2014 March/April – God Have Mercy on America

God Have Mercy on America

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” – 2 Chronicles 7:14

By Mike Wingfield

May the Lord God have mercy upon the United States of America. That is the cry of heart as I am burdened to pray for my country as I witness its moral and spiritual decline. I sense in my soul that our nation is about to suffer a major act of divine judgment. No one can pretend to know what this act of divine judgment will be or when it will occur – but it is coming.

As I witness my country ever increasingly turn its back on God, I am reminded of the great Jewish prophet, Elijah. Elijah marched into the throne room of wicked King Ahab one day and announced that divine judgment in the form of a drought was about to fall upon Israel. (1 Kings 17:1) Where did he get such a revelation that this was about to happen? Elijah walked with God. He knew that God had warned the Jewish nation that if they ever departed from Him and disobeyed His Word, He would curse them and send a drought as an act of judgment. (Deuteronomy 28:23-24) Elijah saw the spiritual and moral corruption of his people. He knew their sin had reached a point where it was time for God to keep His Word and judge His people. In other words, Elijah was taking God at His Word. In his soul, he sensed that the time of God’s retribution with a drought was imminent.

Similarly, as I look around America and see the spiritual and moral corruption, I sense in my soul that the time of God’s divine judgment upon our nation is imminent. God will honor His Word! I am not a prophet, and like all believers today, I can never pretend to know the exact timing or nature of God’s divine judgment.

At this very hour, America continues to exhibit a haughty spirit of rebellion against God and His Word. There is a hunger for the sinful pleasures of every sexual perversion that is an abomination to our Holy God. A lifestyle of violence, lawlessness, and deception permeates the land. Many Americans have turned from the One and only living God and are flocking to various religious expressions of paganism. Too many Americans are fascinated with witchcraft, sorcery, mind-altering drugs, and other bizarre activities that are an offense to the Lord. An ever-growing spirit of greed, accompanied by a relentless pursuit of the idols of money and power, have a spiritual death-grip on the nation. The God-ordained order of marriage and the home is disintegrating right before our eyes. Our nation is spiritually, morally, and politically divided. It appears that the United States stands on the brink of economic collapse and political upheaval.

However, the greatest problem in America is the godless condition of the majority of local churches. The spiritual and moral collapse of America is a commentary on the failure of the church to be salt and light to the world. (Matthew 5:13-16) The professing church has become a part of the problem, rather than a part of the solution in America! A majority of pastors and church leaders have turned our churches into nothing more than social clubs where people can think about religious platitudes, and continue to applaud and promote godlessness within their congregations. There is very little talk about sin, repentance, the holiness of God, divine judgment, or eternal punishment. It seems that the leadership of American churches promotes and proclaims a message that we can convince God to bless us so we can be happy now. Very little is said about heaven or eternity. In essence, the church has become like the world. Professing Christians thrive on instant gratification. It is all about the god of self. God gets relegated to some lesser position of importance in our daily lives when He should be Number One.

While reflecting upon all of this, the Spirit of God directed my attention to Daniel 9:1-19. In this great passage, the godly prophet of Israel, Daniel, had discovered that his people were about to be released from their captivity of almost 70 years in Babylon. Being the godly man that he was, Daniel immediately began to wonder if this would be the time when the temple would be rebuilt in Jerusalem. In light of the response of the angel Gabriel to his prayer, it appears that Daniel was also wondering if this was the time the Messiah and His kingdom would arrive.

While Daniel contemplated the coming of the Messiah and His temple, he realized that his people were not spiritually ready for their long-promised Messiah to come. Consequently, he began to confess his sin to the Lord, as well as the sin of his people, Israel. (Daniel 9:20)

For a number of years, I have been deeply moved every time I read this prayer of this godly prophet. Daniel had a deep love for his God and his people. He was broken over the spiritual condition of his people and realized that they were not ready for the opportunity to rebuild the holy temple in Jerusalem and to welcome and worship the Messiah.

