Published monthly
All Bible references are from the KJV
(Examining the News in Light of Biblical Truth)
P.O. Box 13006, Roanoke, VA 24030-3006
Global Technology and the End of Days
“But thou. O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”
By Mike Wingfield
The dawn of a new decade is upon us, and it is very apparent that we who live in 21st century are in the midst of a highly advanced technological age. We live at a time that is known as “the information age,” or “the computer age.” This unique period of time began in the late 20th century and it has continued to grow with blazing speed into our present day. The increasing ability of technology to calculate and store incredible amounts of information is mind boggling to the majority of people on our planet. The most advanced computers of our generation have a cognitive ability, known as Artificial Intelligence, that far exceeds the ability of man.
Computer technology is impacting every facet of our lives. It has radically changed the way we do work, regardless of the occupation we are in. In our highly advanced society, the workforce is not being driven by intensive labor, but by the knowledge and the technological skills of the laborers. People no longer are paid for what they do. They are paid for what they know.
While mankind revels and marvels in many of these technologies, we must consider the possible negative impact this is having upon our world and its future.
When a person reads and studies what the Bible has to say about the end of days, it is very apparent that the last days will feature a world that is very advanced in its knowledge and technological capabilities. Previous generations could not fathom how some of these prophecies are coming to pass. Clearly, we live in a world that uses advanced technologies that the ancient prophets wrote about thousands of year ago. But they could not comprehend the content of their writings. In the closing days of the prophet Daniel, he became very puzzled by the prophecies given to him. In this moment of wonder, God described to him that “the time of the end” (Daniel 12:4) would be a time of rapid travel and increased knowledge. When we compare our present generation to the previous cultures than our ancestors lived in, it is apparent that the uniqueness of our times perfectly fit the prophetic description given to Daniel.
I have personally witnessed this amazing rapid change in my lifetime. My grandmother went to church using a horse-drawn buggy. Now, I can hop on a jet and fly to another part of the world in a matter of hours. I remember when electric typewriters became prevalent in homes and in workplaces. I was a teen when the first transistor radios were available. I watched black and white television until the late 1970s. It wasn’t until the early 1990s, when I was still a church pastor, that I got my first computer.
We cannot begin to imagine the explosion of knowledge that has occurred since the beginning of the computer age. This age really began in the 1960s when NASA developed advanced computer systems to help take man to the moon and back. Then, in the 1990s, we were introduced to the Internet and the World Wide Web. This expanded man’s ability to learn, store, and share knowledge with people around the world. For the first time in human history, we have information about everything and everyone at the click of the mouse. People spend countless hours surfing the net to discover new knowledge about various subjects. As Daniel wrote 2,600 years ago, knowledge has certainly increased.
According to the intricate details of the prophetic Scriptures, there are several developments in the last days that will require access to the technological advances that have been created in the last few decades. Without these advanced technologies these Biblical prophecies could not be fulfilled.
Near the middle of the future Tribulation Period, the forces of the Antichrist will kill the two Jewish witnesses, Moses and Elijah, after they have fulfilled their God-given assignment (Revelation 11:7). According to Revelation 11:8-12, the entire world will observe the dead bodies of these two men of God that are left to rot in the streets of Jerusalem. As an expression of the world’s hatred for these two men, there will be a global celebration of their death. During this celebration, at the end of three and one-half days, the entire world will witness the sudden, dramatic, and supernatural ascension of Moses and Elijah to heaven. Obviously, without the use of our current global communication systems, this prophecy would be impossible. With the use of our computers, cameras, and satellite links, mankind is able to project images around the world as these events are literally taking place. Several generations ago, people could not have understood how these things mentioned in Revelation 11 could occur. However, it is now a part of our world as we experience real-time events when we watch the news on our computer or television.
Another future development that will require the use of our computer technologies is found in Revelation 13:14-18. In this text, an image of the Antichrist will be created and it will exhibit qualities of human life. This image will have the ability to speak and order the deaths of all who refuse worship it. It is quite possible that all of this could be the supernatural work of Satan to deceive the world to follow his superman, the Antichrist. However, it is also possible that this image could be a super robot with incredible human-like characteristics. The current technological abilities of virtual reality and Artificial Intelligence are rapidly moving us toward the fulfillment of such a possibility.
