The Approaching Global Islamic Jihad
“And there went out another horse that was red; and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.” – Revelation 6:4
By Mike Wingfield
We are at war, while most of the free world is in a moral stupor concerning Islamic jihad! The world refuses to recognize that a deadly political and religious ideology called Islam has renewed an ancient declaration of war against those who refuse to submit to its beliefs and way of life. Since 9/11 the world has had numerous daily reminders, like the recent terrorist attacks in France, to remind us of this reality. Islamic terrorists have carried out more than 25,000 attacks around the world since 9/11. ( I believe, according to the Bible, that when the end of this age comes, the entire world will experience the brutal and savage attacks of Islamic jihad warriors. This will account for much of the massive global death toll of the entire 7-year Tribulation Period.
After the January massacres by militant Muslims at the magazine Charlie Hebdo and a kosher supermarket in France, there was a massive international demonstration in Paris. Four million people participated in the march to voice their opposition to the violence perpetrated against innocent French civilians. However, many who joined the protest were Muslims who support Islamic jihad. Comments by the French leaders made no mention of Islamic jihad or anti-Semitism. “The words ‘Islam’ and ‘jihadist’ were not mentioned. President François Hollande said, against all evidence, ‘Those who committed these acts have nothing to do with Islam.’” (, January 19, 2015)
In September 2014, President Obama stated in one of his speeches that the ISIS terrorist group that is marching across Syria and Iraq, brutally killing thousands of innocent people in the name of Allah, “is not Islamic.” (, September 10, 2014) He totally disregards the reality of their self-appointed name, “the Islamic State,” and their mimicking of Islamic history, traditions, and doctrine.
Comments by these two world leaders clearly demonstrate that the West is in utter denial of the threat of militant Islam. The Obama administration has attempted to remove any connection between Islam and the brutal acts of terrorism that are sweeping across the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and the entire world. Not only is the West in denial, but it is attempting to appease Islam, thinking it will eventually curtail the march of these Islamic death squads across the globe. History demonstrates that such appeasement never works.
It is true that there is an overwhelming number of Muslims who do not practice jihad. Some are silent because if they speak out against these jihadists they will also become the target of Islamic terrorism. However, most of these silent Muslims support Islam’s goal of ultimate global domination. In other words, they support the eventual subjugation of all nations to Islam, but may disagree on the methodology of how to achieve it.
Most of the world is walking in spiritual darkness and does not understand that global jihad is a warning flare, signaling that the Tribulation Period is about to begin. It is my understanding that militant Islam will play a major role in the godless world system of the final seven years of man’s control of this planet.
I believe the religious system that is called “MYSTERY BABYLON” in Revelation 17:5 is Islam. In light of ancient Biblical customs, it is clear that the imagery in this text points to a religion. This religion is centered in a desert (Revelation 17:3), kills believers in Jesus Christ (Revelation 17:6) by decapitation (Revelation 20:4), and has a resource (oil) transported by sea that makes political leaders, merchants, and marine transporters rich. (Revelation 18:9-20) When the Bible student examines the Old Testament passages that are quoted and alluded to by the Apostle John in his references to Babylon, it becomes clear that he is talking about a religion that is centered in the Middle East, and especially in Iraq. For example, when the final destruction of Babylon comes in the Tribulation Period, as described in Isaiah 13, Jeremiah 50-51 and Revelation 18, it will be completely devastated. No one will ever inhabit that region again, even during the Millennial Kingdom. (Isaiah 13:19-20; 34:1-10; Jeremiah 51:24-26; Revelation 19:3) Isaiah declared: “neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there; neither shall the shepherds make there fold there.” (Isaiah 13:20)
When you connect all of these dots, they point to only one religious power structure in the world – Islam. It is not an accident that in the last 40 years Islam has been riding a very powerful revival, like a tsunami crashing into the nations with devastating impact. Massive numbers of Muslim immigrants are flooding the Western nations with the goal of bringing radical change that will ultimately bring them into submission to Islam. The fact that Islam is the fasting-growing religion in the world, while Biblical Christianity is being rejected, certainly shines a light into the spiritual darkness of the approaching Tribulation Period.
