PTNews – April 2018
Published 10 times annually
All Bible references are from the KJV
(Examining Current Events in the Light of Bible Prophecy)
P.O. Box 13006, Roanoke, VA 24030-3006
Moving Toward the Final Wars
“For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle …” Zechariah 14:2
By Mike Wingfield
In order to feel the pulse of the end times, we must keep our eyes fixed upon the ongoing conflict surrounding the nation of Israel. Israel is in constant conflict with its neighboring Middle Eastern nations and the greater international community. This horrific and deadly conflict will finally end when all of the nations of the world, directed by an Islamic Antichrist, will converge on Israel. This war, called Armageddon, will be the final conflagration that will end this deadly era of man’s rule on earth. Then, Jesus, the Jewish Messiah and Savior, will return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords to establish His earthly kingdom that will find its geographical center in Jerusalem, Israel.
Just a few weeks ago, I had the privilege of leading a tour group to Israel. We spent our first night in downtown Haifa at the base of Mount Carmel. The Hebrew word “Carmel” means “vineyard of God.” This is a very fitting term for the plush vegetation that adorns this mountain. After our tour bus transported us to the top of this mountain, our group climbed two flights of stairs to the top of an observation platform where we were able to look out over the agriculturally rich Valley of Jezreel (another name for the Valley of Armageddon). As our Israeli guide was pointing out various geological landmarks, he was repeatedly interrupted by the loud sounds of Israeli fighter jets flying just over our heads. I have been to this location many times, but this visit was different. While we were there, we witnessed a number of Israeli fighter jets flying north and south, and east and west. It was awesome to watch the power of the Israeli Air Force being displayed in the sky above us. In the days to follow, we would encounter large numbers of Israeli troops in Galilee, at the Dead Sea area, and in Jerusalem. While we were in Galilee, my 38-year old Israeli tour guide received a call from the army that he was being called up and needed to report for his military assignment in the next few days. All of these experiences, along with the research I did before our trip, were a clear indication that Israel is preparing for a major confrontation on its northern border. In the minds of Israeli military leaders, it is only a matter of time before this war materializes.
Just to the north of the Golan Heights, Iran and Russia are beginning to establish a major military presence in Syria. It is clear that Iran’s goal is the ultimate annihilation of Israel. However, at this present time, Russia seems to be straddling the political fence. While it considers Iran to be its ally in the war against the terrorist groups that are attempting to bring down the Assad regime in Syria, it also looks the other way, allowing Israel to attack Iranian military installations in Syria. The Israelis have repeatedly expressed to Russia and the entire international community that they will not allow Iran to gain a military foothold on its northern border. In light of Ezekiel 38-39, we know this double play by Russia will ultimately end. Russia and Iran, along with other radical Islamic allies mentioned in Ezekiel 38 will descend upon Israel in an attempted invasion that is called “Gog and Magog.”
Iran’s goal is to extend its religious presence in Syria by backing the current Syrian leadership, making it a political puppet of Iran. Times of Israel news agency has learned that Iran is undertaking a massive building project to house tens of thousands of their Shiite fighters, including their family and friends that will immigrate to Syria with them. Syria has a majority of Sunni Muslims (who do not agree with Iran’s religious goals). Therefore, Iran is seeking to change this demographic situation to support the weak Syrian government and their own religious determination to destroy Israel. A recent Times of Israel article states: “The Shiite militias sent to the country — already numbering over 10,000, including mercenaries from Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan — are not simply a fighting force. Iran’s goal is to increase their numbers dramatically, and in parallel bring over their families, offspring, relatives and whoever else they can from the soldiers’ social circles, so that hundreds of thousands more Shiites take residence in Syria. This, even as the exodus of millions of Sunnis from their homeland — an estimated 5-6 million Syrians have fled the country — also strengthens Bashar Assad’s position.” (, March 23, 2018)
Times of Israel also reported that Iran is beginning to build its military infrastructure near the Russian military bases in Syria. It is apparent that Iran is attempting to use Russia a protective shield against future Israeli attacks. Iran knows that Israel does not want to risk striking a Russian military operation in Syria. Times of Israel states: “This new building work, which the sources said is not being coordinated with Russia, potentially turns the nearby Russian forces into de facto human shields in any future conflict with Israel.” (, March 23, 2018)
While I was in Israel, U.S. troops joined with their Israeli counterparts, IDF specialists, in the Negev to hold strategic maneuvers and develop a strategy to defend Israel when a future threatening military confrontation takes place. This exercise is called “Juniper Cobra.”
