P r o p h e tic Truth in the N e w s
October 2024
Published monthly by Mike Wingfield Ministries
All Bible references are from the KJV
(Examining Current Events in the Light of Bible Prophecy)
P.O. Box 67, Boones Mill, VA 24065
The Rapture & Feast of Trumpets
“Behold, I [show] you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” 1 Corinthians 15:51-52
By Mike Wingfield
AI- The Final Rebellion
Part one- Understanding Artificial Intelligence in light of the Bible
By Mike Wingfield
Artificial intelligence, more commonly known as AI, is capturing the world’s attention as technological advances continue at a breathtaking pace. I am convinced that AI, when examined from a global context in relation to Bible prophecy, is proof that we are living in the last days.
Our world is in its final stage of its evil revolt against God, and Satan is using A1 to capture the minds of the world’s most powerful and influential leaders. It is my opinion that Satan is using some of the world’s most brilliant minds in his final rebellion against the Lord. Like toy soldiers marching to the beat of Satan’s drum, these influential men are leading the world in this revolution. At the heart of this insurrection is the creation and application of AI.
During the first century, the Holy Spirit showed the Apostle Paul the nature of a culture that had reached the final stage of spiritual rebellion — a point of no return. This great man of God wrote about this in Romans 1. When the end comes, God will pour out His wrath against this society because it has suppressed His Word and rejected His “eternal power and Godhead” (Romans 1:20). This final generation will reject the truth that man has been uniquely made in the image of God. With a seared conscience, and the absence of any common sense, Paul describes these arrogant, pride-filled people as those who, “professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man…” (Romans 1:22-23). This is evidenced by the fact that these people are given over to depraved sexual immorality that only exists in the jungles of darkness with wild beasts (Romans 1:24-27). They are given over to unnatural sinful sexual pleasures that demand the judgment of a holy God! Look around you! It is very apparent that we have reached this point in time.
According to the Bible, at the end of this age, Satan will direct his final assault against God before he is once and for all cast into the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:10). His efforts against God will be driven by his great wrath (Revelation 12:12) directed toward God and all those who serve God, especially the chosen people of Israel (Revelation 12:1-5, 14-17). Furthermore, Satan knows the Bible. He fully understands what God has planned for him according to the revealed eternal plan of God. Satan knows his time is “short” (Revelation 12:12).
Satan’s demons will assist him in this final rebellion against Almighty God. According to Revelation 9, demons will be released from hell to physically attack the wicked during the Tribulation Period. Notice Revelation 9:11, “And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.” These names of Satan mean “destroyer.”
From the beginning, after his insurrection in heaven (taking one-third of the angels with him), Lucifer came to earth and attempted to recruit man to join him in his rebellion against God. Satan delights in taking control of every aspect of people’s lives, their marriages, their culture, and their governments. It is his aim to use man in his attempt to defeat God and to establish his kingdom of darkness upon this earth. In the past, the Scriptures highlight how the devil directed his efforts to a historical climax at the time of Noah and the global flood in Genesis 6, and at the time of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11.
In Satan’s first attempt to unite the world in rebellion against God in the days of Noah, he thought he could change the course of humanity by altering the very essence of man. Man was created in the image of God. During the days of Noah Satan attempted to alter the nature of humanity by flooding the global population with demon-possessed people.
In his first attempt in the days of Noah, Satan thought he could change the course of humanity by altering the very essence of man. Man was created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27). During the days of Noah (Genesis 6:1-3) Satan attempted to alter the nature of humanity by flooding the global population with demon-possessed people. The emphasis of Genesis 6 focuses upon a global population that was being threatened with the birth of millions of demon-possessed babies. I believe this is the best theological understanding of the reference of the “nephilim” [the Hebrew word translated as “giants”]. These great fallen ones are described as being those who were born in the time before the flood in Genesis 6:4. The results of demonic possession in this text do not focus upon the physical stature of the people, but upon their spiritual wickedness. The core problem, as reported in Genesis 6, was a culture with people who had no conscience (verse 3), were lawless and evil (verse 5), morally corrupt (verses 11, 12), and “filled with violence” (verse 11, 13). This is a clear reference to the oppression and possession of demons in the days of Noah.
These same characteristics are seen today in our world. I believe that a growing segment of our global population is demonically oppressed. This means they are being mentally influenced by demons (2 Corinthians 4:4; 1 Timothy 4:1). Many other people are possessed by demons. This happens when demons take up residence in a person’s body to control their body, mind, and emotions, making that person their slave.
