P r o p h e tic Truth in the N e w s
October 2024
Published monthly by Mike Wingfield Ministries
All Bible references are from the KJV
(Examining Current Events in the Light of Bible Prophecy)
P.O. Box 67, Boones Mill, VA 24065
The Rapture & Feast of Trumpets
“Behold, I [show] you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” 1 Corinthians 15:51-52
By Mike Wingfield
Israel at the End of Days
“This people have I formed for myself; they shall [show] forth my praise.”
By Mike Wingfield
The ever-changing developments in the Middle East, particularly Israel, seem to indicate that God is setting the stage for His unique time of global judgment. This time that we are marching toward is called “the Tribulation.” And before it begins, God will supernaturally remove his church from the world. That means as believers, current events indicate we should be living in anticipation of the sudden Rapture of the church! Will this be the year that Jesus comes? Only time will tell.
Since Jesus ascended back to His Father in heaven almost 2,000 years ago (Acts 1:9), believers have been looking for Jesus’ return as He promised (John 14:3). As the early church believers moved through the decades following Jesus’ ascension, the apostles exhorted the believers to be looking for His imminent return. When the apostle John wrote the final book of the Bible, Revelation, Jesus repeated His promise, “I come quickly” (Revelation 22:12, 20).
A detailed study of the prophetic Scriptures points to an exact setting that would unfold at the end of this age. At the center of those events is God’s chosen nation of Israel. According to God’s eternal plan recorded in the Bible, the Jewish people, and the land that He gave unto them will be the epicenter of the dramatic and deadly events of the last days. God has chosen His people and His land to display His sovereignty and glory to all the nations at the end of time. The prophet Isaiah wrote about Israel’s central role in God’s eternal plans in his amazing prophetic book. In chapters 41-44, Isaiah portrays Israel as His servant and says that He will protect and use as His witnesses and servants at the end of days.
The nation of Israel is God’s prophetic time piece. God’s eternal story of redemption is bound up in Israel’s people, land, customs, and religious feasts. At the center of God’s focus is His land and His people – Israel. They are “the apple [pupil] of his eye” (Zechariah 2:8). God has placed the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem at the geographical center of the earth (Ezekiel 5:5).
Obviously, as Jesus said, no one can know “that day and hour” of His coming (Matthew 24:36). However, in His Parable of the Fig Tree, Jesus informed His disciples that when one examines all the prophetic pieces of the puzzle, he will be able to discover the season [general time frame] of His coming. He simply promised that the generation that witnesses all the prophetic pieces of the approaching Tribulation Period coming together will not all pass off the scene until the end comes (Matthew 24:32-34). It is my firm belief and conviction that we are that generation.
My heart aches as I watch events unfolding in Israel. After many years of examining the prophetic Scriptures, I am convinced that we are watching final events fall into place that will usher in the Tribulation Period. The storm we call the Tribulation Period is approaching and that means believers will soon be in the arms of Jesus in the Father’s house.
Israel’s has a newly-elected government that is biblically conservative. In Israel’s modern history, since its rebirth in 1948, it has always been governed by a secular government. The turmoil and division that have erupted since this conservative government was formed is Israel compels me to believe that the Tribulation is near. Clearly, Israel is a sharply-divided nation, and the divide is between the Israel’s mostly secular population, and the very conservative religious groups. These conservative group’s support Israel’s unique role in world history, as spelled out in the Bible. Israel has existed for 75 years and this is its 35th government.

In the last few decades Israel, just like America, has been sliding further away from God and toward the liberal political left. The previous Israeli government was one of the most liberal, secular governments in Israel’s modern history. Many of the people who were in positions of leadership were anti-Zionists. That simply means they did not view, nor did they support the idea that Israel is a Jewish nation.
