January 2020 – Global Technology and the End of Days

Published monthly

All Bible references are from the KJV

(Examining the News in Light of Biblical Truth)

P.O. Box 13006, Roanoke, VA 24030-3006

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Global Technology and the End of Days

But thou. O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”

Daniel 12:4

By Mike Wingfield

The dawn of a new decade is upon us, and it is very apparent that we who live in 21st century are in the midst of a highly advanced technological age. We live at a time that is known as “the information age,” or “the computer age.” This unique period of time began in the late 20th century and it has continued to grow with blazing speed into our present day. The increasing ability of technology to calculate and store incredible amounts of information is mind boggling to the majority of people on our planet. The most advanced computers of our generation have a cognitive ability, known as Artificial Intelligence, that far exceeds the ability of man.

Computer technology is impacting every facet of our lives. It has radically changed the way we do work, regardless of the occupation we are in. In our highly advanced society, the workforce is not being driven by intensive labor, but by the knowledge and the technological skills of the laborers. People no longer are paid for what they do. They are paid for what they know.

While mankind revels and marvels in many of these technologies, we must consider the possible negative impact this is having upon our world and its future.

When a person reads and studies what the Bible has to say about the end of days, it is very apparent that the last days will feature a world that is very advanced in its knowledge and technological capabilities. Previous generations could not fathom how some of these prophecies are coming to pass. Clearly, we live in a world that uses advanced technologies that the ancient prophets wrote about thousands of year ago. But they could not comprehend the content of their writings. In the closing days of the prophet Daniel, he became very puzzled by the prophecies given to him. In this moment of wonder, God described to him that “the time of the end” (Daniel 12:4) would be a time of rapid travel and increased knowledge. When we compare our present generation to the previous cultures than our ancestors lived in, it is apparent that the uniqueness of our times perfectly fit the prophetic description given to Daniel.

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