United With Israel gave the following report: “Juniper Cobra 2018 is a bilateral exercise with the Israeli Defense Forces to prepare our forces to counter any ballistic missile threats to Israel.
“Over 2,500 U.S. troops, routinely based in Europe, are participating in the exercise, alongside 1,400 Israeli missile defenses, logistics, medical, and additional IDF units.
“Over the past several weeks, extensive preparations for the exercise have been conducted, including the reception of American forces to Israel, via air and sea. The purposes of the exercise are to strengthen the cooperation and coordination between the two militaries, to promote bilateral learning and enhance aerial defense capabilities.
“The exercise simulates a scenario in which U.S. forces would deploy to Israel in order to aid IDF aerial defense forces. Together they will perform computerized simulations of a variety of rocket threat scenarios in different regions. The simulations include the use of the “Arrow,” “Iron Dome,” “Patriot,” and “David’s Sling” systems, all layers of Israel’s multi-tier missile defense architecture. The David’s Sling System, which operates against medium-range threats, was declared operational in April 2017.
“The largest joint exercise this year, it is the ninth time that “Juniper Cobra” exercises are taking place in Israel since 2001.
“‘The United States and Israel enjoy a strong and enduring military to military partnership built on a trust that has been developed over decades of cooperation, providing us with the opportunity to bolster interoperability and develop seamless integration with our Israeli partners. The Juniper Cobra exercises continue to strengthen this relationship,’ said U.S. Air Force Third Air Force Commander Lt. Gen. Richard M. Clark. …
“Brig. Gen. Zvika Haimovich, head of the IDF’s aerial defense array, said prior to the start of the exercise: ‘The Juniper Cobra 2018 exercise will serve as an opportunity for the IDF, and the IAF in particular, to enhance operational capabilities in the face of high-trajectory threats. The exercise demonstrates the strategic and fundamental cooperation between the IDF and the US Armed Forces. In the coming weeks we will train together to face complex and challenging scenarios, which are relevant to the dynamic range of threats that we must be prepared to face.’” (For more information visit:
After returning home, I was able to watch to a YouTube video that featured the American military leadership that was overseeing these maneuvers. They stated that the United States is prepared to stand beside Israel and actively join their Israeli military counterparts in a future defense against any attack on Israel. We can thank the Lord that we have a conservative administration in Washington that is bravely standing beside Israel at the United Nations and has a solid commitment to back that up with American support to defend our ally and friend, Israel. (Check out several videos on –Juniper Cobra.)
All of this should be viewed in light of Biblical prophecy and the history of the miraculous rebirth and amazing growth of the modern state of Israel. From the day of its birth 70 years ago, Israel has endured wars and rumors of wars. Within 24 hours of its birth as a nation, Israel found itself at war with five powerful neighboring Arab nations that were determined to “drive the Jews into the sea.” However, against all odds, Israel not only survived, but firmly established the new state in its historic national homeland. This war was followed by more wars in 1956 and the famous 6-Day War in June 1967. Only six years later, in 1973, Egypt and Syria attempted to defeat Israel, only to once again suffer defeat. Since then, Israel has endured an ongoing war with enemies in Lebanon and in the Gaza Strip. Perhaps the greatest threat to Israel’s security has come from ongoing Palestinian terrorism that has forced Israel to develop tough defensive tactics and policies. However, the Bible student must keep in mind that none of these wars are directly mentioned in the Scriptures.
