,300 miles through Israel, the Red Sea, and into the African continent. This geological crack begins where the earthquakes just occurred in Turkey and Syria and goes south, following the Jordan River Valley, through the Sea of Galilee and into the Dead Sea area. It continues south thorough the Arava Desert in Israel and into the Red Sea and then southwest into Africa. (See the map on this page.)

Many earthquakes recorded in the history of Israel in the Scriptures took place along this Great Rift Valley. Jerusalem, the site of many earthquakes in history and prophecy, is located about 15 miles west of the Rift Valley and the Dead Sea, the lowest point of this fault line. Many geologists have concluded that this Great Rift Valley is one of the most dangerous earthquake fault zones in the world.

Israeli geologists have carefully studied the history of this fault line along the Rift Valley. They know that it produces a major earthquake in Israel about every 100 years. The last major earthquake in Israel was 96 years ago in 1927. The one before that was in 1837. So, Israeli geologists are warning their people that they are due for the big one. These quakes in Turkey and Syria are sending them a warning of the possibility that a quake is imminent.

According to the prophetic Word, the next big earthquake could be the one connected with the Gog and Magog war in Ezekiel 38. The invasion involving Russia, Turkey, and Iran, and other radical Islamic nations, will take place near the Golan Heights along Israel’s border with Syria and Lebanon. According to Ezekiel 38:18-22, God will strike this area along the Rift Valley fault line with a powerful earthquake that will shake the entire world. This quake will cause “every wall [in Israel] to fall to the ground” (Ezekiel 38:20). It will also trigger the eruption of ancient dormant volcanoes in the region (Ezekiel 38:22). The volcanoes will erupt and spew out magma [symbolically described in the Bible as the blood of the earth – Isaiah 26:21], hailstones, fire, and brimstone (Ezekiel 38:22).

This horrific cataclysm will confuse the invading armies causing them to kill one another. The timing of this geological upheaval will be viewed by many nations as a divine response to this invasion by Israel’s enemies. In Ezekiel 38:23, God says, “Thus will I magnify myself, and sanctify myself; and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I am the LORD.” This supernatural defeat of Israel’s enemies will be compared to the defeat of Pharaoh and his armies at the Red Sea (Jeremiah 16:14-15). God says, “So I will make my holy name known in the midst of my people Israel; and I will not let them pollute my holy name any more: and the heathen shall know that I am the LORD, the Holy One in Israel” (Ezekiel 39:7).

I have calculated that the recent earthquakes in Turkey were about 300 miles southwest of Mount Ararat, where the Ark landed five months after the flood began (Genesis 8:4). Mount Ararat is located along a major fault line along Turkey’s eastern border with Armenia. This fault line connects with the Rift Valley fault line where the recent earthquakes took place. Mount Ararat is also an ancient volcanic mountain. Its last major eruption occurred in 3,000 B.C., about the time of the great global flood.

Therefore, geologically, and biblically, Mount Ararat is connected to the future geological upheaval of the last days. Jesus told us there would be connections between the last days and the days of Noah (Matthew 24:37). The last actions of Noah took place on Mount Ararat where the ark landed. How fitting that the location of the ark’s resting place is connected to the upheaval of the final global judgment of God at the end of this age!

Furthermore, I have calculated that the geological upheaval mentioned in Ezekiel 38 is about 300 miles south of the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. It is of interest to note that the southernmost end of the Great Rift Valley in Africa has been showing signs of upheaval in the crust of the earth for a couple of decades. Hundreds of miles in Africa are opening up and exposing a crevice that follows the fault line. See picture on page 5. Therefore, both ends of the Great Rift Valley are showing the geological pressure being applied to this fault line beneath the earth. Obviously, this indicates that great pressure is escalating along this fault line, especially in the weaker fault areas of the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea. Therefore, the probability of a great earthquake in Israel is imminent.

Israeli geologists are concerned that a big quake is overdue. The Scriptures indicate there are many earthquakes that will follow in quick succession along this fault line. They include the Gog and Magog quake in Ezekiel 38, which will take place very near the time of the Rapture. At the middle of the Tribulation a major earthquake in Jerusalem will kill 7,000 people (Revelation 11:13). This earthquake will be connected to the Antichrist’s murder of the two Jewish witnesses in Jerusalem. The final earthquake at the end of the Tribulation will occur near and in Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:1-10; Revelation 14:20; 16:19).

Many of the passages that mention the massive earthquakes that will occur along the Great Rift Valley during the Tribulation, also include volcanic eruptions. An examination of the Great Rift Valley fault line will show that there are many ancient dormant volcanoes that follow this fault line. They are found in Turkey, on the Golan Heights between Syria and Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and in Africa.

I am convinced that the description of the events connected with the battle of Armageddon in Revelation 14:14-20 relate to the massive earthquake that will occur at the time of Christ’s revelation. This earthquake will trigger an eruption of the ancient dormant volcanoes north of the Jordan Valley. When that happens, it will create a river of blood [magma] that will flow to the level of the horses’ bridles for about 200 miles. Notice that Revelation 14 tells us that this will take place when the angel of God “which had power over fire” (verse 18) thrusts His “sickle into the earth” (verse 19).

