2013 March – Should the U.S. Support Israel?

Should the U.S. Support Israel?

Speaking to Israel, the Lord has said: “Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war; for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms.”-Jeremiah 51:20

By Micah Winefeld

At this very critical time in our world, people are blindly ignorant of Biblical history and prophecy. Sadly, most people are living for the moment and have no considera­tion for the past or future. Shockingly, this includes most professing Christians in the U.S. Americans have easy access to God’s written Word, but they are clueless about historical happenings and the prophecies it contains.

A cursory glace at American history will demonstrate that this nation grew up with the Bible in its hand. The Bible was the guide for our founding fathers as they ham­mered out the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The law of God shaped the laws of our nation. About 130 years ago, we decided that we wanted to give witness to this reality by stamping U.S. currency and coins with the motto: “In God We Trust.”

Our Biblical heritage was expressed even more under the leadership of President Harry S. Truman. When the na­tion of Israel was reborn in 1948, President Truman was the first and most important world leader to formally rec­ognize the Jewish nation. The history books report that President Truman went against many of his political advi­sors in giving the U.S.’s blessing on the birth of Israel. His advisors felt that this would be a huge mistake politi­cally and enrage the Arab nations of the Middle East. Fur­thermore, there was a general consensus that the little fledgling nation of Israel, with only 650,000 inhabitants, would be no match for the Arab nations, having a popula­tion that outnumbered them 100 to 1. In addition, five powerful Arab nations were amassed on Israel’s borders and preparing to attack. Israel had no military and very few weapons to defend itself with. In the eyes of the world, Israel’s life would be short lived with Arab nations snuffing out its existence with little resistance. The Arabs would overrun the Jewish population in a short time. Therefore, in the eyes of Truman’s advisors, any recogni­tion of Israel would be a colossal error. History demon­strates they were wrong. God fought for Israel and the Jewish people were able to repel and defeat the five Arab nations that attacked them.

Sixty-four years later, it is clear that we did not learn from this very important historical lesson. Today in the U.S., we have leaders who are surrounded by advisors who think it is a mistake for us to support Israel. The me­dia, liberal university professors and politicians blame Israel for the failure to attain peace in the Middle East. In their view, peace will not come to the Middle East until Israel makes important concessions that will appease their Arab neighbors. These same voices vociferously cry out against the U.S. friendship and support of Israel, claiming it is a mistake. Sadly, many Americans, including pastors and Christians, are buying into all of this without examin­ing the real facts. In this newsletter, I would like to offer several facts to support my stern belief that the U.S. must wholeheartedly support our greatest friend and ally in the Middle East – Israel.

The Biblical Record

It is no surprise that the nations of the world, including the United States, are isolating themselves from Israel. This is a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. The Scriptures indicate that when the end of this age comes, the entire world will turn against the Jewish people and their occu­pation of the Holy Land. By the mid-point of the seven-year Tribulation, the entire world will join forces with the Antichrist. (Revelation 13:5-7; 17:12-13) As the world joins him, he will turn against Israel, breaking his 7-year treaty that began the Tribulation Period. (Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24:1-22) Satan will actually indwell and em­power the Antichrist for the duration of the Tribulation Period. (Daniel 8:24; 2 Thessalonians 2:9; Revelation 13:1-7) Through the Antichrist, Satan will unleash horrif­ic deception and destruction bringing about death on a scale never witnessed in human history. While referring to this period of time, Jesus said: “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.” (Matthew 24:21) More than 600 years before Jesus, while referring to the same period of time, the Lord revealed to the an­cient Jewish prophet Daniel, that this will be a very diffi­cult time for the Jewish people. He wrote: “…and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.” (Daniel 12:1)

The Lord will allow the devil to unleash the fury of his wrath against the inhabitants of earth. This will occur be­cause the global population will have departed from Him and will worship the devil and his puppet, the Antichrist. (Revelation 13:4) The focus of Satan’s rage will be the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. (Revelation 12) The final act of the Antichrist, as directed by Satan, will be a military assault against Israel at Armageddon. (Reve­lation 16:12-16)

About 4,000 years ago, the Lord gave the nations of the world a very clear divine test to measure their allegiance to Him. That test is found in God’s promise to the first Jew, Abraham, when He said: “And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing. And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” (Genesis 12:2-3)

Therefore, when all of the nations of the world turn against Israel, they are ultimately rejecting God’s arm of blessings and inviting His curse upon them. It is very evi­dent that the world is openly rejecting the God of the Bi­ble. They are rejecting His Son, Jesus, His Word, the Bi­ble and His chosen people (Israel). We are living at a time when the nations are the recipients of the divine curse and their attitudes and actions toward the Jews and Israel are proof of this.