The liberal policies of the former government, especially in its last few months, were very damaging. A mostly a care-taker government headed by Prime Minister Yair Lapid sent a shock wave throughout Israel. Therefore, in this last election, the nation voted in a biblically conservative government, headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. For the first time ever, the religious parties in Israel garnered enough votes to create the largest political parties to form a new government with Netanyahu’s conservative party.
This new government intends to lead the country according to the mandates given to the Jewish people in the Bible. Israel Today declared, “Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is back and eager to lead Israel including making the Bible a central part of Israeli society” (Israel Today, December 30, 2022). At the center of these plans are the two leaders of their religious parties, Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich. Both men are being demonized by the liberal Israeli society and the global media and governments. “The two men’s combined goals are to strengthen Israel’s character as the Jewish state by taking steps, among others, to increase security against terrorism, as well as criminal violence, open the Temple Mount to Jewish worship and increase and consolidate the presence of Jewish residents in the towns and cities of Israel’s biblical heartland – Samaria and Judea” (Israel Today, December 22, 2022). Get ready for a great storm of hate and rejection that will be hurled against Israel. It is coming!
Clearly, the spiritual wars between God and Satan, and between good and evil, are heating up. Psalm 2 tells us that the godless people of the world will violently oppose God and demand that a godless one-world government be formed. The world will reject God and His Son, the Messiah (Psalm 2:2). People of the world will refuse to bow to God’s Word, and especially His commandments. They will demand to be set free from their binding truth and authority (Psalm 2:3). The new Israeli government will be the bullseye of this war. At the center of this war will be the law of God, the land of God, and the will of God.
As we move through the days until Jesus comes, I am convinced there are seven major developments that we need to watch concerning Israel and the end of days. I can promise you that 2023 will become an increasingly difficult time for Israel as these developments continue to unfold. Let us look at them.
1. The Increase in Anti-Semitism
One of the most prevalent signs of the last days is the global hatred for Israel. According to the Bible, when the end comes, the world will hate Israel and be zealously plotting its destruction. Speaking to His Jewish disciples on the Mount of Olives, Jesus said, “Ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake” (Matthew 24:9). This is the proverbial canary in the coal mine for the world. It clearly warns that danger and the end are near!
Satan’s attack upon Israel and the Jewish people is in essence an attack upon God and His eternal purposes. If Satan can destroy Israel or annihilate the Jewish people, He will have defeated God. From the beginning of time, he has made this his aim. Satan heard God’s promise to Abraham. He saw the hand of God upon the Jews in Egypt in the days of Pharaoh. He saw the miracles of God in the days of Moses. Therefore, he has made it one of his major objectives to attack the nation of Israel and to kill the Jewish people in a desperate attempt to defeat God.
In the last half of the seven-year Tribulation, the global hatred against Jews will be spurred on by the antichrist. This evil global leader will make the Jewish people and their land, including Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, the center of his diabolical scheme to control the world. The militaries of the world, under his control, will march to Israel at the end of the Tribulation with a goal of annihilating the Jewish people and seizing control of their land. This final attempt is what we call “The Battle of Armageddon” (Zechariah 14:2-3; Revelation 16:12-16; 19:11-21). The tentacle of lies that will draw the nations against Israel is fomenting all over the world at this very hour!
The hatred for Israel and Jewish people is escalating out of control on many American college and university campuses. Jewish students are witnessing increasing acts of violence. For the first time in the history of America, many people are attempting to hide their Jewish identity. Some fear for their lives.
Fueling this hatred are the radical Islamic communities. The minds of Muslims around the world are being poisoned by their radical religious leaders. Radical Islam spawns deep hatred and contempt for Israel the Jewish people. Adding to Israel’s dilemma are godless governments controlled by socialists and communists. And as all of this transpires, those who hate Israel have found an ally in the liberal news media. Israel’s enemies continually manipulate the media to spread their lies and deception, in an effort turn world opinion against Israel.
This hatred for the Jewish people has blinded the eyes of the godless masses, so that they do not realize they are in conflict with Almighty God. This same thing happened to Pharaoh and his mighty army as they charged after the Jewish people and marched into the Red Sea where they were destroyed by God (Exodus 14:13-31).
