March 2017
Published 10 times annually
(Examining Current Events in the Light of Bible Prophecy)
All Bible references are from the KJV
Living in a Culture of Deception
“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe [the] lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.“ 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12
By Mike Wingfield
You and I are living in a world full of deception. Every time our phone rings we have to be concerned that someone is trying to take advantage of us. When we stop at a stoplight, we see people standing on a corner holding up a sign trying to convince us to give them a donation. We have all heard that some of these people are professional liars who are trying to dupe us into supporting their sinful habit. We have all grown tired of politicians who parade lies before us to get our vote. We have all been deceived at the grocery store, only to discover when we go home that we purchased more air or box than the product we thought we were getting. We have all been given promises by our family and friends, only to be disappointed when they fail to keep their word — for the fourth time in two weeks.
We are surrounded by liars. These include those in the media, political arena (international, federal, state, and local), educational and scientific fields of the academic world, medical profession and pharmaceutical industry, FDA, and the spiritual frauds that parade themselves as messengers of God. In order to survive and thrive in this kind of world, we must rely upon the wisdom that comes from the Bible. The discernment between lies and truth comes only when we hold everyone and everything up to the standard of truth — God and His revelation, the Bible. God is a God of truth. He cannot tell a lie! Therefore, only the Bible can give us wisdom to strip away the deception so we can clearly see the truth!
Unfortunately, we live in a world where many people do not know the truth. They do not want to know the truth. They want to live and promote their lies to their own selfish advantage. Adolf Hitler, who was the leader of the Nazi Party and chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, is a prime example of this fact. He searched for lies to promote His goals and promoted them with great passion. He once said; “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” ( download the .pdf file