Part two in a series on the current global pandemic
By Mike Wingfield
This article is Part 2 in a series on the COVID-19 pandemic. In part one, I wrote about what God is saying to us through this deadly disease. I urge you to read the previous newsletter before you read this article. If you need a copy, contact us and we will be glad to send it to you. Or download it.
“It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go …” The lyrics of this seasonal Christmas song, written and released in 1951 by Perry Como, is etched in the memories of most Americans. I remember hearing this song during my childhood and still enjoy it each year as Christmas approaches.
The song traditionally is played on radio stations around the country beginning sometime in late November. As we listen to the lyrics, we can look around us and see decorations, store displays, and other signs that Christmas is drawing near.
In recent days, I have been thinking about this song and mentally singing a new version to myself. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to grip our world, my version says, “It is beginning to look a lot like the Tribulation, everywhere you go…” Just as the commercial signs of Christmas become evident to those who have experienced Christmas in the American culture, even so the signs of the approaching Tribulation Period are becoming more prevalent all around us.
For my entire adult life I have immersed myself in the Bible. Anyone who has faithfully studied all of the Word of God should agree that the doctrine of the end-times is a dominant theme. The prophetic portions of the Bible account for approximately one-third of this divinely inspired, supernatural revelation from God. Anyone who purposely ignores any portion of God’s Word, especially the prophetic Scriptures, is arrogant, self-centered, and foolish. To ignore any of God’s revelation is to think that you know something God does not know. You are saying to God, “I know what I need to know better than you do.” That is both dangerous and foolish. The Apostle Paul, who was a great student of the Old Testament, the writer of many New Testament books, and one of the greatest soul winners and church planters, wrote: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable …” (2 Timothy 3:16).
When the student of the Bible examines the Scriptures, he will be confronted with a magnitude of revelation about “the day of the Lord,” also called by Jesus the “great tribulation” (Matthew 24:21). This unique 7-year period is impeccably described throughout the Bible. For many decades, I have been awed by the sheer volume of revelation God has given to us about this future time of divine judgment that will come upon earth during the end of this age. I must confess that for several decades, I have been captivated by the Holy Spirit to spend many hours examining these texts.
As you examine the prophetic Word of God, you will be confronted with the details of how the Tribulation Period will begin. Jesus’ disciples were concerned about this, and asked Him, “What shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” (Matthew 24:3) Jesus’ answer is called His “Olivet Discourse” (because He delivered this answer to His disciples on the Mount of Olives as they were looking at the Temple and the city of Jerusalem). The first three gospels record Jesus’ answers to the disciples’ questions about the end of this age. A study of these gospel accounts, reveal that Jesus was talking about the time that Bible students call The Tribulation Period. At the beginning of this message to His disciples, Jesus outlined five major signs that would accompany “the beginning of sorrows [birth pangs]” (Matthew 24:8). Today, this is commonly referred to as the Tribulation Period, based upon Jesus’ comment in Matthew 24. He said that this period of time will be a time of “great tribulation” (Matthew 24:21). The term “birth pangs” is associated with the Tribulation Period because, from the Jewish perspective, like a woman who is giving birth, it will be a time of intense pain for Israel (Jeremiah 30:4-7; Daniel 12:1). However, when Jesus returns to establish His kingdom after the Tribulation, it will also be a time of great joy for Israel, like the joy a mother experiences after her painful delivery as she holds her new-born child in her arms (Isaiah 51:11).
The Greek word that is translated “tribulation,” speaks of a situation where people are filled with terror and distress because they are overwhelmed by threatening situations that have engulfed their world. They feel trapped in a situation that seems hopeless and fatal. Theologically, this term refers to the future 7-year period when God will pour out His wrath upon the world’s final generation. This is a time of the Lord’s indignation, when He will “punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity” (Isaiah 26:21).
In addition to Jesus’ Olivet Discourse, we have the advantage of studying the last book of the Bible. The Holy Spirit caused the Apostle John to record the final revelation from God to mankind – the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. This book followed Jesus’ Olivet Discourse about seven decades later. One of the divine purposes of the Book of Revelation is to take the scattered prophecies of the other 65 books of the Bible and to put them in a chronological time related sequence of events. In Revelation 6, we are told how the Tribulation will begin. It is apparent that the Lord considers this to be very important. God wants us to know what He is going to do at the end of this age, and how it will all begin.
It is apparent to me the global impact of COVID-19 is shaping our world for the Tribulation Period. Furthermore, this pandemic may be the divine catalyst that will bring our world into direct conflict with Almighty God.
