September 2016
Published 10 times annually
All Bible references are from the KJV
(Examining Current Events in the Light of Bible Prophecy)
P.O. Box 13006, Roanoke, VA 24030-3006
The Next U.S. President
By Mike Wingfield
It is my heartfelt opinion that America is facing the most critical election in its 240-year history this November. The next American president will face the greatest challenge of any president in our nation’s history! Our next president will inherit a nation that is politically and racially divided, spiritually pagan, morally corrupt, and financially bankrupt. Our nation is rotting on the inside and is dangerously close to the spiritual point of no return. It is highly likely that this nation may face a complete financial collapse during the term of this next president. The decisions that the next president will make will set the course for America in these last days. Therefore, the choice the American people make is very critical.
To make matters even more precarious, our world has entered a very turbulent era that is radically changing the world order. The Middle East is experiencing violent upheaval as the Muslim world is at war with itself. The more radical elements of Islam, which are interpreting the Koran literally, and are mimicking their founding prophet, Muhammad, are attacking the more moderate Muslims in the region. The aim of the radicals, like the Islamic State, is to force the Islamic world, and all other nations, to openly and completely embrace the beginning of a global Islamic Empire. They want the nations of the world to strictly adhere to the teachings of the Koran and Sharia law. In essence, this is a very serious attempt to destroy modern Western civilization, as experienced in the last 100 years.
As we face this next election, Europe is being flooded with Muslim refugees from the war-torn regions of the Middle East and Africa. At the same time, radical Muslims, being guided by the presence of Islamic terrorist groups in Europe, are killing and terrorizing Europeans. These developments should send a strong warning to Americans. Unless the policies of our current and incoming administrations in Washington change, the terrorist attacks that have occurred on American soil will continue to increase in number and magnitude.
In the last seven years, our current administration in Washington has radically altered our relationship with the nations in the Middle East. We have treated our former friends like enemies, and our former enemies have now become our friends. We agreed with China and Russia to allow Iran, the world’s greatest exporter of Islamic terrorism, to continue its production of nuclear material. In essence, this agreement allows Iran to develop nuclear weapons in 10-15 years if they keep the agreement, or sooner if they do not. We continue to turn a blind eye toward the radical enemies of Israel, while demanding that Israel surrender a vital part of its ancient homeland so that another radical terrorist state, Palestine, can be created.
We must pray that the next president will reverse the current U.S. Middle Eastern policies. In God’s sovereign administration of the nations, the Lord has declared that He has chosen a people and a land to display His glory and faithfulness to the nations. The Bible affirms, as history demonstrates, that all nations receive divine attention on the basis of how they support or oppose God’s chosen people, Israel, and His Holy Land. (Genesis 12:3) The present administration is strengthening the enemies of Israel and undermining the security of our only democratic ally in the Middle East. In essence, America is standing on the wrong side of freedom and evil in the Middle East! We are making our world a very dangerous place to live. We are inviting the judgment of God upon America and our world.
Furthermore, the lack of intervention of the U.S. to deal with the Islamic State and President Bashar al-Assad in Syria, has demonstrated the weakness of America. Consequently, Russia has reasserted itself in the affairs of the Middle East. This is not good for America or the nations of the Middle East, especially Israel. Communist Russia has not given up its desire to rule the world. It is very apparent that Russia is joining hands with the radical Islamic elements in the Middle East who have the same goal, especially Iran and Turkey. (Read Ezekiel 38.)
We need to pray that the next U.S. president will reverse the current policies in Washington that have favored Islam over Christianity. President Obama’s appointments of Muslims to key positions in his administration and his repeated open remarks that defend Islam, demonstrate that he has a Muslim heart. Freedom and democracy are founded upon the Bible and are completely foreign to the teachings of the Koran. Examine the history and current political structure of the Islamic nations in the Middle East. At best, some of the nations in the Middle East have a form of democratic socialism. The culture and political policies of the nations in the Middle East are governed by the political and religious ideologies of Islam. True democracy cannot exist where the law of the Koran rules in a culture.
