World Israel News is reporting that U.S. President Joe Biden is preparing to make an “unprecedented U.S. diplomatic initiative to promote a Palestinian state — NOW” (World Israel News, February 1, 2024)! This is a major shift in American political policy. Previous U.S. administrations have stated they would not unilaterally recognize a Palestinian State. It has been our policy that such a move must come out of a diplomatic process that includes the two parties involved in this conflict – the Israelis and the Palestinians. Other countries, like France, are now preparing to recognize Palestinian statehood. The United Nations is also calling for such a move. Previous discussions have indicated that the Palestinians would be rewarded with a state that includes the entire West Bank (biblical Judea and Samaria). This would also recognize East Jerusalem (the ancient biblical city) as the capitol of the Palestinian State.
This comes at a time when Israel is still in shock over the barbaric invasion of Hamas on October 7, 2023. As the war in Gaza continues the effort to destroy the ranks of the terrorists and Hamas’ leadership, the world is preparing to reward the Islamic terrorists of the Middle East by giving them another terrorist state next door to Israel. Most Israelis are sending a clear message to the world that they do not want and will not accept a Palestinian State on the land that God promised their forefathers 4,000 years ago. The world condemns their stance and deceptively believes that a Palestinian State is in the best interest of peace in the Middle East. Once again, the world’s desire comes at the expense of the Jewish people.
More importantly, this global move to divide the Promised Land and the Holy city of Jerusalem is in direct confrontation with the eternal will and purposes of God. The Bible is adamant that during the last days the Lord would regather His people out of all nations and bring them home to dwell in their ancient homeland (Ezekiel 36), including the West Bank and Gaza. God’s promises to Israel include the recognized Jewish capitol of Jerusalem.
Friends, in the light of the prophetic Word of God these announcements are of paramount importance. The final conflict between God and the nations during the Tribulation Period, revolves around the world’s attempt to divide the land of Israel (Joel 3:2). This day of God’s vengeance will be “great and terrible,” and no one will be able to stand up to God’s acts of devastating and deadly judgment (Joel 2:11). In the face of all of Israel’s difficulties, the Lord has promised His people, “Then will the LORD be jealous for his land, and pity his people” (Joel 2:18).
Considering these biblical declarations, I fear for the lives of the politicians who are standing against the will of God. I wonder when the heavy hand of judgment will fall upon America as we turn our backs upon God’s people and God’s land. It will happen! When and how, only God knows.
For decades, America has diplomatically stood in the global path to resist the efforts of the nations who are ready to support a move to create a Palestinian State that would lead to the suicide of the modern state of Israel. God does not need the United States to protect Israel. He will do that for His own glory.
As America joins the ranks of the nations to oppose the eternal plans of God, they are now in the crosshairs of the God of angel armies – the Lord of Hosts. It is only a matter of time!