It is reported that 95 percent of Israelis are living in fear. As they await the outcome of this very difficult war in Gaza, soldiers, and their families and friends back at home are all crying out to God for help. They are broken as they express their complete dependence upon God for their victory.
The nation is focused upon Psalm 120-135. Most of these psalms were written by King Hezekiah while Israel faced an impossible war with the Assyrians in 700 B.C. The Assyrians were very much like Hamas. Their war tactics were inhuman. They were the terrorists of the ancient world (Ezekiel 32:22-23).
It is apparent from the holy prophetic Scriptures that one of God’s main purposes for allowing Israel to suffer so much in the last days is that it will lead to their salvation (Daniel 12:1). God says that He will refine them in the fiery trials of the Tribulation. And “they shall call on my name, and I will hear them,: I will say, it is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God” (Zechariah 13:9). See Jeremiah 30:1-7.
During the approaching Tribulation Period, the Jewish people will experience a powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit, leading thousands to salvation (Joel 2:27-32; Revelation 7:4-8; 14:1-5). I believe that God is preparing their hearts now for this moment of great salvation.
This has been the longing of the heart of the heavenly Father (Isaiah 59:19-60:1; 62:1-7). As Israelis cry out to God, He will hear their cry and ultimately salvation will come to Israel. Let us pray for the glory of God to be seen by them and all nations, as He destroys the enemies of Israel (Ezekiel 38:16-23; 39:22-29). These passages are about to be fulfilled.
However, the church will not be here to witness these events. When the church is complete and called out in the Rapture, then salvation will come to Israel (Romans 11:25-26).