November/December 2018
Published 10 times annually All Bible references are from the KJV
The International Agenda of the Political Left
“Why to the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed.” Psalm 2:1-2
By Mike Wingfield
Our world has a wonderful future. The King is coming! For millennia, our world has suffered because of greedy political leaders who rule over people to give themselves more power and wealth. Big government leads to corrupt power. Big government promotes the desires of its leaders rather than the freedoms of its people. Big government does not shepherd the people, it enslaves them. As someone has said, “Power corrupts.” Therefore, big power leads to big corruption.
The Bible guarantees that in the future a righteous King will finally rule over the nations. This Messianic hope and promise of His glorious kingdom are at the center of God’s divine revelation. Jesus taught His disciples to pray for this kingdom to come, and for God’s “will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). King Jesus will rule over the nations of the earth from Jerusalem, Israel for 1,000 years (Revelation 20:1-7). The Father has declared, “Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion” (Psalm 2:6).
The kingdom of God on earth will be monarchial in form. King Jesus will sit upon the throne of His father, David, and the “the government shall be upon his shoulder” (Isaiah 9:6). He will be the judge, lawgiver, and king. (Isaiah 33:22). He will control the judicial, legislative, and executive aspects of His kingdom. [It is interesting to note that the framers of the U.S. constitution cited this Bible reference and adopted this kind of government to create a system of checks and balances, which is needed when sinful men rule over people.]
During His kingdom, King Jesus will employ the use of godly glorified saints, who cannot sin, to assist Him in ruling over the physical inhabitants of earth. The Scriptures assure us that this kingdom will be one of justice and peace. “Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this” (Isaiah 9:7).
God’s law will go forth from Jerusalem. Truth will be the very foundation of this kingdom. “He will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem” (Isaiah 2:3). This truth will point the way to moral purity and social justice. The Messiah will properly balance the “strong hand” of the law, and the gentle arm of a shepherd to protect His people and provide for them (Isaiah 40:10-11). He will properly care for the needy (Psalm 72:4, 12-13). Notice that Psalm 72:4 says, “He will judge the poor of the people.” All those who appeal for help will not receive assistance. Only those who are not able to care for their own needs will receive assistance.
In the Old Testament there is a great emphasis upon social justice. In God’s economy, the widows, orphans, and those who are truly in need are to be cared for by their family and the godly people of their community. This demonstration of God’s mercy is now the responsibility of the family of the needy and the church. It is not the government’s responsibility (Acts 2:44-45; 1 Timothy 5:8; 6:17-18; James 1:27). The Apostle Paul stated, “If any would not work, neither should he eat” (2 Thessalonians 3:10). God does not promote laziness.
Many Biblical texts support the idea that life in the kingdom age will be simple and agriculturally based [perhaps much like the Amish of today]. During the kingdom, people will own their farms and produce their own food (Isaiah 65:21-22). It will not be a form of socialism.
In the midst of Israel’s darkest hours of spiritual rebellion and political upheaval, the prophets reminded their people of the coming of the Messiah and His grand and glorious kingdom. While their kings were immersed in immoral wickedness, social injustice, and spiritual rebellion, the prophets kept pointing to the messianic hope.
Nothing has changed. At this current hour billions of people around the world are hopelessly trapped in corrupt, godless political systems. Most of them have no hope because they are walking in spiritual darkness, have never heard the promises of our blessed hope. Tragically, they do not know that the King and His kingdom are coming.
In the midst of their confusion and hopelessness, many of them are being deceived into following a political system that offers false spiritual blessings [such as sharia law within Islam] or fake economic justice [such as socialism and communism]. As we examine the political spectrum across the United Nations, it is apparent that the overwhelming majority of the nations have adopted or are experimenting with these two competing political ideologies that have an overriding agenda to create a global new world order.
The New Testament believer is commanded to submit to his government, no matter what political form it takes (Romans 13:1-7). We are to pray for our government leaders because what they do and how they lead does impact our freedom of speech and worship (1 Timothy 2:1, 2). Obviously, this means that all believers in America should rejoice in the freedoms we have. We should participate in the election of leaders that are godly and support God’s laws as defined in the Bible.