The destroyer is at work, wrecking what is good and that glorifies God. However, Satan seems to be taking everything to another hellish level with the introduction of Artificial Intelligence. It is my conviction that Satan will double his efforts by using demonically controlled people who will be aided by AI robots during the Tribulation Period. These robots are being called “bots,” or “humanoids.”
It is my understanding that demons are always looking for a person who has seared his conscience (1 Timothy 4:1-3). This simply means that this person has no moral inhibitions and is furthermore filled with a blind knowledge of a world that has exchanged the truth of God for lies and deceptive insights (Romans 1:21-25). The person who has no conscience becomes the perfect tool for demons who want to enslave people, recruiting them for Satan’s ultimate rebellion against God. In essence, AI-controlled robots are made to look, speak, think, and act like human beings. However, they have no human body, mind, or conscience. These humanoids will become another satanic instrument to capture the minds and attention of the world at the end of this age.
With this understanding, let us begin to examine Artificial Intelligence is and how it is preparing our world for the final rebellion against God.
1. What is AI?
Ziv Katzir, the head of the National Program for AI Infrastructure at the Israel Innovation Authority says, “By function definition, AI is anything that a computer or other machine does that mimics/resembles/replaces a human being” (The Jerusalem Post, January 15, 2023). The central focus of AI today is the creation of computer enhanced robots that will perform tasks that are usually associated with mimicking human beings. These robots are designed and manufactured to think for themselves, research, collect data, and to speak, act, and look like intelligent human beings.
It is not an accident that Satan has captured the minds of some of the most intelligent people on the planet to produce and promote AI. Satan’s purpose behind AI is a chapter out of his own playbook in his mutiny against God thousands of years ago. It was his pride that caused him to think that he could successfully seize God’s sovereignty. Most theologians have correctly observed that the Bible indicates Satan was created as a good angel in the beginning. Lucifer was probably one of the greatest of all the angels. He was divinely equipped with great intelligence, beauty, and abilities, and given great power (Isaiah 14:12-14; Ezekiel 28:13-17). However, his attempt to defeat God failed. God cannot be overthrown because only Almighty God is infinite and invincible in all His ways and attributes. All of creation, including the angelic world, is finite and dependent upon God for its existence.

A godly man will always realize that knowledge, understanding, and wisdom are found in knowing God and being humble before Him (Proverbs 1:7; 9:10; 15:33; 1 Peter 5:5-7). God’s wisdom is infinite, far beyond the comprehension of finite angels or men (Romans 11:33-34).
Those who have great intellectual abilities tend to view themselves as being superior to others. In some cases, they even reject God because they do not understand that biblical faith isn’t based upon the depraved, flawed, and finite intellectual abilities which formulate their reasoning (1 Corinthians 1:21-2:14).
Arrogant sinners fly into the face of God, thinking they can outwit Him. They do not even think about God or God’s ways or wisdom (Psalm 10:4). It is impossible for unsaved man, no matter how brilliantly intellectual he may be by the world’s standards, to understand the things of God. The Bible says, “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians 2:14).
Only a man who has the Holy Spirit living in him can begin to grasp the knowledge of God. The saved man is directed by the Spirit in the Word of God to see things that are invisible, eternal, and heavenly (2 Corinthians 4:18-5:1). The child of God walks by faith, not by human reasoning alone (2 Corinthians 5:7).
We live in a world that worships at the feet of scientists and other intellectuals. Our world is filled with men who have degrees from institutes of higher learning but have no common sense and are moral pagans. These people live in utter foolishness because they refuse to believe in God and the spirit world. Therefore, the world is prepared for the great deception of the end-times, and AI will take them to the highest levels of their arrogant rebellion against God.
2. The Development and Prevalence of AI
AI is no longer a future dream, but a present reality in many nations. The following nations are leading the world with the research and application of AI systems: China, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Canada, Russia, France, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, United Kingdom, the United States, and Israel. Israel is known around the world as the high-tech innovation nation. It is leading the world in AI research and its application.
