P r o p h e c y T o d a y N e w s
April 2021
Published monthly
(Examining Current Events in the Light of Bible Prophecy)
P.O. Box 13006, Roanoke, VA 24030-3006
The Satanic Rebellion and the End of Days
“When the wicked are multiplied, transgression increases:
but the righteous shall see their fall.” Proverbs 29:16
By Mike Wingfield
War is raging around us. There has been an ongoing, continuous war in the spiritual realm since the rebellion of Satan in heaven near the beginning of time. We are talking about a real war between evil angels, called demons, and good angels that serve the Lord. The central passage in the final book of the Bible reads, “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon [Satan]; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not: neither was their place found any more in heaven” (Revelation 12:7, 8). In light of this, we should view the final seven years of this age, the Tribulation Period, as the final phase of a war that has existed for almost the entire history of creation.
Obviously, Satan knows just how crucial this war is. He knows that God has declared him the loser of this conflict. When the final battle, Armageddon, is fought, Jesus will be the victor. He will speak the word, and the armies of the Antichrist gathered in Israel and surrounding Jerusalem, will all suddenly be consumed (Zechariah 14:12). The Antichrist and his false prophet will be “cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone” (Revelation 19:20). Then, Satan will be bound and cast into a bottomless pit for 1,000 years (Revelation 20:2, 3).
Since the time of his creation as a good angel – Lucifer – the Devil has never been bound. He has been free to fight against God in heaven and on earth (Job 1:6, 7). Therefore, in his wrathful desperation, he will do anything to keep himself from that dreadful moment when he will be confined to the bottomless pit. Thus, it makes perfect sense to realize that if the Devil believes the Tribulation Period is about to begin, he will use everything at his disposal to carry out his final rebellion against God. Satan’s war chest includes demons, people, and the nations of the world. While we know Satan cannot win, he is still on prowl like a dangerous wild animal. And he will become increasingly cunning and desperate as he carries out his final rebellion against God.
It is apparent that we are watching a full-blown explosion of evil around the world. Lawlessness, wickedness and immorality are escalating each day. This proves that Satan and his demons are busy at work, orchestrating their preparations for the horrific time to come, called, “the Tribulation.”
Before the election of Donald Trump as the president of the United States in 2016, it appeared that our world was sliding toward circumstances that would establish an evil New World Order. Then, to the chagrin of those who crave a New World Order, Donald Trump’s election became a shocking reality. It became apparent that President Trump’s world view was more biblical than that of most of his predecessors in the last several decades. He stood on the moral high ground with the laws of God’s Word. He attempted to defend the U.S. Constitution, which was framed by men who had great respect for the Word of God. President Trump spoke out against abortion. He took a stand against the moral filth that had been wrapping its wicked tentacles around the American culture for many decades. He supported the biblical view of marriage between a man and a woman. He firmly stood by Israel, defending its occupation and control of Jerusalem and the Promised Land.
President Trump was a great defender of our nation. He desired to protect our borders from those who wanted to illegally enter. He strengthened our military to stand up against evil nations, like China, Iran, and Russia. These nations are our avowed enemies and they are plotting our destruction. He exposed the unfair trade tariffs and policies with China. He was a great supporter of promoting and defending law and order, which is at the heart of what government has been divinely ordered to do (Romans 13:3-4).
As a good leader, he made decisions based upon what was good for his country. He took a stand against socialism and the New World Order. He did not always agree with the actions and decisions of the United Nations. Under his leadership, the United States officially withdrew from some of the more corrupt organizations within the U.N.
President Trump took a hard stand against global terrorism. He opposed the deadly nuclear deal with Iran, which had been crafted by President Obama and the liberal nations of Europe. These evil world leaders did this, knowing that Iran was the greatest terrorist-sponsoring state in the Middle East. Moreover, they knew that this deal would pose a lethal threat to our friends and allies in this volatile region – especially Israel.
President Trump also understood the motives behind the Palestinian opposition of Israel. His administration withdrew the United State’s support of the Palestinians because he knew our tax dollars were being used for evil purposes against the Israelis. The Palestinian leadership was using these funds to make themselves rich, and to pay the families of terrorists who had killed Israelis. Under the leadership of President Trump, ISIS, a wicked and vile terrorist organization, was also defeated.
In essence, President Trump stood up in the face of evil around the world and said, “No more!” As a result, the evil leaders around the world and in the U.S. rallied against him. Their hatred for him was very open. If the truth were known, we would see how the evil leaders of the world joined the liberal establishment in Washington D.C. to be sure that Donald Trump would not serve a second term. The liberal media was blatantly complicit with their political agenda. Behind the scenes, this plot was bankrolled by evil men like George Soros. They considered Donald Trump a threat to their evil agenda. They want to force this agenda upon America and all nations.