The church needs a friend in the White House. Christians need to be able to exercise their religious freedoms in public, as we have done for hundreds of years. Our men and women in the military need to be able to openly share their faith without fear of being court marshaled. The Bible exhorts us to pray for our political leaders so “that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” (1 Timothy 2:2)
Our Biblically-based culture is dying. We are currently witnessing moral madness in America. Good has become evil, and evil has become good. An examination of the moral landscape of America will reveal that these godless people who are taking a wrecking ball to America are accomplishing their agenda. They do not want you to think about the lessons we should learn from ancient history or the warnings given in the Bible. I have had the privilege to travel to many of the countries where ancient superpowers existed – Israel, Egypt, Turkey, and Greece. I have personally examined the archeological remains that give silent testimony to the destruction that came to those societies from within because of the moral decline of their culture. The overarching testimony of the historical record of these societies illustrates the warnings that are repeatedly spelled out in the eternal, changeless Word of God. “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap [moral] corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” (Galatians 6:7-8)
Both the church and civil government have been designed and called by God to be His servants. Each believer has been called by God to have a different, but complementary, role in society for the glory of God and the good of man. The church is the spiritual body of Christ on earth. This body of believers is to be salt and light in a spiritually dark world so that “they may see [our] good works, and glorify [our] Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16) Not only are we to be light, we are to speak the truth in love, proclaim the gospel, and teach them “all things” commanded by Christ. (Matthew 28:19-20) In essence, the church is running a spiritual rescue mission on earth, bringing people to salvation in Christ by its lifestyle and message. As a complement to this, God has created human government to maintain a moral framework of goodness and order to protect people from evil. (Romans 13:4) Leaders of civil government are “ordained of God” to be a “minister of God.” (Romans 13:1-6) When civil government fulfills its God-ordained role, it will exercise the authority delegated to it by the Lord. That authority should operate within the boundaries of the law of God. There is no legitimate authority outside of the One who is the Creator and Sustainer of the universe – Jesus Christ. He has declared: “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” (Matthew 28:18) Please notice that in the context of Romans 13, the Spirit of God directly connects all of this in the verses 8-10. Please take time to read these verses. It is not a coincidence that those who are attempting to reorder our society are in direct opposition to the God of the Bible. Moreover, they object to His commandments, in general, and to the Ten Commandments in particular.
They may not know it, but all who are opposed to God in government are setting the stage for the final satanic push in a demonic plot to overthrow God and create the final New World Order, which will be crushed by Jesus Christ in the end. Notice how the Psalmist predicted all of this in Psalm 2:1-3: “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed [Messiah], saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.” The people of the world and their leaders, as predicted by the Psalmist, are demanding to be to set free from the binding commandments of their Creator.
Many believers in America are greatly dissatisfied with both candidates in this election. Both candidates, from a Biblical standpoint, have serious flaws and issues. Because of this, some have expressed to me that they cannot vote for either candidate with a clear conscience. However, I believe that for the glory of God, the protection of the church, the religious freedoms we enjoy, and the love for our fellow Americans, we must vote for the best candidate that will be the closest to agreeing with the eternal and unchanging Biblical laws and standards clearly spelled out in the Bible. For righteous people to not vote is the same as voluntarily surrendering our country to the forces of evil that are eroding our freedoms and promoting a godless agenda. I refuse to believe that both candidates would equally govern America. As believers, we must think Biblically. We must listen to the candidates and prayerfully consider which one is more likely to lead our country down the path of lesser evil. I have prepared this newsletter to help us think about all of this and to guide our decision concerning the candidate for whom we should vote. Please remember, God is not a Republican or Democrat.
