2013 November/December – The False Peace Covenant with Israel

The False Peace Covenant with Israel

By Mike Wingfield

A very significant development is occurring that signals our world is moving closer to a time of great distress known as the Tribulation Period – a false peace covenant between Israel and her Arab neighbors. According to Daniel 9:27, this treaty will begin the Tribulation Period. This is significant to Christians because the rapture of the church will take place immediately before this false agreement officially begins.

Daniel was a godly prophet to the Israelites during their Babylonian captivity. When Daniel reached his elderly years, the Lord revealed to him that the kingdom of God on the earth would begin after a very unique time of seven years that would begin when “the prince that shall come” (Daniel 9:26), whom we call the antichrist, “shall confirm the covenant with [the] many for one week [sevens of years].” (Daniel 9:27) That same verse of the Bible tells us the Lord revealed to Daniel that the Antichrist would break the false covenant with Israel, consequently reveal­ing his true character and purposes. Daniel tells us that Antichrist will abruptly seize control of the newly rebuilt Jewish temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Then, he will begin his systematic annihilation of the Jewish people living in Israel. (Compare with Matthew 24:15-22; 2 Thessalonians 2:2-3; Revelation 12:17.)

In the previous chapter, God revealed to Daniel that this enemy of his people would “destroy the mighty and the holy people. And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many…” (Daniel 8:24-25) An examination of many other prophetic texts reveals that the last half of the Tribulation Period will be known as “the time of Jacob’s trouble.” (Jeremiah 30:7) Zechariah 13:8 reports the heart-breaking prediction that two-thirds of the Jewish people will be killed as Antichrist carries out horrific and unspeakable acts of vengeance upon Israel. Near the end of Daniel’s life and ministry, the Lord once again reminded him of this gruesome time for his people: “And at that time shall Michael [the arch­angel] stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.” (Dan­iel 12:1)

In an amazing prophetic text in Isaiah 28:14-22, the prophet Isaiah was given a detailed view of the deadly and deceptive peace process that will lead up to the covenant between the Arab/Islamic nations and Israel. In this text, the Lord revealed to Isaiah that the Israeli leadership in Jerusalem would believe the lies and false promises made by an enemy that was sworn to Israel’s destruction. He warned that this “covenant of death” (Isaiah 28:15) would lead to a massive war campaign by the enemy in which the Israelis would be “trodden down by it.” (Isaiah 28:18)

Therefore, it must be concluded that one of the major signs of the end of this age is a deceptive covenant of peace between Israel and its Muslim neighbors. The Mus­lims will weave a false and deceptive peace, when their ultimate goal is the destruction of Israel. This covenant will eventually catapult the world into the deadly war with God over His sovereign promises to Israel. He has prom­ised to bring them back to their land (Ezekiel 36:24) and set the stage for Christ’s glorious return at the end of the Tribulation Period to rescue Israel from the invading forc­es of the Antichrist at Armageddon. (Zechariah 12:1­14:3; Revelation 19:11-21)

In light of all of this, it is absolutely stunning to read the following report given by messianic Israeli believers who publish Israel Today: “There are more than a few in the Palestinian Authority who are upset over the pending re­newal of peace talks with Israel. Hamas in particular be­lieves the move to be a detriment to the Palestinian cause.

“But Palestinian Authority Minister of Religious Affairs Mahmoud Al-Habbash reassured everyone [in July] that the political process is just a ruse, and part of a larger scheme to defeat their enemy.

“In a sermon delivered in the presence of Palestinian lead­er Mahmoud Abbas and broadcast on official Palestinian Authority TV, Al-Habbash compared the US-driven peace negotiations to the Hudaybiyyah Peace Treaty conducted between Islam’s prophet Mohammed and the Quraish tribe of Mecca.

“Peace talks with Israel at this time are ‘the right path,’

which leads to achievement, exactly like the Prophet [Mo­hammed] did in the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah,’ Al-Habbash stated, noting that all of the Palestinians’ achievement to date ‘never would have happened through Hamas’ impul­sive adventure.’

“Al-Habbash explained that, like Hamas, many of Mo­hammed’s companions burned with anger that their leader was negotiating with the Quraish tribe rather than attack­ing Mecca. But Mohammed knew that only a more meas­ured approach would lead to ultimate victory.

“Two years after signing the treaty, Mohammed’s forces had gained enough strength and he launched the brutal conquest of Mecca.