The worship of the crescent moon god did not begin with the creation of Islam about 1,300 years ago. In recent decades, archaeologists have uncovered the crescent moon symbol and linked it to various pagan gods who were worshiped over 3,000 years ago in Turkey, Egypt, Syria, Canaan, Assyria and Babylon. The traditions, teachings, and practices of Islam are a revival of the religion of their Arab ancestors in Old Testament times. (Revelation 18:24)
In Revelation 17-18, the Apostle John depicted this false religion as a woman riding a beast with seven heads and ten horns. Those who have studied this imagery, beginning in Daniel 7 and Revelation 13, agree that this beast represents the final one-world government that will “devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it into pieces.” (Daniel 7:23) This final global kingdom will be assaulted by the Antichrist, finally conquering it by the mid-point of the seven-year Tribulation Period. The Antichrist will rule over all nations for 42 months, the final half of this horrific period on earth. (Revelation 13:5-7) It is worth noting that this final kingdom and its ruler are depicted as being controlled by the religious system. Notice that the woman (religion) is pictured riding the beast (political kingdom of the Antichrist). Thus, the Antichrist and his kingdom will be in submission to the one-world religion, which is Islam.
There are several Biblical clues that point to the Antichrist being an Islamic caliphate (dictator). In Isaiah 14:4 he is given the title: “the king of Babylon.” In Daniel 11, the Antichrist will have no respect for other gods. (verse 37) He will not have any respect for women. (verse 37) He will honor a god of military might. (verse 38) He will promise peace, while strategizing the destruction of many. (Daniel 8:25) He will blaspheme the God of the Bible. (Revelation 13:6) The Antichrist will declare war on believers in Jesus Christ. He will kill those who refuse to submit to his authority and his god. (Revelation 13:15)
The primary focus of the Antichrist will be upon Israel. He will seek to divide the land of Israel. (Daniel 11:39) Once he has attained world power, he will break his false covenant with Israel and take control of the Temple Mount and the Jewish temple located there. (Daniel 9:27) He will seek to capture and kill Jewish believers in Jesus, who will flee from him. (Matthew 24:15-20) In light of current developments in the Middle East, this clearly points to the Muslim identity of the Antichrist.
The understanding of the opening events in the Tribulation Period in Revelation 6:1-11 must be viewed in light of the larger Biblical context. Depicted as four horsemen, a very powerful military force will rapidly move across the nations of the world. This force will use its militant power, while preaching a message of peace, to take political control of the world. The net result of this militant global attack will shatter world peace and the economy of the world. In the wake of this global attack, one-fourth of the world’s population will die.
In my opinion, these four horsemen represent the impact of global Islamic jihad at the beginning of the Tribulation Period. First, it is important to establish that the opening of the seal judgments in Revelation 6 represents the inauguration of the Tribulation Period. In order to grasp this, the Bible student must examine the context of this passage. Remember that in this book, the Apostle John has been transported into the future day of the Lord. (Revelation 1:10) He is given the assignment to write down what he experienced in his walk through the present and the future. (Revelation 1:19) In chapters four and five, John is in heaven. He first reports what he saw and heard around the throne of God. In these chapters John reports that he saw a group, called the 24 elders, who had been judged, received their crowns, and cast them at the feet of their Lord in heaven. In Revelation 5:9-10, we are told that this group of 24 elders represents a redeemed group of believers who are kings and priests from all the nations in the world. This must be a reference to the church, which has been raptured and judged. It must be noted, according to the Bible, that all believers are not judged and do not receive their rewards until after their resurrection. Therefore, the chronology of events in Revelation 4-6 demands that the church will be raptured before the Tribulation Period begins!
After John’s picture of the church’s worship around the throne, in chapter five, John focuses upon a little scroll with seven seals upon it. In light of Biblical customs and the subsequent results of opening these seals, it is apparent that this scroll represents the title deed to the universe. The action of Jesus taking this scroll from His Father and opening the seals is very significant. The breaking of these seals represents the sovereign judgment of our Lord upon the nations. He is literally taking control of the governments of this world. This is declared by the voices in heaven in Revelation 11:15: “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever.”