Since the election of Joe Biden, we have witnessed an attempt to erase all of the policies and accomplishments of our former president. America is right back where it was four years ago. It is apparent that the liberal, socialist, left in America is once again joining hands with our enemies to destroy our great nation. Their ultimate aim is to usher in an evil New World Order.
The Biden administration is embracing evil leaders and wicked policies at a maddening pace. They fear their window of opportunity to advance their globalist agenda is very narrow. So, they must act fast.
Following in the mold of his party’s predecessor, President Barak Obama, President Biden has made known his desire to re-establish the nuclear deal with Iran. Many of the Sunni Arab Gulf State leaders, like Saudi Arabia, have told President Biden that this would be dangerous for the Middle East and the rest of the world. Israel has also voiced its grave concerns about the U.S. recommitting itself to the disastrous policy of empowering the evil Iranian leadership. These religious leaders in Iran are driven by their apocalyptic desires to control the Middle East and the entire world. Other world players that have close economic ties with the Iranians include Russia, China, and India. The blind leadership of these countries is not aware that they are creating a monster that wants to destroy them also.
In another unwise move, the Biden administration is going soft on militant Islamic terrorist groups in the Middle East. Biden has removed the Houthi Rebels, a militant Islamic terrorist organization, funded and trained by Iran, from the official terrorist list in the U.S. The Houthi Rebels, stationed in Yemen, have joined other terrorist groups in their ongoing attack against Saudi Arabia. Iran’s ultimate goal in the Middle East is to destroy Israel and to take over oil rich Saudi Arabia, the center of the Islamic world.
And in yet another reversal of a Trump policy, the current administration has reinstated Palestinian offices in Washington. Plus, it is once again sending funds to support the Palestinian cause. President Biden has made it known that he wants to return to an old way of thinking that would establish a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians. This will force Israel to surrender some of the Promised Land to the Palestinians. Furthermore, Biden seems to be ignoring all of the progress that had been made in the Abraham Accords, which are a joint statement between Israel and other Arab Persian Gulf states and the United States, reached in 2020. It seems to be of little value to him that a new hope for peace was beginning to materialize, with Islamic states signing agreements to normalize relationships with Israel. It seems that the new leadership in Washington is being driven by a boiling hatred that is aimed at destroying all of the good accomplishments of the Trump administration.
President Trump fought a fierce battle with the entrenched liberal political machinery for four years over border control. The president strongly desired to build a strong defense system along our border with Mexico. Once again, by executive order, President Biden has reversed all of President Trump’s policies with regard to controlling the number of immigrants allowed into the country. Reports indicate that some days more than 3,000 illegal immigrants are crossing the border into our country.
Not only is Biden not concerned about the safety of our nation, he has ordered hotels along the border be made available to these illegal immigrants. It seems that the Biden policies are aimed at encouraging these immigrants to storm our border and enter our country. Local law enforcement and political establishment are warning that what is happening presents a grave danger to the future of the United States. U.S. citizens along the border feel threatened. COVID-19 is spreading. Cars and property are being stolen. Women are being raped. Even some of the Democrats are attempting to change the president’s mind concerning his liberal border policies.
Perhaps one of the most threatening policies of the current administration is their friendship and cooperation with China. Anyone with eyes open to read a little, knows that China wants to rule the world. Hence, the communist leadership in China wants to bring about the demise of the United States of America. They want to destroy us politically, militarily, morally, socially, spiritually, and economically.

Last November, President Trump came to the realization that public and private Chinese companies were available on Wall Street for American investors. This would merely help make China stronger. Many of these companies of the People’s Republic of China are military companies that support the technology and growth of a military that is sworn to the destruction of the United Sates. Therefore, on November 12, 2020, President Trump signed Executive Order 13959 to make it illegal for Wall Street to allow these Chinese companies to receive investment funds from Americans.
In essence, President Biden, shortly after he became president, caved in to China’s complaints about President Trump’s executive order. Consequently, millions of Americans are again investing in the destruction of their own country. Sadly, they do not realize what they are doing. This is an outrage and disgrace to the American people!
In an electrifying and frightening article from Gatestone Institute on February 10, 2021, Gordon Chang, who is a Gatestone Distinguished Senior Fellow and member of its Advisory Board) presented an article, “China is Creating a New Master Race.” Here are some excerpts from this article, “U.S. intelligence shows that China has conducted human testing on members of the People’s Liberation Army in hope of developing soldiers with biologically enhanced capabilities. … The People’s Liberation Army has gone all-in on editing of humans. There are no ethical boundaries to Beijing’s pursuit of power.