It is important to remember that all of the high-tech advancements of mankind are not good or evil. These incredible abilities are in the hands of people who can use them for good or evil. This text demands that the Antichrist will use the global technologies to advance his control over all the inhabitants of earth.
As most of the faithful readers of this newsletter know, I believe that the Bible consistently hints that the future Antichrist will be a Muslim. He will probably be the future Islamic messiah – the mahdi – that Muslims have been expecting to appear at any time. In this newsletter, I am focusing on the fact that the Antichrist will use the global technology of his time to promote his worship and control over the world. In light of this, in recent weeks I have been made aware of the plans that the new leadership in Saudi Arabia has adopted to transform their culture and to move their people into the technological context of our world.
Saudi Prince Muhammad Bin Salman has developed a plan to spearhead “a massive transformation of Saudi Arabia to move past being an oil-dependent economy; to move toward a moderate Islam; and into a peaceful and technologically advanced future” (The International Jerusalem Post, December 13-19, 2019, p. 21). He calls this plan “Vision 2030.” “The vision has three main pillars: the status of the country as the ‘heart of the Arab and Islamic worlds;’ the determination to become a global investment powerhouse; and finally to transform the country’s location into a hub connecting the 3three continents (Asia, Europe, Africa)” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudi_Vision_2030). All of this would perfectly lay the foundation for the center of the global administration of the Antichrist.
At the center of Saudi Arabia’s plans is the construction of a massive new city that will be 33 times larger than New York City. It will be located along the northwest Arabian Peninsula on the shores of the Red Sea. This city will be called “Neom,” which means “new-future.” Their goal is to bring the world together and create a new way of life for all people. I remind you that this is almost identical to the thoughts of those who planned the city of Babel in Genesis 11:1-9. The founders of Babel declared that “nothing will be restrained from [us], which [we] have imagined to do” (Genesis 11:6). I encourage you to watch a 2 minute YouTube video entitled, “Neom, The Futuristic Mega City Saudi Arabia is Planning.” As you watch this video, think about what the Bible says about Babel.
What is ironic to me is that Neom is located within the very area of the real location of Mount Sinai, where God gave the law to Israel. Many scholars believe the mountain that is called Jabal al Lawz in Saudi Arabia is the real Mount Sinai. On the basis of Scripture, I agree with this view. After the children of Israel went across the Red Sea, the Bible repeatedly says they “went out of Egypt.” In Galatians 4:25, the Apostle Paul clearly referred to “Mount Sinai in Arabia.” There is also much physical evidence at Jabal al Lawz that indicates this is where the Biblical events at Mount Sinai took place.
Is it possible that Neom could be the city identified with the religion of the Antichrist, called, “MYSTERY, BABYLON, THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH”? (Revelation 17:5) According to Revelation 17-18, the religion of the Antichrist (Islam) that will control him, and his policies will be attached to a “great city” (Revelation 17:18). According to Revelation 18, this city will be an international city of commerce, which is at the heart of the plans for Neom. When its destruction comes near the end of the Tribulation, those who observe its destruction will be in their shipping vessels along the coastal waters of the city (Revelation 18:15-19). This is a perfect description of the location of Neom.
In addition to this, another recent development in Saudi Arabia has caught my attention. Saudi Arabia’s leadership is devoting itself to becoming a world leader in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and humanoid robotics. Saudi Arabia is the first nation to grant citizenship to a humanoid robot, named Sophia. Sophia recently spoke on behalf of Saudi Arabia at a UN summit on “AI for Good.” I find it amazing that the first humanoid robot that is speaking to the world and preparing the world for the major role of robots in the future is depicted as a female. In the beginning, Satan chose to work through Eve to deceive her husband and ultimate lead all of mankind away from God.