We should oppose all forms of government that cause people to submit to another god, or promotes atheism. This is the choice that the world is presently facing. The United Nations is being dominated by two powerful competing political ideologies. Islam and its sharia law are forcing billions of people to submit to another god that is not the God of the Bible. Islam’s rule of law removes many basic freedoms that the God of the Bible has given us. In essence, it is a religious form of socialism that gives power to a few people, who exert power over every facet of life.
While billions are enslaved to this religious political system, a larger group of nations is being enslaved to a godless, atheistic political system called socialism, communism, or Marxism. Socialism is an economic and political system where a small group of powerful political leaders claim they oversee ownership of property and control the means of production and distribution of wealth for the community as a whole. Like Islam, this political system forces its subjects to submit to a ruthless system that denies them many basic freedoms that are granted to all people who have been created in the image of God.
Both of these political ideologies are playing a role in rolling out the red carpet for the ruthless global kingdom of darkness that will be headed by the Antichrist. Both of these ideologies are opposing the God of the Bible, His Son, His revelation, and the freedoms that are granted by God. Long ago, the psalmist recorded the prophetic political climate of the last days with these words, “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed [“anointed” is the word for messiah], saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us” (Psalm 2:1-3). It is obvious that we have arrived at the day mentioned in this text. The political systems of Islam and socialism are pursuing an international political agenda that has one primary purpose – get rid of God. They hate anything connected to the God of the Bible. They especially hate America, Israel, and the Judeo-Christian moral code that is based upon God’s Biblical law given to Israel more than 3,400 years ago.
Both America and Israel are at the forefront of the war of hatred within the United Nations. The international body of the political left hates these two nations and is working feverishly to bring the demise of these two political allies of truth and freedom.
For more than 100 years, America has been the world leader in sending missionaries to evangelize the nations of the world. Our country has been a safe haven for the church. The church has been protected by a government whose constitution and laws were founded upon the Judeo-Christian moral laws. Our military has fought around the globe to defeat freedom-hating governments, thus protecting the world from the evil agenda of the international political left. However, all of this is changing. The enemies of God have infiltrated our nation and are attempting to take away our freedoms and destroy the church.
America is now fighting for its political life. Muslims and socialists are attempting to change Americans’ minds about our constitution and the form of government that give us our freedoms. The framers of our constitution knew the government they were forming would be challenged in the future. In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. — That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness.”
Americans are currently being deceived by socialists in our universities, media, and government. These socialists have infiltrated our government and are about to trick Americans into turning their backs on their precious freedoms. Socialists are attempting to force us into the same atheistic political system that has brought death and misery to almost 100 million people in the last 120 years. These people are “seeking to build secular paradises on earth, motivated by the vision of Karl Marx, the vision of man without God: brainwashed to believe that God does not exist, that all things result from the blind working of evolutionary force, that man is simply a social insect caught in the web of time.” (John Phillips, Exploring the Psalms, Psalms 89-150, p. 245)
The truth of the matter is that America’s current political leadership is corrupt and self-serving. Most politicians favor their party more than their country. They are more concerned about being re-elected than serving the interests of the country and protecting the basic freedoms that many Americans have fought and died for in the last 242 years. Many of the leaders in the Senate and House of Representatives are wicked and devious. Many of them are insidious enemies of the nation and they have connections with radical Islam and radical socialists. It is reported that 20 senators and more than 100 members of the House of Representatives could not pass a basic security background check. (Trevor Loudon, Enemies Within, a documentary movie) Many of these people were just re-elected to new terms in office.
These socialists attempt to mask themselves by saying they are “progressives.” In essence, they are promoting radical change in America that will give power to a few of their leaders. They are members of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which currently has more than 50,000 members and 181 chapters across America. The members of DSA have infiltrated our government, especially the Democratic Party. The goal of the Democrat Party is to transform America, and make it a socialist state. Some of their chief leaders are former President Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, U.S. Senator Tim Kaine and California Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.
The success of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders in his bid to run for president in 2016 demonstrates that the socialist movement in America is gaining ground. Unless the tide is stemmed, people such as Bernie Saunders are poised to take over the country and bring radical change to America. Their success and popularity is being fueled by young American adults who have been indoctrinated by the teachings and views of socialist professors in many of our American colleges and universities. Moreover, public schools are also contributing to this epidemic that is sweeping our country. Needless to say, the hearts and minds of our children are at stake!