As believers in Jesus Christ, we should encourage and support the work of God in the nation of Israel. The Lord is working through His spiritual body, the Church. How­ever, He is also working through His physical chosen peo­ple, Israel, at the same time at the end of this age. The church has not and never will replace Israel. The Lord cannot and will not break His covenant with Israel. In Judges 2:1 He said: “I … have brought you into the land which I [swore] unto your fathers; and I said, I will never break my covenant with you.” This statement is repeated many times throughout the Scriptures. By the very state­ments of the God of truth, and His divine nature, He must be faithful to Israel unto the very end. Should He do any­thing less, He ceases to be God!

Therefore, if America wants the blessings of the Lord it must stand with Israel! It must bless or curse Israel. There is no middle ground. “Pray for the peace of Jeru­salem: they shall prosper that love thee.” (Psalm 122:6)

The Truest Military and Political Ally in the Middle East

For many years, I have appreciated the work of a non­profit organization call FLAME (Facts and Logic About the Middle East). This organization provides articles in various publications around the world to remind people of the real facts about Israel and the Middle East. With their permission, I am giving an extensive quote from one of their latest articles that appeared in a recent edition of The International Jerusalem Post: “The United States is with­out question Israel’s most important ally. Also, without question, Israel is the staunchest and most reliable friend of the United States. But there are some who believe and vigorously advocate that Israel is a burden to the United States and that, were it not for Israel, peace would prevail in the Middle East.

“There are indeed those who claim that Israel is a liabil­ity, a burden to our country. Professors from prestigious universities write essays in which they [assert] that the United States is in thrall to the ‘Israel lobby.’ This lobby is said to pull the strings of American policy. Its supposed main promoters are AIPAC (American Israel Public Af­fairs) … They are said to exert an almost magical spell over policy makers, including the leaders of Congress and the President. Some even say that the Iraq war was pro­moted by this omnipotent ‘Israel lobby,’ that President Bush was [baffled] into declaring war on Saddam Hus­sein, not in order to defend the United States or promote its interests, but in order to further the interests of Israel.

“Israel is indeed a major recipient of U.S. aid. Israel receives yearly $3.0 billion, all of it in military aid – noth­ing in economic aid. 75 percent of this military aid must be spent with the U.S. military contractors, making Israel a very large customer of those companies.

“A good case can be made that aid to Israel, all of it mil­itary, should be a part of the United States defense budget, rather than the aid budget because Israel is, next only per­haps to Britain, by far the most important ally of the Unit­ed States. Virtually without exception, Israel’s govern­ment and its people agree with and support the foreign policy objectives of the United States. In the United Na­tions, Israel’s votes coincide with those of the United States over 90 percent of the time. The Arabs and other Muslim countries, virtually all of them recipients of America [aid], almost reflexively vote against the United States in most instances.

“Israel is the major strategic asset of the United States in an area of the world that is the cradle of Islamo-fascism, which is dominated by tyrants and permeated by religious [ignorance] and shows almost total disregard for human rights. During the decades-long Cold War, Israel was America’s indispensable rampart against the inroads of the Soviet Union. It is now the bulwark against the aggres­sive intentions of Iran. During Desert Storm, Israel pro­vided invaluable intelligence, an umbrella of air cover for military cargo, and had personnel planted in Iraqi deserts to pick up downed American pilots.

