P r o p h e tic Truth in the N e w s
November 2024
Published monthly by Mike Wingfield Ministries
All Bible references are from the KJV
(Examining Current Events in the Light of Bible Prophecy)
P.O. Box 67, Boones Mill, VA 24065
Israel’s Stunning Victory over Evil in the Face of World Opposition
“Israel is the rod of his inheritance: the LORD of hosts is his name.
Thou art my battle ax and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces
the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms.” Jeremiah 51:19-20
By Mike Wingfield
The little nation of Israel is showing the world how to defeat evil and stand for freedom and national sovereignty. In the last few weeks, Israel demonstrated that God is fighting for them. Israel has been miraculously victorious over enemies that are plotting the destruction of the only Jewish nation in the world.
A few months ago, the world was telling Israel that its war against Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, and the much larger nation of Iran, was unachievable. Iran’s population is 10 times larger than Israel’s population. Iran’s land mass is 99 percent larger than that of Israel. (See the map on page 2.)
Recently, the world has demanded that Israel accept a cease fire in Gaza and Lebanon. The world has also coordinated efforts to drastically limit Israel’s plans to retaliation against Iran for attempting to kill millions of Israelis in a missile attack on October 19. Israel has wisely ignored calls for cease fire. In the last few weeks, Israel has successfully eliminated many of the world’s most vicious terrorists! And, they have delivered a very serious strike upon some of Iran’s key military components, destroying much of Iran’s murderous arsenal.
The world seems to be clueless to what Israel has accomplished. Instead, they continue with their relentless and unfounded attacks upon the Jewish State. In their lunacy, the Europeans and others are blaming Israel for the war in the Middle East and are siding with the evil forces that are plotting to take over the world and kill or enslave everyone. This is evidence that we live in a world that has morally collapsed. Good has become evil and evil is viewed as being good.
The world has gone mad! It is supporting the destruction of a nation that is promoting global freedom. In its lunacy, the world is supporting an evil plot to take over the world, bringing death to billions of people.
The world is not concerned about Israel’s security. World leaders blindly support radical Islamic elements committed to the complete annihilation of Israel. Radical Muslims will never cease their war against Israel. Their hatred for Israel is fueled by a religious passion that is driving them toward their dream of global conquest.

Most Westerners do not understand Islam. In his book on Islam, Mark Gabriel, a born-again believer who was a former Muslim and teacher of Islam, has warned us about the true intent of Islam. Radical Islamic terrorists are the true representatives of the historical beliefs and practices of Islam’s founding prophet, Muhammed. They are completely dedicated to Islamic law, called “sharia,” derived from the teachings of the Islamic holy book, the Quran.
Passionate followers of Islam believe that humanity must submit to their god, Allah, and their holy scriptures, the Quran. If the nations refuse to believe and submit; they must be destroyed. This is called “jihad.” Mark Gabriel states, “The Quran contains a tremendous amount of teaching about jihad. In fact, I estimate that 60 percent of the Quran is related to the concept of jihad” (Mark Gabriel, Islam and Terrorism, p. 16). Therefore, the act of forcing people to submit to Islam is at the heart of this religion.
“Jihad is a command to all Muslims enforced by the Quran. The focus of jihad is to overcome people who do not accept Islam. In Muhammad’s time jihad was therefore practiced on a regular basis against Christians and Jews, as well as against idol worshippers and anyone who did not convert to Islam” (Mark Gabriel, Islam and Terrorism, p. 35).
The news media does not report the ongoing Islamic terrorist attacks that are happening every day in our world. I encourage you to visit a comprehensive website that daily updates its reports on terrorists who are killing non-Muslims around the world – www.thereligionofpeace.com. They are now reporting that during the month of September 2024, there were 145 jihad attacks in 24 countries. In these attacks 651 people were killed and 1016 were injured. There have been 46,159 deadly terrorist attacks in the world since 9/11! Our liberal media will not report any of this! They are protecting Islam from the critical eyes of the world.