Please understand my heart. I am not even remotely suggesting that I should be compared to this godly prophet of God. I am, at best, a spiritual pigmy when compared to Daniel. However, I share his brokenness over the condition of my nation. I too, have a deep love for my God and a sense that the church of America is not ready for the Rapture. And, those who will be raptured are not really contemplating the reality that they will soon stand in the presence of the holy Lord Jesus and give an account of their lives, since the day of their salvation. (2 Corinthians 5:10)

Should our Lord not come in the next few years, it seems to me that it is highly likely that every Christian in this country is going to suffer the consequences of living in a nation that will experience the divine judgment of God. Only those whose lives are deeply anchored in the Word of God and walking in the Spirit will be able to glorify our Lord and rejoice in the midst of the suffering that will come.

What I am about to do, I have never done before. The Lord has directed me to write out a prayer of confession and repentance for America in this newsletter. I am seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit through the Word of God to help guide our thinking and praying to provoke us all to get on our knees and cry out to God for mercy on behalf of America. I will include in this written prayer certain Biblical passages that you should read to guide you in this effort.

Before I begin with this written prayer, I must share with you an experience that I had which I consider not be a coincidence. These kinds of things happen to me all of the time while I am thinking about preaching or writing something. While I was driving to a conference recently, I stopped at a rest area to use the rest room. As I walked back to my van, my attention was drawn to a photo-copied page that was on the dashboard of the passenger side of the car parked beside of me. Before this stop, the Lord had been speaking to my heart about writing out this prayer and I was wrestling with this assignment in my mind. However, when I saw this paper on the dashboard of the car beside of me, I knew that the Lord was dealing with me about this assignment. The topic of the copied page, turned perfectly so I could read it without turning my head, was: “Abraham’s Intercession on Behalf of Wicked Sodom.” As I got in my van and drove away, my mind went back to Genesis 18 and the account of Abraham’s pleading with God to not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. I believe that there is a reason why the Spirit of God chose to give us this great chapter in the Bible. It is a testimony to how the godly must cry out to the Lord for mercy when it is evident that divine judgment is about to fall upon a society. As I drove further down the interstate, my mind was flooded with what the Lord wanted me to write in this newsletter. I could hardly drive for the tears that streamed down my face.

My brothers and sisters, I plead with you to take this seriously. We must seek the face of God in this matter. I am not motivated to do this because I am a great patriot of America. And, I am. I am motivated to do this because there are still millions of Americans that need to hear the gospel and be saved. I am motivated to do this because I want my God to be glorified in the midst of all of this wickedness, deception, and confusion in America. I hunger to see a real revival among a remnant of godly people and churches! I must also confess that I need to pray this because I have two wonderful grown children with godly spouses, and three little grandchildren that have received Christ. I deeply care about them and what lies ahead in the future.

As you read this prayer, I sincerely hope you will join me on my knees in brokenness and confession before our God for our own sins and for the sins of America. I also appeal to you to share copies of this newsletter with other believers so they can join us in praying for our nation at this vital hour.

O Holy Father in heaven, we come to You in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. We desire to pray in the power of the Holy Spirit. We humbly come into Your divine presence with a sense of awe and reverence. We come before You in a spirit of worship, praise, and thanksgiving. We thank You for the gift of Your eternal Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. We acknowledge You as the One and only triune God, revealed in three persons who are equally God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Genesis 1:26; Matthew 28:19)

We thank You for loving us and sending Your Son to die for our sins. (John 3:16; Romans 5:8-11) We thank You for the gift of eternal life through His personal sacrifice on the cross, (Romans 6:23; 1 Corinthians 15:1-3) and His physical resurrection from the dead. (1 Corinthians 15:4-19) We thank You for the promise we have that He will soon return to take us to live with Him in heaven. (John 14:3; Acts 1:11; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” (Revelation 22:20)

Oh Lord, we believe that Your Son, according to Your revelation, created the heavens and the earth, “and all that in them is,” (Exodus 20:11) in six days and rested on the seventh day. We believe that He created the world out of nothing. (Hebrews 11:3) Nothing is impossible with You. (Luke 1:37) You have all power and authority upon this earth and in all of creation. (Matthew 28:18)

You are holy, righteous, and just. You can do no wrong and have never sinned or acted in an evil way. Everything You have ever done, or will do, is good. You are a good, gracious, kind, and merciful God.

