September 2019
The Truth About Global Warming
By Mike Wingfield
We are coming to the end of one of the hottest summers I can remember. In fact, statistical data indicate this has been one of the hottest summers in 2,000 years. From Europe to the Arctic, new temperature records were set. According to the Times of Israel, three independent studies “showed that Earth’s temperature was warming at a rate and uniformity unparalleled in the past 2,000 years.” Obviously, this is creating a torrent of debate in political and scientific arenas about global warming. What are we to believe? What are we to do?
Is global warming a politicized hoax, or is it a reality that must be reckoned with? This is a very critical question that deserves an honest answer. The Bible gives us the answer. But does anyone care to listen to the warning from the Lord about global warming in the last days?
We live in a world filled with lies and deception. We must be careful to evaluate what we hear and believe. Real wisdom and truth comes from the Lord. In this newsletter, I want to guide us through the maze of questions, concerns, and misinformation that we are being fed about global warming. You might be saying, “Who cares about all of this? Let the scientists and politicians battle it out.” Be careful! This is a subject worth our consideration because the prophets of Israel recorded the truth about global warming as a warning from God. Our understanding of radical climate change is not just a critical fact we need to accept. These Biblical insights also have practical ramifications that we need to grasp in these last of the last days.
In recent years, I have been angered and bewildered at the discussions surrounding this subject. On one side of the issue we have world leaders and godless scientists promoting the idea that global warming trends of our day are the results of the greenhouse effect created by the burning of fossil fuels and methane gas that comes from burping and pooping cows. In essence, they claim that the emissions from our cars and cows are destroying the protective ozone in the upper atmosphere that shields us from dangerous rays and heat from the sun. In reality, they are exaggerating their findings to scare the public into surrendering their freedoms to political leaders who want to manipulate our lives and usher us into a godless man-made utopia, called socialism. History and the Bible demonstrate that this effort will end in death and disaster for billions of people in the last days.
On the other side of this issue we have well-meaning Christian leaders who are openly ignoring the reality of global warming. They claim it is a hoax. They argue that the earth has previously experienced times of climate change and that we are just passing through a solar cycle that will ultimately pass. While there might be some merit to their side of the debate, these same influential Christian leaders ignore what the prophetic Scriptures say about global warming and its connection to the wrathful judgment of God during the last days. With our Bibles in hand, let us examine the truth about global warming.
According to the context of many of the Bible’s prophetic passages, the global population living at the end of this age will face the wrathful judgment of God as a consequence of man’s wickedness and rebellion. During the first global judgment during the days of Noah, the Creator unleashed His creation against the inhabitants of earth. God told Noah, “The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth” (Genesis 6:13). In a matter of a few weeks, God emptied the water canopy above the earth and struck the earth with global earthquakes that released billions of tons of subterranean water with horrific and unparalleled force upon the face of the earth. Read Genesis 7:11. The face of the earth, along with all of the fossil records, bears testimony to this Biblical account. See the photo on this page.
The Bible warns us that during the final years of this age, called the Tribulation, God will once again unleash His creation against the global population. Isaiah 13:9 states, “Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.” This cataclysmic and horrifying period of time will include a multitude of natural disasters on a scale of which the earth has never experienced. These disasters will include earthquakes, volcanoes, and an assortment of disasters that will dramatically affect the climate and bring global warming.
The Bible clearly states that the Lord will judge those who are destroying the earth in the last days (Revelation 11:18). It is strange that many of the godless inhabitants of earth speak of it as a goddess. They commonly refer it as “Mother Earth.” This is nothing more than pagan idol worship. During President Barack Obama’s presidency “the top climate scientist for the U.N. at that time, Rajendra Pachauri, admitted: ‘The protection of planet Earth, the survival of all species and sustainability of our ecosystems is more than a mission. It is my religion and my dharma.’” (News blog from WorldNet Daily, January, 17, 2017)
Man continually speaks of saving earth, while destroying it at the same time with increasing amounts of pollution. For example, China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam dump 19 billion pounds of disposable plastic and other trash into the ocean every year! Some of this debris will remain in the oceans for decades to come. This threatens the delicate eco-system of the oceans. See the picture below. According to Revelation 11:18, this will be a part of God’s retribution.