All of this made me think about a unique event in the future when a powerful person, known as the false prophet, will reveal to the world an image of the Antichrist shortly after the Antichrist has a “deadly wound” and is miraculously healed (Revelation 13:3, 12). These events will take place at the mid-point of the Tribulation Period after the Antichrist is killed, resurrected, and takes over the world (Revelation 13:5-7). This image will be given human-like abilities to appear to be alive. It will be able to speak and command the world to worship his image and the Antichrist (Revelation 13:15). Several texts in the book of Revelation indicate that the world will worship both the image of the Antichrist and the person of the Antichrist (Revelation 14:9, 11; 16:2; 19:20; 20:4).

I find it fascinating that Saudi Arabia is a country that has not been known for its technological ability, yet, it has become the first nation to recognize a humanoid robot as a citizen. This, along with its plans to build an international commercial city that is founded upon technology and especially Artificial Intelligence would appear to be setting the stage for the global empire of the Antichrist.
According to the Bible, the Antichrist will have the ability to control the economy of the world. If a person does not submit to his control and worship him and his image, they will not be able to buy or sell in the global market place (Revelation 13:16-17). With a global population of more than 7 billion people, it is understood that the only way this could be accomplished would be by the use of smart computers and tracking devices. Obviously, this would indicate that this prophecy could not be fulfilled without the technological advances in the last few decades.
The Bible informs us that the Antichrist will employ the numerical value of his name, 666, as the code people will need to have as a mark on their right hand, or on their forehead (Revelation 13:16-18). Once again, we are the only generation who can understand this. Some have thought that the “mark” of the Antichrist might be a tattoo.
Today, man has developed a remarkable item called the microchip. (See the photo below.) This small device, about the size of a grain of rice, or smaller, is being used to monitor the movement or inventory of nearly all goods being sold in the world. These chips are already being injected into people around the world.
A radio frequency identification reader (RFID) is being placed on all items sold in stores. This reader contains a microchip with an antenna that can transmit and receive data. You can place your items to be purchased in a container and take it to the payment center. Upon placing your container in the receiver, the robot computer will automatically scan the barcode transmitted by the RFID of every item you are purchasing. It will total your purchase, take your payment from the microchip that you have in your hand or on your forehead and deduct it from your bank account. [Why the hand or the forehead? These are usually the only areas of our body that are exposed and are not covered by clothing.] The robot will drop your items into a plastic bag for you to carry out of the store. All of this happens for each customer in a matter of seconds. This will eliminate the jobs of cashiers, and speed up the waiting process of those customers who are ready to check out.
The RFID will also communicate with the store computer to tell it when a shelf is empty and to complete the next inventory for items that need to be shipped to the store to replenish the stock. All of this technology should lower the number of employees to operate the store and therefore lower the cost of goods to the customer. This technology is already in use in some parts of the world. Very soon it will be available in all stores.
There will be no need for cash. Everything will be electronic. The technological system that the Antichrist will use is already created and will soon be in operation around the world.
My guess is that the numerical value of the name of the Antichrist, 666, will be used as an access code to recognize the microchip in your hand or forehead. If it is not on the chip, you will not be able to bank, purchase, or receive payment from your employer. Once again, we are the only generation who could possibly understand all of this.
Warning: The current use of this technology is not the mark of the Antichrist. The Antichrist will adopt this technology at the mid-point of the Tribulation Period, with the new application that will be attached to the numerical value of his name – 666. This technology is not evil. But it will give very powerful evil people the potential to control the masses for their own selfish political agendas.
It also amazes me that the number 666 is a holy number in the religion of Islam. According to several sources, many Muslims believed that Satan deceived the Christians. According to them, the person who wears this number will be protected from Satan. They also say that this number represents the name of Allah, the name of their god, according to his prophet, Mohammed. Today, many Islamic warriors wear a banner on their foreheads and as an armband that contains the name of Allah, or 666.
Friend, this article in this newsletter perfectly illustrates that we are living in very unusual days. It is true that many preachers, like me, have been telling you that the coming of Jesus to take His church home in the Rapture is imminent. Recently, I heard a woman say, “No one knows when it could happen, it might be hundreds of years from now.” While we do not know the day or the hour, it is foolish to think that it is not near. It could be several years before the construction of Neom takes place and mankind reaches the perfection of a humanoid robot. However, all of this illustrates that we are rapidly moving toward the end of days, just like the Bible has proclaimed.