2. The Ingathering of the Jewish People
Just as in the days of Moses in Egypt, when the Jewish people were facing an attempt to annihilate them, the Lord used this threat to take them out of the land of their sojourning and lead them back into the Promised Land. According to biblical prophecy, this is happening again (Jeremiah 16:14-15). Because of the mounting hatred being poured out upon the global Jewish community, many Jews are expressing the desire to immigrate to Israel.

In Ezekiel 36:24, God promised the Jewish people living in the last days, “For I will take you from among the heathen [Gentile nations], and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land.” The past year, 2022, was a record year for immigration to Israel, with more than 70,000 new immigrants from 95 different countries. Most of these Jewish immigrants were from Russia and Ukraine. This is a direct fulfillment of Jeremiah 16:14-15.
3. The Spiritual Awakening of Jews
Another amazing spiritual development is unfolding in our world which rejoices the heart of God. Jewish people are increasingly turning to Jesus Christ as their Messiah and Savior. Joel Rosenberg, a prolific author of many books and a born-again Jew living in Israel, writes, “A great spiritual awakening is underway in the Jewish community worldwide, but particularly in the United States (The Rosenberg Report, November 28, 2022).
Rosenberg also reports, “A landmark study by LifeWay, the research branch of the Southern Baptist Convention, found that there are 871,000 Americans of Jewish descent who hold the same theological beliefs as Evangelical Christians. … Perhaps just as dramatic and historic is the fact that Jewish people are showing a greater interest in listening to the Messianic prophecies, reading the New Testament accounts, and trying to process the Gospel message for themselves more than ever before” (The Rosenberg Report, November 28, 2022).
Just before Christmas, Israel Today released the following report, “More than 25 prominent rabbis from Israel and abroad issued a statement calling for a renewed look at Jesus, Christians, and the New Testament faith… What we are now witnessing is the undoing of 2,000 years of Jewish rejection and animosity toward Jesus, a miracle by any estimation. For the out-and-out refusal by Jews to accept Jesus is slowly, but surely, coming to an end, as growing numbers of prestigious Orthodox rabbis welcome Jesus back” (Israel Today, December 22, 2022).
These reports represent a major sign that the Church Age is about to end. In Romans 11:25, the Apostle Paul wrote that a spiritual awakening of the Jewish people would coincide with the end of the Church Age. According to the Book of Revelation, during the first half of the Tribulation, 144,000 Jews will come to Christ for salvation (Revelation 7:1-8). These Jewish men (Revelation 14:1-5) will spread the gospel throughout the nations and win many from all nations to Christ (Revelation 7:9-17).
4. The Internal War with Israeli Rebels
According to the prophetic Scriptures, during the Tribulation, the nation of Israel will be plagued by a godless government that will be in defiant rebellion against God. According to Isaiah 28:14-22, at the end of days, a group of influential government leaders in Jerusalem will foolishly attempt to lead Israel into a peace covenant with an enemy that is sworn to their destruction. These leaders will ignore the Word of God. God calls them “scornful men” and “mockers” of God’s truth. This is the perfect picture of the former Israeli government leaders who are opposing the new Israeli government under the leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu.
Former Israeli Prime Minister Lapid spoke to the U.N. General Assembly on September 22, 2022. In his address, he lied to the UN by stating that the Jewish people were ready for a two-state solution, indicating that they were ready to once again surrender a part of the Promised Land. This is a core issue with Lapid’s liberal political party and other secular Jews who are against a strict Zionist agenda for Israel. However, the election which followed in November proved that the majority in Israel oppose this godless agenda.
Since they lost the election in November, Lapid and his colleagues have continued to call for civil unrest and rebellion against the newly elected government headed by Netanyahu and his right-wing conservatives. Israel has been seeing massive demonstrations, supported by the liberal media. Seemingly, Israel is at the point of civil war. Many fear that this could lead to the eventual collapse of the modern state of Israel. However, as students of the Bible, we know this will not happen.
