2017 Newsletter Pic

Living in a Culture of Deception


March 2017

Published 10 times annually

(Examining Current Events in the Light of Bible Prophecy)

All Bible references are from the KJV

Living in a Culture of Deception

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe [the] lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12

By Mike Wingfield

You and I are living in a world full of deception. Every time our phone rings we have to be concerned that someone is trying to take advantage of us. When we stop at a stoplight, we see people standing on a corner holding up a sign trying to convince us to give them a donation. We have all heard that some of these people are professional liars who are trying to dupe us into supporting their sinful habit. We have all grown tired of politicians who parade lies before us to get our vote. We have all been deceived at the grocery store, only to discover when we go home that we purchased more air or box than the product we thought we were getting. We have all been given promises by our family and friends, only to be disappointed when they fail to keep their word — for the fourth time in two weeks.

We are surrounded by liars. These include those in the media, political arena (international, federal, state, and local), educational and scientific fields of the academic world, medical profession and pharmaceutical industry, FDA, and the spiritual frauds that parade themselves as messengers of God. In order to survive and thrive in this kind of world, we must rely upon the wisdom that comes from the Bible. The discernment between lies and truth comes only when we hold everyone and everything up to the standard of truth — God and His revelation, the Bible. God is a God of truth. He cannot tell a lie! Therefore, only the Bible can give us wisdom to strip away the deception so we can clearly see the truth!

Unfortunately, we live in a world where many people do not know the truth. They do not want to know the truth. They want to live and promote their lies to their own selfish advantage. Adolf Hitler, who was the leader of the Nazi Party and chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, is a prime example of this fact. He searched for lies to promote His goals and promoted them with great passion. He once said; “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” (http://www.goodreads.com) download the .pdf file 

Israeli Flag

On a Collision Course with God

PTNews February 2017

If you downloaded this issue prior to 2/21/2017 AND you want and updated schedule, please re-download as there has been a change…otherwise all else is the same.

Published 10 times annually
All Bible references are from the KJV
(Examining Current Events in the Light of Bible Prophecy)

On a Collision Course with God

And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.” Revelation 19:15

By Mike Wingfield

Our world is on a collision course with Almighty God! This has been true for centuries, but we are now rapidly approaching man’s final confrontation with God. The sovereign, triune God has decreed from eternity past what will come to pass in all of His creation. The Bible is a divine record that reveals who He is and how He displays and foretells this eternal decree. Because He is the sovereign king over all of His creation, He has determined that this order will come to pass exactly as He has purposed. He is the One who works “all things after the counsel of his own will.” (Ephesians 1:11) Therefore, when sinful man rebels against Him and His eternal declaration, he has placed himself on a direct collision course with the Almighty.

In the prophetic Word of God, the Lord has not only set forth His decree, but He has foretold how the nations will revolt against Him and His decrees in the last days. As one looks at the big picture of the nations’ agenda, especially recent UN resolutions against Israel, it is clear that the kingdoms of this world have set themselves on a collision course with the Holy One of Israel.

In essence, at the core of God’s divine eternal plan is the establishment of His Son on His holy hill of Zion. (Psalm 2:6) From this mountain, known as the Temple Mount, God’s Son will rule as a righteous dictator over all of the nations on earth for 1,000 years. It does appear that the nations are promoting an aggressive policy to deny the Jewish peoples’ rights to the very location from which the Jewish messiah will reign over the nations from the throne of David. Guided by the Scriptures, it is my firm conviction that Satan and his demons are behind the diabolical global plot to destroy Israel and her people.

The last century has witnessed a major global conflict developing over the return of the Jewish people to their homeland, and the establishment of the modern state of Israel upon the land the Lord promised to their forefathers download the .pdf file 

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The Battle for America

The Battle for America

download the .pdf file

I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.”

Zechariah 12:9

By Mike Wingfield

As Americans begin this new year, all eyes are on the new president and his administration. As they take charge of the leadership in Washington, it has created a firestorm in America and around the world. The conservative world in the U.S., especially the evangelical community, is rejoicing. That’s because we have a new political leadership that is more in line with our Biblical values than in past decades. However, the previous administration was accepted by a great number of Americans, and the global leadership as well. It was politically, economically, spiritually, and morally liberal and corrupt. It supported the dangerous New World Order agenda, and was forcing America into that mold. The new administration is not promoting a global agenda, but was elected because of a promise to “Make America Great Again.” This conservative and nationalistic approach to government in Washington is out of step with most of the world, and the very vocal liberal socialists in America. Consequently, I personally believe that the great and final battle for America has begun. I am convinced that the battle for America and what transpires, will shape our world for the end-time events that lie ahead. What the true church does and how it reacts will be very significant! Only Jesus Christ can make America great again!

In order to understand the raging battle for the soul of America, we must view our nation and our world from God’s eternal perspective as recorded in the Bible. According to the Bible, when the end of this age comes, all nations, including the United States, will join the forces of the Antichrist in his war against Israel. (Joel 3:2; Zechariah 14:2; Revelation 13:7) So, it is not a matter of if America will be deceived by Satan to join the forces of the Antichrist, it is only a matter of when.

There is a raging war on earth between God and Satan. A very critical part of that battle involves America and Israel. When the end comes, America will abandon Israel, and Israel will, humanly speaking, be isolated and alone within the family of nations. In light of recent events, we are dangerously close to this point at the beginning of 2017. download the .pdf file