In light of this, the breaking of these seals represents the opening events of the Lord’s judgment upon the nations. Notice that before each rider proceeds upon the earth, they are commanded by Jesus to “come.” (Revelation 6:1, 3, 5, 7) As believers in Jesus Christ, we should take great comfort in the fact that all that is happening now, and at the beginning of the Tribulation Period, is under the control of the King of heaven. Jesus Christ is Lord of all.
Now, let us turn our attention to identifying who the four horsemen in Revelation 6 represent. A casual reading of this text clearly indicates that these horsemen represent the brutal acts of militant people at the beginning of the Tribulation. In light of the broader context of Biblical customs, horses represent military conquest. For example, Proverbs 21:31 declares: “The horse is prepared against the day of battle.” In light of the wars of the last days mentioned in the Bible, all of the wars and rumors of wars are mainly focused upon Israel. Notice that in the Battle of Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38-39, the Islamic nations that invade Israel are depicted as coming on horses. (Ezekiel 38:4, 15; 39:20) It is worth noting that all of the nations that are named that come with the Antichrist against Israel at Armageddon are Muslim nations. (Psalm 83; Isaiah 63:1; Joel 3:4, 19) The Islamic nations at Armageddon are pictured as coming on horses. (Revelation19:18) Therefore, to be consistent with this Biblical context, it is proper to view the four horsemen in Revelation 6 as the global militant advances of Islam at the opening of the Tribulation Period. With this in mind, let us examine the Biblical text about these opening events of the Tribulation Period.
White Horse- Islamic Caliphate Restored
Revelation 6:1-2
Many conservative Biblical scholars agree that the rider on this horse is the Antichrist. Some have thought that this rider is Jesus Christ. However, this cannot be the proper interpretation. First, Jesus is the Lamb in heaven who opens these seals. He is not the rider on the white horse on earth. Jesus descends from heaven on a white horse at the end of the Tribulation Period. (Revelation 19:11) According to Islamic tradition and teaching, when their messiah arrives – the Madhi – he will appear on a white horse.
Notice that he is pictured as having a bow, with no mention of arrows. Many have correctly interpreted this as a reference to the peaceful promises of the Antichrist. The Antichrist will portray himself as a man of peace, while he will really be a man of war. Daniel 8:25 states: “by peace [he] shall destroy many.” Islam continually proclaims that it is a religion of peace. However, in reality, the doctrine of Islam divides the world into two houses: “the house of peace” (for all Muslims in submission to all of Allah’s commands) and “the house of war” (for all infidels and moderate Muslims who will not submit to the laws of Allah). This is the very doctrine that is being applied in the nations by militant Islam.
Next, notice that Revelation 6:2 states “and a crown was given unto him.” The Greek word that is translated “crown” speaks of an overcomer who has won a military conquest. This is exactly what many Muslims are expecting. Islam teaches that through Islamic jihad, Muslims will conquer the world and force the nations to submit to the rule of an Islamic caliphate (dictator). This is a system of government that is based upon the Koran as dictated by a recognized leader who is a descendant of the prophet Mohammed. This system is in some ways very similar to the socialist system of government, where a very few rule over the masses and control every facet of their lives.
The Biblical text continues, “and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.” (Revelation 6:2) This simply means that the objective of this one on the white horse will be military conquest that will lead to political domination. The doctrine of militant jihad against infidels and apostate Muslims is a major teaching in the Koran. There are 164 verses in the Koran that teach Islamic jihad as it was practiced by the founder of this religion, Mohammed. (
Red Horse- The Beginning of Global
Islamic Jihad
Revelation 6:3-4
The rider of the red horse must also be a representation of Islam. Revelation 6:4 states: “And there went out another horse that was red…” The Greek word “another” means “same as the other.” So, if the first horse represents Islam, then the second one must also be connected to this religion.
Notice this rider is given “a great sword” with which he will “take peace from the earth,” as people “kill one another.” (Revelation 6:4) The Greek word translated “sword” does not refer to the long saber type of sword that was used in ancient military conflict. The word used here refers to a short dagger, which was the weapon of assassins. Here this represents violent massacres and terrorism that will be characteristic of the jihad type of guerrilla warfare against the infidel nations.
