The liberal west does not know it, but our world is in the middle of a religious war that is about to engulf all nations. While living in a godless culture, the masses and the leadership of the West are blinded toward the deception of radical Muslim elements. These elements currently seek to be political partners with them in the United Nations. The Communist and Socialist leaders believe they can temporarily support the Islamic war efforts to eradicate the United States and Israel. Then, they must think they can subjugate the Muslim world and establish a godless socialist New World Order. However, it is apparent that the West is in the process of moral and spiritual bankruptcy. All the major nations of the West are on the verge of economic collapse. When the Western nations internally collapse, it will leave Islamic forces to rule the World. This conclusion is supported by the prophetic Scriptures.
I believe there is overwhelming biblical evidence to conclude that the coming Antichrist and his global kingdom will be an Islamic kingdom, with its headquarters in the Middle East. According to Revelation 17-18, the Antichrist and his kingdom will be controlled by a very powerful religion that is in the desert (Revelation 17:3). This religion will hate Christians and Jews and will kill them by decapitation (Revelation 20:4). This conflict between the forces of the Antichrist and Israel will be the conclusion to the historical conflict in the book of Genesis between Ishmael and Isaac, and Jacob and Esau.
There are many Islamic groups that are working toward the establishment of a global Islamic kingdom. However, at the forefront of these efforts is the nation of Iran. Since the revival of the rise of Radical Islam in Iran in 1979, Iran has continued to call for the annihilation of the nation of Israel. Iran is recognized by many nations as the leading sponsor of terrorism in the Middle East and around the world. The Iranian supreme leader, the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has repeatedly called for the destruction of Israel. In April 2018, he lashed out at Israel, calling the Jewish state a “cancerous tumor’ of the region that must be “removed and eradicated.”
In the last few decades, Iran has established it proxy Islamic terrorist groups in a ring of fire, surrounding the nation of Israel. See the map with this article. As you look at this map and reflect upon the events that have transpired in the Middle East since October 7th, it is very apparent that Iran has begun to make its final move to annihilate Israel. Iranian backed terrorist groups in Gaza, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, the West Bank, and Yemen are all prepared to join each other in a multi-front war effort to overwhelm and defeat Israel. All of this is happening while it is being reported that Iran is very close to the development of several nuclear weapons.

As we watch these developments, we must remember that the Bible tells us what is about to take place. (1) We are watching the continuation of a campaign of “wars and rumors of wars” against Israel (Matthew 24:6). (2) We will see how the keeper of Israel will protect and defend His people (Psalm 121:1-8). (3) We will see the developments that will cause the West to collapse and make way for the rise of political Islam to take control of the world. This will not fully materialize until the beginning of the Tribulation Period (Revelation 6:1-8). (4) At any moment the church will rise to meet Jesus and be snatched out of this world in the Rapture.
We must rejoice that our God is sovereign and is directing the nations toward His divine conclusion. Read Daniel 4:34-35. May the Lord give us wisdom to know how to pray. Be bold for the Lord and proclaim the gospel. Keep listening for the shout that will take us out!