August 2023 – AI- The Final Rebellion Part 2

AI- The Final Rebellion Part 2- The Biblical References to Artificial Intelligence in the Prophetic Scriptures By Mike Wingfield Knowledge and technological advances in our world are growing at a breakneck pace, offering proof that we are living in the last of the last days. This proof comes from God’s written revelation in the Bible.…

July 2023 – AI- The Final Rebellion

AI- The Final Rebellion Part one- Understanding Artificial Intelligence in light of the Bible By Mike Wingfield Artificial intelligence, more commonly known as AI, is capturing the world’s attention as technological advances continue at a breathtaking pace. I am convinced that AI, when examined from a global context in relation to Bible prophecy, is proof…

June 2023 – Are You Ready for the Rapture?

Are You Ready for the Rapture? “Therefore, be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.” Matthew 24:44 By Mike Wingfield Do you believe the Rapture could happen today? If you answered this question with a “yes,” then you should already be spiritually preparing yourself for…