On Tuesday, October 17, a missile struck the Al Ahili hospital in Gaza, killing hundreds of people. Immediately, Hamas and other Arab Islamic media sources begin to accuse Israel of this brutal and barbaric act. Israeli intelligence has produced the evidence that the Israeli forces did not strike the hospital. Instead, it was accidentally struck by a missile fired behind the hospital by the Islamic Jihad Terror Organization. This photo shows that as they were launching missiles at Israel, one of the missiles misfired and struck the hospital. Many of the missiles and launchers, like the ones pictured below, were manufactured in Gaza and a not precise weapons of war. It is estimated that about 20 percent of the missiles they attempt to fire into Israel fall short of their intended target, many falling in Gaza.
The war against Israel is not just being waged on the battlefield, but also in the global media centers. Those who hate Israel are proud to lie and promote these fabricated stories to make Israel the villain instead of themselves. It is a well-established fact that Hamas has used innocent civilians to shield their warriors from the retaliatory strikes of the Israelis. The fact that these terrorist forces were firing these missiles near this hospital in Gaza is a case in point.