God told the first couple, Adam and Eve, that they were responsible for the maintenance of their earthly environment (Genesis 2:15). The Bible teaches us that everything we enjoy belongs to God and it is our responsibility as human beings to manage God’s property. Psalm 24:1 declares, “The earth is the LORD’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” The earth belongs to the Lord. We are his tenants. We will answer to Him for how we have managed His property.
When the end of this age comes, the Lord will orchestrate His creation to humble humanity by using deadly elements of global warming to bring about suffering on a scale that man has never seen. Malachi 4:1 warns us, “For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven: and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up.” In a context that speaks of the horrific natural disasters of the last days, Isaiah 24:6 states, “Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.” Earlier in his prophetic book, Isaiah wrote about the intense heat of the Tribulation when he said, “… they shall be amazed at one another; their faces shall be as flames” (Isaiah 13:8).
The global warming of the Tribulation Period will intensify throughout the entire 7-year time of God’s wrathful judgment. During the last cycles of judgments, the Apostle John wrote, “And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory” (Revelation 16:8-9). When Christ returns at the end of the Tribulation, Isaiah revealed, “the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days” (Isaiah 30:26). Obviously, the intense light of the sun will be accompanied by tremendous heat. The world will suffer from the powerful heat of our Lord’s consuming fire. Psalm 97:3-5 declares, “A fire goeth before him, and burneth up his enemies round about. His lightnings enlightened the world: the earth saw, and trembled. The hills melted like wax at the presence of the LORD, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth.”
Global warming during the Tribulation will have a major impact upon the climate of planet earth. The polar caps will melt and cause ocean levels to rise around the world. In the very first book of God’s revelation, Job, we are told that God has reserved the treasures of ice [the polar caps] “against the time of trouble, against the day of battle and war” (Job 38:22-23). This mention of the time of trouble and war, in the light of the prophetic context of the Scriptures, is a reference to the time of the Tribulation. According to Amos 9:5-6, there will come a time when the Lord will touch the earth and there will be a melting that will cause the oceans to “rise up wholly like a flood; and shall be drowned, as by the flood of Egypt.” Many prophetic scholars correctly connect this prophecy with Job 38:22-23. In essence, these two passages indicate that the global warming of the last days will cause the polar caps to melt, resulting in the flooding of the coastal areas around the world.
This is a frightening prophecy. Antarctica alone contains 70 percent of all of the fresh water on earth. Consequently, should both polar caps melt it would cause the oceans to raise approximately 216 feet. About 44 percent of the global population lives in these coastal areas. These people would be forced to move inland. Three-fourths of the mega cities in the world would be underwater. The following U.S. cities would be under water: Boston, New York, Washington D.C., Miami, New Orleans, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle. [Someone needs to tell President Trump that he will not need to drain the swamp in D.C. because God is going to flood it!] Almost all of Florida will be under water.
Rising sea water will not be the world’s greatest problem. The rising temperatures will not only be uncomfortable, but it will bring death and famine. Once again, Malachi’s prophecy says that living on earth will be like being in an oven (Malachi 4:1).
Therefore, in light of the prophetic Scriptures, no one can deny that global warming is a reality. Many of the facts we are being given may be exaggerated or altered, but the reality of some level of global warming must be accepted.
The real debate lies in the causes for global warming. As previously mentioned, the global politicians and the godless scientists are proponents of climate change due to man-made causes. God does hold man accountable for destroying the earth, as pointed out in Revelation 11:18. However, the events of the end-times should be viewed as judgments of God that directly originate from His throne in heaven. Notice in Revelation 16:8 that the Lord gave one of His angels the ability “to scorch men with fire.”