“Gen. George Keagan, former head of U.S. Air Force Intelligence, stated publicly that ‘Israel is worth five CIAs,’ with regard to intelligence passed to our country. He also stated that the yearly $3.0 billion that Israel re­ceived in military assistance was worth $50 to $60 billion in intelligence, R & D savings, and Soviet weapons sys­tems captured and transferred to the Pentagon. In contrast to our commitments in Korea, Japan, Germany, and other parts, not a single American serviceperson needs to be stationed in Israel. Considering that the cost of one ser­viceperson per year – including backup and infrastructure

– is estimated to be about $200,000, and assuming a min­imum contingent of 25,000 troops, the cost savings to the United States alone is on the order of $5 billion per year.

“Israel effectively secures NATO’s southeastern flank. Its superb harbor, its outstanding military installations, the air and sea lift capabilities, and the trained manpower to maintain sophisticated equipment are readily at hand in Israel. It is the only country that makes itself available to the United States in any contingency. Yes, Israel is not a burden, but a tremendous asset to the United States.

“Israel is indeed America’s unsinkable aircraft carrier in the Middle East and the indispensable defender of Ameri­can interests in that area of the world. The people of the United States, individually and through their Congression­al representatives, overwhelmingly support Israel in its seemingly unending fight against Arab aggression and Muslim terror. But that support is not only based on the great strategic value that Israel represents to the United States. It is and always has been based on shared values of liberty, democracy, and human rights. America and Israel are aligned by their shared love of peace and de­mocracy. Israel and the United States stand together in their fight against Islamo-fascist terrorism. These shared values, these common ideals, [should] bind Israel and the United States forever.” (FLAME – Facts and Logic About the Middle East, The International Jerusalem Post, Janu­ary 25-31, 2013, p. 3)


For additional excellent articles about the true facts in the Middle East, check out FLAME’s excellent website at: www.factsandlogic.org

I fear that the United States is on the verge of turning its back upon Israel. If it does, this nation will face the curse of God. What the nations do with “the apple of [God’s] eye” (Deuteronomy 32:10) will determine what He does to them. (Jeremiah 30:16; Obadiah 15) As a result, the Lord has said to Israel: “Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms.” (Jeremi­ah 51:20)

A Memorial Tribute to My Israeli Friend & Guide

I received word a few weeks ago that my Israeli friend and guide for over 15 years has passed away. Israel “Izzy” Rodrique was a dear friend. Many who travelled with me to Israel loved Izzy. He was a very devoted Israeli and loved his country. It is very fitting that his name was Isra­el. Izzy fought in several of the wars in Israel and was severely wounded in the battle for Jerusalem during the six-day war of 1967. He received an award for his brav­ery, the equivalent of a U.S. Purple Heart. He was an Is­raeli paratrooper and wore his wings with great pride.

Izzy guided my tour groups with his expert knowledge, but best of all with his heart. He could never do enough for our group. He was always looking for a better or more efficient way to guide. One of his favorite sayings was, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” Izzy and I were a real team, he respected me and I respected him. We un­derstood each other. He knew that I have a great love for Israel and the Jewish people. In many ways this bonded us together.

Izzy made several trips to the U.S. and understood our culture and the way American’s think. He used that to help him effectively communicate the geography and cul­ture of his own people and land.

Izzy developed cancer and was not able to guide my last tour of Israel in 2011. However, he knew my itinerary and met me and my group on the Mount of Olives. We talked for a few minutes. Little did I know that it would be the last time I would see him.

Please pray for his wife and family. I am sure they must really miss him. One of Israel’s great heroes has fallen. It really is hard for me to say good-bye to my very good friend.

Israeli Confidence

Israel is like no other nation. It constantly lives under the threats of war and terrorism from its Islamic neighbors. Israel lives in a sea of Islamic hatred. In the Middle East, Israel is literally surrounded by Islamic nations that reject its presence and very existence. A day never passes in which Muslim leaders don’t call for the death of Israelis and the extermination of the Jewish nation. Israel has had to endure more United Nations condemnations and resolu­tions than any other nation since the beginning of the U.N. after World War II.

In a few weeks, Israel will celebrate its 65th anniversary as a modern state. In that short period of time it has fought four major wars, engaged in several mini-wars with terrorist groups in Lebanon and Gaza, and endured endless terrorist attacks from Islamic extremists.