3. The Current Applications of AI
Like the previous industrial revolution, AI will radically alter the way we do business in the world. It will have many applications, both good and evil. It will aid man in enhancing security and banking industries. It will alter the way we educate the next generation. It will help us to robotically manufacture everything. Robots will steer vehicles and fly aircraft. All military applications will be controlled by AI. It will simplify research. AI will perform medical surgeries with greater precision and more efficiency. AI will continue to enable the entertainment industry to reach new levels of deception that will simulate reality. AI will set the stage for the great deception of the last days!
A I will be promoted as something good for everyone. AI robots will become available to live in our homes to function as our personal servants to accomplish all the chores of life- cooking, cleaning, and washing clothes. On the evil side, promoters of AI say they will offer AI girl friends that will come to live in people’s homes to do whatever their owners wish.

Elon Musk, a rich visionary businessman who leads multiple companies in fields of space, electric vehicles, and brain-computer interfaces, has a company that has created brain implants called Neuralink. “Neuralink implants connect human brains with computer interfaces via artificial intelligence. The approaching technology would see groups of minuscule, flexible electrode ‘threads’ implanted into the human brain by a neurosurgical robot. These threads detect and record the electrical signals in the brain and transmit this information outside the body”- (www.dezeen.com). The designers of this technology hope these implants will enable them to repair the brain to restore vision to the blind, speech to the dumb, and mobility to the physically impaired. Only a few weeks ago, the FDA gave approval to apply this technology to humans.
It is very significant to note that Israel is a world leader in AI. The tiny Jewish nation is leading the world in security, medical, and military AI applications. Israel has already designed and manufactured miniature robotic tanks [see picture on this page] and antiballistic devices. They are currently leading the world in the creation of a robotic army.
4. The Potential Dangers of AI
Some people are sounding warnings of the potential dangers of AI. A few of the evil and godless minds behind the AI project are attempting to develop a new creation with super intelligent, nonhuman minds that will remove God from their culture. In essence, it is their goal to make man, and the machines man manufacture, gods.
Joel Rosenberg, a born-again Jew living in Israel who is a world leader in biblical writing and thought, warns, “Rooted in the evolutionary, materialist worldview which dominates the scientific and academic worlds, the transhumanist religions have come to permeated much of the Silicon Valley, as well as international institutions like the World Economic Forum and the United Nations” (Joel Rosenberg, allisrael.com, May 3, 2023).
Another danger of AI is the creation of AI robots that will replace millions of jobs around the world. It is believed these automated computer-controlled robots will work tirelessly around the clock, without flawed workmanship. After their initial purchase, they will require no salary or benefits. Their products will be better and cheaper. Some are suggesting that perhaps as many as 40 percent of the employed people around the world will be eventually replaced by AI robots. They are being told that the profits from robotic manufacturing will be channeled by the governments of the world to generate a universal basic income for those who become unemployed. This is the empty proposal of those who are planning a socialist type of international government. Government payments to the unemployed during COVID-19 has helped to set this trap for the mindless millions that are being duped by socialism’s lies.
Some people who formerly promoted AI are now sounding the warning that we may be creating AI robots that will think for themselves and eventually go beyond the control of their creators. These robots may reprogram themselves so that no human can control them. They fear these robots may seek to destroy humanity. However, according to the Bible, we know this will never materialize. We know the end of God’s story in the Bible. God, not man or robots created by man, is in complete control of the destiny of God’s creation (Daniel 4:34-35)!
AI is playing God! They want to re-define truth and reality. They want to change humanity. They want to reverse the consequences of sin and death. They want to reorder morality, mortality, and the divine honor of work. They want to set man free from the reality of God’s creation and divine purposes for his glory.
These warnings should not be ignored. AI poses a great threat to humanity. Elon Musk has warned that artificial intelligence could be more dangerous than nuclear weapons.
5. AI is Man’s Ultimate Rebellion
It is my conviction that at some point, the church will wake up to discover that AI is man’s ultimate rebellion against God. As Bible believers, we must recognize that the promoters of AI are seeking to destroy the God-given distinctions between man, animals, and machines. It is utterly foolish on their part to think they can tinker with machines and computers to create a new kind of being that will enhance and save humanity from aging and mortality. They tragically deny the saving power of God and have put their hope in their own foolish technological salvation.
AI is rooted and grounded in a godless worldview. The creators of AI do not believe in God. They see the earth and matter as being eternal – a god. From their perspective, everything is based on evolution. They view man as only a materialist creature that has evolved from lower life forms. They believe that the evolutionary process of man will ultimately reach its goal of perfection in AI. They believe they can replace man with humanoids that will be perfect and eternal.