In addition to this, the recognized symbol of Islam is the sword of Allah. It appears on many flags and banners of militant Islam. For example, look at the flag of Saudi Arabia, and the emblem of the Muslim Brotherhood.
“The swords [on the Muslim Brotherhood emblem] reinforce the group’s militancy and, as traditional weapons, symbolize historic Islam. They also reinforce the group’s commitment to jihad. The Koran denotes the group’s spiritual foundation. The motto, “Be prepared,” is a reference to a Koranic verse that talks of preparing to fight the enemies of God.” Copied from:
Islamic jihad is gradually changing the face of the globe. The events in Syria and Iraq perpetrated by the Islamic State give us a glimpse into the kind of events that will become global at the beginning of the Tribulation Period.
Black Horse- Global Sharia Law Declared
Revelation 6:5-6
When Muslim forces are successful in conquering an area, it is their goal to immediately declare sharia law (the law of the Koran). Notice that the rider of this black horse has a pair of balances in his hand. The pair of balances represents the control of commerce and the economy, which is one of the chief goals of Islam, and is implemented as a part of sharia law. Sharia banking is a system that is sweeping the world. It is a dictatorial system of Islamic economic applications based upon the Koran.
According to the context, all of this will come at a time of famine and global economic upheaval. We cannot be sure if the famine and economic upheaval precede the beginning of global Islamic jihad, or if the famine and economic collapse are a result of the jihad. It could go either way. However, it is most interesting to observe that in the war-torn areas that the Islamic State controls there is great concern of a collapse of the economy and agriculture. Some are predicting that the shortage of food in the areas controlled by the Islamic State could result in famine, which could cause malnutrition that could trigger the eruption of diseases. (See Revelation 6:8.)
According to Revelation 6:6, the areas that are impacted by global jihad could suffer to the point that a quart of wheat would cost the equivalent of a day’s wage. Think about it! A person would need to work all day to buy about two loaves of wheat bread. About one-half of the world’s population, many of them forcefully living under sharia law, currently live on less than $2.50 per day. (
Pale Green Horse- Global Sharia
Law Implemented
Revelation 6:7-8
The color of the final horse is pale green. I personally do not believe that it is a coincidence that this is the official color of Islam. It is the color of their mosques, banners, and flags. Notice that in Revelation 6:8 the name of the person on this horse is “Death” and that “Hell followed with him.” A study of world history will show that Islam has a record of bloody jihad. Several sources provide statistical data to show that Islamic jihad has been responsible for 270 million killed in the last 1,400 years.
However, what is about to take place during the Tribulation Period is unprecedented. According to Revelation 6:8, near the beginning of the Tribulation Period one-fourth of the global population will be killed. Shortly after the Rapture of the church, the remaining global population of 7 billion will face the most brutal killing rampage in the history of mankind. Approximately 1.5 billion people, will die in the opening months of this time. During this time, millions from around the world will turn to Christ for salvation. Revelation 6:9-11 and 7:9-17 indicate that the major target of the Antichrist’s Islamic jihad will be the newly born-again believers in Jesus Christ. Observing what is happening now in Sudan, Nigeria, Syria, and Iraq, it is easy to understand how these developments will unfold at the beginning of the Tribulation Period.
There are many reports coming out of the Middle East about Muslims coming to Christ. It is apparent that in the midst of all of the jihad taking place, that Muslims are rejecting a message of hate and war for the message of love and eternal life found in the Jesus Christ. In the last few weeks I had the privilege of meeting with an Egyptian believer who lives in Cairo. He shared with me how hundreds of house churches are ministering to the growing number of former Muslims who are now believers in Jesus Christ. He shared with me how hungry these believers are for the Word of God. They constantly live under the shadow of persecution and death if they are discovered.
