P r o p h e tic Truth in the N e w s
October 2024
Published monthly by Mike Wingfield Ministries
All Bible references are from the KJV
(Examining Current Events in the Light of Bible Prophecy)
P.O. Box 67, Boones Mill, VA 24065
The Rapture & Feast of Trumpets
“Behold, I [show] you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” 1 Corinthians 15:51-52
By Mike Wingfield
It is Much Later than We Think
“And the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day.” Isaiah 2:11
By Mike Wingfield
I recently had a unique and precious experience with three of my grandsons as I took them on the 45-minute trip to their Christian school one morning. Normally, the younger boys watch a video during the drive. On this morning, as we left home, one of them said, “Granddaddy, we are not going to watch a video, we will just look out the window and talk today.” Little did we know that his comment would set the stage for an incredible morning that we are all still talking about.
Ten minutes into the trip that morning, we looked east and caught a glimpse of a breathtaking sunrise. Our experience lasted for about 20 minutes as the sun appeared over the horizon. This particular sunrise was unique and it was simply spectacular.
The sky appeared as if it were on fire. The sunlight was a deep red color. As the sun came into view, for about five minutes, it appeared like a massive red ball in the dark morning sky. Then the other younger grandson asked, “What makes the sun look red?”

Because it is related to the signs of the end times, I have given a lot of time to looking at the Bible and researching science to discover the answer to his question. I explained to them that the red colors of sunlight are created during sunrise and sunset because the light we are seeing coming from the sun is further away from us at the horizon. When this light passes through dust particles in the atmosphere, the light bounces off these particles and bends the light so that when it arrives at our location it appears to
be red. Colors of light are all created by the bending of the light through particles in the atmosphere. For example, a rainbow is created when the sunlight passes through tiny droplets of water in the atmosphere. This makes the light appear to be scattered, resulting in the different colors of the rainbow.
The Bible tells us that God has given us the sun, moon, and stars to communicate His message to us. On the fourth day of creation, God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night: and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and for years” (Genesis 1:14).
God has designed our atmospheric conditions to communicate His promises and His warnings. Before the great flood of Noah’s day, the conditions in earth’s atmosphere were not conducive to creating the conditions for the appearance of a rainbow. There were no droplets of water and unfiltered natural sunlight in the pre-flood atmosphere to create a rainbow. According to Genesis 1:6-7, in the original creation God created a translucent water canopy above earth’s atmospheric heavens. This canopy was probably located in what is today called the stratosphere. The presence of this water canopy made conditions on earth perfect, which contributed to the longevity of man’s lifespan. The canopy filtered out the dangerous strains of solar light that are a significant part of our aging process. The canopy also protected earth’s atmosphere from fluctuating temperatures, and the wind catastrophes that are related to the radical temperature changes on earth that we experience now.
During the global flood in Noah’s day, God emptied the water canopy. With the absence of this unique cover, conditions changed, creating the perfect conditions for an occasional rainbow. God told Noah that this new bow in the sky was the symbol of a covenant between Him and every living creature on earth (Genesis 9:8-17). It is God’s promise that He will never use another global flood to remove life from earth. Therefore, when we see the rainbow in the sky, it reminds us of God’s great promise of blessing.
God’s Word also speaks of another “vail” or covering that will be “spread over all nations” (Isaiah 25:7). Most commentators fail to understand the context of Isaiah 25:1-7. The veil or covering that God will wrap the world in, is related to the geological upheaval that is described in the previous chapter – Isaiah 24. This chapter describes the horrific results of the devastating earthquakes and volcanoes of the Tribulation Period. God revealed to Isaiah that the covering over the nations would be like a “heat with the shadow of a cloud” that will devastate the fierce enemies of Israel during the Tribulation (Isaiah 25:4-5).
Many prophetic passages indicate that earth’s atmosphere will be impacted by the eruption of many of earth’s volcanoes during the Tribulation. Revelation 6:12-14 speaks of a very powerful earthquake that will move every mountain and island out of their normal geological coordinate. This global earthquake near the beginning of the Tribulation will cause a multitude of volcanoes to erupt around the world. The eruption of these volcanoes will cause the upper atmosphere to be filled with volcanic ash, turning the atmosphere into darkness during normal daylight hours. Furthermore, the moon will have a blood-red appearance, due to the presence of volcanic ash in the air.

