The Battle for America
“I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.”
By Mike Wingfield
As Americans begin this new year, all eyes are on the new president and his administration. As they take charge of the leadership in Washington, it has created a firestorm in America and around the world. The conservative world in the U.S., especially the evangelical community, is rejoicing. That’s because we have a new political leadership that is more in line with our Biblical values than in past decades. However, the previous administration was accepted by a great number of Americans, and the global leadership as well. It was politically, economically, spiritually, and morally liberal and corrupt. It supported the dangerous New World Order agenda, and was forcing America into that mold. The new administration is not promoting a global agenda, but was elected because of a promise to “Make America Great Again.” This conservative and nationalistic approach to government in Washington is out of step with most of the world, and the very vocal liberal socialists in America. Consequently, I personally believe that the great and final battle for America has begun. I am convinced that the battle for America and what transpires, will shape our world for the end-time events that lie ahead. What the true church does and how it reacts will be very significant! Only Jesus Christ can make America great again!
In order to understand the raging battle for the soul of America, we must view our nation and our world from God’s eternal perspective as recorded in the Bible. According to the Bible, when the end of this age comes, all nations, including the United States, will join the forces of the Antichrist in his war against Israel. (Joel 3:2; Zechariah 14:2; Revelation 13:7) So, it is not a matter of if America will be deceived by Satan to join the forces of the Antichrist, it is only a matter of when.
There is a raging war on earth between God and Satan. A very critical part of that battle involves America and Israel. When the end comes, America will abandon Israel, and Israel will, humanly speaking, be isolated and alone within the family of nations. In light of recent events, we are dangerously close to this point at the beginning of 2017. download the .pdf file