Americans need to wake up and realize that these socialists want to impose the same economic policies upon America that have been forced upon the people of Venezuela for the last 19 years. Several decades ago, Venezuela was the richest country in South America. Now the country is in shambles and most of its 32 million people are facing starvation and total economic collapse. Venezuela is facing one of the most severe hyperinflationary cycles in the history of the planet. All of this is the result of the socialist experiment imposed upon the people of Venezuela.
History demonstrates that socialism does not work. It destroys nations and results in bloody political revolutions that cost millions of lives. Why then are so many American politicians on the political left (most Democrats and some Republicans) so committed to transforming America into a democratic socialist state? It is apparent that these politicians have adopted the model of a New World Order that will force all nations to be part of an international form of government. In order for this to take place, the United States must surrender its present form of government, including the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Since the election of George H.W. Bush as president in 1988, the United States has been guided by Democrat and Republican administrations that have embraced a goal of the establishment of a form of socialism that will be part of a one-world government. This march toward globalism came to an abrupt halt with the election of President Donald Trump in 2016. Over the last two years, President Trump and his administration have enacted policies not seen since President Ronal Regan was in office from 1981-1988. The Trump administration has temporarily stopped the political march toward America’s governmental transition to a New World Order. President Trump’s presidential leadership should be viewed as a temporary pause in the world’s advance toward the international agenda of the political left. As believers in Jesus Christ, we should welcome and support this pause ushered in by President Trump. It is giving us precious time under the banner of freedom to reach out to the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
President Trump, with the support of some American people, is embarking upon making our country great again, while opposing the political policies that previous administrations supported from 1988 to 2016. In his most recent speech at the United Nations, President Trump made it clear that he is not in favor of an international form of government. Here are a few of his comments that have sent shock waves throughout the global community that has dreamed of the day when America would be forced to join an international form of government. President Trump said, “America chooses independence and cooperation over global government. Each must pursue its own customs. The U.S. won’t tell you how to live, work, or worship. We ask you to honor our sovereignty in return. … We reject globalism and embrace patriotism. Around the world responsible nations must resist the threats to sovereignty. … We believe in the majesty of freedom and dignity of the individual, self-government and rule of law, culture built on strong families, and fierce independence. We celebrate our heroes, and love our country. Inside this great chamber each patriot feels the same powerful love for his own nation, the same loyalty to your homeland. Passion has inspired reform and revolution, sacrifice, scientific breakthrough and magnificent works of art. We must not erase it, but embrace it, draw on its wisdom, find a way to make our nations greater, the regions safer, and the world better. To unleash the potential of our people, sovereign and independent nations are the only vehicle where freedom succeeds. We must protect sovereignty and independence above all. When we do we will find new avenues for cooperation unfolding before us, new ways of peace making, new purpose, a new spirit flourishing more around us – making this a more beautiful world. Let us choose the future of patriotism, let us come here to stand for our people and for their nations, forever strong, sovereign, just, thankful for the grace and the glory of God. God bless the nations of the globe.”
Furthermore, in this same speech, President Trump attacked socialism. He said, “We are witnessing a human tragedy in Venezuela. Two million people fled anguish inflicted by Madhuro and his Cuban sponsors. Venezuela used to be one of richest countries, now people are driven into abject poverty. Virtually everywhere socialism and communism has produced decay, socialism’s thirst of power leads to expansion and oppression. All nations of the world must resist socialism. In that spirit we ask nations to join us in restoring democracy in Venezuela.”
This is the underlying reason why President Trump is hated so much in the United States and around the world. He is literally going against the political agenda of the political left of the entire world! The attacks on him are not just a personal attack. The attacks on him are highly orchestrated attacks upon our form of government and the future of a sovereign constitutional United States of America. A militant and vocal minority of socialists in this country have taken control of our educational institutions, the media, and our government. America is fighting for its very life. The overwhelming majority of Americans have been duped by the socialists. They have unwittingly put them in power to govern our nation.
America is not only fighting for its own freedom, but for the freedom of our world. In my opinion, in light of the prophetic Scriptures and global current events, the United States will collapse as the world’s last remaining superpower. When this occurs, the door will be opened for the establishment of an international government that will eventually be ruled by the Antichrist.