While the prophetic Scriptures do not mention any of these wars, it does give some details concerning the conflict that would take place between Israel and her Arab neighbors over the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem. Read Ezekiel 36:1-7 and Jeremiah 30:1-24. Jesus told His Jewish disciples that this final end of days would be marked by “wars and rumors of wars.” (Matthew 24:6)
As mentioned in previous newsletters, the current American support for Israel, and the bold recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel are sending political shockwaves around the world. The Islamic world and their evil allies in the United Nations dream of the destruction of Israel. While speaking about the nations that attack “Ariel” (another name for Jerusalem, which means “hearth of God”), Isaiah 29:7-8 states: “And the multitude of all the nations that fight against Ariel, even all that fight against her and her munition (“stronghold – the fortified Old City of Jerusalem), and that distress her, shall be as a dream of a night vision. It shall even be as when an hungry man dreameth, and, behold, as he eateth; but he awaketh, and his soul is empty: or as when a thirsty man dreameth, and, behold, he drinketh; but he awaketh, and, behold, he is faint, and his soul hath appetite: so shall the multitude of all the nations be, that fight against mount Zion.” In reality, the sovereign God of heaven is stating that the world can dream of its destruction of Jewish Jerusalem, but it will never come to pass. God has set His glory and the future of His eternal plans upon the city of Jerusalem. Listen to Psalm 125:1-2: “They that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed but abideth forever. As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the LORD is round about his people from henceforth even forever.”
In order to understand all of this, one must not forget that what we see unfolding in the physical realm is being controlled by the spirit world. The war against Israel is the physical extension of the war in the spiritual realm. The rebirth and growth of the modern nation of Israel is a central part of God’s eternal plan in establishing the ultimate foundation for the approaching kingdom of God on earth. Jesus, the Jewish Messiah, will return to earth to establish an international kingdom. As the Son of David, Jesus will fulfill all of the Scriptural promises in what is called the Davidic covenant. According to this Biblical unconditional covenant, Messiah will rule the world from Jerusalem and sit upon the throne of David. This covenant is mentioned in Psalm 89:34-37: “My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto David. His seed shall endure for ever, and his throne as the sun before me. It shall be established for ever as the moon, and as a faithful witness in heaven.” (Also read 2 Samuel 7:16; 1 Kings 2:4; 1 Kings 9:4-5; and Isaiah 9:7) It should be noted that the Jews of Jesus’ day that believed He was Messiah called Him “the Son of David.” (Matthew 12:23; Mark 10:47-48) The New Testament begins with the words: “The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David …” (Matthew 1:1)
It should be understood that the demonic spirit world is in total opposition to all of this. Satan and his demons have much to lose if they do not stop, or at least delay, the establishment of Israel as a fulfillment to Biblical prophecy. If they do not stop God’s plans for the nation of Israel they will be imprisoned by God in the bottomless pit for 1,000 years. (Revelation 20:2-3) As Satan gets closer to the final chapter at the end of this age, he is becoming more desperate and will be filled with rage in his war against God, His people, His land, and God’s city – Jerusalem. When Satan and his fallen angels (demons) are finally cast out of heaven at the mid-point of the Tribulation, he will unleash the greatest efforts of his hellish kingdom of spiritual darkness upon those who are not under the control of His servant, the Antichrist. Then, a loud voice from heaven will declare, “Woe to the inhaibiters of the earth and of the sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” (Revelation 12:12)
We must understand that the evil forces of darkness in this spiritual war, know the plan of God that is clearly revealed in the written revelation of God given to man – the Bible. Satan has left nothing to chance. He is highly organized and his opposition against God is aimed at the heart of God’s plans to glorify Himself through the children of Jacob. When the end does come, Satan will orchestrate his final effort at the battle of Armageddon. Using demonic power and deception, the Antichrist and False Prophet will call all of the nations under their power to gather in the Valley of Armageddon. (Revelation 16:12-16) Therefore, we must conclude that we are currently witnessing the beginning of the final conflict that will feature two wars at the end of this age. The first Biblical war will be Gog and Magog. (Ezekiel 38-39) I believe this invasion of Israel will take place near the time of the rapture of the church. The second war mentioned in the Bible is the final one – Armageddon, which will take place at the end of this age.
It is obvious that the momentum in the United Nations and the military strategies on the ground in the Middle East indicate we are reaching a critical point that will culminate in the first of these two military confrontations against Israel mentioned in the Bible. As the Bible student reads the Scriptures and looks at what is unfolding in the Middle East, it is very evident that we are moving toward the first of the two Biblical wars against Israel.