Islam is more than a religion. It is a government that controls land, property, economies, and people. They force people to submit to their teaching of the laws of the Quran. They seek to control every aspect of a person’s life. From a Biblical perspective, this is a form of religious slavery that threatens punishment and death when the people do not submit. There are sections of the United States where Muslims are practicing the law of Islam in our cities. They ignore the U.S. Constitution and refuse to submit to many other laws that other U.S. citizens are expected to obey.
In some ways, the goals of Islam, Communism, and Socialism have much in common. Islam is a system of control that bows to another god, rather than the God of the Bible. Communism and Socialism are systems of slavery that force people to bow to an atheistic form of government. [This is further explained in my book, God and Government.]
Both Communism and Islam want to rule the world. Islam controlled the world for thirteen centuries, which ended in 1917 with WWI. Communism rules in China and other nations controlled by the Communist Party. The Islamic and Communist block of nations control the policies and actions of the United Nations.
Israel is the only nation in the world that is actively fighting back against the communists and Islamic forces that want to take away our freedoms and the sovereignty of our nations. Majid Rafizadeh, who is the president of the International American Council on the Middle East, recently wrote in an article for Gatestone Institute, “The West has left Israel to fight a war that should never have been Israel’s alone. The Western nations, through diplomatic miscalculations, the need for votes, cowardice and a fear of conflict, have essentially outsourced their responsibilities for maintaining global peace to Israel, watching from the sidelines as the conflict ramps up” (Gatestone Institute, “Israel Fights Alone, Carrying by Itself a Catatonically Suicidal West,’ October 19, 2024).
Rafizadeh continues, “The multi-front war that Israel is currently waging against the Iranian regime and its numerous terrorist proxies is a battle that actually the West should have taken on — and long ago at that. Yet from the presidency of Barack Obama on, the Biden-Harris administration and European governments, rather than confronting the threats presented by Iran, they appeased and bankrolled it. The leadership of the West opted for a path of inaction, appeasement, ignoring sanctions and eschewing secondary sanctions — meaning countries that do business with Iran may not do business with the US — and providing billions of dollars to terrorists to enable them to attack Israel, US troops, and for Iran to put the finishing touches on their its weapons program. … If the West is too fearful or reluctant to engage directly in the fight against injustice, terror, and tyranny, the very least it can do is stand with Israel and stop trying to sabotage it at every turn. Support should not be limited to words but include political, diplomatic and military backing. By failing to support Israel fully, the West is empowering exactly those countries working to revise the world order –from one of freedom to one of tyranny — by displacing the West” (Gatestone Institute, “Israel Fights Alone, Carrying by Itself a Catatonically Suicidal West,’ October 19, 2024).

Wars in our world should be viewed as a struggle against evil. Since October 7, 2023, with Hamas’ invasion of Israel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has continually reminded the world that Israel is involved in a war against evil. However, in opposition to these statements, the world declares that Netanyahu and Israel are evil. From a Biblical viewpoint, the Israelis are fighting a war of evil that is aimed at destroying the Jewish nation.
The Bible declares that those who war against Israel are evil and hate the God of Israel (Psalm 83:1-5). We live in a world that hates Israel, God and His Son, and the holy commandments contained in the Scriptures (Psalm 2:1-3). Therefore, we are forced to conclude that our global culture has reached a point that hates God, and all that God loves!
We are living in a culture that is morally and spiritually bankrupt. Our world is cloaked in spiritual darkness. This is exactly where the Bible says the world would be at the opening of the Tribulation Period. “For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people” (Isaiah 60:2).
According to the Bible, each time God visited a culture with a massive holy response of wrath, it had reached a point of unrestrained evil – immorality and violence (Genesis 6:3-13).
When the Antichrist appears on the scene at the beginning of the Tribulation, it will be a time “when the transgressors are come to the full” (Daniel 8:23). In its Biblical context, this means, when the Antichrist comes, it will be at a time when wickedness will permeate the global culture. Most of the people will be living in a state of total rebellion against God.
