Biden Meddling in Israeli Government Affairs

The Biden administration continues its attempt to force the world’s agenda upon the Israeli government. In the last few months, U.S. President Joe Biden has begun to realize that his initial stance of supporting Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza has politically backfired on him. Many in his own party are voicing opposition to him and his positive stance with Israel. Therefore, with the election approaching this fall, Biden has chosen to reverse his position and become an adversary rather than an ally of Israel.

The Biden administration continues to ignore the real facts about the situation in the Middle East. They view Israel as being the aggressor, rather than Israel’s right to defend themselves from the destruction of Hamas and all others who seek to destroy the one and only Jewish nation. Everyone knows that Hamas’ charter calls for the complete annihilation of the entire state of Israel. They are a trained and financially backed proxy of the Iranian regime, which is also obsessed with the destruction of Israel. Yet, this does not seem to matter to those who support the enemies of Israel. Or perhaps they want Israel to disappear from the face of the earth!

In recent weeks, the Biden Administration has used all means at its disposal to persuade the Israeli government to end the war with Hamas and to not enter the Hamas stronghold in Rafah (the southern most area of Gaza near the Egyptian border). It continues to lecture Israel concerning how the war should end and who should rule in Gaza after the war is over. The world, and the current American administration, is calling for a Palestinian government to take control of Gaza. Currently, the West Bank Palestinian government is planning to join hands with Hamas to destroy Israel. So, the world wants Israel to allow a terrorist entity to govern all of Israel’s borders. This is not a solution for peace, but an escalation of war against Israel.

Furthermore, Biden is adamant that the Israeli government should support the creation and immediate recognition of a Palestinian State on a part of the land deeded to the Jewish people in the Bible by God 4,000 years ago. However, the current Israeli government, with the support of most of the Israeli population, continues to reject all the U.N. and U.S. demands.

However, now World Israel News is reporting that the Biden administration is seeking advice from Netanyahu’s political opponents in Israel as to how they might topple the current Israeli government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu. This is illegal and unethical. The people who are now a part of this U.S. administration spent billions of dollars in their attack against former President Donald Trump, claiming that he was part of a Russian intrusion in American affairs. This has been proven to be a false charge. However, now they are doing a similar thing they claimed that President Trump was doing.

All of this is a part of the struggle between heaven and hell at the end of days. We are witnessing the formation of a global alliance against God and His people, Israel. The world is blind to the fact they are being prepared for the divine retribution of the Holy One of Israel. “For it is the day of the LORD’s vengeance, and the year of recompences for the controversy of Zion” (Isaiah 34:8).

Be prepared for the shout that will take us out!

The Moral Danger Facing the West

For years I have been alarmed that, according to the Bible, when the end of this age comes Western civilization will not play a major role in the global end-time developments. I have wondered what would happen to the West. It is now becoming very clear concerning the mortal danger that is facing the West.

Like a trojan horse, the Communists and Muslims have infiltrated the West and have sown seeds of hatred for God’s law and God’s people – Israel and the church. The reaction of the world to Hamas’ invasion of Israel, and the inhuman atrocities committed by them, are being opening supported in the West. At the same time, a dangerous hatred for Israel is exploding across the globe. This signals that the West is in a free-fall spiritually, morally, educationally, politically, economically, and militarily. History demonstrates that the moral collapse of a culture always leads to its demise.

When a culture celebrates death, the mutilation of children and innocent people, and brainwashing children to hate and murder innocent people, it is the end of civilization as we know it. This is what is being accepted and praised in our world. The prophecies of Psalm 2 are coming to pass before our very eyes.

The following paragraphs are a part of larger article that describes the alarming danger that is now taking place in America and the West. I highly recommend you read the entire article found at

“Hatred of Israel, often meaning Jews, is reaching an alarming level throughout the Western world. The support for a movement calling for the genocidal destruction of Israel by hundreds of thousands of people in Western Europe and the United States should probably be seen as a wake-up call. American columnist Dennis Prager told the British newspaper the Daily Telegraph: “Supporting Hamas is like supporting Nazis in WW2.”

“In a recent interview, Éric Zemmour, leader of the French political party Reconquest, said that by carrying out a genocidal attack against Jews in Israel, Hamas attacked Judeo-Christian civilization itself. He quoted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who had noted that Israel’s battle against Hamas is a battle of civilization against barbarism. Zemmour added that support for Hamas in the West shows that many Muslims living there behave as enemies of civilization, and when they receive support from the “Left”, it shows that now the “Left” are also enemies of civilization. He concluded that if, in the West, the processes of a genocidal hatred of Jews continue unhindered, it means that “the West is in mortal danger” and could die” (Guy Millere, Gatestone Institute, November 29, 2023).

The Gathering of Gog and Magog?

According to Ezekiel 38, in the last days, a massive number of ground troops will gather on the Golan Heights in Syria for an invasion of Israel. They will include troops from Russia, Iran, Turkey, and other radical Islamic nations. This battle is called “the Gog and Magog War.” The following report indicates that since October 7th, troops are beginning to gather in this very same location for a ground invasion of Israel. Could this be the beginning of the gathering for Gog and Magog?

