For years I have been alarmed that, according to the Bible, when the end of this age comes Western civilization will not play a major role in the global end-time developments. I have wondered what would happen to the West. It is now becoming very clear concerning the mortal danger that is facing the West.
Like a trojan horse, the Communists and Muslims have infiltrated the West and have sown seeds of hatred for God’s law and God’s people – Israel and the church. The reaction of the world to Hamas’ invasion of Israel, and the inhuman atrocities committed by them, are being opening supported in the West. At the same time, a dangerous hatred for Israel is exploding across the globe. This signals that the West is in a free-fall spiritually, morally, educationally, politically, economically, and militarily. History demonstrates that the moral collapse of a culture always leads to its demise.
When a culture celebrates death, the mutilation of children and innocent people, and brainwashing children to hate and murder innocent people, it is the end of civilization as we know it. This is what is being accepted and praised in our world. The prophecies of Psalm 2 are coming to pass before our very eyes.
The following paragraphs are a part of larger article that describes the alarming danger that is now taking place in America and the West. I highly recommend you read the entire article found at www.gatestoneinstitute.org.
“Hatred of Israel, often meaning Jews, is reaching an alarming level throughout the Western world. The support for a movement calling for the genocidal destruction of Israel by hundreds of thousands of people in Western Europe and the United States should probably be seen as a wake-up call. American columnist Dennis Prager told the British newspaper the Daily Telegraph: “Supporting Hamas is like supporting Nazis in WW2.”
“In a recent interview, Éric Zemmour, leader of the French political party Reconquest, said that by carrying out a genocidal attack against Jews in Israel, Hamas attacked Judeo-Christian civilization itself. He quoted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who had noted that Israel’s battle against Hamas is a battle of civilization against barbarism. Zemmour added that support for Hamas in the West shows that many Muslims living there behave as enemies of civilization, and when they receive support from the “Left”, it shows that now the “Left” are also enemies of civilization. He concluded that if, in the West, the processes of a genocidal hatred of Jews continue unhindered, it means that “the West is in mortal danger” and could die” (Guy Millere, Gatestone Institute, November 29, 2023).