They will have seared their consciences and will be living in demonic darkness (1 Timothy 4:1-2). They will be in love with sensual immoral pleasures (Romans 1:24-28; 2 Thessalonians 2:12; 2 Timothy 3:6). They will have arrived at the point of total rebellion against God (Romans 1:29). They hate God and are filled with a sinful arrogance as they boast about their sin (Romans 1:30). They are without any wisdom or common sense, and show no mercy to anyone (Romans 1:31). They despise those who are good (2 Timothy 3:3). They have drawn their own conclusions and refuse to listen to the truth (2 Timothy 3:7). In essence, they are intellectual fools (Romans 1:22), and immoral pagans, living like animals. Without question, the world has arrived at such an hour!
After the Rapture of the church, the world with be left in total spiritual darkness. The last flicker of spiritual light in the church on earth, will be suddenly removed (2 Thessalonians 2:6-7). The Antichrist will march onto the stage of history (Revelation 6:2). He will “conquer” the nations, forcing them into His rebellious plot against God (Revelation 6:2; 13:7). The entire world will be immediately immersed into a war that “will take peace from the earth” (Revelation 6:4). He will decapitate (Revelation 20:4) one-fourth of the global population with a “great sword” (Revelation 6:4). His global war and carnage will destroy the global economy and bring a global famine and pandemic of diseases (Revelation 6:6-8).

The focus of the Antichrist will be against the God of the Bible. He will openly and defiantly speak “in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven” (Revelation 13:6). The prophet Daniel wrote that the Antichrist would utter unheard of monstrous things against God (Daniel 11:36). He will declare an open war on Jews and Christians (Daniel 7:25; Revelation 12:13-17; 17:6).
Satan’s agenda is to establish a kingdom of darkness upon this earth that will include all nations, except Israel. It will be his utmost desire to destroy the nation of Israel and the Jewish people (Revelation 16:13-16).
This explains why the world is being deceived into blaming Israel for the war against evil terrorists in the Middle East. Our world has fallen victim to a blind demonic agenda against God and His coming glorious Kingdom. They are joining hands with evil against God and all that is good and free. Satan desires to deceive the global culture into damning their souls for eternity as they join him in advancing his demonic agenda against God and His people. At the heart of his global assault is the nation of Israel.
In recent weeks we have seen Israel accomplish amazing military feats. The war in Gaza is almost over. At the start of this war there were 24 battalions of Hamas warriors. Now, only part of one battalion is left and their leaders have been eliminated. Hezbollah and its military machinery have been decimated. It is estimated that 90 percent of Hezbollah’s leadership, including Nasrallah, has been killed. Israel struck Iran on October 26. It has delivered a decisive blow to Iran’s military might. The entire world has been stunned by the swift victories of Israel over its enemies.
God has called Israel to be His instrument of war against evil in the world. This is what happened in Biblical history, and the impact of Israel will be even greater in these last days. Speaking to Israel, God said though the prophet Jeremiah, “Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms” (Jeremiah 51:20). Throughout Israel’s history of 4,000 years, God has demonstrated that He would either enable Israel’s military efforts, or supernaturally defeat their enemies. This began with Abraham (read Genesis 14) and continues to this day.
God delights in elevating a small nation that is greatly outnumbered while displaying His sovereign will and power in the face of an unbelieving world! It is happening now, and according to the prophetic Word of God, the world has not seen anything yet. The best is yet to come!
God has repeatedly promised Israel that when the wars of the last days are over, Israel will be left standing because He is God (Psalm 121; Jeremiah 30:11, 16; Zechariah 12:1-9; 14:1-3; Malachi 3:6).
Speaking of the Battle of Armageddon, Joel 2:18, 21 says, “Then will the LORD be jealous for his land, and pity his people. … Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice: for the LORD will do great things.”
It is obvious that the developments in the Middle East are telling us that the time is very late. Be ready for the shout that will take us out!
Iran Plans an Imminent Attack upon Israeli Military Sites
As we go to press with this newsletter, Iran has vowed to avenge Israels’ October 26 attack against its military sites. Iran’s leadership has stated that “the scope of Israel’s unprecedented October 26 retaliatory strikes was ‘too large to ignore.’ … IAF jets hit 20 sites in Iran in multiple waves, reportedly knocking out its air defenses and significantly setting back its missile production industry. The Israeli strikes reportedly also destroyed multiple radar systems required to guide the Islamic Republic’s ballistic missiles” (The Jewish Press, November 1, 2024).