For those of us who are focused upon the end-time events, we know how significant it is to follow the daily events that are transpiring between Russia, Iran and Israel. It is clear that the tension between these countries is escalating, and that is putting it mildly. Israel realizes that it is facing the greatest test of its’ modern history. Iran, with Russia’s help, poses an existential threat on Israel’s northern border. Israel has no other choice than to act bravely and with the help of its ally, the United States, to send a clear message to the Russians and Iranians.
Up until a few days ago, Israel had never admitted to destroying a nuclear reactor in Syria almost 11 years ago. However, Israel Today recently reported that both Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman and Israeli Intelligence Minister Israel Katz directly stated that if Iran continues to seek nuclear weapons, it will be Israel’s next target! Katz tweeted that “the courageous decision of the Israeli government almost 11 years ago to destroy the nuclear reactor in Syria and the successful operation following it sends a clear message: Israel will never allow countries like Iran who threaten its existence to have nuclear weapons.” ( I highly recommend that you go to this website article and watch the videos.
Having just returned from Israel and seeing the confidence of the Israelis to stand tall in the midst of the ongoing threats that daily come against them, has repeatedly reminded me what the prophet Ezekiel stated about the Jewish nation that has been “brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people.” (Ezekiel 38:8) If we Americans were facing the threats that Israel is now facing it would cause our nation to hunker down in fear. However, the Israelis go about each day in their land with a sense of confidence in God and their military. Three times Ezekiel mentioned that when the last days would come, Israel would be dwelling “safely.” (Ezekiel 38:8, 11, 14) The Hebrew word used here does not refer to living in a time of peace with no immediate threat. It speaks of an internal confidence to stand against the threats that come your way. That is just what we are witnessing at this hour.
There is no nation on earth like Israel. The modern nation of Israel is a divine miracle. A little over 70 years ago there was no nation of Israel. Now, Jewish people have returned to their ancient homeland from more than 120 countries. They speak the same ancient Hebrew language spoken by their fathers and prophets. They occupy and farm the same land as their forefathers did more than 3,000 years ago! They raise enough food for more than 6 million Jews, millions of Arabs and tourists, and still export food to the nations of the world. All of this happens in a land that is the size of the state of New Jersey, and half of that land is desert! Their economy is one of the most resilient and powerful in the world. Israel is leading the world as a giant in technology, with more startup companies per capital that anyone else in the world. Israel leads the world in water, agriculture, medical, pharmaceutical, military, and computer technology.
When you walk among the Israeli people you have a sense of knowing they are a people of ingenuity and dignity; they exude confidence. They know they always have to be one or two steps ahead of the enemies who have been attempting to erase the Jewish people from the face of the earth for thousands of years. While they don’t talk much about it, they all know that God is on their side. The testimony of the many miracles during their wars is widely repeated throughout the nation. While I was on the bus with my Israeli guide just a few weeks ago, he shared some of these miracles with me. He said to me, “How can I not believe!”
We live in a world of godlessness. Most of the 7.4 billion people who live on earth never think about God during their daily lives. They do not give God any honor or praise. According to the Bible, this is why God has chosen the Jewish people. He has chosen them to be His divine instrument to display His glory to all the nations.
When the time comes, Russia and Iran, and some of their other radical Islamic friends, will make their move against Israel. It is only a matter of time. We can see it coming! All of Israel is preparing. However, the forces of Israel will not need to fight. When these enemies of Israel make their move against God’s people, God will supernaturally intervene and destroy the entire massive army gathered against the land of Israel. According to Ezekiel’s prophecies, a massive global earthquake will trigger some of the dormant volcanoes on the Golan Heights to erupt. This will unnerve the Russians and Iranians to the point they will kill each other on the mountains of Israel. (Ezekiel 38:19-22)
The entire world will be following these events. And, when they see the perfect timing of the divine defeat of Israel’s enemies, they will all know, just for a moment, that this was the hand of God. The prophet Ezekiel reported what God will say: “Thus will I magnify myself, and sanctify myself: and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I am the LORD.” (Ezekiel 38:23) Spiritually, Israel will never be the same! God has spoken: “So will I make my holy name known in the midst of my people Israel; and I will not let them pollute my holy name any more: and the heathen shall know that I am the LORD, the Holy One in Israel.” (Ezekiel 39:7)
My friends, it has always amazed me that the world is so blind to the work of God in His chosen people in their promised land. The majority of the world and many in the false church, spread malicious rumors about Israel and the Jewish people. It has been my observation that there is probably no nation on the face of the earth that longs for peace as do the Jewish people. They teach their children to give back to their culture. The dignity of all humanity is taught in their homes, schools and synagogues. This is not true of some of their neighboring nations, who teach jihad and continue to incite hatred toward Israel, Christians and all non-Muslims.