Undoubtedly, the United States and the rest of the world are on a collision course with the holy, Almighty God of the universe. Like chess pieces, the nations of the world are being moved into place so the end-time prophecies will be fulfilled. Make no mistake, God is in control! This global pandemic is not an accident or some fluke of history. COVID-19 began in China and within six weeks it circled the globe and impacted almost every nation.
History shows us there have been many pandemics in the last 100 years. The Spanish flu in 1918 killed an estimated 5 million people. More than 100 years later, our world has a better understanding of these viruses and how they are transmitted. Thankfully, the extra precautions taken by many nations have saved perhaps millions of lives. This coronavirus belongs to a family of viruses that have threatened our world in recent decades. For example, the Severe Acute Respirartory Syndrome (SARS) also began in China in 2002 and is thought to have been a transmission from an animal to humans.
I am convinced that COVID-19 and the world’s reaction to it, has the potential to change our world and shape it for the opening days of the Tribulation Period. Only a few months ago, little did we know our lives would be radically altered by this pandemic. Likewise, we still do not comprehend how this pandemic will impact our world.
According to Jesus’ Olivet Discourse and Revelation 6, there are seven major developments that should be unfolding at this moment if we are close to the beginning of this unique time of divine judgment. All of them are now in place and they are being accelerated by COVID-19. Let us examine them:
1. Global Spiritual Deception
The first sign of the Tribulation Period is spiritual deception (Matthew 24:4-5, 11). Jesus said the final years of this age would be marked by an infestation of false messiahs and false prophets. It will be a time great spiritual darkness.
When the Old Testament prophets warned their people of the impending judgment of God, they also condemned them for their Biblical illiteracy. Read Hosea 4:1-2, 6; and Amos 8:11-12. The people did not know God, and they were ignorant of His laws and warnings. The nation was living under the shadow of divine judgment and did not know it. They chose to believe the overwhelming number of false prophets who were promising that God was a good God and they had no reason to fear. The people of Israel refused and rejected the true prophets of God who spoke the truth.
The same thing is happening in America at this very moment. There are only a few voices who are warning America of divine judgment that is to come. Instead, the church has heaped “to themselves teachers, having itching ears” (2 Timothy 4:3). In my book, Living in a World with No Conscience, I clearly and carefully outlined why I believe America has reached the spiritual point of no return. COVID-19 is a divine judgment upon America and the world. Look at the way this pandemic has threatened America.
Most Americans are living as if there is no God. They want no part of Him. They have rejected the true Biblical Jesus and created a Jesus of their liking. They are rejecting the God of the Bible and His moral laws. They reject the Bible, and the chosen people of God (Israel). They hate evangelical Christians (the bride of Christ). They are so spiritually blind that they applaud and embrace the death of babies, all in the name of self-love and personal rights.
Today, many religious are failing to connect the hand of God with COVID-19. Just a few weeks ago, Pope Francis stated this pandemic was nature’s response to mankind’s creation of an environmental crisis. What deception!
I am saddened when I think that most Christians are only thinking about life returning to normal when this crisis is over. If they knew the Scriptures, they would be calling out to God in repentance and looking for the coming of the Lord at any moment. The lack of Biblical preaching that examines the character of God and His eternal plans at the end of this age has created a culture of spiritual deception within the professing church. In some ways, the same spiritual darkness that has engulfed the world exists in the American church. This should not be. Read 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11.
The incredible march of Islam around the globe is a commentary on the spiritual darkness in our world. The god of Islam is not the same as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The God of the Bible loves Israel. The god of Islam hates Israel. The God of the Bible loves the church. The god of Islam hates Christians and persecutes them. We are witnessing the greatest movement of Christian persecution in the history of the world. The latest data reveal that 38 of the top 50 countries known for brutal persecution of Christians are Muslim controlled. According to a recent article by Raymond Ibraihim for Gatestone Institute, “The global persecution of Christians has reached unprecedented levels: ‘260 million Christians experience high levels of persecution” around the world’” (www.gatestoneinstitute.org)
2. Global Turmoil
The Tribulation Period will begin with a time of great global anarchy, lawlessness, conflict, wars, and unrest. The Antichrist and his brutal, hellish government will rise out of all of this. The Bible says, “But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose water’s cast up mire and dirt. There is no peace, saith my God to the wicked” (Isaiah 57:20-21). Revelation 13:1 symbolically depicts the Antichrist and his evil kingdom rising up out of the sea (a symbolic reference to the wicked and godless Gentile nations).