One of God’s major purposes of the Tribulation for the Jewish people will be to spiritually refine the nation, removing all the unsaved Jews (Isaiah 4:3-4; Zechariah 13:8-9). Concerning this time, the Lord declares, “And I will purge out from among you the rebels, and them that transgress against me” (Ezekiel 20:38). When the end comes at Armageddon, the entire remaining Jewish nation will be saved.
5. The Growing Passion for Temple Worship
Under this new Israeli government, there seems to be a renewed passion to fulfill what the Scriptures say concerning the restoration of Temple worship on Mount Moriah – the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The religious Jews in Israel understand that the most holy ground in Israel is the Temple Mount. They know this is the only place chosen by God for temple worship (Deuteronomy 12:10-14). It was the location of all the temples in biblical times. They also understand that according to many Scriptures, they will return to the Temple Mount to build a temple and re-institute temple worship.
There will be two temples built on the Temple Mount in the future. The first will be constructed during the Tribulation (Revelation 11:1-2). Finally, a massive temple will be built upon the Temple Mount during the Millennial Kingdom of Christ (Ezekiel 40-44). This temple will become the focal point of worship for all nations (Isaiah 2:2-3).
After 2,000 years of exile from their Promised Land, the Jewish people began their return during the 20th century. The nation officially began on May 14, 1948. Within hours, five powerful Islamic nations that neighbor Israel attacked the new Jewish state. Miraculously, after 18 months of war, Israel won. However, Israel was not able to gain control of the ancient city of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. The Temple Mount has been considered the third most holy site for Muslims according to their questionable historical traditions. Therefore, the old city of Jerusalem and Temple Mount have remained in the hands of the Muslims. The Arab country of Jordan became the caretaker of this holy site.
When the Six-Day War broke out in June 1967, the Arabs once again attacked Israel, stating it was an illegal occupant of a land that had belonged to the Muslims. The land had been conquered 13 centuries earlier by Muslim invaders. After soundly defeating the Arabs, Israel took complete control of the areas controlled by Jordan from 1948 to 1967. For the first time in 2,000 years, the Jews were able to walk on the Temple Mount and freely pray at the Wailing Wall. However, in 1967, the secular Israeli government, out of fear of a major war with the Muslim world, decided to allow Jordan to retain control of the Temple Mount and maintain the worship on the site where two historical Islamic structures were located.

Since this time, the world has forgotten the historical significance of the Temple Mount. Many Arab Muslims continue to view this mountain as the third most holy site in the Muslim world. While ignoring the Bible and archaeological evidence, they stubbornly claim the Jews have no right to enter the Temple Mount area. Muslim authorities who control this mountain have a radical mindset and they vehemently oppose any Jewish or Christian activities on the Temple Mount. Unfortunately, the world blindly sides with the Muslims in this debate.
From 1967-1980, most Jewish governments ignored the many requests by Jewish groups to pray on the Temple Mount. Out of fear, many opposed any Jewish presence on the mountain. However, since 1980, several Jews have been allowed to ascend the Temple Mount.
With the election of the new Israeli government, these restrictions imposed upon Israelis are being challenged. Just days after the new Israeli government was sworn in on December 27, 2022, National Security Minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, announced he would enter the Temple Mount. On January 3, 2023, he quietly strolled across the Temple Mount for about 13 minutes. This simple walk across the Temple Mount by Gvir was hailed by the media as a brazenly dangerous and provocative act. Even the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden opposed Gvir’s actions, stating that the Temple Mount should be used exclusively for Muslim worship.
Stating that Jews cannot pray on the Temple Mount is like saying Christians cannot pray in their churches. It ignores all the biblical, historical, and archaeological facts that prove that the Temple Mount was a place of Jewish worship for 1,600 years before the religion of Islam came into existence.