According to the Bible, our world is moving toward an international government (Daniel 7:23 and Revelation 13:7). This form of government will be anti-God and it will especially hate every reference to God’s Messiah, Jesus Christ. (Psalm 2:1-2). Socialism and Communism are atheistic political systems. Islam rejects the God of the Bible and His Son. The current political marriage of Islam and socialism in the United Nations exists to advance their dream of a one-world government. While these two political systems do not agree with one another ideologically, they are politically joined together for one evil purpose – to oppose God and His eternal agenda. Remember that this final global kingdom is symbolically depicted in Daniel 2 as 10 toes of iron and clay. As mentioned in Daniel’s interpretation, this demonstrates that the last days will produce a global kingdom that will be united but weak (Daniel 2:31-43)
This global government will be ushered in at a time of war and revolution (Daniel 7:23; Revelation 6:1-3). The Bible symbolically depicts the Antichrist and his kingdom as rising up out of the sea (Revelation 13:1). In the ancient culture, the raging and foaming actions of the waves of the sea were images of the turmoil and restless behavior of wicked men. Isaiah 57:20, 21 declares, “But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt. There is no peace, saith my God to the wicked.” Furthermore, this revolution will be accompanied by a global economic collapse (Revelation 6:5-6) and a death toll that will claim the lives of one-fourth of the world’s population (Revelation 6:7-8).
As the powerful political left continues to force its agenda upon the free nations, it is apparent that we are at a crucial point in human history. At the focal point of this battle is the United States of America. When America falls to the forces of the political left, it will usher in a period of lawlessness that will produce the kingdom of the Antichrist.
The leaders of the political left in America have strong ties to radical Islam and socialism. These leaders are being politically aided and funded by evil people who are plotting the destruction of America and the rest of the free world. They are propagating lies about President Trump. They are cleverly promoting and spreading division and hatred across America. Animosity and division are being used as channels to advance their political agenda. They long for the day when America becomes a socialist state that will be in submission to an international government.
As believers in Jesus Christ, our coming King, our hope is not in the human governments of this world. Our hope is in the King and His coming kingdom. Let us join with the Psalmist when he said, “The LORD is on my side, I will not fear: what can man do unto me? … It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes” (Psalm 118:6, 8-9).
What can we do? While we know these forces of evil will eventually take control of our country and world, we must not give up. We need to rescue our children and youth. They are the real target of the radicals. We need to teach them the Scriptures and model godliness in the home and the church. The church needs to get serious about the Biblical discipleship of our children and youth. We need to stop playing games and get serious about indoctrinating them in the Christian faith.
Every local church needs to teach its people about Islam and socialism. Most people in our churches do not know how to defend their faith. Many have been deceived into believing that the god of Islam and the God of the Bible are the same. Many believe that the Koran and the Bible share the same message. If the church does not know how to separate truth from deception, how can we provide light to those living in spiritual darkness all around us?
We need to understand the strategies and agenda of the political left here in America. I have discovered that the best tools available to accomplish this are the three DVDs that we have been promoting for several years. They are: Agenda, Agenda 2, and Enemies Within. These DVDs should be viewed by every believer who cares about the future of America. They need to be viewed in our Bible studies and church groups. They need to be shared with family and friends. Christians played a great role in the creation and establishment of this country. We should not abandon our nation at this critical hour. As believers, we need to lead the way in exposing the evil agenda of wicked men who are plotting the destruction of our nation.
Finally, when the end comes, the King of Kings will take His vengeance upon the rulers of this earth who have given allegiance to Satan’s messiah, the Antichrist. When Christ descends from heaven at the end of the tribulation the kings of the earth will be gathered with the Antichrist at Armageddon to attack Christ. The Spirit revealed to the Apostle John, “And I saw the beast [the Antichrist], and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army” (Revelation 19:19). Almost a thousand years earlier, the Spirit of God revealed to King David how this battle between the evil kings of the earth and the King of Kings would end. He wrote, “The Lord at thy right hand shall strike through kings … (Psalm 110:5-6).
How ridiculous for the people of the world, and their leaders, to think they can oppose God. “The LORD is high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens” (Psalm 113:4). God is seated upon His sovereign throne in heaven, ruling over all of the affairs of His creation. “Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance; … All nations before him are as nothing; and they are counted to him less than nothing, and vanity” (Isaiah 40:15, 17)
The international political left will end in complete failure! The Bible gives us the following promise. “The LORD [will bring] the counsel of the heathen to [nothing]: he [will make] the devices of the people of none effect. The counsel of the LORD [stands] forever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations. Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he [has] chosen for his own inheritance” (Psalm 33:10-12).