Many Jewish people in Israel were deeply moved by the support of U.S.

president Donald Trump’s for the moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. In their minds, this has set in motion the international movement toward the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Next on their list of prayers is the rebuilding of the Jewish temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. A growing number of Israelis believe President Trump will be used of God to give them permission to take control of the Temple Mount and rebuild their temple. They have been waiting for this since the destruction of the last temple in 70 A.D. by the Romans.
To express their hope, a special coin has been minted in Israel showing the

silhouettes of King Cyrus, the Persian King who supported the Jewish return to Jerusalem after the Babylonian Captivity, and President Donald Trump. Only time will tell if this hope will be realized soon. Many events and trends in the Middle East tell us we are living in very unusual times when God is advancing His prophetic agenda of the last days.