After many years of study and prayerful contemplation, I have concluded that there are at least three major instruments of God’s creation that are ushering in global warming as a natural disaster of the end-times. Let us examine them.
I believe that one of the chief causes for global warming is fluctuations in the amount of heat released by the sun. Many proponents of global warming believe that sun spots, solar flares, and solar storms are the chief causes for the increase in heat released by the sun. While there is probably some truth to these theories, we must remember that the Lord created the sun and He controls its activity. Notice that the global heat mentioned in Revelation 16:8-9 is caused by God’s control of the sun. God, not man, has His hand upon earth’s thermostat.
Another known cause for global warming is volcanic eruptions. When a volcano erupts, it injects millions of tons of dangerous gases into the atmosphere. These gases destroy the protective ozone layer around the earth. As the ozone weakens, more radiation from the sun to enters earth’s atmosphere.
Moreover, most volcanoes also release millions of tons of volcanic ash into the atmosphere. This ash can collect, forming clouds that float around the earth for several years. These clouds, just like water clouds, shield the earth from the heat of the sun. Ironically, these ash clouds created by large volcanic eruptions can have a cooling impact upon the global climate.
During the Tribulation Period there will be a record-breaking number of global earthquakes that will trigger a massive number of volcanic eruptions. Early in the Tribulation, a massive global earthquake will be so great that it will move “every mountain and island … out of their places” (Revelation 6:14). Volcanoes triggered by this earthquake will create conditions so that “the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood” (Revelation 6:12). Obviously, these conditions will be created by massive amounts of volcanic ash in earth’s upper atmosphere.
Shortly thereafter, one-third of the earth’s surface will be shielded from the sun by these ash clouds (Revelation 8:12). These conditions will intensify and ultimately culminate in global darkness at the end of the Tribulation (Revelation 16:10). The end of the Tribulation will be known as “the cloudy and dark day” (Ezekiel 34:12). Describing this time, Jesus said, “Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light” (Matthew 24:29).
In an amazing passage that is very puzzling to many Bible commentators, the prophet Isaiah spoke of “the heat with the shadow of a cloud” (Isaiah 25:5). In Chapter 24 he spoke of the horrific impact of global earthquakes. In 24:6 he stated that “the inhabitants of earth are burned, and few men left.” So, Isaiah 25:1-8, goes on to describe a time of global judgment involving intense heat that will be like a cloud enveloping the earth. However, the nation of Israel will be excluded. The world will be suffering under conditions of wilting heat, drought, and famine, but Israel will be sheltered and it will enjoy a bountiful harvest of food (verse 6). In light of the prophetic Scriptures, the cloud or covering in this text will be the volcanic ash clouds previously mentioned in this article.
It is true that under current conditions massive ash clouds around the earth would create winter-like conditions, significantly lowering global temperatures. This seems to be a contradiction to the warnings of intense heat with the presence of these clouds that will produce heat during the last days. However, we must remember that the Tribulation Period will be unique in many ways. Mankind has never experienced the conditions that will prevail during this time of divine judgment. Therefore, while we cannot pretend to know how God will do this, we must believe what He has said.
I can think of one possible explanation for this apparent contradiction. Before the flood, a translucent water canopy surrounded the earth (Genesis 1:6-7). This canopy existed until the time of the global flood in Genesis 7, when God emptied it in 40 days. Before the global flood it had never rained. Conditions in the pre-flood world were different from our current conditions. It should be noted that man’s lifespan before the flood averaged 926 years. After the flood, the global death rate eventually decline to our present rate – 70-80 years. Therefore, many Bible scholars have concluded that the atmospheric conditions before the flood accounted for the longer lifespan of man. Atmospheric conditions may have also included more oxygen in the atmosphere and a greater barometric pressure that helped hold the water canopy in place. Medical research indicates that an increased pressure with slight increases in oxygen levels over a long period of time would have a radically favorable impact upon the life and health of mankind.