As a Christian, my first obligation is to the Lord Jesus Christ, and my citizenship is in heaven. (Philippians 3:20) My eternal address is in heaven where Jesus has prepared a place for me. (John 14:2-3) However, at the same time, I also have a temporary address here on this earth. And the Bible clearly tells me that it is God’s will for me to be His ambassador while I am living on this earth. (2 Corinthians 5:20) Furthermore, the Bible instructs all Christians to love their neighbors (Romans 13:8-10), have a burden for their own people (Romans 9:1-5; 10:1), render service, honor and support their government (Matthew 22:21; Romans 13:6-7; 1 Peter 2:13-17), and pray for those who have civil authority over them. (1 Timothy 2:1-4) [Remember that these commands were given to believers who were under the oppression of the evil and godless Roman Empire.] Jesus clearly stated that our greatest priority is to love Him first. He also said the second greatest commandment is to love our neighbor as ourselves. (Matthew 22:37-39) Loving our fellow Americans means we should be concerned about where they will spend eternity, while meeting the needs they have now. Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., the president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, comments about all of this in his excellent book, Culture Shift: “We love our neighbor because we first love God. In His sovereignty, our Creator has put us within our cultural context in order that we may display His glory by preaching the gospel, confronting persons with God’s truth, and serving as agents of salt and light in a dark and fallen world. In other words, love of God leads us to love our neighbor, and love of neighbor requires our participation in the culture and in the political process.” (R. Albert Mohler Jr, Culture Shift, p. 2)
In the Bible, the great godly prophet of God, Daniel, provides us with an example of Mohler’s statements. While living in exile in a pagan culture in Babylon, Daniel was very careful to not allow his surroundings to influence or change his commitment to his God. (Daniel 1:9-21; 6:1-24) As the Lord gave him great wisdom, Daniel accepted the opportunity the Lord gave him to serve in the government of two pagan kingdoms. He served as “ruler over the whole province of Babylon, and the chief of the governors over all the wise men of Babylon.” (Daniel 2:48) Several years later, after the Babylonian Empire was consumed by the Persian Empire, God gave Daniel an opportunity to serve in a very significant role in the administration of the Persian government. (Daniel 6:1-3) It is very obvious that Daniel did not see a conflict in his personal devotion to the Lord and his service to the people as a civil ruler in these pagan government administrations.
Like Daniel, we should prayerfully be involved in the political and social arenas to make an impact in our neighborhoods and nation, but not because we think that real change can come about through this process alone. We must realize that our ultimate goal is the salvation of individual Americans for God’s glory and their good – now and for eternity. What does this have to do with our involvement in the political and social arenas? We need to understand that the Holy Spirit brings people to salvation by convicting them of their sin. He makes them realize that the ultimate result of all sin is death. (John 16:8-11; Romans 6:23) The Holy Spirit works through people’s individual conscience, turning them from evil and drawing them to the goodness of God’s grace through His Son, Jesus Christ. When a culture is immersed in spiritual darkness, its people openly embrace what is evil. This leads to an eventual rejection of the revelation of truth that clearly distinguishes between right and wrong. In other words, people’s consciences are seared. (1 Timothy 4:1-3) In effect, this hinders the work of the Holy Spirit by not allowing Him to convict them of sin and bring them to salvation in Christ. People who reach this level of a numbed conscience no longer see the dangers of sin. They are not interested in spiritual things and do not think about eternal matters. Their lives focus upon instant gratification. Therefore, anything we can do to help create and maintain a government that promotes laws that reflect God’s moral standards will in some way help to superficially hold back the tide of filth and violence that defiles the consciences of men, hindering the work of the Holy Spirit to convict them of their sins.
As we approach the November elections in the U.S., it is very important for us to select the candidate that is most likely to promote God’s moral laws. However, we live in an era where utmost priority is placed upon selecting candidates who espouse the best political policies that could improve our financial future. We must realize that it is God, not man, who controls the wealth of people. The Lord is the One who dispenses wealth and takes it away. (Job 1:21) All wealth belongs to the Lord. (Haggai 2:8) It is the Lord’s sovereign choice to give wealth to both the godly and ungodly.
My friends, America is spiritually dark, morally and financially bankrupt. We are deeply divided politically and racially. Our nation is self-imploding at this very hour. And sadly, the church is standing idle and dumb-founded like it either does not care, or know what to do. Part of the problem is that many of the professing Christians, including their leadership, are following the godless American culture and have departed from God. In other words, the world has crept into the church. The first order of business is REPENTANCE! It needs to start with leadership and filter down into the pews, youth groups, and Sunday School classes of our churches. If the church would read, study, and obey 1 Peter 1:13-2:3, there could be hope for a real revival in America. This is America’s only hope! The greatest need is not a better president or economy! The problem is in the church. We are the light!