To accomplish this, they want to create a digital twin for many people. These digital twins will be made to look and move like their real human twin. Their voices will be duplicated. They will interface the digital mind of these persons so that their robotic twin will have the memory and personality traits of that person. All of this will be accomplished by scanning a person’s brain and uploading it into the computer brain of their digital twin.
Some AI promoters say this is already possible. They state, “Imagine that a person’s brain could be scanned in great detail and recreated in a computer simulation. The person’s mind and memories, emotions and personality would be duplicated. In effect, a new and equally valid version of that person would now exist, in a potentially immortal, digital form. This futuristic possibility is called mind uploading. The science of the brain and of consciousness increasingly suggests that mind uploading is possible – there are no laws of physics to prevent it” (www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/oct/20/mind-up loading-brain-live-for-ever-internet-virtual-reality).
All of this is dangerous, and demonic. AI is playing God! They want to re-define truth and reality. They want to change humanity. They want to reverse the consequences of sin and death. They want to reorder morality, mortality, and the divine honor of work. They want to set man free from the reality of God’s creation and divine purposes for his glory. They want to remove the curse of God upon man’s sin – death and hard work!
Satan’s temptation of Eve deceptively lured her into the trap of thinking she could become a god, and reorder what was good and evil as it suited her wishes (Genesis 3:4-6). The ultimate tragic results of man’s sin in the Garden of Eden led to a full-blown rebellion against God in the days of Noah. Man’s rebellion was aimed at changing the very created nature of man. When Noah’s world got out of control with the birth of demonic-filled offspring, God decided to step into His creation to rescue it from self-destruction.
We are now reaching a similar point. We are entering a very dangerous period of humanity that is demonic in its goals.
Satan is behind all of this. He is now creating a culture and society that will welcome his dark kingdom of death, decadence, and deception.
An examination of the prophetic Scriptures indicate that the high-tech inventions of AI will be a part of the kingdom that promotes the Antichrist as God. This will be the topic of Part II of this subject that will be covered in our August newsletter.
The Current Prophetic Global Context
O ur world is racing toward the final days of the Great Tribulation. The following developments illustrate how close we are getting to the beginning of the time of great sorrows and death – the Tribulation.
The Growing Threat of the Destruction of the U.S. – The United States is not mentioned in the prophetic portions of the Bible that speak about the last days. There is growing hatred toward America and this nation’s days as a world leader are ending. “Today, China, Russia, North Korea and Iran continue to invest in technologies to expand their capabilities to hit the United States with nuclear weapons. All four countries have also escalated their threatening rhetoric, indicating their willingness to use nuclear weapons in a military conflict. By expanding their nuclear programs, each has made clear that our nuclear arsenal is no longer a deterrent to their potential use of nuclear weapons” (Rep. Mike Turner, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee, Fox News, May 4, 2023).
Growing War Over Jerusalem’s Temple Mount -Israel’s biblically conservative government is determined to allow Jews to pray on the Temple Mount, where the two Jewish temples mentioned in the Bible were located. Israeli lawmaker, Amit Halevi’s political party (the political party of Prime Minister Netanyahu) has proposed a plan to divide the Temple Mount. He wants to make the northern end of the mount a place where Jews can pray, while the southern end of the area (where Muslims pray at El Aqsa Mosque) would be dedicated to Muslim prayer. Palestinian groups and other Muslims in the Middle East consider this to be a declaration of war.
According to the Bible, Jerusalem will be a flash point for war until the very end of the Tribulation Period. God has warned that Jerusalem and its Temple Mount will become a “cup of trembling” and “a burdensome stone” to all nations during the end-times (Zechariah 12:2-3).
The Sons of Israel are Coming Home– In recent months Israel has seen a dramatic increase in the number of Jews returning to Israel to make it their permanent home. It is the highest surge in 30 years! This is the work of God (Ezekiel 36:24).

Millions of Fish are dying and littering the beaches around the world – In recent years, millions of fish have died and have washed up on shore all over the world because of the warming temperatures of the oceans that are causing algae to give off toxic poison. This is being called “red tide.” This is only the beginning of this tragedy. According to the book of Revelation, during the Tribulation, the ocean will turn to a red blood-like color and eventually kill all marine life in the oceans around the world (Revelation 8:8-9; 16:3).
Be ready for the shout that will take us out!