I have made it my personal mission in the last 30 years to examine all the prophetic signs of the coming of the Lord. I can honestly say we are the first generation that has experienced all of the indicators that it is very near. In Jesus’ teaching about the Parable of the Fig Tree, He said that when the generation of the last days sees all of the signs of His coming it will take place. He said, “So, likewise, ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled” (Matthew 24:33-34). Friends, we are that generation!
If you are not ready to meet the Lord, then get ready! If you need to be saved, give your life to Christ at this moment as you read this newsletter. Do not wait. He could come at any moment.
If you are saved, get ready to stand before our holy Lord. He will be our judge on that day. He said, “Be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh” (Matthew 24:44).
Furthermore, He commanded us to watch for His coming. He said, “Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come” (Matthew 24:42).
Be ready for the shout that will take us out!
Mike’s Mom with the Lord
I apologize that this newsletter is so late getting to you. The end of 2019 was a very difficult time for me and my family. My Mom, Mildred Wingfield (89), became critically ill on Sunday, December 22nd. After eight very difficult days, she went home to be with Jesus. Her memorial service was on January 2nd, with burial following on January 3rd. Needless to say, this demanded my time and delayed the production of this newsletter. We thank the Lord that Mom’s suffering is over and she is with Jesus.
Critical Developments with Iran
On December 26, Iran’s navy participated in a joint exercise in the Indian Ocean and the Sea of Oman, with Russia and China. The Sea of Oman is part of the waterways that lead to the Persian Gulf and the critical flow of oil tankers coming from that part of the world. It is most troubling to Israeli and the United States officials to see Russia and China cooperating with Iran at this level.
On the next day, December 27, a 5.1 earthquake struck the western part of Iran. This is near the location of Iran’s 1,000-megawatt Bushehr nuclear power plant. No damages were reported. However, this is a reminder that God can strike the evil Iranian regime at the time of His choosing – using the armies of the world, or His own creation. When Iran invades Israel with her allies mentioned in Ezekiel 38, God will strike them with a massive earthquake (Ezekiel 38:18-23).
A few days later, U.S. intelligence reports indicated that supporters of Iran attacked the U.S. Embassy in Bagdad. In retaliation, on January 4th the U.S. responded by targeting and killing several Iranian military personnel, including Qassem Soleimani, who was the head of Iran’s elite Quds [Islamic name for Jerusalem] division. Soleimani was one of the most powerful figures in the Islamic Republic. It is reported that he was the chief object of the targeted assassination because of his record of being the leading terrorist figure in the Iranian military and the Middle East. In the words of many, he had a lot of innocent blood on his hands.
As a result, Iran has issued a declaration of war and vows to retaliate. All American interests and American allies in the Middle East, and especially Israel, are on high alert. The real question is what will Russia do? They have recently vowed to defend Iran from any aggression. If Iran attacks American interests once again, will the U.S. use this occasion to destroy the Iranian nuclear facilities? If so, will this provoke the Gog and Magog invasion (see Ezekiel 38-39) of Israel? Could this be the “hook” that Ezekiel 38:4 states the Lord will use to bring Russia and Iran against Israel? If so, we are looking at serious indications that the Rapture of the church is very near!
Turkey to take control of Libya
According to the Gatestone Institute, Turkey signed a military and economic accord with the Libyan government in November. It is believed that this will facilitate Turkish control over Libya. According to Ezekiel 38:5-6, Turkey and Libya will someday join Russia and Iran in a future invasion of Israel.
Israel become Energy Exporter
As the New Year begins, Israel is now pumping and shipping natural gas from its massive natural gas rigs located off the Mediterranean coast of Israel. (See picture below.) For the first time in history, Israel has now become an energy exporter. It is estimated that this gas field will bring in hundreds of billions of dollars to Israel. According to Ezekiel 38:12-13, this will be one of the major reasons for the Gog and Magog invasion of Israel.
It is very apparent that many developments are pointing an eruption of the Gog and Magog invasion. Once again, this means that the Rapture of the church is very near!