We now know that many of the Hamas terrorists that invaded Israel on October 7th were high on a very powerful drug call Heptagon. This illegal drug in essence induces a demonic brutality that gives the addict boldness, energy, and great strength. It causes a psychotic reaction in a person that makes them wild with no fear of death. In the Middle East, it is called the “Jihad drug.” ISIS terrorists used this drug several years ago before they carried out their barbaric acts.
i24 News from Israel reports, “Heptagon is known for its ability to provide extended periods of alertness, a quality that may have been exploited by the terrorists during their brutal attacks. The production of this drug is primarily centered in Lebanon and Syria. Originally, it was used as a medication to treat depression and attention disorders, as it induces a sense of euphoria and suppresses fear. The drug has earned various nicknames in the region, including “the drug of Jihad,” “the drug of ISIS,” and “the drug of the poor” (i24news, October 20, 2023).
According to the Bible, the followers of the Antichrist, who will be just like ISIS and Hamas, will use drugs. Revelation 9:21 says, “Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication [illicit sexual activity], nor or their thefts.” The Greek word that is translated as “sorceries” is pharmakia. This is the word from which we get the English word pharmacy. In Revelation 9:21 it points to illegal drugs. In ancient times, mind-altering drugs were always associated with witchcraft and sorcery. Those who took these drugs were inducing themselves into a demonic state, while submitting themselves to demons to control their mind and body.
As in the days of Noah, our world is descending into an evil lifestyle of rebellion, violence, sexual immorality, and brutality. Not only are people rejecting God, but they are openly joining the dark side and inviting demonic oppression and possession. It is apparent that our world is being rapidly prepared by Satan and his demons for their final rebellion against the God of Israel during the Tribulation Period.