January 2025 – The Rise of the Antichrist Part 1 of 7

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(Examining Current Events in the Light of Bible Prophecy)

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The Rise of the Antichrist

Part 1 of 7

By Mike Wingfield

As believers in Jesus Christ, we often forget that our view of time should greatly differ from non-believers. Most of the world celebrated the New Year with no thought of the future that has been revealed to us in the Bible.

I love Psalm 90, written by Moses after he experienced his generation dying in the wilderness because of their disobedience at Kadesh Barnea (Numbers 13-14). He wrote about God teaching him to develop an eternal perspective while experiencing everyday events. Clearly, God desires that we “number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom” (Psalm 90:12).

Wisdom comes when we live our lives under the umbrella of eternity. God wants us to remember that we are finite creatures of time. We are limited to a lifespan on earth that is only a small portion of eternity. Our generation is only a small part of the many generations that have experienced God’s eternal plans.

As we journey into 2025, we should wonder how the events that will transpire this year fit into God’s eternal plan. The next major event on God’s prophetic calendar is the Rapture of the church. Immediately following the Rapture, the Tribulation period will begin. This seven-year period will begin when the Antichrist confirms a false peace covenant with “many,” including Israel (Daniel 9:27).

In 2024, we witnessed some truly amazing events in the Middle East. With God’s aid, Israel systematically destroyed the enemies that surrounded the Jewish nation. Iran has been severely weakened with the loss of its proxy militants, Hamas and Hezbollah. Furthermore, the collapse of the former Syrian government has demonstrated that a new Middle East is emerging.

Jan.- The Rise of the Antichrist

Feb.- The Regional Headquarters of the Antichrist

Mar.- The Religion that Controls the Antichrist

Apr.- The Relational Heritage of the Antichrist

May- The Reputation of the Antichrist

June- The Reign of the Antichrist

July- The Ruin of the Antichrist

It appears that these developments may be preparing the world for the rise of the Antichrist. When we examine God’s revelation of the end times, one of the prominent figures that is repeatedly depicted is the sinister figure of the Antichrist. All we know about him is recorded in the Word of God.

According to the Bible, this evil person will suddenly step out of obscurity and capture the world’s attention. His charisma and charm will seize the minds and hearts of the nations. In these chaotic times, our world is looking for a world leader that will marshal us through the numerous crises we are facing.

If we are expecting the Rapture to occur at any moment, then we must believe the Antichrist is alive and ready to make his big appearance. The world has been anticipating the appearance of the Antichrist for thousands of years. The prophets of the Old Testament, the apostles of the New Testament, and Jesus spoke about him. The sheer volume of Scriptures that speak about the Antichrist should tell us that this is a very significant event that should capture the attention of God’s people.

I believe that 2025 may be the year of the Antichrist. Considering this possibility, I will devote the first seven months of PTNews this year to examine the following topics that reflect the Biblical revelation God has given to us.

1. A Time of Global Chaos

The Bible speaks of three major global developments that will occur when the Antichrist rises to prominence in the Middle East.

The Bible symbolically depicts the Antichrist as a wild beast that arrives in the last days at a time of chaos in the nations. Daniel 7:3 and Revelation 13:1 symbolically show the Antichrist emerging from a raging ocean. Isaiah 57:20-21 tells us what the ocean represents. “But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt. There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.”

Current events tell us that our world is on the cusp of great societal collapse. Fear, division, political turmoil, lawlessness, racism, and hatred are now a part of everyday life. Untold acts of violence, terrorism, and wars are spreading across the globe at a rapid pace. The nations that drive the commercial cycle that drives the world economy are all on the verge of collapse. Food sources are dwindling. Diseases are rapidly multiplying. Home, marriage, and disrespect for human life, display the collapse of our societies’ foundations. Furthermore, a spirit of deception, and a colossal failure of most churches to proclaim the truth, are making our world a very dangerous place.