All of us who have lived on this earth have sinned against You. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) Not one of us can say we are righteous or good. (Romans 3:10) At our spiritual core, our souls, we are “deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.” (Jeremiah 17:9) None of us, without the work of Your Spirit, are seeking to know You or follow You. (Romans 3:11-12) “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way.” (Isaiah 53:6)

Oh Lord, forgive us! We do not want to wander from Your presence. We want to abide in Your presence by the sweet work of Your Holy Spirit. (John 15:1-11) We acknowledge that without the work of the Holy Spirit we cannot know You or understand the things of God. (1 Corinthians 2:9-16) With His help, we want to “trust in the LORD with all of [our] heart; and lean not unto [our] own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5) We want to acknowledge Your presence in all that we do. (Proverbs 3:6)

Oh Lord, we come to You in behalf of our nation, America. We thank You that it has been evident that Your hand has been upon this nation for many years. You have blessed this nation. In Your Word, You have declared: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD.” (Psalm 33:12)

We know that this nation as a whole has never been a godly nation. However, we know that from its inception there was a godly remnant that settled this land and established a government that respected, honored, and reflected the Word of God. It has been an honor to live in a land where its people have been free to worship You. We rejoice that we have been able to openly and freely proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. We thank You that for hundreds of years, Your church has been able to saturate this land with the preaching and teaching of the Word of God. We are grateful that we have been able to send out missionaries to the nations of the world to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the salvation that comes only in His name. (Acts 4:12)

We acknowledge that You are sovereign over all the nations. (Romans 13:1) All of the nations are nothing when compared to You. (Isaiah 40:15-23) The history of the nations from creation to the end are in Your hands. You are the One who establishes the nations, selects kings, and removes them. (Daniel 2:21) We believe that You have chosen this nation as a very special instrument in Your hand for the good and freedom of many nations. It has been Your desire that this nation would give protection to Your people, both Jews and Christians. It is very apparent that this nation has played a very significant role in the establishment, recognition and protection of the nation of Israel in the last century.

Oh Lord, as we look at America today through the holy eyes of Your Word, our hearts are broken. It is apparent that the attitude of respect and honor for You as the One and only God is rapidly departing from America. O Lord, we believe that the first of the great Ten Commandments that You gave to Israel is still the first commandment from heaven for all mankind: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:3) We know that America is grieving Your heart as they follow after other idols and gods that really do not exist. Oh God, have mercy upon America!

Oh Lord, forgive us for the spirit of rebellion and haughty defiance against Your holiness and Your holy standards written in the Word of God. May there be a spirit of shame, conviction and brokenness that would break out in this land, bringing some to repentance. We grieve to know that our government, media, entertainment industry, and education centers are promoting a lifestyle of sexual immorality throughout the land. We know that such an open acceptance of these kinds of sins are an abomination in Your sight and historically have invited Your divine judgment. (Leviticus 18:18-29) Oh God, have mercy upon America!

Oh Lord, we live in a land of murderers. We are killing our unborn children for the sake of convenience and selfish ambitions. We are no different from the pagan cultures of ancient history that offered their babies to their gods, while living lives of gross immorality. (Deuteronomy 18:10) Oh God, have mercy upon America!