In His Olivet Discourse, while speaking about the beginning of the Tribulation Period, Jesus said that it would begin with wars and rumors of wars. Revelation 6 depicts the opening of the Tribulation Period as a time when the man on the white horse (Islam’s messiah known as the Madi) will declare global jihad (Revelation 6:2).
America is facing an incredible time of political division, hatred, conflict, and chaos. Those who oppose President Donald and the U.S. Constitution are filled with hate and deception. One of the characteristics of the last days is a time when people love themselves and their own agenda so much that they hate all those who oppose them. According to the Bible, they are filled with hate and false accusations, and they despise those who are good. Read 2 Timothy 3:1-7. Our federal and state governments are filled with politicians who seek their own agendas. Some even dream of a socialist government that is being espoused by their political party. In reality, they hate America, and will stop at no means to achieve their goal of overthrowing President Trump.
This COVID-19 pandemic threatens to destroy America. Sadly, it is proving that politicians aligned with the radical left do not really care about the American people. These wicked politicians are using the pandemic to advance their political agendas and destroy our constitutional liberties.
You can rest assured that those who oppose our president and our constitutional republic will twist the facts about this pandemic. They will be at odds with our President at every turn and oppose his attempts to get America back to work. The fact that our economy is being destroyed, and ruining the lives of countless millions is of little concern to them.
These liberal and godless politicians hate any mention of God or the Bible. On March 30, 2020, at a press conference at the White House, the CEO of “My Pillow,” Mike Lindell, mentioned his support for President Trump and connected it to God and the Bible. The liberal media and political left went nuts!
These people do not understand that their personal future, the future of America, and the future of our world, are in the hands of the One whom they hate. This is not surprising. Read Psalm 2:1-2. The Bible declares that the global leadership of the last days will hate God, His Son, and His Word.
Those who know God – have no fear! God is laughing at them in His heaven. (Psalm 2:4). However, God’s laughter is about to turn into a full holy assault of His burning anger upon them all (Psalm 2:4-5). In His grace, He calls them to receive God’s Son. This is the only thing that will turn the Father away from His fury (Psalm 2:10-12).
3. Global Famine
According to Jesus’ Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24:7) and Revelation 6, the Tribulation Period will begin with a time of global famine. The COVID-19 pandemic is exposing the weakness of our global food-supply chain. The public’s reaction of fear to this pandemic is placing extreme stress on the supply chain. It is impacting farmers, manufactures, storage facilities, transportation systems, and retail stores.
Our generation is incredibly vulnerable to the looming food shortages that will produce life-threatening conditions during the opening months of the Tribulation Period. During this pandemic, people have been comparing the deadliness of COVID-19 to the Spanish flu of 1918, which killed 5 million people worldwide. While they compare these two pandemics, they need to take into account dramatic differences in global lifestyles of these two times. Dealing with COVID-19 is a major issue, not because the virus is more deadly than others that we have faced in the last one hundred years, but because our lifestyles have become more fragile and vulnerable.
First, in 1918, the global population was only 1.8 billion, while now it is 7.8 billion. That means there are 4.3 times more people to feed and provide drinking water. Our net world population growth continues to add 1.5 million each week. That means, each week we need additional food and water for 1.5 million people. Furthermore, in 1918, London was the largest city with 5 million inhabitants. Now, we have 38 mega cities (cities with a population of 10 million or more) in the world. Most of these cities are in China and India. These densely populated cities present a real challenge to the global food chain. If this chain breaks down, tens of millions of people will suddenly be at the point of starvation in just three days. These major population centers did not exist in 1918.
In 1900, 40 percent of the U.S. population lived in urban areas. Now, 100 years later, 80 percent of our people live in urban areas. This means 80 percent of Americans have no ability, or experience of growing their own food. They are totally dependent upon the commercial food chain.
Added to all of these concerns are the environmental challenges that our farmers have to deal with each growing season. Drought, or too much heat or rain can dramatically alter critical agricultural yields. The proliferation of pestilences can also decimate entire crops in a matter of days. Africa is currently dealing with a major infestation of massive swarms of locusts. These locusts are stripping massive areas of farmland, destroying the meager grains that millions of people depend upon for survival. Now, these people are facing immediate starvation.
While we live in a land of plenty, it is hard for us to conceive that there are 842 million people in the world today that are undernourished. More than one in 10 people in the world go to bed hungry every night. About 21,000 of them die each day due to starvation.