“‘This is the example and this is the model’ that the Pales­tinian leadership is following, Al Habbash acknowledged.

“Amazingly, all of the doe-eyed Israeli commentators who believe that this round of negotiations is for some reason going to be different from all the previous [attempts], fail to take the simple step of listening to what the Palestinians themselves are saying.

“‘Abbas is a real peace partner,’ they shout, while willful­ly ignoring what Abbas’s own ministers are telling the public, in his name and in his presence, without any refu­tation by the president.” (http://www.israeltoday.co.il, July 29, 2013)

This comparison of the treaty of Mohammed with the Quraish tribe has been promoted by the Palestinian leader­ship from the very beginning of the peace process. In September, 1993, only a few days after the signing of the Oslo Peace Accords on the lawn of the White House, for­mer Palestinian Authority leader Yasser Arafat was speak­ing in a mosque in Johannesburg, South Africa, where he was caught on tape making these same comments. It is very obvious that their goal is to slowly get all of the land and concessions they can from Israel to weaken Israel and strengthen the Arab/Muslim cause. It is their strategy to eventually bring about the complete annihilation of Israel. This will also be the same strategy used by the Antichrist in his covenant with Israel. It is very significant that the Obama administration has announced that it will soon force a peace covenant upon Israel and the Palestinians.

As one examines all of this, it is very evident that we are moving rapidly toward the perfect conditions that will prepare the way for the Antichrist to step onto the stage of human history. Then, the Tribulation Period will begin. However, the church will already be in heaven.

Get ready for the shout that will take us out!

Significant Developments in the Middle East

The fact that the following developments in the Middle East are all taking place at the same time is overwhelming in the light of prophetic Scriptures. Without question, the Middle East is rapidly moving toward a very dramatic change that will set the stage for the end-time events. As you read these articles, you will note that most of the events that are taking place in the Middle East have direct connections and applications to the future predicted inva­sion of Israel by the Gog and Magog coalition of Russia and her radical Islamic allies. (Ezekiel 38-39) I know that I have repeatedly reported on these news items in recent newsletters. However, the following reports are the great­est evidence yet to indicate that we are getting very close to this prophetic event.

Iran-The International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem has reported that the Institute for Science and International Security think tank “now estimates Iran is capable of pro­ducing enough weapons-grade uranium to build a nuclear bomb within a month.” (www.icej.org, October 25, 2013) In his recent address to the U.N., Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned: “Israel will never acquiesce to nuclear arms in the hands of a rogue regime that repeatedly promises to wipe us off the map. Against such a threat, Israel will have no choice but to defend it­self. I want there to be no confusion on this point: Israel will not allow Iran to get nuclear weapons. If Israel is forced to stand alone, Israel will stand alone. Yet in standing alone, Israel will know that we will be defending many, many others. The dangers of a nuclear-armed Iran and the emergence of other threats in our region have led many of our Arab neighbors to finally recognize that Isra­el is not their enemy. This affords us the opportunity to overcome historic animosities and build new relationships, new friends, new hopes. Israel welcomes engagement with the wider Arab world. We hope that our common interests and common challenges will help us forge a more peaceful future.”

It is my opinion that Israel will face strong retaliation if it carries out a military attack to seriously damage nuclear facilities scattered throughout Iran. Retaliatory measures against Israel could very well bring the battle of Gog and Magog, as predicted in Ezekiel 38-39.

Turkey-Several developments in Turkey are of great concern in light of Biblical prophecy. First, due to the rise in diplomatic tensions between Turkey and Israel, and the rising levels of anti-Semitism in Turkey, many Jewish Turks are fleeing Turkey – many of them immigrating to Israel. Second, it is worth noting that Turkey is distancing itself from its NATO status and relationship with the U.S. as witnessed in its recent plans to buy Chinese air defense systems. While several sources indicate that most Turks have a fear of Russia, it is apparent that the economic co­operation between Turkey and Russia is growing. The movement in Turkey toward a more radical Islamic posi­tion helps us understand that Russia and Turkey in the immediate future will become friends and military allies against Israel and the West. Please remember that Turkey is one of the nations that will join Russia and Iran in the Gog and Magog invasion of Israel mentioned in Ezekiel 38-39.

