September 2016 – The Next U.S. President


September 2016

Published 10 times annually

All Bible references are from the KJV

(Examining Current Events in the Light of Bible Prophecy)

P.O. Box 13006, Roanoke, VA 24030-3006

The Next U.S. President

By Mike Wingfield

It is my heartfelt opinion that America is facing the most critical election in its 240-year history this November. The next American president will face the greatest challenge of any president in our nation’s history! Our next president will inherit a nation that is politically and racially divided, spiritually pagan, morally corrupt, and financially bankrupt. Our nation is rotting on the inside and is dangerously close to the spiritual point of no return. It is highly likely that this nation may face a complete financial collapse during the term of this next president. The decisions that the next president will make will set the course for America in these last days. Therefore, the choice the American people make is very critical.

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