The Bible predicts that shortly after the Tribulation Period begins, the global famine will be so great it will hyper inflate the cost of a loaf of bread to the average of one day’s wages (Revelation 6:6). Millions of people in the world are already facing these kinds of conditions. This all points to the reality that food is about to become more scarce, and therefore more expensive.
COVID-19 should help awaken us to our vulnerability and how we are totally dependent upon the commercial food chain to sustain our lives. I will give more practical admonition based upon Biblical wisdom about this in my next newsletter.
4. Global Pandemic of Diseases
In Jesus’ Olivet Discourse, He listed the increase in deadly pandemics as a harbinger of the beginning of the end-times (Matthew 24:7– “pestilences”). Revelation 6 also mentions these pandemics as one of the reasons for a massive global death toll at the beginning of the Tribulation.
Medical experts and the prophetic Scriptures indicate that we have every reason to be concerned about the increase in deadly global pandemics. These pandemics will threaten life and disrupt our modern way of life.
In the last 40 years, medical researchers have become increasingly concerned with what they are discovering. They now know that there are thousands of known viruses and hundreds of thousands of known strains of bacteria. Whenever these viruses or bacteria mutate, they can produce new diseases for which there are no immediate cures. Researchers are learning how resilient and dangerous microbes (microscopic germs) are. They can cause cancer. They can chemically manipulate the human immune system to their advantage.
In her 1995 award-winning book, The Coming Plague – Newly Emerging Disease in a World Out of Balance, Laurie Garrett wrote, “The history of our time will be marked by recurrent eruptions of newly discovered diseases … epidemics of diseases migrating to new areas, … and diseases which spring from insects and animals to humans, through man-made disruption to local habitats” (page xv). Since the publication of this book 25 years ago, our world has been bombarded with many pandemics. I read this 700-page book shortly after it was released. It put me on the fast track to understanding the predictions of the Bible about the approaching deadly global plagues.
Garrett points out in her book that our generation is more vulnerable than ever for the deadly outbreak of an unknown virus that could kill a major portion of the global population. Our vulnerability is due to several factors: exploding population growth and trends of mega cities that could potentially multiply the rate of transmission of these diseases. She also warned that global transportation availability has the potential to radically multiply the opportunity for these viruses to be transported around the world before the dangerous symptoms can be manifested, causing a rapid global outbreak, like COVID-19. Another area of concern is the disruption of global habitats that are putting humans and wild species in close proximity to each other – increasing the potential for a virus to be transmitted from these wild species to humans. She explains that these kinds of viruses, like COVID-19, are very dangerous to humans because we have no natural antibodies to defend ourselves from these diseases when they suddenly manifest themselves. Until a vaccine is developed, which in some cases can be years, people are in danger, especially if these diseases are highly contagious or have a high death rate.
One of the areas of concern that relates to the deadly pandemics of the end-times is the transmission of diseases from animals to humans. In Revelation 6, the Apostle John wrote that within perhaps the first few months of the Tribulation Period, one-fourth of the world’s population will die as a result of war, famine, and death by “the beasts of the earth” (Revelation 6:8). Could it be that God has warned us that the last days will feature deadly pandemics caused by wild species that will infect humans with deadly viruses? The Greek word that is translated “beasts” can include creatures other than animals. In Acts 28:4, this Greek word was used to refer to a snake (a reptile). So, the usage of this world could include animals, reptiles, rodents, and insects.
The connection between infections transmitted from animals to humans is nothing new. It is believed that the bubonic plague in the 14th century AD, which killed a major portion of the European population, was from a virus transmitted from rats and their fleas.
However, this phenomenon has increased in modern times. Benjamin Sawe, writing for Wordatlas.com, states, “Zoonosis is the scientific term referring to any diseases that are transmitted to people by animals. … Currently, researchers have discovered 13 animal diseases responsible for about 2.2 million deaths every year. … There are 1,415 pathogens known to infect humans and 61% of them are zoonotic” (www.worldatlas.com ). In other words, these kinds of viruses, like COVID-19, are among the major dangers that our world faces in the immediate future. Obviously, this prediction concurs with what God told us 2,000 years ago in the book of Revelation.