Oh Lord, we live in a land of gross demonic deception. Our culture is obsessed with witchcraft, sorcery, astrology, and many other forms of demonic pagan practices and expressions. (Deuteronomy 18:10-14) Our children are constantly playing games that saturate their minds with evil, violence, demons, murder, pornography, and many other sexual perversions. We know that You have said that a person becomes what they think about. (Proverbs 22:6) Oh Lord, we are already reaping the consequences of all of this ungodly and wicked entertainment. We fear for the future of our nation. We know that demons are taking control of the minds of many of our children, while parents are obsessed with gratifying themselves with pleasures and materialism. Oh God, have mercy upon America!

Oh Lord, we live in a nation where governmental leaders and educators are promoting rebellion against You, the destruction of marriage and the home, the destruction of our nation, and the damnation of our people. They are giving freedoms and privileges to Muslims while restricting these same freedoms and privileges to Christians in every level of our society. Oh Lord, the prophecy of Psalm 2:1-3 is coming to pass in America. Oh God, have mercy upon America!

Oh Lord, the greatest sin in America is within the professing churches of America. The spiritual condition of America is a reflection of the failure of the church in America to proclaim and live Your holy standards. (Jeremiah 23:16-32) The pastors and people of the churches have sinned against You. Our churches are filled with sin. The lives of professing Christians in most cases are no different than those who make no claim of being a Christian. Most church members do not really want to hear the truth and be convicted about their sins. They have hired pastors who will entertain them and make them feel good about themselves. (2 Timothy 4:3-4) Most professing Christians never read their Bibles and never weep over their sins or confess them to You. The churches of America are filled with sinners who do not know You. Those on the outside of the church see this hypocrisy and have no respect for the church or the Bible. Oh God, raise up godly men who will exhibit the spirit of Elijah and take a bold stand for their Lord. Oh God, send a revival among the saved pastors that have allowed sin to keep them from having fellowship with You. May they repent and boldly proclaim the Word of God and provide their congregations with godly leadership in these days of spiritual apostasy and deception. May they not compromise Your truth. May they not be afraid of anyone but You! May they allow the Spirit of God to work through them to “reprove the word of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.” (John 16:8)

Oh Lord, the church needs to awaken from its spiritual sleep and proclaim that the triune God of the Bible is the One and only God. We know that in this present society a false message of tolerance is being proclaimed. However, these who call for tolerance are intolerant when it comes to the exclusive worship of the God of the Bible. The church must lovingly and firmly take a stand on this truth. The message of the Bible is clear. Jesus Christ, and the gospel message that is anchored in His life, death, and resurrection, is the one and only message of salvation. (John 14:6; Acts 4:12; 1 Timothy 2:5) We have been exhorted to pray for the salvation of others because our Lord “will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:4) He is “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9) Oh God, have mercy on the pastors and people in our churches in America!

Oh Lord, we deserve Your divine judgment at this very hour! We are grieving You! This nation has turned from its Biblical foundation and is promoting evil, lawlessness and rebellion in our homes, communities, schools and universities, and churches. I fear that we have gone too far. I fear that we are about to cross the spiritual point of no return. Oh Lord, I am crying out to You for mercy on behalf of my country. I do this because of the example of godly Abraham when he interceded for wicked Sodom. (Genesis 18:16-33) Oh Lord, I am praying this because Moses did this for his people. (Exodus 32:7-14) This was the heart of the great prophet Elijah, when he took that bold stand and prayed for a display of Your power to turn the heart of his people back to You. (1 Kings 18:21-40) This was the burden of Daniel and of all of the prophets of the Old Testament as You moved them to write to their people to warn them of Your divine judgment because of their sin. This was also the heart of the messages of the seven letters that our Lord Jesus sent to the seven churches in Revelation 2-3. Oh Lord, we humbly leave this matter at Your throne. We trust You and believe that because You are merciful, You will not bring divine judgment upon America until it is too late for repentance to take place in this land. (2 Peter 3:8-9) Only You know when Your Spirit can no longer strive with Americans. (Genesis 6:3)

Oh Lord, above everything else, we want You to be glorified. We are asking for mercy upon America and a revival in the land because we want to reach Americans with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We know that the day of Your divine judgment upon America and the entire world will come. May Your peace rest in our souls as You keep us in Your care as we wait for that moment when that judgment will come, or we rest in Your holy presence with You in Your heaven.