“Chinese scientists already are on the road of ‘gene-doping’ to make future generations smarter and more innovative than those in countries refusing to embrace these controversial methods. What you are witnessing in China is the convergence of advanced technology with cutting-edge bio-sciences, capable of fundamentally altering all life on this planet according to the capricious whims of a nominally Communist regime.
“What is most disturbing about these endeavors is that China has gleaned access to CRISPR and advanced genetic and biotech research, thanks to their relationship with the United States and other advanced Western nations. American research labs, biotech investors, and scientists have all striven to do research and business in China’s budding biotech arena … because the ethical standards for research … are so low. … China’s regime does not have ethics or decency, is not bound by law, and does not have a sense of restraint. It does, however, have a technology to start a whole new species of genetically enhanced, goose-stepping humans” (Gordan G. Chang, Gatestone Institute, “China Is Creating a New Master Race,” February 10, 2021).
When I read this report, it made me think of what was happening in the days of Noah. In some way, a new generation of wicked people was being created by the union of “the sons of God” and the “daughters of men” (Genesis 6:2). While we cannot be sure about this, it seems that this was a new generation of demonically-controlled human beings who were bold in their wickedness and violence. God would not tolerate this, so He judged the entire generation with the global flood. I do not believe that God will allow this evil regime in China to alter the biological makeup of the human race. China’s day of divine judgment is coming!
In another article by Gordon Chang, in Newsweek, he reveals that China is engaged in horrific genocide against some of its own minorities. He writes, “China is committing the world’s most abhorrent crimes. An unspeakable evil is taking place. … Uyghur [a Muslim minority] women are routinely tortured and raped by government officials, clearly with the approval of the state. Girls from minority groups have been sexually violated.
“More than a million – and perhaps over three million – Uyghurs, Kazakhs and other ethnic minorities are being held in concentration camp-like facilities termed ‘vocational education and training center.’ Their goal is to destroy everyone. … There are persistent and credible reports of organ harvesting. Call this murder – and murder, that is, on a mass scale.
“Children are often separated from their parents and housed in prison-like ‘orphanages.’” (www.newsweek .com, February 16, 2021).
China, like all evil regimes and cultic groups, realizes to be successful in controlling a culture and society; they must capture the minds of the children. For decades, China reiterated that it was an atheist society. Now, they have changed their strategy. With millions of Christians illegally operating in their country, the Chinese government is now using state-run schools to teach kids to hate God. They tell the children that Christianity is an evil cult. Crosses are being removed throughout China.
U.S. government officials and Wall Street investors are holding hands with the devil. The policies and practices of doing business with China are helping to promote an evil regime that is plotting to place everyone on earth under its control.
Communists and Muslims are plotting to take over the world. Only the resistance of the U.S. has stood in their way. It is apparent that the policies of the Biden administration are helping to advance the cause and dreams of the evil leaders in China, Russia, and Iran. It is clear that these countries want to destroy Christianity and the United States so they can rule the world.
As this transpires, the war within the spirit world is ramping up. Evil is running rampant all over the world. As believers in Jesus Christ we must realize that all of this indicates that the coming of our Lord for His church is growing near.
We must stand with God as the spiritual darkness escalates all around us. God is very much aware of what is happening, and He cares. “The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good” (Proverbs 15:3). God hates evil. “The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogance, and the evil way” (Proverbs 8:13).
What should we do as believers? We need to confront evil by sharing the gospel. A light shines the greatest in the darkest of night. We also need to brace and prepare ourselves for the evil days that are ahead. Proverbs 22:3 says, “A prudent man foresees the evil, and hides himself; but the simple pass on, and are punished.” We must also fight against evil by putting on the armor of God – truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and the Word of God (Ephesians 6:10-17). We are commanded to “overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21).
We must be very careful that we too are not participants in the evil of our day. Listen to what God said to the wicked citizens of Israel in the days of the great prophet Jeremiah. “For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water” (Jeremiah 2:13). The root of their evil was to replace God by being independent of Him. Instead of trusting God by drinking from the fresh water He provided, they made cisterns [underground cavities to collect rain water]. They were trusting themselves, rather than God. Our culture, with all of its man-made conveniences, promotes independence from God. It is all too easy for us to forget that everything we have is a gift from God – not the man-made system we have today. This too is evil!

(Pictured above) The three leaders of the nations that most threaten the world today: Iran, China and Russia. Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Iranian President Hassan Rouhan.
The Bible has promised us that these days would come. “But evil men and seducers shall grow worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:13). The Bible has also warned us what these evil days would produce. “For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work” (James 3:16).
