Israel Today reports that “according to the 2019 edition of the Bloomberg Healthiest Country Index, which ranks 169 countries according to factors that contribute to overall health. Israel is 25 spots ahead of the United States.” Israel is the 10th healthiest nation in the world. (
Israel continues to be the land that flows with milk and honey. In Ezekiel 20:6, the Bible speaks of the land of Israel as a land “flowing with milk and honey, which is the glory of all lands.” Israel is one of the few countries in the world that provides its citizens with all the food they eat. They import very little. I know from my tours that the food in Israel is fresh, delicious, tasty, and prepared by Israeli chefs in the hotels where we stay. They also provide us with an incredible variety of foods at each meal.
Living in a World with No Conscience is a hard-hitting, passionate presentation of the true spiritual condition of our nation and world — all through the lens of the Bible. Author Mike Wingfield attempts to demonstrate that America and our world are extremely close to reaching the spiritual point of no return that is leading to the final global divine judgment prescribed in the Bible. At the heart of this is the silencing of the collective conscience of our nation and world. God has warned, “My spirit will not always strive with man” (Genesis 6:3). What does this mean? What do we need to do? Living in a World with No Conscience will help you discover the vital answers to these questions.
Those who do not know Jesus Christ are oblivious to where we are and what is about to transpire in the world — and an overwhelming number of believers, including pastors, do not grasp the gravity of what is taking place in the American and in the global culture. Living in a World with No Conscience can help us to see our world as God sees it, and provide us with a much needed wake-up call!
This softback cover book, 166 pages, is available at Amazon Books, Barnes and Nobel, or you can order it from Prophecy Today Ministries (PTM). PTM sells the book for $12.00, plus shipping.
Many Jewish people in Israel were deeply moved by the support of U.S.
credit: Israel Breaking News
president Donald Trump’s for the moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. In their minds, this has set in motion the international movement toward the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Next on their list of prayers is the rebuilding of the Jewish temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. A growing number of Israelis believe President Trump will be used of God to give them permission to take control of the Temple Mount and rebuild their temple. They have been waiting for this since the destruction of the last temple in 70 A.D. by the Romans.
To express their hope, a special coin has been minted in Israel showing the
credit: Mikdash Educational Center
silhouettes of King Cyrus, the Persian King who supported the Jewish return to Jerusalem after the Babylonian Captivity, and President Donald Trump. Only time will tell if this hope will be realized soon. Many events and trends in the Middle East tell us we are living in very unusual times when God is advancing His prophetic agenda of the last days.
Today, the church is almost non-existent in parts of the EU. Furthermore, radical Islamic immigrants are flooding Europe, bring their hatred of Israel and the Jews with them. Consequently, anti-Semitism is once again raising its ugly head and setting the stage for another world war – the last one, Armageddon. “The Commission of the European Union recently published a survey which showed that 75% of British Jews feel that anti-Semitism has become a very large and serious problem. As a result a third of British Jewry is considering emigration due to the upsurge in anti-Semitism.” (The Jerusalem Report, January 28, 2019, p. 10)
Studies now indicate that the new Palestinian school curriculum, which is funded by the EU, is more radical than in previous years. The curriculum does not promote peace between the Palestinians and Israelis. It teaches the children that Jews have no part in their land. And, it promotes jihad and martyrdom to accomplish the radical goal of eliminating Israel. The next generation of Palestinians is being educated to be more radical and more anti-Semitic.There will be no true peace in the Middle East until Jesus comes.
This also spells trouble for Christians. The radical Muslims have a saying, “First comes Saturday, then comes Sunday.” This means that their war of eradication of all non-Muslims is aimed first at Jews, then at Christians. This is evidenced all over the Middle East where the Jewish and Christian population in most cases is dwindling. Israel is the only country in the Middle East where the Christian population is safe and growing.
We need to understand that the enemies of Christians and Jews are the same. This present state of affairs will only worsen as we approach the final days at the end of this age. The coming world dictator, the Antichrist, like Hitler, will lead an all-out war to annihilate all Jews and those who will be saved during the Tribulation. We can see the storm coming. We only pray that our exit through the Rapture is imminent. “Even, so, come Lord Jesus” (Revelation 22:20).
Israel has just discovered the location of another Iranian precision missile factory in Syria that is under construction. The factory is just outside of Latakia, close to the Russian Khmeimim Air Force base. Israel has announced that Prime Minister Netanyahu will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on February 21 to discuss the growing Iranian military presence in Syria, near Israel’s northern border.
However, Russia, Iran, and Syria are having a meeting before Putin’s meeting with Netanyahu to discuss Israel’s military strikes against Iran’s strategic military interests in Syria. On Friday, February 8, Russia’s deputy foreign minister warned Israel to curtain its strikes against Iranian positions in Syria. Russia claims that Israel’s attack on Iran’s military installations in Syria are destabilizing the region, moving Iran and Israel closer to a major military confrontation.
In light of the prophetic Word found in Ezekiel 38, these are critical developments that are worthy of our utmost attention. It is my opinion that the battle of Gog and Magog, which includes Iran and Russia, mentioned in Ezekiel 38 will take place very close to the time of the Rapture of the church.