According to Israel Today, about 50 Jewish communities near Gaza and in the north near Lebanon have been evacuated due to the war with Gaza, and the threat of war in the north. This means that a total of about one-half million Israelis have been displaced by war. This represent just a small fraction of the pain and suffering that the Israeli public is enduring at this hour (Israel Today, October 17, 2023).
In the midst of all of their misery, death, and destruction, the Israelis are beginning to realize who they at war with. Israel Today describes how the Israeli public views this current crisis and war, “The Palestinian Arabs and their supporters want to eliminate the State of Israel, and they want to kill every single Jew—but these are two separate objectives. They will kill, torture, and maim as many of us as they can, whenever they can, even if it has absolutely nothing to do with achieving the objective of statehood.
“It’s worth noting that the purportedly ‘secular’ Palestinian Authority begins each of its official communications with the words, ‘In the Name of Allah,’ and actively supports both objectives—death to Jews and replacement of the State of Israel with an Islamic Arab entity.
“Another thing that should be clear is that the distinction between Hamas, the PA [Palestinians on the West Bank], Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, the Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine and all the other ‘factions’ is an artificial and meaningless one. This enables the United States, the European Union, and ‘enlightened’ countries around the world to play a deadly shell game.
“There is no difference between these groups; They share objectives, support one another in every possible way, and are all equally dedicated to the destruction of the Jewish, democratic State of Israel” (Israel Today, October 17, 2023). Therefore, any attempt to create a Palestinian State on the land West of the Jordan River would be asking Israel to commit political suicide. In the minds of Israelis, the idea of a two-state solution to the Arab/Israeli conflict is dead. It has never worked, and it cannot work due to religious hatred promoted by the Arab Muslims for centuries. Furthermore, according to the prophetic Word of God, this conflict and war over the land of Israel will not end until Jesus comes to establish His physical kingdom upon this earth. Only then will the acts of violence, terrorism, and war against Israel end once and for all.
The world is currently sympathetic toward Israel. However, when Israel’s war against Iran and its Islamic militant groups begins, the world will change its tune. They will all call for an immediate cease fire that would force Israel to continue to endure many more attacks like what happened on October 7th. This would indicate that either the world has forgotten about Israel’s suffering, does not care about its suffering, or really hopes that this ongoing war will end with the eventual elimination of the Jewish state of Israel in the Middle East. The bottom line is that anti-Semitism is flooding the global population, and this is fueling the rejection of the nation of Israel.
The Jewish people have had enough suffering. They are adamant that the idea of a Palestinian State on the West Bank is dead. It is impossible due to the Arab hatred for Israel that has existed for more than 4,000 years, and continues to this day! According to the Bible, the nation of Israel will continue to be at odds with the world concerning the conflict over the Promised Land. This conflict with the nations will fester and become very painful for Israel. This conflict will produce wars and rumors of wars. It will ultimately lead the world to declare war on Israel to force them out of their land. That is the purpose of the Battle of Armageddon at the end of the Tribulation.
From where we are today, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Soon, the church will be raptured and the global conflict with Israel will intensify. “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm122:6). Be ready for the shout that will take us out!