Therefore, it is expected that Iran’s next attack on Israel will originate from Iraq. Israeli military leaders have announced, “If Iran makes the mistake of launching another missile barrage at Israel, we will once again know how to reach Iran, with capabilities that we did not even use this time, and strike very, very hard at both their capabilities and locations that we set aside for now” (The Jewish Press, November 1, 2024).
Friends, I believe we are about to witness the beginning of a great war in the Middle East that will lead to the wars mentioned in the Bible. The stage is being prepared for the war mentioned in Ezekiel 38-39. The actors of that evil coalition are about to march against Israel.
A Military Pact Between Russia and Iran Threatens Israel
Since Israel’s response to Hamas’ attack on October 7, 2023, Russia’s rhetoric against Israel has continued to escalate. Russian’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian President Vladimir Putin have been accusing Israel of genocide against the people in Gaza.
In recent months, Russia and Iran have agreed to a comprehensive military treaty that offers protection should either country be attacked. It is believed that this treaty “may pose a threat to Israel” (World Israel News, November 1, 2024).
World Israel News also recently reported, “A Russian government plane landed in Israel two weeks ago without announcements from either Moscow or Jerusalem, triggering questions about Russia’s role in negotiations with the Hamas terror group and Iran.
“The plane landed at Ben-Gurion Airport, on the last day of the Sukkot holiday, and no official explanation or information were provided regarding the likely visit by a Russian government delegation.
Israeli media officials declined to answer media queries regarding the visit” (World Israel News, November 1, 2024).
Did Russia just deliver a threat to Israel to not strike Iran again? Friends, it appears that the threat of the Ezekiel 38 war is on the horizon. What the prophets of Israel wrote about in the last days is about to begin to unfold. “Be ready for the shout that will take us out!”
Saudi Arabia at the Center of the Future Financial World
In the last decade, Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman, has laid out an ambitious plan to make Saudi Arabia the center of the commercial and financial world. His plan is called “Saudi Vision 2030.”
He realizes that Saudi Arabia must move away from an oil-based economy. Therefore, he is heavily investing in developing the infrastructure that will promote his elaborate plans. His plans call for several massive projects. He is developing a huge city, called Neom on the western shores of the Red Sea. This city will be 50 times larger than New York City. It will be a state-of-the-art, high-tech Artificial Intelligence futuristic city.
He is also building a city, called “the line” that will stretch 105 miles long that will blend in with the desert surroundings. It will attract 9 million people to live inside of this climate-controlled facility that will provide all the amenities that people need within a few blocks of their residence. It will provide the highest quality of energy efficiency.

His latest featured development is a 50-billion-dollar construction of a massive cube building that will be 20 times the size of the Empire State Building. It is called Mukaab (see drawing on this page). It will feature 104,000 resident units, and 9,000 hotel rooms. This cubed city will feature green spaces that will be accessible within a 15-minute walk from any location in the cube. With 2 million square feet of floor space, it will offer dining, retail spaces, and office space to its inhabitants and visitors.
This plan sounds very much like the center of the headquarters of the Antichrist, who will control the financial world of every person on earth. According to Revelation 17, the future city of the Antichrist will be in the desert (Revelation 17:3). It will be the center of all global commercial activity during the Tribulation Period (Revelation 18:11-19) and will be a seaport location for all global commercial traffic (Revelation 18:15-19).
This massive city also sounds like a feeble attempt to copy God’s plans for the cubed city of the New Jerusalem, which will be 1,500 miles on each side (Revelation 21). Satan always likes to offer an attractive alternative to God’s blessings.
Pray for Mike as he has complete knee replacement surgery on November 12th. Consequently, he will not be speaking during the months of November and December.
Helping Israel During its time of Crisis
If you would like to bless Israel as they fight for their place in the fulfillment of God’s eternal plan, you may give your offering through Mike Wingfield Ministries. All gifts that are designated for Israel will be sent to the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem. They will be our hands and feet in Israel to demonstrate the love of Jesus to them. You can also learn more about ICEJ and give online at www.icejusa.org.