This must be a time for praying and mourning for America. Proverbs 29:2 says, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked [reign], the people mourn.”
As believers in Jesus Christ, we can take heart that our God is on the throne. In the end, evil will lose the battle in heaven and on earth. During the Tribulation, God will pour out His wrath upon the wicked. God says, “And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity, and I will cause the arrogance of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible” (Isaiah 13:11).
Ultimately, the final punishment of the wicked is eternal damnation in hell. “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God” (Psalm 9:17).
Shoes Dedicated to Satan
As our world grows darker by the minute, we must realize that the ultimate expression of evil is the worship of Satan. During the Tribulation, this will become an expanding reality (Revelation 9:20). This is already a growing phenomenon in America and the world. For example, a new athletic shoe has just been released, which is dedicated to Satan. Each pare comes complete with a pentagram and a drop of human blood in each shoe. Each shoe also contains the number 666 and comes in a limited edition of 666 pairs.
For more information, check out, www.the .
Signs of the Approaching Tribulation
There are a number of developments that signal that the Tribulation Period is approaching.
Geological Activity– As we have reported numerous times, the increase of earthquakes and volcanoes will be the trademark of the wrath of God during the final seven years of this age (Luke 21:11). Israel365news reports that during the first 65 days of 2021, there were 42 major earthquakes with a magnitude of 6 or greater that shook the planet. In 2017 there were only 15 during this same period of time, compared with 24 in 2018, 20 in 2019, and 24 last year. This definitely shows that seismic activity is increasing.
Of particular interest are developments in Iceland. During the first week of March, “Iceland was hit by more than 18,000 earthquakes … including a magnitude 7.3, a magnitude 7.4, and a magnitude 8.1 earthquake” (www., March 7, 2021). Following this report there have been several volcanic eruptions in Iceland. Currently, there are 43 volcanoes erupting around the world.
Magnetic Pole Shifting– It is alarming and revealing to read the scientific reports about the changes in the magnetic field inside of earth. Most people think of the North Pole as being the center of earth’s magnetic field. That is what a compass would indicate. However, in recent decades, that is staring to change. “The magnetic pole is mostly the result of ferrous fluids moving around in the earth’s core. The magnetic pole naturally moves and has even been known to shift hemispheres, turning the magnetic north pole into the magnetic south pole. As the poles shift, the magnetic field weakens. In the last 30 years, the rate of distance that the magnetic north pole moves per year sped up from about 9.3 to around 34 miles per year, moving out of northern Canada, across the Arctic Ocean, and toward Siberia” (www.israel365, March 7, 2021). Scientists claim there is evidence that this major pole shift occurred thousands of years ago and it will take place again. Another indicator is that the earth has lost about 30 percent of its magnetic intensity since scientists began measure it decades ago.
In light of this, it is most interesting to see that during the Tribulation, the Bible speaks of God turning the earth “upside down” (Isaiah 24:1). While this is happening, the earth will also go through a dangerous time of intense heat from the sun (Malachi 4:1; Revelation 16:8-9). Scientists claim that the earth is currently being protected from the most dangerous rays of the sun’s radiation by the magnetic shield around it at the poles. As the magnetic intensity of the earth deteriorates, it makes earth more vulnerable to the dangerous radiation of the sun, and solar flares. Scientists claim that this could act like a magnetic pulse that would naturally wipe out earth’s electrical grid systems in a matter of seconds. This would leave the inhabitants of earth without electricity for years. I personally believe that this will take place either before the rapture or shortly thereafter. It will perfectly set the stage for the horrific events that will unfold during the Tribulation.
Saudi’s Recognize Temple Mount is Jewish– When the end of this age comes, something will materialize in the Arab-Islamic world that will cause it to give permission to Israel to build its temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem (Revelation 11:1-2). This temple will play a major role in events at the end of the Tribulation (Daniel 9:27; 2 Thessalonians 2:4).
The last temple to stand on this location was destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. In the last 1,300 years, this has been considered by Muslims to be a significant location to their religion. In the last few centuries, Muslims claimed that their founding prophet, Muhammad, ascended to heaven from this location, making it important to them.
However, in recent years, it has become known that the Islamic mosques on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem did not exist at the time of Muhammad. Now, reports coming out of Saudi Arabia, are saying that Jerusalem is the “eternal capital of the Jewish people” (Israel Today, March 8, 2021). The Saudis are reminding Muslims that the true holy sites of their religion are Mecca and Medina, which are in Saudi Arabia.
Is this setting the stage for Israel to claim total sovereignty over the Temple Mount and to rebuild their temple? If so, we are getting very close to exciting events that will set the stage for the Tribulation.