November 2021 – The End of the Church Age

November 2021 The End of the Church Age “For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery … that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.” Romans 11:25 By Mike Wingfield According to the Scriptures, the church, the body of Christ, suddenly…

October 2021 – Unleashing Evil

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The Spirit of Lawless at the End of This Age


July 2020

Published monthly

All Bible references are from the KJV

(Examining Current Events in the Light of Bible Prophecy)

P.O. Box 13006, Roanoke, VA 24030-3006

The Spirit of Lawless at the End of This Age

 “Why do the heathen rage, and the people image a vain thing?”  Psalm 2:1

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By Mike Wingfield 

The Bible has much to say about the spirit of lawlessness that has gripped our nation in recent weeks. The aftermath of the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on May 25, we have been shocked and even horrified by what has occurred in our beloved nation.  Massive mobs have protested in the streets across the land. Millions of dollars in property have been destroyed or burned to the ground.  Hordes of unruly thugs have looted businesses taking whatever they want.  There have been attacks upon police. Some have been murdered.  With the support of some liberal left-wing government leaders, there are those who are calling for defunding the police departments.  All of this causes us to ask, “What is going on and where is all of this going?”

As we look at the Scriptures, in light of this matter, they expose the real soul of America.  The Bible reveals where our nation and world are spiritually, and where we are headed.  In the Bible, the word “lawless” speaks about a person or nation in rebellion against God and God’s law.  God’s law, generally expressed in the 10 Commandments, has been the foundation of law and order in this country for hundreds of years. Our justice system is based upon the 10 Commandments. God has given us His law to guide and instruct us in the way of truth and righteousness.  The law of God is good (1 Timothy 1:8) and perfect (Psalm 19:7).  The Bible clearly states that God’s law “is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners …” (1 Timothy 1:9).  The law of God in the Bible is eternal and unchanging.  It comes from the mouth of God, Who is eternal, perfect, just, and unchanging.  Therefore, the moral standards presented in the law of God are for all people in all cultures throughout all the ages.  When any person measures his spiritual standing in light of this perfect standard, he realizes that he is a sinner, and in need of God’s power to be saved and change.

Rioters in Minnesota pose for a photo op.