It is absolutely shocking to realize that so many have adopted an agenda to establish a Palestinian State upon the land that God has promised to His people forever. The world, including the liberal political left and the uninformed and blind so-called Christian leaders support the establishment of another hate-filled, violent Muslim terrorist state. The support of such a movement, while calling for the destruction of the Jewish state, simply demonstrates that we live in a world that is ready to welcome the Antichrist. His godless nature and agenda will be welcomed by most in the world. They will follow him straight into the arms of the devil and the fires of hell.
Those of us who know the prophetic Word of God and are following the events in the Middle East can sense the lateness of the hour. We are at the end of this age. Everything is in place. So very few know the truth about the prophetic truth and the proper interpretation of the current events in our world. My heart aches when I think that so many pastors in conservative evangelical churches are also oblivious to all of this. Add to this that they think those of us who are focused upon all of this are the crazy radical ones! I am encouraged when I am reminded that in every situation in the Biblical times, when the judgment of God was imminent, there were only a few godly brave voices that continued to speak the truth and call their people to repentance. God’s faithful servants have always been in the minority. When the flood of Noah’s day came, there were only 8 souls on the ark! When Jesus came there were only a few who believed Him and followed Him. The followers of Christ before the beginning of the church on the day of Pentecost may have only been a little more than 500. (1 Corinthians 15:6)
I long for the time when our world will be set free from the lies and deceptions concerning God and His eternal plans. I pray for the kingdom of God to come so that we can live in a world of peace. When Jesus, the Prince of Peace, comes, He will establish His kingdom upon this earth and will rule over the nations from Jerusalem, Israel. When Jesus rules over the world from the throne of David, the law of God will go forth to all of the nations. Jesus will not tolerate war among the nations. For the first time on earth, mankind will know peace, and the truth of God will cover the earth. Read Isaiah 2:1-4.
Much of what we know about the end-times is recorded in the marvelous book of Isaiah. This book was one of the great finds among the Dead Sea Scrolls. I do not believe that it is a coincidence that a clay seal with the name of Isaiah on it was discovered recently among the ruins that ascend the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. As I stood at this location just a few days ago and looked at the area where this discovery took place, I was moved to think that I was living at a time when these amazing archeological discoveries are being made. I believe that the God of Israel is orchestrating these finds at the same time that the prophecies of Isaiah and the other prophets are taking place right before our very eyes.
Dear friend, I believe we are standing on the brink of very significant events that are screaming at us that we are living at the end of this age! The rapture of the church is imminent! Are you ready? Are you ready to stand before our holy Lord? Are you saved? Have you confessed your sins and do you desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit to walk with God in these days of great spiritual darkness? Are you worshipping the Lord in your daily walk? Do you realize His presence in your life? Do you see the hand of God in your life and in our world? Is the Bible a precious treasure to you? Does your personal sin crush you, driving you to your knees in daily repentance? Are you wasting time with the things of this world?
When we are raptured and enter into the presence of our blessed Lord, I believe we will all realize how we wasted so much time, money and efforts on things that are meaningless and accomplish nothing for our Lord’s glory. Pray and ask the Lord to point out those things to you now. Determine that you want to get ready to enter into His presence.
I must admonish you to get ready for the shout that will take us out of this world! After speaking about the signs of the last days, Jesus said to His disciples: “Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. … Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.” (Matthew 24:42, 44)