The liberal west continues to deny that terrorism is connected to the religion of Islam. They really do not recognize the threat that Islamic jihad is to the freedoms we have enjoyed in a country that was founded upon the Word of God. The godless leaders of the West have moved so far away from God that they have morally collapsed, calling good evil and evil good. This is really not a surprise to me. The book of Revelation repeatedly declares that the inhabitants of the world will be “intoxicated” with the religion that will dominate the world when the end has arrived. (Revelation 14:8; 17:2; and 18:3) The idea that they are intoxicated means they will be in a mental stupor and unaware of the dangerous realities before them.
I am convinced that our world is being shaped for the Tribulation Period as never before. The growing threat of Islamic jihad and the intoxication of the West to this danger tells me that our world is heading down a deadly corridor. Someday, the church will suddenly exit this world and the four horsemen of Revelation 6 will be ready to ride onto the stage of human history.
Friends, we have the only message of hope for our world. Jesus Christ is the only One who can set us free from our sins. (John 8:36) We have been commanded to take the gospel to the nations of the world. Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life. This is the message of the Bible. “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be save.” (Acts 4:12) “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.” (John 1:12-13)
Jesus demanded that His followers worship Him as God. He said: “Ye believe in God, believe also in me. …I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me. … he that hath seen me hath seen the Father.” (John 14:1, 6, 9) If Jesus is not God equal with the Father, then He is a liar or a lunatic. He cannot be just a great prophet. Prophets do not claim to be God. Jesus is not a liar, or a lunatic, or just a great prophet. He is God! If you do not believe that, then you are lost and on your way to eternal damnation.
As you are reading this newsletter, some believer is giving his life because he believes that Jesus Christ is God. Millions of believers have faced persecution and death because they know that Jesus died for them. They love Him so much they are willing to die for Him.
Please do not continue to walk in spiritual darkness. We are near the end of this age. Please confess that Jesus is God. He died on the cross for your sins. He arose from the grave three days later. He ascended back to His Father in heaven and is coming again. Soon! Are you ready for the shout that will take us out?
Massive Jewish Immigration
to Israel Under Way
Israel is preparing for a large wave of new immigrants from Europe. A recent survey indicates that one-half of Great Britain’s population is anti-Semitic. Consequently, one-fourth of Great Britain’s Jews are planning to immigrate to Israel.
A similar development is taking place in other European countries. French Jews are feeling that is no longer safe to remain in France. Hundreds of thousands of French Jews are in the process of making application to immigrate to Israel.
The International Jerusalem Report states: “The French situation is part of a broader European picture that stretches from Kiev to London. In the East, nationalist instability seems endemic, and is now coupled with economic failure underscored by collapsing currencies. In the West, growing social tensions between Muslim immigrants and indigenous Christians are making a growing number of Jews feel increasingly insecure.” (The International Jerusalem Post, January 23-29, 2015, pp. 16-17)
These movements are very significant in light of Biblical prophecy. When the millennial kingdom begins every Jew in the world will return to Israel. (Ezekiel 39:27-29) Today there are about 15 million Jewish people in the world and only 6.3 million of them are living in Israel. However, as the world’s economy collapses and anti-Semitism increases, we will witness a growing number of Jews that will return to their ancient homeland.
Russia and Iran Sign Military Pact
According to several sources, “Iran and Russia signed an agreement [on January 20, 2015] to expand military ties in a visit to Tehran by the Russian defense minister.
“Sergei Shoigu, in remarks carried by Russian news agencies, said Moscow wants to develop a “long-term and multifaceted” military relationship with Iran. He said that the new agreement includes expanded counter-terrorism cooperation, exchanges of military personnel for training purposes and an understanding for each country’s navy to more frequently use the other’s ports.” (Associated Press, January 20, 2015)
T hese kinds of agreements continue to forge the Gog and Magog alliance as mentioned in Ezekiel 38:1-6.
In addition to Russia’s military pact with Iran, we are witnessing the collapse of the Russian economy. With punishing financial sanctions against Russia due to her invasion of Ukraine and falling oil prices, Russia’s currency is in a free-fall. This is also significant because according to Ezekiel 38:12-13, one of the major reasons for Russia to join the militant Islamic nations in an invasion of Israel is to take a great economic spoil from Israel.
In light of these reports, it does seem that Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya, and Sudan are being prepared for their supernatural defeat in the land of Israel.