May 2020 – COVID-19 – What is God Doing?

Part two in a series on the current global pandemic

By Mike Wingfield

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This article is Part 2 in a series on the COVID-19 pandemic. In part one, I wrote about what God is saying to us through this deadly disease. I urge you to read the previous newsletter before you read this article. If you need a copy, contact us and we will be glad to send it to you. Or download it.

“It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go …” The lyrics of this seasonal Christmas song, written and released in 1951 by Perry Como, is etched in the memories of most Americans. I remember hearing this song during my childhood and still enjoy it each year as Christmas approaches.

The song traditionally is played on radio stations around the country beginning sometime in late November. As we listen to the lyrics, we can look around us and see decorations, store displays, and other signs that Christmas is drawing near.

In recent days, I have been thinking about this song and mentally singing a new version to myself. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to grip our world, my version says, “It is beginning to look a lot like the Tribulation, everywhere you go…” Just as the commercial signs of Christmas become evident to those who have experienced Christmas in the American culture, even so the signs of the approaching Tribulation Period are becoming more prevalent all around us.

December 2019 – The Kings of Men and the Plans of God

December 2019

Published monthly

All Bible references are from the KJV

(Examining the News in Light of Biblical Truth)

P.O. Box 13006, Roanoke, VA 24030-3006

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I am convinced that our world is entering a very dangerous and evil period of time. What is transpiring at this hour among the nations of the world is paving the way for the Antichrist to burst onto the scene.

The world is in a state of sheer political chaos. The masses of the world are revolting against their governments – demanding their own selfish and godless agendas. Protests in the last few months have circled the globe, including Chile, Columbia, Venezuela, Bolivia, India, China, Ecuador, Mexico, United Kingdom, Cameroon, Nicaragua, Egypt, Iran, Lebanon, Jordan, Thailand, Russia, Zimbabwe, Israel, and the U.S. Evil tyrants and dictators in North Korea, Turkey, Russia, and Iran, continue to advance their wicked agendas to take over the world.

In the United States and Israel, the political liberal left is circulating lies and spreading deception to destroy the administrations of their respective leaders – President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It is my conviction that the leadership of these two men has been holding back the floodgates of evil in our world. Both of these men have spoken with moral clarity about the evil agenda of Iran. The United States and Israel have historically stood at the front lines of the war against communism/socialism, and the terrorist agenda of radical Islam. Should these two countries fall into the hands of the liberal left, it will, humanly speaking, leave our world defenseless against the tide of evil and violence that is marching around the globe.