Russia & Iran-Israel’s military and security website, DEBKA -file, released a very special report on October 21 concerning the increasing military cooperation between Russia and Iran. “In his four-day trip to Tehran, Russian Air Force Chief Gen. Victor Bondarev and his hosts, Brig. Gen. Hassan Shasafi and other senior Iranian military chiefs, laid the groundwork for a series of agreements to upgrade their military ties to a level unprecedented in their past relationships.” DEBKA-file’s military and Iranian sources report that Iran is deliberately accentuating those ties as a message to the Western powers that if they give the Islamic Republic a hard time over its nuclear program it will go all the way to a full-dress defense pact with Russia. … Tehran has put in special requests for massive Russian technological assistance for upgrading its missile industry by extending the range of their ballistic missiles and improving their precision.

This report reveals the level of deception and lies that are being promulgated in Iran as they continue to develop nu­clear weapon-grade materials. While the Western leaders, including the Obama administration in Washington D.C., continue to talk with the Iranians, the radical Islamic cler­ics that control Iran, with the help of Russia, are steadily moving forward with achieving the production of nuclear warheads. It seems that Israel is the only nation that is sensibly evaluating this issue with any degree of moral clarity.

I remind you that Russia and Iran will be the two princi­ple nations in the coalition of the Gog and Magog invasion of Israel as predicted in Ezekiel 38-39.

Iraq & Russia-After all of the defense, military training, and assistance the U.S. has given to the Iraqis, it is alarm­ing to learn that they are now moving toward receiving military assistance from Russia. “A senior Iraqi govern­ment official announced on October 17 that Bagdad has begun receiving the first shipments of a $4.3 billion pack­age of weapons and military equipment from Russia, in­cluding attack helicopters, surface-to-air missiles and re­lated radar equipment.” (www.icej.org, October 18, 2013)

It is apparent that Russia is increasing its arms sales and cooperation with the Islamic nations in the Persian Gulf to give it a military presence in this strategic region. Based upon Russia’s previous support of the Arab Muslims against Israel in the days leading up to the Yom Kippur War in 1973, and the prophetic Scriptures, we know what the future holds. With the United States’ influence in the Middle East weakening, it would appear that Russia is seizing the moment and preparing to make its move against Israel with the aid of its radical Islamic friends in the Middle East. Read Ezekiel 38-39.

Russia and the Muslims-In a recent article of The Wash­ington Times, Daniel Pipes (a well-known journalist and Middle East expert with the Middle East Forum) reported on the growing Muslim population in Russia. “Not only do ethnic Muslims account for 21-23 million of Russia’s total population of 144 million, or 15 percent, but their proportion is fast growing.” He reports that this is due to the greater child birth ratio of the Muslims compared to the ethnic Russians, the conversion of Russians to Islam, and the growing Islamic immigration (primarily from the former Russian republics of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan) to Russia. Pipes quotes another expert on Russian minori­ties, Paul Goble: “Russia is going through a religious transformation that will be of even greater consequence for the international community than the collapse of the Soviet Union.” Pipes concludes that this growing Muslim presence in Russia will make Russia a part of the Middle East, moving them away from their former Western-orientation. In 2009, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev stated that due to Russia’s large Muslim popu­lation, “Russia does not need to seek friendship with the Muslim world: Our country is an organic part of this world.” Therefore, Pipes correctly concludes that the growing Muslim presence in Russia “will have a profound impact on Russian foreign policy.”

He continues to report that “within a few years, Muslims will make up half of the conscripts in the Russian army. ‘ (www.danielpipes.org, October 21, 2013) Obviously, this report has incredible application and implications for our consideration of the approaching battle of Gog and Ma­gog. (Ezekiel 38-39)

Egypt & Russia-Israel is very concerned about develop­ments in Egypt. This concern was heightened when the Obama administration recently announced that it was freezing most of the United States’ promised $1.5 billion in military aid it gives to Egypt each year. The U.S. said it will withhold the money due to Egypt’s rejection of the democratically-elected government of President Moham­med Morsi. Morsi has strong ties to the radical Muslim Brotherhood. Israel had warned our administration that this is a strategic error. The aid that was given to Egypt was viewed as a part of the 1979 peace treaty that was brokered by President Carter at Camp David between Egypt and Israel. Therefore, Israel fears that its treaty with Egypt will now be annulled by the Egyptians.