And the Spirit and the bride [the church] say Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” (Revelation 22:17) “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” (Revelation 22:20) Amen.

The Miserable Failure of U.S. Policies in the Middle East

For several years now the United States has attempted to intervene in the affairs of nations in the Middle East. The consequences have been disastrous and will continue to be. Barry Rubin, of the International Jerusalem Post, writes: US President Barak Obama’s administration is engaging in over a dozen failed operations in the Middle East, and reason shows just why they’re failing: The Islamists’ philosophy is totally different from theirs. The Islamists are indifferent to the cost of victory.

“Clearly, the Obama administration does not understand Middle Eastern regimes and terrorist organization, and if it doesn’t remedy this, it will continue to meet miserable defeats.” (The International Jerusalem Post, February 7-13, 2014, p. 20)

First, the U.S. needs to understand that living in the Middle Eastern neighborhood of nations is very much different from living in the West. Many in the U.S. administration assume that the core problem in the Middle East is due to socioeconomic differences between Jews and Arabs. Therefore, in their materialist, socialist mindset, if we equal the economic playing field in the Middle East, then peace will come. In reality, this has nothing to do with the way people think in the Middle East, especially Muslims.

What is happening in the Middle East is a reflection of the war in the spiritual realm. Those of us who know the Scriptures understand what is taking place in the Middle East. The Middle East is engaged in a Holy War that is leading the world toward the end of this age. In our western mindset, there is a real separation of church and state (religious and political policies). However, this is not true in the Middle East. In Arab – Islamic countries, the religion dominates the political scene and dictates to it. This is what is really behind the current “Arab Spring.” This is not, as the Western media is portraying, a move on the part of the people of the Middle East to strive for freedom and democracy. What is playing out in the Middle East is a struggle between radical Islam and moderate Islam. Neither the radicals nor the moderates desire a western style of democracy. They view this as being evil. Most Muslims in the Middle East, moderate or radical, hate the U.S. and actually believe that there is more freedom in sharia law than with western style democracy.

In the Muslim mindset, power is respected and compromise is viewed as being weak. Israeli, Barry Rubin states: “What Obama and his administration do not understand about the Middle East is that in this part of the world, he who wins is he who compromises less, not he who compromises more. … Politics in the Middle East is like a game of chicken, not a game of bridge. … No extent of compromise is going to cause radical nationalists and Islamists to make real peace.” (The International Jerusalem Post, February 7-13, 2014, p. 20)

From a human perspective, the West is attempting to force Israel to compromise with the Muslims by giving the Palestinians the West Bank. Anyone who is listening to the Palestinian leadership and the majority of Palestinians, knows that real peace will never come to the Middle East as long as there is a Jewish nation in the land they believe belongs to Allah. The Palestinian mindset is a Muslim mindset. From their perspective, the presence of the Jews in the land formerly called Palestine is a total embarrassment to their religion. No matter what the cost and how long they are forced to wait, they must wage this war until they drive out the Jews and possess all of the land. They cannot and will not acknowledge Israel as a Jewish nation.

Millions of Muslims across the Middle East are committed to their religion and believe that they are destined to rule the world. They are determined to make this come to pass for their god, Allah. They are willing to lie and die to achieve this goal. The godless West cannot engage this war because they refuse to understand that this is a war being waged in the spiritual realm. The West is in a serious state of spiritual decline and is purposely distancing itself from the only One who can help them win this war.

From a Biblical perspective, this is the final struggle that will lead to Armageddon. The warriors are taking their positions. It is only a matter of time!

Get ready for the shout that will take us out!

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