COVID-19 is a disease thought to be transmitted to humans by accident or on purpose by virologists in China. These scientists have been studying wild bats at Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China. For an excellent article on this, please check out the following link: www.gatestoneinstitute.org. We know that Chinese research scientists have been working on understanding the coronavirus that is carried by some species of wild bats. They captured some of these bats and were working on this research at the institute at the time of the outbreak of COVID-19. A You Tube video is still available on the internet that was produced by these Chinese scientists. The video shows their attempts to capture different kinds of bats for research. Here is the link: www.youtube.com . We also know that these scientists were working on some projects for the Chinese military. Have they been preparing for a biological weapon to use against their enemies? Is it possible that COVID-19 is one of these weapons? We may never know the answers to these questions, but we do know that evil regimes around the world, like Russia, North Korea, China, and Iran have mixed and mutated a number of deadly viruses to use as a weapon against humanity. These biological weapons are very deadly and pose a great threat to our world.
5. Global Geological Upheaval
In Jesus’ Olivet Discourse, He also mentioned that earthquakes would take place in different places around the globe (Matthew 24:7). In the beginning of the Tribulation period in Revelation 6, the world will suffer a massive global earthquake that will move “every mountain and island … out of their places” (Revelation 6:15). The text speaks of the effect of accompanying volcanic eruptions that will fill the atmosphere around the world with ash so that “the sun [will appear] as sack cloth of hair, and the moon [will appear] to become as blood” (Revelation 6:12). It is not an accident that as we deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, our world continues to experience an increase in dangerous escalations of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The Israelis have noted this. In an article for Breaking Israel News, a recent title of an article on April 13 was, “Massive Earthquakes, Volcanoes now Erupting Worldwide.”
6. Global Economic Collapse
It is not an accident that as we are dealing with COVID-19, Russia and Iran are militarily entrenched in Syria, waiting for the moment to seize Israel’s wealth (Ezekiel 38:1-13) The current war over the price of crude oil between Russia and Saudi Arabia is decimating Russia’s economy.
The Bible gives us many details about this future invasion of Israel by Russia and its Shiite allies. This crisis with COVID-19 may have created the perfect scenario for the Gog and Magog invasion. While Israel may seem vulnerable and is preoccupied, Russia and Iran may decide attack. I believe this invasion will happen immediately before the Tribulation Period begins. Hence, COVID-19 is creating the perfect environment for the fulfillment of this prophecy mentioned by Ezekiel 2,600 years ago. The details of this passage and the current events are absolutely amazing! It is most interesting that the Lord will destroy these invading forces with a geological upheaval on the Golan Heights, plus the sudden impact of deadly diseases that will kill them during this invasion (Ezekiel 38:22).
The world’s reaction to shut down their countries to deal with the threat of COVID-19 has the potential to decimate the global economy. In Israel, one out of every four working adults is currently unemployed. In America, one out of every 10 is temporarily unemployed until the dangerous phase of the transmission of this virus has been minimized.
Around the world, many in the investment and business world are warning that if we do not send people back to work by the first of May that it could cause critical and unsustainable damage to our global economy. The U.S. government is trying to financially stimulate the economy during this down time to preserve jobs and businesses. President Trump’s administration is injecting trillions of dollars we do not have into the private and business sectors. The Federal Reserve is literally printing trillions of dollars to cover this debt.
Before this pandemic, America was already swimming in debt and in essence was already financially bankrupt. The federal, state, and local governments are all facing unmanageable debt loads. Soon, the interest on that debt alone will force our nation to increase its debt to continue operating the country. Obviously, this is already unsustainable. The printing of these trillions of dollars with no wealth to support it will bring about a dangerous cycle of inflation, and ultimately hyper-inflation, which will become much worse than the Great Depression of just 80 years ago.
Statistical data indicates that 78 percent of Americans, before the coronavirus pandemic, were living from paycheck to paycheck, with little or no savings to give them any protection to face a crisis like we are now experiencing.
The U.S., with only four percent of the global population, accounts for 24.3 percent of the world economy. The U.S. dollar, since WWII has been the dominant trading currency in the world. Therefore, if our currency collapses and our government defaults, it will bring about the economic collapse of all the nations.
As mentioned before, shortly after the Tribulation Period begins, the world will be facing a time of horrific financial collapse. According to Revelation 6:6, it will take an entire day’s wage of one person to buy a loaf of bread.
It is not difficult to imagine how this current crisis could be the proverbial economic straw that could set in motion the domino effect that would destroy the global economy. According to 1 Thessalonians 5:3, some event or series of events before the Rapture will bring our world to a sudden point of destruction from which it will never recover. Could COVID-19 and the global reaction to it, be that event, or the catalyst that will produce such an event? In light of all of the other signs of the approaching Tribulation Period, this could be it!