In the United States, we can expect the transition of a new president to stir great chaos. When President Donald Trump takes office, he will face great levels of opposition on the domestic and world front. His policies will be radically opposed by forces that want to usher in an era of socialism around the world. President Trump stands for law, order, and decency. He is hatred by those who have an immoral agenda, entitlement mentality, and a thirst for power.

President Trump firmly opposes an underlying quest for an international form of government that imposes its will upon America and the nations. Those who thirst for a New World Order to force its agenda upon the nations, hate Trump and they will oppose him on every front.

President Trump has demonstrated that he is a strong supporter of Israel and its right to all the Promised Land. He also supports Israel’s right to defend itself against radical Islamic groups that are sworn to the destruction of the Jewish nation. This is in stark contrast to the wicked agenda of the United Nations.

The fall of Syria and Iran’s march toward a nuclear bomb have the potential to bring radical chaos to the Middle East and the world. It appears that the Sunni Muslim radicals that have seized control of Syria may represent a movement that will attempt to deceive Israel into a false peace covenant. While we cannot be certain, I expect the Antichrist will be a Sunni Muslim.

2. A Call for Peace and Safety

After writing about the Rapture of the church in 1 Thessalonians 4, the Apostle Paul wrote the next chapter about the developments that would begin the Tribulation Period. He noted that dangerous times would force the world to cry out for “peace and safety” (1 Thessalonians 5:3). Their cry for peace will be followed by “sudden destruction [that will come] upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape” (1 Thessalonians 5:3). Isaiah 24:22 indicates that during the Tribulation, the inhabitants of earth will feel like they are trapped in a prison of death and destruction, with no way out!

Many nations in the Middle East sense that the balance of power that has been in place for decades is beginning to crumble beneath them. The Muslim world is temporarily coming to grips with the reality that Israel is not going to be defeated. They know a new strategy must be developed. It appears they believe they need to pretend they want peace with Israel until they reorganize and continue their plot to destroy the Jewish nation.

The new Sunni Muslim leadership in Syria is a prime example of this kind of strategy. Many in this new leadership were leaders in ISIS and Al Qaeda. It is no secret that their goal has been to take control of the Middle East, and then set up a global Islamic kingdom. To their shame, they realize that the powerful nation of Israel stands in the way of their ultimate ambitions. Therefore, this leadership in Syria is pretending it wants peace with Israel. They realize they must wait for another day to accomplish their agenda. This is exactly what the Antichrist will do.

The new Syrian government wants to establish an Islamic state and submit all citizens to Sharia law. These Islamic forces are being controlled by Turkey. Together, they are attempting to make deceptive statements to the West that promise the citizens of Syria human rights. However, Christians and other minorities in Syria are being threatened and persecuted.

Reports from Syria indicate that Syrian Christians, which number one-half million, fear for their lives. In many ways, it appears that the new Syria is being groomed as the embryonic Islamic state of the Antichrist. They are simply waiting for other Sunni Muslims to join them.

3. A Plan for Peace with Israel

The prophetic Scriptures tell us the Middle East will promote a deceptive form of peace with Israel prior to the Antichrists’ peace covenant with Israel. Daniel 9:27 indicates the Antichrist will confirm a seven-year covenant with “many.”Daniel 7:7 and Revelation 17:12 speak about 10 horns on a beast that represents the Antichrist and his kingdom. These 10 horns represent 10 contemporary kings who will precede the Antichrist and his covenant with Israel (Daniel 7:24; Revelation 17:12-13).

Therefore, the books of Daniel and Revelation indicate that there will be a promotion of peace with Israel in the Middle East before the Antichrist takes center stage and joins the 10 kings that precede him. If our understanding of these texts is correct, quite possibly the work of President Trump in his first term could be the start of the peace movement that will lead to the Antichrist. As a reminder, Trump worked with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 2020 to bring the Abraham Accords to fruition. These accords may be the predecessor to the false peace the Antichrist will forge with Israel. Currently, six nations have a peace agreement with Israel: Egypt (1979), Jordan (1993), United Arab Emirates (2020), Bahrain (2020), Sudan (2020), and Morocco (2020).

