May 2016 – A Spirit of Lawlessness Explodes in America


May 2016

Published 10 times annually

All Bible references are from the KJV and are now hyperlinked

(Examining Current Events in the Light of Bible Prophecy)

A Spirit of Lawlessness Explodes in America

The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” Psalm 9:17

By Mike Wingfield

In recent months it has become very apparent to me that America is rapidly descending into a deep, dark pit of lawlessness and anarchy. A very powerful, militant minority in this land is forcing its sinful and deadly agenda upon the entire nation. In the last few decades we have watched them “come out of the closet.” Now, they are kicking the door down! Like the wicked crowd at the door of Lot in Genesis 19, they are standing at our threshold, demanding us to allow them to carry out their wicked deeds upon the innocent ones in our homes. These immoral people are demanding the right to masquerade themselves as persons of the opposite sex so they can have access to our children in the public restrooms of our schools and malls. It is disheartening to watch the federal government defend the rights of this militant minority, and aid them in promoting their immoral agenda. It is shocking to witness the opposition to local and state governments that are attempting to stem the tide of wickedness by reaffirming laws that simply reflect the commandments of the Bible. These commandments are the foundation for common decency that has been the standard in America for more than 200 years!

April 2016 – Hell’s Hatred for Israel



April 2016

Published 10 times annually

All Bible references are from the KJV

Hell’s Hatred for Israel

Many a time have they afflicted me from my youth, may Israel now say… yet they have not prevailed against me.”

Psalm 129:1-2

By Mike Wingfield

“It is 1938 all over again!” This is the terrifying cry of many Jewish people as they examine the shocking global rise of hatred being expressed toward Israel and the Jewish people. 1938 was a horrific year for the Jewish people. It was the year they witnessed the explosion of hatred and persecution that literally opened the doors of the Holocaust, which ultimately led to the savage murder of more than 6 million European Jews. Sadly, the world ignored the threats of Germany’s evil Nazi regime. Led by Adolf Hitler, the Nazis targeted the Jewish people for annihilation.

Today, the world is witnessing an eerily similar development. Millions of Muslims are daily calling for the destruction of Israel. The incitement against Jews is a part of the very fiber of the global Islamic culture. The main Islamic nation that is leading this attack upon Israel is Iran. In recent years, many Iranian officials have repeatedly and openly called for the annihilation of the Jewish nation. Iran is bragging that it will accomplish this mission. Hitler successfully killed 6 million Jews during the few years of the Holocaust. However, Iran is planning to use a nuclear bomb to kill about 6 million Jews in Israel in just a few minutes! Once again, the world is ignoring these daily threats against Israel and the Jewish people.

2016 March – Our Judge is Coming – Part 2


March 2016

Published 10 times annually

All Bible references are from the KJV

(Examining Current Events in the Light of Bible Prophecy)

P.O. Box 13006, Roanoke, VA 24030-3006

Our Judge is Coming

Part Two

The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.” John 5:25

By Mike Wingfield

This month’s newsletter is a continuation of an article published in the February edition. In the previous newsletter, I began to address the Biblical facts about our day in the future courtroom of God. In part one, I examined the first four of five questions that need to be answered about this extremely vital future event in which all of humanity will participate.

According to the Bible, God will judge every person who has ever been conceived. Everyone will have their day in the court of God. When that day comes, God has ordained that we will stand before the God-man, Jesus Christ. Jesus will be our judge. Jesus will judge each person because we have all been created by Him. He has given us the gift of life and the privilege to live in His creation. Therefore, we must all stand before Him to given an account to our Creator and Redeemer. When that day of our judgment arrives, Jesus will examine our words, deeds, and motives and compare them to His holy standards recorded in the Word of God. His judgment will be true, fair, comprehensive, and predictive.

Now, let us give a Biblical answer to the fifth and final question that needs to be answered concerning our judge and our judgment day.