When people travel with me to Israel they are shocked to find that the Israelis exude a confidence that allows them to carry on with a normal life in spite of the ongoing daily threats against them. It is my opinion that this con­fidence is the result of two things. First, Israelis have grown accustomed to their rejection and threats. As wan­dering Jews, their forefathers have had to endure this for millenniums of time. Second, Israel is very confident that they have developed a very strong military defense to deal with the threats that are coming against it. This is illus­trated by the response of their Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, in a recent interview conducted by The Jeru­salem Post. He was asked: “What is the hope of Israel?” He responded: “The hope of Israel has always been that we build a vibrant, dynamic Jewish state in an inhospita­ble environment … We have a long historical perspective. We’ve come back to our land, restored our independence, built up our capacity to defend ourselves, built an indus­try, built technology, built an army second to none, in or­der to assure the future of the Jewish state, and I’ll tell you, that’s the only hope for peace too, because nobody will make peace with a weak Israel. They’ll make peace with a strong Israel, a very strong Israel. That’s the hope of the future.” (The International Jerusalem Post, January 18-24, 2013, p. 10)

Notice that when the nations mentioned in Ezekiel 38-39 invade Israel, the Bible says they will come at a time when Israel will be dwelling safely in the land. (Ezekiel 38:8, 14) It is my opinion that the use of the Hebrew word that is translated “safely” carries the idea of the confidence of security. It does not necessitate that Israel has no enemies or is dwelling in total peace with no real threat. There­fore, it is apparent that the current level of confidence in their military ability to defend themselves is the exact kind of attitude that Ezekiel spoke about concerning Israel in these last days.

Dealing with the Iranian Threat

According to Israel Today, “The Obama Administration keeps insisting that it will never allow Iran to attain nucle­ar weapons, but Israel is growing increasingly concerned that Washington has in fact resigned itself to the idea of a nuclear-armed Iran. Recently, an Obama-linked think tank issued a report suggesting that there was little to fear from a nuclear Iran.” (www.israeltoday.co.il, March 1, 2013) This confrontation will continue to escalate and ultimately produce the war mentioned in Ezekiel 38-39.

All of this is very interesting in light of the fact that Russia and Iran signed an agreement in February to form a “strategic partnership.” Furthermore, “Iran played host to Russian warships visiting Bandar Abbas on the Strait of Hormuz, in what looks like the opening gambit for a Rus­sian naval presence in the strategic waterway.” (Joel C. Rosenberg’s Blog, February 14, 2013)

Major Earthquake and Volcanic Activity

Several leading scientists are warning that earth is expe­riencing a very dangerous swarm of several massive earthquakes. During the month of February, there were 39 major quakes in two days. There were two massive quakes measuring 8.8 and 8.2 on the Richter scale, fol­lowed by three powerful quakes in Mexico, all within a few hours. On February 5, 2013, Gheorghe Marmureanu, from Romania’s National Institute of Earth Physics, com­mented: “There is no doubt that something is seriously wrong. There have been too many strong earthquakes. … The quakes are a surprise that cannot be easily explained by current scientific knowledge. With the Indonesian quake for example, statistically, there should be one big earthquake in this part of Asia every 500 years. However, since 2004, there were already three quakes with a magni­tude of over 8, which is not normal.” (www.croatiantimes.com, February 5, 2013)

Another geological website commented: “Nearly all of the planet’s current 15 tectonic plates, and in some cases, sub-plates and volcanic arcs are heavily stressed by recent violent mobility of tectonic plates shaken by earthquakes. I’ve never quite seen a pattern this fraught with potential hazards or as heavily laden with seismic tension. The planet is now experiencing a major geological crisis, and it’s showing some indication of worsening.” (www.theextinctionprotocol.wordpress.com, February 2, 2013)

This report raises the eyebrows of the Bible prophecy student. According to Jesus, one of the powerful signs of the last days will be the increase of massive earthquakes in different places. (Matthew 24:7; Mark 13:8; Luke 21:11) According to the Bible, there will be at least three global earthquakes in the last days. (Ezekiel 38:19-20; Revela­tion 6:12-17; 16:17-21) Therefore, the words of these leading geologists are very clear indicators that we are rapidly moving toward the geological upheaval that the Bible predicted.

Get ready for the shout that will take us out!