One of the serious signs of the last days is the preparations for a One-World government. See Psalm 2:1-3 and Revelation 13:7. For this to take place, the global players who are attempting to make this happen realize they must bring about the demise of the United States. The U.S. is the world’s most powerful nation in the free world. However, that is rapidly changing.
The globalists are using several strategies to bring about the collapse of the U.S. They are attempting to change the nation spiritually, morally, economically, educationally, and politically. At this moment, America is fighting for its life as one of the world’s last true democracies. One of the ways to bring down this nation is to flood it with immigrants that will change the make-up of this once great nation. This is one of the purposes behind the current administration’s open southern border policy.
The current open border policy is a threat to the national security of America. A recent Gatestone Institute article highlighted the invasion of illegal immigrants flooding our southern border with Mexico. Records show that in 2021, almost 1.7 million migrants attempted to enter the U.S. illegally. This is the highest number ever recorded in our history. Data indicates that in 2021 at least 63 percent of those who illegally entered America were from countries other than Mexico. Many of these are enemies of America. It is known that many of them have prior criminal convictions. They are also bringing dangerous illegal drugs across the border.
They are flooding our medical facilities in the southern states, threatening their economic demise. They are placing a massive economic burden upon our government. The current administration is offering billions of dollars in economic aid to these illegal immigrants, while assisting them to settle within our borders. All of this is happening when our nation is facing unprecedented rates of unemployment and runaway inflation. This is a recipe for disaster.
Gatestone Institute comments, “When almost 2 million people arrive in your country in one year (a population larger than many major cities), then there are consequences for local services, healthcare, education, housing, police, fire and EMT – all of the threads of our community fabric. This has nothing to do with race or country of origin. It is a demographic challenge – sheer number of human beings” (www.gatestoneinstitute.org , “Biden’s Borders: The Threat to America and the Threat to the Free World, February 1, 2022).