In the wake of the Obama administration’s decision, Egypt has announced that it will begin looking to Russia to supply it with arms and military aid. This is not a good development for Israel, the rest of the Middle East, or the world. It is apparent that Russia desires to fill a void in the world, and especially in the Middle East, with the de­clining influence of the U.S. on the international scene.

The Growing International Rejection of the Powerful Influence of the U.S

While Russia and her radical Islamic friends solidify their positions in the U.N. and in the Middle East, it is very frightening to witness the mounting evidence of the inter­national rejection of the powerful influence of the United States of America. The following announcements and public declarations will have very serious consequences for the future of America and the world as we know it.

While the U.S. politicians a few weeks ago were wran­gling over the federal government’s debt ceiling, China’s official news agency startled the world with the following announcement. “As U.S. politicians of both political par­ties are still shuffling back and forth between the White House and the Capitol Hill without striking a viable deal to bring normality to the body politic they brag about, it is perhaps a good time for the befuddled world to start considering building a de-Americanized world.”

(www.ibtimes.com, October 13, 2013)

As the U.S. moves closer to economic suicide, the world is watching very nervously. Most Americans do not un­derstand that their currency is the international reserve currency throughout the world. When a country wants to buy anything from another country, the purchase is made in U.S. dollars. This has given the United States an in­credible economic advantage throughout the world since the end of World War II. No nation in the history of this planet has ever enjoyed the political, economic, and mili­tary clout that has belonged to the United States for the last 60 years! However, when the U.S. dollar collapses, the world will not be prepared for the devastating ramifi­cations that will follow – international economic and monetary systems will suddenly collapse. As a result, the entire world will be engulfed in social, political, and eco­nomic upheaval. It is my opinion that the New World Or­der that the Bible speaks of will be born out of this global economic meltdown. A study of human history reveals that major economic crises always lead to political revolu­tions. (Think about how this happened to Germany in the 1930s and 1940s.)

The economic uncertainty of the U.S. dollar and the Obama administration’s shifting foreign policies have helped fuel radical Islamic elements in the Arab uprisings in the Middle East over the past two years. These upris­ings have sent shock waves throughout the world and es­pecially in the Middle East. On October 23, the Interna­tional Christian Embassy in Jerusalem released the follow­ing stunning report: “The position of the United States, Israel’s main ally, in the Middle East received a shock on October 22 when it was reported that Prince Bandar bin Sultan, intelligence chief of Saudi Arabia, told a recent gathering of European diplomats that his country was pre­paring to make a ‘major shift’ away from the traditional partnership with Washington. He explained that Rhiyad [the capital of Saudi Arabia] has been shocked and alarmed over the Obama Administration’s mishandling of the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ in general and specifically in regards to the civil war in Syria. Additionally, America’s apparent willingness to come to an accommodation with Iran and the lack of progress in Israeli-Palestinians negoti­ations have angered Saudi Arabia.”

“‘The shift away from the U.S. is a major one,’ a source close to Saudi policy said. ‘Saudi doesn’t want to find it­self any longer in a situation where it is dependent. Prince Bandar told diplomats that he plans to limit interaction with the U.S.” (www.icej.org, October 23, 2013)

In order to understand these proposed changes in Saudi foreign policy, it is important to appreciate the fear that the Saudi have of Iran and its proxies in the Middle East. The Saudis fear, and rightly so, that Iran is developing an axis of radical Shiite power across the Middle East. This axis includes Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Turkey, all of which is being supported by Russia. One has to under­stand the great Islamic division that makes Iran and Saudi Arabia view each other as enemies. Within Islam there are two major divisions struggling for power and influence in the Middle East. Each of these Muslim power bases has the ultimate goal of establishing a global Islamic em­pire. Iran and many of its friends belong to the more radi­cal elements of Islam, the Shiites, and are numerically much smaller than the Sunni Muslims who make up most of the nations in the Persian Gulf area. Furthermore, the historical animosity that exists between Iran and Saudi Arabia also has an ethnic component. The Saudis and most Sunni Muslims are Arabs and speak Arabic (the original language of the Koran), while the Iranian Shiites are Persians and speak Farsi.

Therefore, we must understand why the Saudis are back­ing away from their traditional alliance with America. They have sought relations with Washington because of the U.S. military protection that has been offered them due to the strategic importance of the region primarily because of the great oil reserves, especially in Saudi Arabia. For example, when Saddam Hussein led an Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in the 1990s, he also had plans to invade Saudi Arabia. The U.S. immediately responded with military protection, and established temporary military bases estab­lished in northern Saudi Arabia.

