May 2016
Published 10 times annually
All Bible references are from the KJV and are now hyperlinked
(Examining Current Events in the Light of Bible Prophecy)
A Spirit of Lawlessness Explodes in America
“The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.”– Psalm 9:17
By Mike Wingfield
In recent months it has become very apparent to me that America is rapidly descending into a deep, dark pit of lawlessness and anarchy. A very powerful, militant minority in this land is forcing its sinful and deadly agenda upon the entire nation. In the last few decades we have watched them “come out of the closet.” Now, they are kicking the door down! Like the wicked crowd at the door of Lot in Genesis 19, they are standing at our threshold, demanding us to allow them to carry out their wicked deeds upon the innocent ones in our homes. These immoral people are demanding the right to masquerade themselves as persons of the opposite sex so they can have access to our children in the public restrooms of our schools and malls. It is disheartening to watch the federal government defend the rights of this militant minority, and aid them in promoting their immoral agenda. It is shocking to witness the opposition to local and state governments that are attempting to stem the tide of wickedness by reaffirming laws that simply reflect the commandments of the Bible. These commandments are the foundation for common decency that has been the standard in America for more than 200 years!