Clearly, this is a satanically motivated effort to prevent the fulfillment of the coming of Messiah and His temple in Jerusalem. This present Israeli government is bold and passionate to claim its right to the Temple Mount. Obviously, we are now entering into a new era of conflict over the most important piece of property on the face of the earth.
Muslims know that Jewish groups are preparing for temple worship. Just last Fall, several unique red heifers were flown to Israel in preparation for the red heifer sacrifice and the re-institution of the laws of purification and dedication of temple priests (Numbers 19). Without this sacrifice, no Jewish priest could function at the newly rebuilt temple on the Temple Mount.
The struggle over the Temple Mount is about to enter a new phase. Satan and the demons of hell will do everything in their power to keep the Jews from controlling the Temple Mount. All of hell and approximately 99.97 percent of the global population are opposed to Israel’s control of the Temple Mount. However, the Lord will prevail. The God of Israel is about to display His power and authority, and as a result, the whole world will know that He is the Lord God!
6. The Struggle for the Land of Israel
The conflict over the area the world calls the “West Bank,” biblical Judea and Samaria, is also about to enter a new era of global attention and crisis. This area is the heartland of the Promised Land. In an unconditional land covenant with Abraham in Genesis 15, God promised to give the Jewish people this land forever (Genesis 13:15). Most of the events recorded in the Bible took place in this area. Anyone who questions these statements does not know the biblical record.
God promised His people that when the end of this age would come, He would return them to their land. The Scriptures repeatedly exclaim that the returning Jews would be in conflict with their neighbors over this land (see Ezekiel 36:1-7).
Since the beginning of the modern nation of Israel, its secular-minded governments have been willing to appease their Muslim neighbors concerning the Jewish presence in the Promised Land. They have surrendered to the global pressure to not anger their Arab neighbors. However, this is about to change.
For the first time in its modern history, Israel has government leaders that are willing to be bold and take a stand on the promises of God. Recently, the new government stated its official policy, “The Jewish people have an exclusive and inalienable right to all parts of the Land of Israel. … This government will promote and develop the settlement of all parts of the Land of Israel—in the Galilee, the Negev, the Golan Heights and Judea and Samaria” (Israel Today, December 29, 2022).
This policy has angered the Biden administration in Washington. President Biden adamantly opposes the Jewish occupation of the “West Bank” and views it as an integral part of a Palestinian State. After the Israeli government released its policy about the disputed lands, Biden said, “…as we have throughout my administration, the United States will continue to support the two-state solution and to oppose policies that endanger its viability or contradict our mutual interests and values.” Biden’s comments are in line with the United Nations, but not with God!
Once again, Israel stands in opposition to the entire world on its right to all the land of Israel. However, God stands with them, and they have nothing to fear. God has vowed “to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem” (Zechariah 12:9).
7. The Rise of the Russian/Turkish/Iranian Coalition
According to Ezekiel 38-39, three nations will form a coalition against Israel at the end of this age. They are Russia, Iran, and Turkey. For the first time in modern history, these three nations have formed a coalition and are waging war in the Middle East. The Israeli government recognizes the nuclear ambitions of Iran as a major threat to Israel’s existence. The Israeli leadership has made it clear — defending the nation is its top priority. As you read this newsletter, Israel is weighing military options to destroy Iran’s ability to make a nuclear bomb. Netanyahu is warning that Iran is only months away from fulfilling its nuclear ambitions. This is a ticking time bomb for the world. When Israel strikes Iran, it will more than likely set in motion the attack by the Russian/Turkish/Iranian coalition. Before this happens, I am convinced that the Rapture will occur, and true believers will be in heaven with Jesus.
The prophets of the Old Testament and the apostles of the New Testament wrote about the conditions that would prevail in Israel at the end of days. It is very clear that these conditions have arrived.
Be ready for the shout that will take us out!