Additional global volcanoes occur in Revelation 8:7-12. These eruptions are so great that one-third of earth’s atmosphere is darkened by the volcanic ash, creating the covering mentioned in Isaiah 25:7. The volcanic ash cover will continue to increase until the end of the Tribulation. At the end of the Tribulation, the atmosphere around the globe will cause the world to experience darkness for the entire 24-hour period of the day (Revelation 16:10). Jesus said that when He would return at the end of the Tribulation, “the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light” (Matthew 24:29). The prophet Joel wrote about this time w hen he said, “And I will show wonders in the heavens, and in the earth, blood [magma], and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come” (Joel 2:30-31).
As statistical data indicates, earthquakes are increasing, and 45 of earth’s 1,350 volcanoes are erupting. As you study the history of earthquakes and volcanoes in the last 100 years, you realize that we are beginning to witness the formation of the volcanic ash cloud that will ultimately cover the earth and make the sky appear deep red. It is much later than we think!
Recently, people living in Blue Ridge Mountains near me were able to see the northern lights, also called aurora borealis. This beautiful phenomenon is created when the sun ejects electrically charged particles which travel from the sun into earth’s upper atmosphere. The earth is shielded from most of these dangerous particles by earth’s magnetic field. However, a few particles manage to enter earth’s upper atmosphere. When these highly charged particles meet our atmosphere, it creates the northern lights.

Because of earth’s magnetic field, these lights usually occur near earth’s polar caps. This phenomenon takes place near the South Pole during the day and is not visible. However, electrically charged particles invade the northern hemisphere during the night, which creates the unique colorful light show in the sky.
In recent decades, there has been a growing concern that earth’s magnetic field is rapidly changing. The magnetic north pole is moving toward the south. As it moves, it is changing, and weakening earth’s magnetic field. About 30 years ago, the rate of movement was 9.3 miles per year. Now, it is moving about 40 miles per year. Consequently, this is causing the magnetic field of the earth to grow weaker. Since 1840 it has decreased by 16 percent. The weakening of the magnetic field is of great concern because it is making the earth vulnerable to the dangerous electrically charged particles ejected from the sun during a solar geomagnetic storm. Scientists are warning us that at some point when the earth’s magnetic field is compromised, a massive solar storm could release deadly electronic particles that would create a natural electronic magnetic pulse (EMP), invading our atmosphere with a massive electrical surge. This could have the potential to destroy part or all of earth’s global electrical grid.

