February 2018 – The Set Time for Zion Has Come
The Set Time for Zion Has Come
“Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favor her, yea, the set time, is come. … When the LORD shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory.” Psalm 102:13, 16
By Mike Wingfield
Tucked away in the largest book of the Bible, Psalm 102, is a unique and undiscovered message “for the [last] generation to come.” (Psalm 102:18) According to the Bible, God has purposely hidden some of His Biblical truth from our spiritual eyes and minds until the end of this age. (Daniel 12:9-10) In light of the ongoing international conflict over the U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, this message in Psalm 102 has amazing insight for those of us who are keenly watching the prophetic events unfolding at this very hour.
As we begin to understand the message of Psalm 102, we need to know that this message is a signal to the church that the end of this age is in sight. As God’s children, we must prepare to stand in the presence of our blessed Lord at any moment. At the same time, out of His mercy, God is warning the world that they are standing on the threshold of the most horrific period of time in human history – the Tribulation Period.