“The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), a research group associated with the Syrian opposition, this week reported that 700 pro-Iranian fighters have been deployed in the area adjoining the Golan Heights. The fighters, according to the SOHR report, are of “Syrian, Iraqi, Palestinian, and other nationalities.” They have been deployed in the countryside of Quneitra Province, the area immediately adjacent to the Golan Heights, and in ‘western Rif Dimashq and parts of western Deraa countryside.’” (November 25. 2023, Jerusalem Post online edition).

Comfort Ye My People

As I was in prayer early this morning for the Israeli people and troops in Gaza, the Holy Spirit directed by mind to Isaiah 4:1-2, “Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received of the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.”

This call of the Holy Spirit to the people of Israel was written by the prophet Isaiah 2,700 years ago. This call has echoed down through the ages to our time and admonishes those whose hearts are with God to cry out for His people. The Jewish people have perhaps suffered more than any other ethnic group of people in the history of mankind. Countless millions of Jewish people since Isaiah penned these words have endured persecution, character assassinations, expulsions, threats, wars, terrorism, and violence in ways unimaginable to most people. They suffered these things because they are God’s chosen people. While speaking of these last days, Jesus said to His Jewish disciples, “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and they shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake” (Matthew 24:9).

It is chilling to think that at this hour millions are marching and demonstrating in support of the monster terrorist group called Hamas. The word “Hamas” in Hebrew means “violence.” A little over a month ago these murderers invaded Israel, and like savage beasts, they raped, tortured, dismembered, and beheaded babies, children, mothers, and the elderly. They did this to these people for one reason – their victims were all Jews. The righteous mind struggles to grasp this kind of hatred and vicious wicked spirit! Yet, millions are supporting Hamas’s war against God’s people. Not all, but a greater majority of the Palestinian people are all praising Hamas and are calling for the annihilation of Israel. The overwhelming majority of people in the world want to give God’s Promised Land to a people who hate God and His chosen people. Friends, our world is ripe for the vengeance of God. Isaiah spoke of the Tribulation Period as “the day of the LORD’s vengeance, and the year of recompences for the controversy of Zion” (Isaiah 34:8).

Friends, these events should send a global warning that the end of days, the final rebellion against God, has just about arrived. What can we do? Look at the call of the Holy Spirit in Isaiah 40:1-2. We need to pray for and identify with the Jewish people. These are Christ’s “brethren” (Matthew 25:31-46).

The Jewish people are about to suffer more than any other nation in all of human history! Speaking of the Tribulation Period, the prophet Daniel wrote, “And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book” (Daniel 12:1). We need to pray for them. We need to weep with them. We need to support them in their war effort.

We also need to comfort them. We need to remind them that the God of Israel loves them and is about to save them from their sins. Just a few days ago, I was watching a video recording of a battalion of Jewish soldiers standing at the corridor of Gaza. In concert, they were passionately shouting, “The Lord, He is God! The Lord, He is God!” Show me another army in the world that would honor and glorify God with words like these as they about to engage combat for their home, their families, their nation!

We need to comfort them with the hope of the physical and spiritual redemption of the nation of Israel. The Lord is coming to rescue them from the storm of hate that is coming against them. At the end of the Tribulation, the church will return from heaven with Jesus to Jerusalem, and we will witness the final blow against the nations that have aided Satan and his attack upon Israel. Of that day, Zechariah wrote, “Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought un the day of battle” (Zechariah 14:3).

I believe that God is at work in Israel. I believe these are the days of spiritual preparation of Jewish hearts. A mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit is about to take place among God’s chosen people.

To the church – prepare to meet the Lord! He is coming for us soon!

Israelis Calling Out to God

It is reported that 95 percent of Israelis are living in fear. As they await the outcome of this very difficult war in Gaza, soldiers, and their families and friends back at home are all crying out to God for help. They are broken as they express their complete dependence upon God for their victory.

The nation is focused upon Psalm 120-135. Most of these psalms were written by King Hezekiah while Israel faced an impossible war with the Assyrians in 700 B.C. The Assyrians were very much like Hamas. Their war tactics were inhuman. They were the terrorists of the ancient world (Ezekiel 32:22-23).

It is apparent from the holy prophetic Scriptures that one of God’s main purposes for allowing Israel to suffer so much in the last days is that it will lead to their salvation (Daniel 12:1). God says that He will refine them in the fiery trials of the Tribulation. And “they shall call on my name, and I will hear them,: I will say, it is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God” (Zechariah 13:9). See Jeremiah 30:1-7.

During the approaching Tribulation Period, the Jewish people will experience a powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit, leading thousands to salvation (Joel 2:27-32; Revelation 7:4-8; 14:1-5). I believe that God is preparing their hearts now for this moment of great salvation.

This has been the longing of the heart of the heavenly Father (Isaiah 59:19-60:1; 62:1-7). As Israelis cry out to God, He will hear their cry and ultimately salvation will come to Israel. Let us pray for the glory of God to be seen by them and all nations, as He destroys the enemies of Israel (Ezekiel 38:16-23; 39:22-29). These passages are about to be fulfilled.

However, the church will not be here to witness these events. When the church is complete and called out in the Rapture, then salvation will come to Israel (Romans 11:25-26).