Michael Snyder, a Christian prophetic research expert recently wrote in one of his blogs, “The sun has been experiencing bizarre behavior recently – in February, a piece of its northern pole broke off.
“A video shows a giant filament of plasma, or electrified gas, shooting out from the sun, separating and then circulating in a ‘massive polar vortex.’
“While astronomers are baffled, they speculate the prominence has something to do with the reversal of the sun’s magnetic field that happens once every solar cycle.
“The size of this polar vortex was absolutely astounding.
It is being reported that it was 74,500 miles high and “14 times larger than Earth…
“The incredible moment a colossal ‘solar tornado’ that is 14 times larger than Earth swirls on the sun’s surface has been captured by NASA in a new video.
“The twister, composed of plasma and heat, measured more than 74,500 miles high and moved up to 310,000 miles per hour.
“Late on Monday, March 13, the Sun blasted out a coronal mass ejection (CME) traveling at least 3,000 kilometers per second (6,700,000 miles per hour), possibly the fastest ever recorded. The expelled particles reached the Earth’s orbit in less than a day. Had they hit the Earth, the results could have been catastrophic, but fortunately the CME was directed almost directly opposite. However, the explosion is a reminder the next time we may not be so [fortunate].
“This coronal mass ejection was so powerful that NASA actually classified it as “an R, for rare”.
“The good news is that this eruption happened on the far side of the sun [facing away from earth]…
“Even though the CME erupted from the opposite side of the Sun, its impacts were felt at Earth,” NASA said. “As CMEs blast through space, they create a shockwave that can accelerate particles along the CME’s path to incredible speeds, much the way surfers are pushed along by an incoming ocean wave.”
If the Earth had been facing the coronal mass ejection, it could have potentially [been catastrophic] (Michael Snyder, www.theeconomiccollapseblog.com, March 21, 2023). It is conjectured that this could have caused a natural electronic magnetic pulse (EMP) that would have destroyed part or all earth’s electrical grid. A similar event took place on September 1-2, 1859, that impacted all of Europe and North America. Scientists refer to this historical geomagnetic storm as “The Carrington Event.”
No one can begin to imagine the impact of such a development. Without a doubt, this would change the course of human history. This generation has never lived without electricity for a significant period of time. About 87 percent of the world has access to electricity. Three out of four people, about 75 percent of the global population relies upon electricity daily. Obviously, the destruction of the global electrical grid would cripple the world, drastically altering our current lifestyles. This entire youthful generation in America has no memory of living without electricity.
In my opinion, there is biblical evidence that during the last days, the world will suffer several geomagnetic storms that will bring devastating consequences. I believe that when the nations fight the battles of Gog and Magog prior to the Tribulation (Ezekiel 38-39) and Armageddon at the end of the Tribulation (Revelation 19:14-21) they will need to revert to archaic warfare. They will literally resort to the use of horses as the biblical texts declare. Without the services of electricity, and with the world’s devastation due to geological upheaval, the high-tech services of man’s military arsenal will be rendered useless.
Since earth’s magnetic field is essential to protecting the global electrical grid, we need to understand how the earth’s magnetic field is created. To do this we must investigate the interior of the earth because this is where the magnetic field is created. Scientists continue to debate this matter and develop theories about the origins of earth’s magnetic field. This is because they cannot explore the interior of the earth, and never will (Jeremiah 31:37). Scientists continue to offer explanations for earth’s interior structure and how it creates earth’s magnetic field.

Scientists have developed this model of earth’s interior due to electromagnetic soundings and related calculations. However, no one has been able to drill through the crust of the earth to explore earth’s mantle or deeper levels of earth’s interior. It is believed that the mantle is an ocean of liquid rock that is 1,800 miles deep. Some parts of the mantle are between 2,000 to 7,000 degrees F. It is conjectured that the constant movement of this liquid rock, impacted by the centrifugal force of earth’s spin on its axis, plays a major role in the operation of earth’s magnetic field. The movement of earth on its surface and in its interior, along with the metallic makeup of earth’s interior, creates our magnetic field.
The Bible speaks of earth’s interior as “the foundations of the earth” (Job 38:4-6). The Scriptures declare that God laid the foundations of the earth, and they are the work of His hands (Psalm 102:25). Furthermore, God constantly speaks to the interior of the earth, and like a servant, it obeys Him (Isaiah 48:13).
Scientists tell us that they have evidence that the weakening of earth’s magnetic field occurred thousands of years ago. At some point, it caused the reversal of earth’s magnetic fields. The North Pole shifted and became the South Pole, and the South Pole became the North Pole. This will happen again during the Tribulation Period.
It is my opinion that this historical polar shift probably occurred at the time of the great global flood in the days of Noah. Genesis 7 describes the geological upheaval that en-dured for 40 days. This unique geological event radically altered the interior of the earth. On the surface of the earth, higher moun-tains and deeper canyons were formed. A great portion of earth’s surface became a desert wasteland.
According to the Bible, the earth will experience another major geological upheaval during the Tribulation Period. Global earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will take place due to the radical changes in the interior of the earth. Psalm 102:26 declares that the foundations of the earth will grow old [become weak and break down]. As a result, the interior of the earth will be changed. Psalm 102:25-26says, “Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands. They shall perish, but thou shalt endure: yea, all of them shall [grow] old like a garment: as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed.”
Isaiah 24 gives us a powerful insight into the devastation of the earth due to geological upheaval during the Tribulation. The massive global earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis will change the face of the earth. Isaiah 24:1 warns us, “Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty [depopulation], and maketh it waste [annihilation], and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof.”
Our world is moving toward another major geological upheaval as it occurred in Noah’s generation. However, God’s bow, the rainbow, promises it will not be destroyed by water. The next major judgment will come from beneath the earth. I am convinced that the increase in earthquakes and volcanic eruptions around the world are an indication that our world is geologically racing toward its final appointment with God. It is much later than we think!
As believers in Jesus Christ, we must not be filled with fear. Our God controls the sun, the interior of the earth, the magnetic field of the earth, and subsequently, all natural disasters. Psalm 46 is a prophetic revelation that will have special application for those who will experience the geological cataclysms of the end times. The believers of the Tribulation Period will find peace and shelter as they declare, “The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge” (Psalm 46:7).