However, the revival of the church is only part of the solution. It is my opinion that we also need to pray for the Lord to raise up godly men to serve Him in governments from the local to the national level. The church has been wrong to ignore and avoid the subject of government and politics. Once again, read Romans 13:1-4. Government officials are ordained of God to keep the peace and provide a framework of decency that allows us to “lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” (1 Timothy 2:2) As mentioned before, we must be motivated by a love for our neighbors that will stimulate us to action for their good, both now and in eternity. This is not a message of a social gospel that loses sight of the desperate need for the salvation of mankind. Our priority is not with the temporary problems and needs of mankind. But we must not neglect the needs of those around us. In many Biblical passages, a compassionate response to someone’s temporal needs is a measure of the commitment of our faith and/or our response to the more important eternal needs of those around us. (Psalm 82:3-4; Proverbs 19:17; Luke 10:25-37; 1 Timothy 5:8; James 1:27; 1 John 3:16-18)
Many American believers are disillusioned with the political process in America. They have decided that it is not worth their effort to get involved. However, we might also be discouraged about the failure of marriage in our country, but that does not excuse us from supporting the Biblical view of marriage, and promoting it among our family and friends.
Psalm 11:3 asks a very relevant question: “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Many Bible scholars believe that “the foundations” in this text are the social order and moral laws that protect a culture from collapse from within. Obviously, in the case for our country, this would be a reference to the U.S. Constitution, which is based upon the timeless laws of God in the Bible. Therefore, the Psalmist is saying that when a culture turns from its godly order and morals, the righteous people are hindered in the work they can do for God. This being said, it is of extreme importance that we ask ourselves, “which presidential candidate will best uphold the U.S. constitution and select Supreme Court justices that will do the same?” We must remember that the next president will probably appoint several Supreme Court justices. If this develops, the next sitting president will leave his/her mark upon America for several decades. It is very important that we elect a president that will uphold the historical conservative interpretation of the constitution.
I have heard some believers say that their conscience will not allow them to vote in this election because both candidates are evil. I must admit that I am greatly disappointed that we do not have a righteous candidate for the office of president at this time. However, I will vote, not because one candidate is evil and the other is righteous. I will vote for the candidate that I believe will best defend the U.S. Constitution, promote God’s moral laws, and protect the United States from the evil agenda of the New World Order and all those who want to harm us. I will vote for the candidate that will lead America to promote this country, rather than the will of the United Nations. I will vote for the candidate who will best uphold Biblically-defined marriage, oppose abortion, and nominate Supreme Court justices that will historically interpret the U.S. Constitution as intended by those who framed it. I will vote for the candidate that will be a friend of the church and will stop the favoritism being shown to Islam in America.
America has never had a president who has not been evil in some way. According to the Bible, evil resides in the heart of all human beings. (Jeremiah 17:9; Mark 7:21-23) Apart from the work of the Holy Spirit, it is impossible for a person to do “good.” (Romans 3:12) However, not all evil is equal in the sight of God. A study of the kings of Israel and Judah reveals that some kings were more evil than others. In some cases, some of the best kings of God’s chosen people did evil things that were unacceptable to God. For example, King Solomon had many wives who turned his heart away from God. Because of this, the Bible says, “And Solomon did evil in the sight of the LORD, and went not fully after the LORD, as did David his father.” (1 Kings 11:6)
God allowed Solomon to have the highest privilege of building the original Jewish temple in Jerusalem (1 Kings 6; 2 Chronicles 2-6), in spite of the fact that God knew about the moral failures and love for wealth and pleasure that would plague Solomon in the latter years of his reign. (Ecclesiastes 2:4-10). Solomon was also instrumental in leading Israel to the pinnacle of its power and influence in all of the history of the nation of Israel.
I am not suggesting that God overlooks any evil. We must remember that the Lord is the One who removes and establishes those in civil government. (Daniel 2:21) Proverbs 21:1 declares: “The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.”