During the time of the millennial kingdom, the lifespan of man will once again return to the pre-flood records. Isaiah 65:20 says, “There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed.” A few verses later, Isaiah declared, “for as the days of a tree are the days of my people” (Isaiah 65:22). This would lead one to believe that atmospheric conditions of earth will be restored to similar conditions as in the early chapters of the Bible. It is my observation that two conditions that will take place during the Tribulation might possibly indicate that the water canopy will be divinely restored during this period of time. First, as noted in this article, the world will be suffering from global warming. This would obviously indicate that water evaporation rates would increase during this period of time. At the same time, the Scriptures indicate that there will be no rain on the earth during the ministry of the two Jewish witnesses for the 1,260 days of the first half of the Tribulation Period. With no rain coming down and an increased evaporation rate of water into the atmosphere, it seems to indicate that this could be the method whereby the Lord would recreate the water canopy over the earth. This activity would be a time of great judgment upon the inhabitants of earth for the 7-year Tribulation. However, it would prepare the earth and the inhabitants who live during the kingdom for a time of divine blessings for 1,000 years. Unlike the original water canopy which allowed no rain, the canopy of the millennial kingdom will be different, allowing for just the right amount of rainfall upon the earth. In Ezekiel 34:26 God promised Israel during the kingdom age, “I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be showers of blessing.”
Another consideration with regard to global warming is the magnetic field of earth. There are many sources that indicate that the magnetic field of the earth is presently undergoing a major shift. See the graph below. According to Breaking News Israel, scientists have noted that the magnetic point known as the North Pole is traveling toward the south. Thirty years ago, this was taking place at a rate of 9.3 miles per year. However, now it is moving at the rate of 34 miles per year.
The reduction of the earth’s magnetic field also has a more dangerous result. Most scientists concur that this magnetic field protects earth from most of the sun’s harmful radiation and particles. Therefore, as the magnetic field continues to deteriorate, it could cause certain areas of the earth’s surface to become unbearably hot.
If this trend continues, it could cause a complete reversal of earth’s magnetic field. The North Pole would become the South Pole and vice versa. A study of earth’s rocks indicates that this happened thousands of years ago. It is possible that this is what happened to bring about the sudden conditions that prevailed upon the earth at the time of the global flood in Noah’s day.
This also sounds like what will happen during the Tribulation. While referring to the geological upheaval of the Tribulation, Isaiah 24:1 says, “Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof.”
When this shift takes place suddenly, as in the days of Noah, it will bring about sudden catastrophic conditions on the earth. I remind all of us that the apostle Paul said, “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape” (1 Thessalonians 5:3).
In an amazing article by Adam Berkowitz, from Breaking Israel News, “A team of scientists personally sponsored by Bill Gates, plan on countering the effects of ‘global warming’ by injecting millions of tons of dust into the atmosphere to block the sun’s rays.” There are many concerns that this effort could end with catastrophic results.
Our world is pregnant with the signs of the end-times. Global warming is one of these signs. But is anyone listening?
If we believe God’s warning we should be spiritually ready to meet Him at any moment. Until then, we need to occupy until He comes. That means we need to win and warn the lost. It also means, like Joseph, we need to physically prepare. In times of prosperity and plenty we need to prepare for the global drought that will come. The heat and resulting drought are already beginning. How long will it be before the Lord comes for us? We do not know. Real wisdom comes from the Lord. Cry out to Him now to meditate upon what He would have you to do.
Mike Releases New Book
Mike has just released his newest book, Your Judgment Day. In this book he helps you examine the most important day in your life – the day you stand before Judge Jesus. He answers the questions of when, why, and how you will be judged. Mike says, “I wrote this book to help both the saved and unsaved to know how to prepare for their judgment day. I believe most people move through their lives without giving this much thought. Don’t let that happen to you.” This 66-page paperback book is available for $5. By contacting Joycew5656@aol.com.