7. Global Massive Death Tolls
The Scriptures make it shockingly clear that one of the most horrific scenes of the Tribulation Period will be the daily global death toll. The various combinations of God’s divine judgments that will be poured out upon the inhabitants of earth will culminate in the death of an overwhelming portion of the world’s population. As a matter of fact, the only survivors of this period will be the righteous (those saved during this time), who will inhabit the earthly millennial kingdom (Matthew 25:31-46). Not one unsaved person will physically survive and enter into the kingdom (John 3:3).
Jesus said that if He did not limit this time of His unique wrathful judgments to only seven years, “there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened” (Matthew 24:22). Read Isaiah 13:6-14. In this Tribulation text, God declares, “he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of [the land], … I will make a man more [rare] than fine gold…” (Isaiah 13:9, 12). Later, in Isaiah 24, God declares that during this time He will “[make] the earth empty” (Isaiah 24:1). This literally means He will depopulate the earth. In verse 6 of this same text, He says, “few men [will be] left.”
The global death toll will be spread out over the entire 7-year period of the Tribulation. Some people teach that the first half of the Tribulation will be somewhat mild. This does not reflect what the Bible teaches. In the opening months of the Tribulation, one-fourth of the global population will die (Revelation 6:8). As previously mentioned, diseases will play a major part in this death toll. Then, just a few years later, at the mid-point of the Tribulation, an additional one-third of the remaining global population will die (Revelation 9:15). This would mean that by the mid-point, about one-half of the global population will have died.
Friends, we cannot begin to fathom the magnitude of these Biblical statements. Let me help us try to mentally grasp this. World population is now about 7.8 billion. For our consideration, let say that approximately one-tenth of the global population is saved and will disappear suddenly at the Rapture immediately before the Tribulation begins. That would leave a global population of about 7 billion to enter into this deadly period of time. As stated above, half of the population would die during the first 42 months (three and one-half years, or 1,260 days on the Jewish calendar). That means that during the first half of the Tribulation, about 2.77 million people will die each day!
In comparison, this year, on average, 161,075 people per day have died in the world. So far, there have been 160,000 deaths in the world since January due to coronavirus. Because of the media, we have been fixated on the COVID-19 death toll each day. This is nothing compared to what is coming in the future!
Our finite minds struggle to grasp the magnitude of the massive global death toll during the Tribulation. It is no wonder that Isaiah 26:21 tells us that those who die during this time will not be given a traditional burial.
My friend, these are not exaggerations. God does not lie. It is no wonder that the Bible warns that those who live during the Tribulation will be filled each day with the sheer terror of the threat of death all around them. Speaking about this time, Jesus said that there will be “distress [among] the nations … Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth” (Matthew 21:25-26).
Jesus said that the times of His Second Coming would be like the days of Noah when He destroyed the entire population of earth (with the exception of 8 people in the ark) with a global flood (Luke 17:26-28) Likewise, He said it would be like the sudden destruction of the wicked people of Sodom with fire (Luke 17:29-30). These people were warned, but they did not heed the gracious warnings that God sent them. God warns us in Luke 21:34-36 that we all need to be sure that we do not let the cares and pleasures of this world blind us from the reality of eternity and the approaching horrific Tribulation Period.
You may think that I am a radical, crazy preacher to believe all of this. You may be saying that your God would never do anything like I have described from the Bible in this article. If you are thinking this way, you are deceived! Perhaps your god would never do anything like this, but the God of the Universe, the God of the Bible, has clearly stated His plans and He is the true and living God. If you do not change your mind and repent and be saved, you will suffer the horrific fears and judgments of the approaching Tribulation Period. And, if you still refuse to repent, you will die and go to hell. Do not let that happen to you. Repent and be saved. Call out to God to save you. Read the Gospel of John. Read Ephesians 2:8-9. Read and obey Romans 10:9-13. Jesus is the only way to heaven!
Those who are saved, according to the Bible, will escape the coming wrath of God during the Tribulation. He has promised to “deliver us from the wrath to come” (1 Thessalonians 1:10).
Get ready for the shout that will take us out!
The next newsletter will answer the question: “What does God want us to do as a result of CIVID-19?” I believe this pandemic is a merciful warning from God concerning what is coming upon this earth in the immediate future. We can never pretend to know the exact day of the Rapture, or the beginning of the following Tribulation Period. But, we can know that we are in the general season. It is not a coincidence that all of the seven signs are unfolding at the same time. While speaking about all of this, Jesus said, “When you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This [future] generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled” (Matthew 24:33-34). Please share this newsletter with your friends and family. The time is short.