It is God’s perfect will to have righteous men to govern people and apply His divine law in the process. However, He does permit unrighteous men to govern as well. Obviously, God expects us to choose His perfect will if at all possible. It seems to me that it is our moral obligation to exercise our privilege to vote for the candidates that will promote and defend the laws that are the closest to glorifying God and honoring the eternal moral standards of our holy God.
The great revivalist, Charles Finney, once said: “The church must take right ground in regard to politics. … Politics are part of a religion in such a country as this, and Christians must do their duty to the country as part of their duty to God. .. He [God] will bless or curse this nation, according to the course they [Christians] take in [politics].” (David Barton, America’s Godly Heritage, p. 29)
Suggested Biblical Voting Guidelines
(Please make copies of this page and share it with your circle of influence.)
Christians need to remember as we vote, that we are making a choice for a president, not for a pastor. Presidents are not Biblically mandated to measure up to the Biblical qualifications of a pastor. Pastors lead the spiritual body of Christ. Presidents are called by God to lead a civil government. God has a divine purpose for all leaders. He can lead a president, even if he does not know Him. A great example of this is the pagan king of Persia, Cyrus (590-530 B.C.). (Ezra 1:1-4; Isaiah 45:1)
The following questions have been prepared to help us think about the choices we have before us for in this presidential election. These questions are worded so as to promote the candidate that best agrees with the Bible, its godly principles, the U.S. Constitution, and its historical heritage founded upon the freedoms that have made America great. Read each question and then after making a decision, write the name of the candidate at the end of each of the following 35 questions. If you do not have a clear choice for a particular question, leave that question blank. The one whose name appears the most in all of these questions should be the one you vote for. Personality, gender. and political party affiliation should not be major issues in this consideration.
Which candidate seems most respectful to Jesus and the Bible?
Which candidate will be the best friend to the church and Christians in America?
Which candidate would be the closest to uphold and promote the moral standards of the Bible?
Which candidate would be most likely to defend the Biblically defined marriage of one man and one woman?
Which candidate seems to have the best relationship with his/her spouse and family?
Which candidate seems to support pro-life, rather than abortion?
Which candidate seems to have the most devotion and love for America?
Which candidate will most likely protect and promote the U.S. Constitution, including the first and second amendments?
Which candidate will be most faithful to America, rather than advance the agenda of the United Nations?
Which candidate will offer the most opposition to the progress of the evil agenda of the New World Order?
Which candidate is less likely to promote the politically biased environmental issues to weaken America?
Which candidate will promote democracy and freedom, rather than progressive socialism?
Which candidate will be more inclined to stop promoting “big government?”
Which candidate seems to be less evil than the other?
Which candidate seems to be more truthful than the other?
Which candidate seems to best understand the threat of Islamic terrorism to America and the world?
Which candidate will call terrorism what it is — Islamic terrorism?
Which candidate will best support Israel’s occupation of the Promised Land and Jerusalem?
Which candidate seems to have the best overall ideas, goals, policies, and ambitions for America?
Which candidate will be most trustworthy to defend America against those who want to destroy us?
Which candidate can be trusted the most as the Commander in Chief of our armed forces?
Which candidate has the best policy for controlling the flow of refugees, or illegal aliens attempting to enter the U.S.?
Which candidate will best support our international allies and friends?
Which candidate has chosen the best all-around candidate to be his/her vice-president?
Which candidate will think first of America rather than his/her political party?
Which candidate will act in the best interest of America, rather than appease people to be liked or re-elected?
Which candidate is more likely to work with congress in leading the country instead of following party lines?
Which candidate will, in case of a vacancy, select a Supreme Court justice that will uphold the U.S. constitution?
Which candidate will surround himself/herself with cabinet appointees that will be true Americans?
Which candidate has the best working solutions to best help America’s failing economy?
Which candidate is most likely to stop adding to our national debt?
Which candidate seems to have the best common sense approach to solving America’s problems?
Which candidate will seek to become a leader for all Americans, not just some segment of America?
Which candidate seems to understand the dangers of promoting an entitlement mentality among Americans?
Which candidate’s lifestyle best illustrates trustworthiness to hold the highest political office in America?