As President Trump takes office, he has made it known that a peace agreement between the nations in the Middle East and Israel is one of his highest priorities. One of President Trump’s main goals is to convince Saudi Arabia to join the other nations who have established a peace agreement with Israel.

Could it be that the peace agreement between the Muslim nations and Israel foretold in Daniel and the book of Revelation is unfolding before our eyes? We should closely watch Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salmon. He has made it clear that he is ready for peace with Israel. He has stated that he does not require the recognition of a Palestinian state prior to his covenant with Israel.

I have been following the statements made by the Saudi Crown Prince for several years. His plans and statements seem to reflect what one would expect from the Antichrist. I will examine these statements and plans more extensively in the February issue of PTNews.

As we reflect on these developments, we must remind ourselves that they are not coincidental. God is orchestrating all the events unfolding in 2025!

The Bible states that God does all things according to His Divine will. What He has purposed will come to pass, exactly as His Word proclaims. “All the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou” (Daniel 4:35)?

Despite this, man foolishly tries to control his own destiny. The United Nations and world are attempting to control the events to bring about a one-world government. This government would give them the power, possessions, and prestige they crave. China, Russia, Iran, Turkey, and North Korea are determined to rule the world. However, their plans are not God’s plans. When the end comes, each one will join the other kings and other evil leaders in an underground bunker as they cry out to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that [sits] on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb” (Revelation 6:16). God will have the last word! He will get the last laugh (Psalm 2:4). “The LORD [brings] the counsel of the heathen to nought: he [makes] the devices of the people of none effect. The counsel of the LORD [stands] forever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations” (Psalm 33:10-11).

The leadership changes that are occurring around the world are being directed by Him. God is the One who removes kings and places kings in positions of authority (Daniel 2:21). Speaking of leaders, the Bible says, “God is the judge: he [puts] down one, and [sets] up another” (Psalm 75:7). The Lord is the One who directs their policies so that they ultimately conform to His eternal plan (Proverbs 21:1).

God is the One who protects Israel (Psalm 121:4-8) and defeats its enemies (Jeremiah 30:11, 16, 23-24).The collapse of Syria is a mystery to the entire Middle East, including Israel. No one can explain why it happened, and why it took place when it did. When the Islamic groups overthrew President Assad and his military, Iran and Russia mysteriously withdrew their military presence from Syria. Iran was told that no Iranian flights would be allowed to land in Syria. Obviously, this means that the defeated members of Hezbollah cannot be rearmed and restored to their former position as a threat to Israel.

Friends, the events in the Middle East are all being orchestrated by God for the final showdown between God and Satan. God is about to say to the Antichrist and his hordes that will invade the nations, “Come” (Revelation 6:1).

Now you know why it seems that this could be the year of the Antichrist. If it is, then that means the Rapture is very near!

Get ready for the shout that will take us out!

Dealing with Iran

As we go to press with this edition of the PTNews, intelligence reports from Israel say that Iran may be preparing to strike Israel before the inauguration of Donald Trump. Supposedly, this attack would dwarf the previous attacks in which Iran sent hundreds of ballistic missiles and military drones to destroy Israel.

Regardless, Israel and the Arab world is very concerned that Iran may be very close to developing a simple nuclear device. Many military leaders in Israel are asking their government to give them the green light to attack Iran nuclear facilities. Netanyahu seems to be delaying their demands. It is being speculated that Netanyahu’s delay is because Trump plans to assist Israel in an attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities soon after he takes office.

Many in Israel are concerned that Iran is becoming desperate because of the loss of their proxy agents – Hamas and Hezbollah. The fear is that they are escalating their efforts to make a nuclear bomb. Israel and the world are literally dealing with a ticking time bomb.

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