This would also help us understand how some of the forces of the Antichrist will be killed in a very unusual way. Zechariah 14:12 says that their bodies will be suddenly consumed while they are standing on their feet. This judgment is clearly described in Psalm 58:6-9 and Psalm 68:2. This is what happens when bodies come in contact with a flowing river of magma at 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Not all the forces of the Antichrist will die in this manner. Some will die on the mountains in that area where the Battle of Armageddon will unfold (Isaiah 34:2-3). These bodies will decay and stink and be eaten by the birds mentioned in Revelation 19:17-18. However, those who die in the valley where the river of magma will flow, will be killed instantly as described inZechariah 14. Some have said that Zechariah 14 is speaking of some kind of nuclear war. However, if that were to happen, then all of the bodies in the area would be melted away. That will not be the case. The forces of the Antichrist that are on the mountains will just drop dead and their bodies will decay and be devoured by birds. This is the only natural and literal interpretation that satisfies all that the prophetic details.

Friends, these earthquakes in Turkey are harbingers of what is coming during the Tribulation Period. The earthquakes in Turkey were felt in Israel, especially in northern Israel along the fault line of the Great Rift Valley. These quakes were also felt in Jerusalem. Muslims have reported that some minor damage took place at the Muslim structures on the Temple Mount. They reported “that pieces of mosaics containing anti-Christian verses from the Koran began falling off the façade of the Dome of the Rock” (Israel 365 News, February 7, 2023). Without question, this is the hand of God!

We need to answer a question that some people are asking, “Why would God judge mankind with these massive deadly geological catastrophes in the last days?”

First, God is using these earthquakes to humble mankind and to bring a remnant to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. In Isaiah 2:10-22, the Lord states that He will “shake terribly the earth” in the last days to humble mankind (verses 11-12). As a result, “the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day” (verse 17).

The earthquakes of the last days will be centered in the Middle East. God will not only punish the enemies of Israel that have opposed God’s will for them to occupy His land, but He will also pursue a remnant among the Muslims to bring them to salvation. Many Muslims are testifying that Jesus is currently appearing to them in dreams and visions. Thousands are coming to Him and being saved. These quakes in the Middle East are shaking the world of Islam. In their humble state, they are open to the gospel of salvation.

Jesus is opening the spiritual prison door and setting Muslims free from the slavery of Islam. In His last visit to Nazareth, Jesus quoted Isaiah 61:1-2. He said that His Father had sent Him to “bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound” (Isaiah 61:1).

However, God will also send these global upheavals to judge the wicked, primarily in the West. Unlike the Islamic world, most people in the West have had an opportunity to hear the gospel.

The entire chapter of Isaiah 24 deals with the description and causes of the devastating global earthquakes that will come upon the earth in the final years of this age. After speaking of the complete destruction associated with these quakes, the prophet declares the reason for God’s wrathful judgment. The massive global upheaval will take place “because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, [and] broken the everlasting covenant” (verse 5). Here, the Lord declares that He will strike the earth because mankind has spiritually altered the very purposes for which mankind was created. They are defiantly disregarding the moral boundaries contained in His laws that He gave to Israel at Sinai – the 10 Commandments. They have exchanged the ordinances [truth] of God for lies (see Romans 1:25). They have broken the “everlasting covenant” – they have defiled and seared their God-given conscience (compare Romans 1:18-23). It is apparent that we have now arrived at such a time on this earth. Mankind has reached the spiritual point of no return. He is about to reach the ultimate climax of his defiant and blasphemous rebellion against God. They will reject God’s Son, Jesus, and worship the devil’s messiah – the Antichrist.

Friends, I am convinced that the earthquakes that just took place in Turkey and Syria are a harbinger of the approaching geological upheaval that is becoming more imminent with each passing day.

If you are not saved, you need to seek the face of God, repent of your sins, and call upon Him for salvation. You need to do this TODAY! A spirit of spiritual darkness has permeated America. Please call upon Him while you can. The time is short.

Be ready for the shout that will take us out!

A recorded message that is very similar to this article is on our website, The title of the message is, “Earthquakes and the Beginning of the End.”

A Powerful Movement of the Holy Spirit

Many of us have been praying for a powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit over a godly remnant of God’s people in these last days. In recent weeks, attention has been focused on an unusual time of worship, confession, and repentance of the student body at Asbury College in Wilmore, Kentucky. At the end of a regular chapel service on February 8th, some students refused to leave and joined together in a spirit of revival – including worship and confession of personal sins. More and more students began to join them. This time of praise continued for 24 hours a day for almost two weeks.

News of this movement began to quickly spread. Eventually more than 22 other college campuses in different states began to imitate what was happening at this Christian campus in Kentucky. Other people, numbering more than 50,000, began to pour into the little town in Kentucky, overwhelming the restaurants and hotels. Conditions became very crowded at the college chapel. Overflow rooms were created to accommodate the swelling response from outside the campus. A large screen was erected outside, and hundreds joined the worship that could not get into the chapel.

Some people have questioned if this is a real genuine revival. Nevertheless, it is obvious that what has and is happening in the lives of these young people is genuine. We should rejoice in the work of the Holy Spirit and continue to pray that this revival spirit will continue and manifest a pure spirit of repentance and salvation across a part of America.

America is in desperate need of a real revival. I personally believe that America has reached a point of no return and there will not be a national revival. However, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit among a remnant is an act of grace and mercy from God to prepare the hearts of many who may soon stand before the Lord at the Rapture in the immediate future. Perhaps it is a sign that the Rapture is upon us. Maybe this is a final call from our faithful and gracious Lord in these last days.

In light of the explosion of wickedness and the spirit of rebellion and confusion among our youth here in America, this movement in Kentucky and other places is a real breath of fresh air. Praise the Lord for what He is doing!