Consequently, when the Saudis watch the U.S. administra­tion’s change its foreign policies in the Middle East, they are greatly concerned. The U.S. has recently supported the radicals in Egypt (bringing Egypt into the Russia orbit with Iran). Also, the U.S. recently backed away from a retaliatory military attack upon Syria because of the Assad government’s use of chemical weapons against his own people. The attack was called off due to the introduction of a Russian plan to eliminate the chemical weapons in Syria. Saudi Arabia looks upon this with concern because they know Russia and Iran have very close ties with Syria. However, of greatest concern to the Saudis is the U.S. mishandling of the Iranian nuclear threat. Perhaps more than anyone else besides Israel, the Saudis fear what will happen in the region if Iran is allowed to create nuclear weapons.

The announcements by China and Saudi Arabia illustrate that the world is concerned about the apparent decline of America as a major world player. This is of utmost con­cern to the Israelis as they have become so dependent up­on their friend and ally, the United States, for support and defense. Without the strong hand of America in the Mid­dle East, the Israelis know that the growing Islamic threat against them will continue to mushroom. In the last two years, several Israeli leaders have been warning Israel to prepare for the day when the United States will no longer be a superpower nation.

Noteworthy Developments in Israel

Earthquakes Rattle Israel-In September, a 3.5 magni­tude earthquake shook the northern area of the Dead Sea and was felt in Jerusalem. This was followed on Thurs­day, October 17th until Sunday, October 20th, by four earthquakes that were felt in Israel. On Thursday and Sunday, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake centered in the Medi­terranean near the island of Crete was felt in Greece, Egypt, and Israel. Following these quakes there were two smaller earthquakes near the Sea of Galilee.

Israel’s eastern border, formed by the Golan Heights, the Sea of Galilee, the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, the Arava Valley, and the Red Sea, is a part of the great Syrian-African Rift. This rift valley straddles one of the most dangerous shifting tectonic plates in the world, producing major earthquakes at predictable intervals. Israel’s last major earthquake was in 1927 and Israeli geologists are very concerned that the recent quakes may be a precursor to a very large earthquake that is due to strike Israel at any time.

In light of all of the other previously mentioned prepara­tions for the Gog and Magog war, it is worth noting that the Lord will use a massive global earthquake centered in Israel to foil the attack of the nations that come against Israel. (Ezekiel 38:17-22) Could it be that these earth­quakes are signaling that the next big earthquake will be the one mentioned in Ezekiel’s prophecy?

Netanyahu’s Prophetic Speech at the UN-It is my opin­ion that the recent speech given by Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was a stunning and timely warning to the nations concerning what is about to take place. Netanyahu spoke more like a prophet of Israel than a poli­tician. He quoted from the Bible at least five times. This is unheard of in a global political body that is anti-God, anti-Christ, and anti-Israel. (Read Psalm 2:1-12; Psalm 83:1-8.) He spoke with great boldness as he exposed the evil agenda of Iran and warned that Israel would not toler­ate Iran’s possession of a nuclear bomb. He reminded the global body that the Jews were an ancient people that date back to the time of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob about 4,000 years ago. He reminded them that the Jewish people have overcome great adversities to return to their ancient home­land.

In dramatic fashion, he ended his speech with these words:

“In our time the Biblical prophecies have been realized.”

Then, he quoted, both in English and then in Hebrew Amos 9:14-15. He closed with these words: “Ladies and Gentlemen, the people of Israel have come home, never to be uprooted again.”

The world doesn’t know it yet, but when Netanyahu quot­ed from the Bible he was speaking on behalf of God to the nations. How fitting that the God of Israel would use the modern-day prime minister of Israel to deliver this mes­sage of warning to the world! In just a very short time, the Lord is going to speak from heaven “and the heathen shall know that [He is] the LORD, the Holy One in Isra­el.” (Ezekiel 39:7)

Pottery with Biblical Name-Recently, archeologists in Jerusalem uncovered a significant piece of pottery. “The pottery … dates back to at least 586 B.C. … The ancient Hebrew lettering would appear to spell out part of the name of Zechariah, the son of Benaniah, who, we know from 2 Chronicles 20:14, was the father of the prophet Jahaziel, who prophesied to King Jehoshaphat before he departed for war.” (www.israeltoday.co.il , August 19, 2013)