The Approaching Digital Currency

According to the prophetic Scriptures,when the Antichrist comes to power at the mid-point of the 7-year Tribulation, he will force a digital currency upon all nations (Revelation 13:7).  He implements his dictatorial rule over the world by forcing them to adopt his international economic policy.  First, he will call for every person to receive a personal identification number that will reflect the numerical value of his name – 666 (Revelation 13:16-18).  This “mark” [Greek word means “to cut” – could probably be a reference to the injection of a computer chip) will be placed in each person’s right hand or under the skin of their forehead (Revelation 13:16). [Note that these are the two places that a person’s skin is usually exposed when people are dressed.  So, it would ensure that the device would not be concealed or interfered with while being covered with clothing.]  Any person who refuses to accept the economic policy of the Antichrist will not be able to participate in any global economic transaction (Revelation 13:17).  This will be the global dictator’s way of controlling the world population.

While the Tribulation Period has not yet begun, we are witnessing the policies and technologies that are setting the stage for the fulfillment of this prophecy. For several decades we have been witnessing the movement toward a global digital currency.  It is now apparent that we are very close to that time when it will be introduced.  This will be the policies and technology that the Antichrist will adopt when he comes to power.

According to Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz at Israel 365 News, the World Economic Forum has called for the adoption of a one-world currency.  “Dr. Phillipa ‘Pippa’ Malmgren, a technology entrepreneur and economist, spoke at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum being held in Davos, Switzerland, this week [March 28-April 1, 2022], dropping a bombshell prediction that the world is well on its way to implementing an electronic banking system that would open every transaction of every person to government scrutiny. … [This] means digital … it means having an almost perfect record of every single transaction that happens in the economy, which will give us far greater clarity over what’s going on. …

“Unlike current cryptocurrencies, the system Malmgren describes will give the central banks complete control over people’s money. The banks will be able to track every transaction and even control how it is spent, blocking it from being transferred to people or organizations it deems undesirable. … Implementing such a global digital currency system would require the establishment of a global digital currency and a global digital identity for every person on the planet. … The practical difference in switching from what we are using now, which is mostly digital anyway; to central bank digital banking is that cash will be outlawed. When you outlaw cash, every single thing becomes trackable. Nothing is too small” (Israel 365 News, April 5, 2022).  

Be ready for the shout that will take us out!