As of this moment, Israel has not yet begun the ground invasion of Gaza. This invasion was to have begun several days ago. Why the delay? Iran’s threat to attack them if they invade Gaza is forcing Israel to prepare its forces in the north against a major attack by Iranian-backed forces, Hezbollah, in Lebanon. This military terrorist group has been preparing for a major attack against Israel for many years. It is reported that they have 150,000 missiles they are ready to launch against Israel when given the orders from Iran. It is thought that Israel may also be planning a pre-emptive strike against Hezbollah’s positions in Lebanon before they begin the ground invasion in Gaza. Furthermore, Israel may also be planning a daring rescue mission to free the 203 hostages being held in Gaza. The removal of these hostages from Gaza would make Israel’s ground invasion less complicated. Pray for Israel and its leaders as they contemplate these options.
As you pray, consider this, the world is asleep and does not know that a religious war is being waged against all nations. The radical leaders of Islam, being led by Iran and others, are promoting a religious war against all “infidels” (non-Muslims). Israel is on the Front lines of the global war against radical Islam. What happens in this war will impact the entire global population.
“Israel is at the forefront of the global war on terror. While America’s adversaries are 7,000 miles away, ours are less than 7,000 feet away. This is a battle between civilization and barbaric terrorists who want to fundamentally change the way we live. If Israel does not succeed, the whole world will be forced to suffer the consequences because terror organizations across the globe will be emboldened and inspired. The free world must unequivocally support Israel just as it is united in the fight against Al-Qaeda and ISIS” (Israel Today, October 18, 2023).