As Psalm 102 reminds us, the earth is like a piece of clothing that has deteriorated and is being ripped apart. It will change. But our God, who controls it all, will never change. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah” (Psalm 46:1-3).At the end of verse 3 is the word “selah.” The Psalms were set to music and the ancient Hebrews sang these psalms. The Book of psalms was their hymnbook of worship. The word “selah” was a musical notation. It means that the worshipper was to stop and meditate upon what he had just sung. God is saying to us, “Stop and think about who I am and what I will do to get man to see Me and My glory and worship Me!” Later in Psalm 46, God says, “Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth” (Psalm 46:10). Hundreds of years later, the Spirit of God would move the prophet Isaiah to remind his people of this once again (Isaiah 2:10-22). By God’s design, He will remove all the physical stuff that has become meaningless idols and distractions. Our modern communication devices, and so-called high-tech conveniences, have distracted or blinded us from the daily presence and power of God. The Spirit of God said about that time, “And the LORD alone shall be exalted in that d ay” (Isaiah 2:11, 17).
When the end comes, God will shake this planet and take away everything from man. In the beginning, God created a couple, Adam and Eve, and placed them in a garden. They were content because God visited with them, and they walked with Him (Genesis 3:8). After they sinned, they and their environment were changed. Man began to be self-focused, rather than God-focused. The world we live in continues to mentally feed us these selfish thoughts and ways. Man has created a world that is filled with human ingenuity that sinfully feeds our sinful independence from God. Most people don’t have time for God because they think He doesn’t exist, or if He does, they don’t need Him!
God gave Israel 613 commandments. Ten of these were written by the hand of God and given to Moses on Mount Sinai – the 10 Commandments. The first four of these commandments express the heart of God. He commands us to worship Him, and Him alone. He is a jealous God (Exodus 20:5). He demands that we love Him more than anyone or anything else! When we fail to do this, God sends His plagues, visitations, and judgments upon man, to drive mankind to his knees to seek Him! He wants, expects, and demands our devotion and worship. He created us and sent His Son to die for our sins so that we might restore our relationship with Him and live with Him forever. What a God of grace and love!
God’s clock does more than measure time based upon the movement of earth, sun, and moon. God’s clock in the sky helps us look at life in terms of eternity.
A day will come when there will be no sun (Revelation 21:23-25). We will not need this communication anymore. We will be in the presence of our eternal God and His glory will light our lives and understanding.

As sinful creatures, when it comes to God and eternity, the first word we think about is “tomorrow.” When Moses asked Pharoah when he wanted the divine judgment of frogs to be removed, Pharoah said, “tomorrow” (Exodus 8:1-10). When we have a serious moment, some of us pacify our conscience by saying, “That is important. I will do that, but not now. I will do it tomorrow.” We do not realize how dangerous that thought is.
The Bible warns us that we do not have a promise of tomorrow. The Bible reminds us that life is brief (Psalm 90). If the Lord is speaking to you about salvation, or the confession of some sin, do not procrastinate.
It is much later than we think!
Be ready for the shout that will take us out!