The Black Lives Matter movement is not a group attempting to bring about racial justice for Blacks. At its core roots, it is a socialist political movement aimed at the destruction of America as a Free Democratic Country. See the following video. https://vimeo.com/464284021
The Bible teaches that all people have been created in the image of God. Therefore, all people should receive equal respect and be treated with dignity. God loves them all and we should too. Many of the current movements that are supporting the de-funding of police and are violently protesting are not motivated by justice, but by hatred. They hate God and all that God stands for. Read Romans 1:26-32 for a Biblical identity of these people. According to this text, these people have reached the spiritual point of no return. God has given them up and given them over to their depraved mind. If our leaders bow down to these groups, America is doomed! We must stand with God and His Word. God have mercy on America!