Global Rejection of God

photo courtesy of Israel Today Magazine

As we watch events unfold around the world at this hour, we need to keep our eyes on Psalm 2. This psalm is a prophetic commentary on what is happening now.

Verse one“Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?” The word “rage” speaks of an open defiance and disorderly conduct. Our world is erupting into disruptive chaos that glorifies and clamors for evil. Evil brings death and destruction. It is no wonder that God says, “the people imagine a vain thing.” These people are asking for their own demise. The people who glorify Hamas are in love with evil. They will get what they want. The Islamic terrorists will march across the globe during the Tribulation Period, killing, raping, and pillaging as they go. I am convinced that the four riders of the horses in Revelation 6:1-8 represent the global jihad of the Antichrist at the beginning of the Tribulation Period. The events that happened in Israel on October 7th are a little window into global events that will transpire around the world every day for seven very long years!

Verse 2“The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed.” It is apparent that the United Nations and all the nations around the globe are siding with Islam. They are chanting for the destruction of Israel and the Jews. They would rather have Hamas than Israel. They are against the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They are against God’s “anointed” [the word here is messiah]. They are against Jesus. Therefore, they hate Jews and Christians. This will be the trademark of the Antichrist and his global kingdom. They will kill believers in Jesus by beheading them (Revelation 20:4). The antichrist will blaspheme the name of the God of the Bible (Daniel 11:36; Revelation 13:6).

Verse 3“Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.” The references to “band” and “cords” point to the binding commandments of God. These evil people want to be set free from the law of God. They want total freedom to express their depravity. God says we are to not have any other gods before Him (Exodus 20:3-5). The crowds around the world are chanting, “Allah is greater.” Allah is not the God of the Bible. They are calling for the worship of another god. It is not an accident that Hamas attacked Israel on the Sabbath day (Saturday). God demanded Israel to keep the sabbath day as a holy day (Exodus 20:3). When Hamas attacked Israel, they rebelled against all of God’s last six commandments in Exodus 20:12-17. Read them and think about this. Evil people are glorifying this!

Notice God’s response to these rebels. First, He will laugh at them (verse 4). How stupid for man to think He can oppose God and His commandments. Second, He will “speak to them in his wrath and vex [terrify] them” (verse 5). They want terror. He will give them terror! Terror will rule over the nations for seven years! Third, God will set His Son, the Jewish Messiah, upon his “holy hill of Zion” (verse 6). Hamas used the Jewish peoples’ visits to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem as an excuse to invade Israel. Islam claims that the Temple Mount belongs to them and not to the Jews. They claim that that Jews have no right to this holy mountain and that it is an Islamic holy site. God will answer by placing His Son on the throne of David on the Temple Mount for 1,000 years (see photo). Jesus will rule over all the nations in His glorious kingdom (verses 7-9). Fourth, God demands that all the kings and judges of the nations serve and honor Him (verse 11). He warns them that their rebellion against Him are stoking the fires of His holy wrath (verse 12).

Will The Current Hatred for Israel Trigger the Ezekiel 38 war?

According to an ancient prophecy in Ezekiel 38, in the last days a massive ground invasion of Israel will take place. This attack upon Israel will not be the same as the Armageddon war that will happen at the conclusion of the Tribulation Period. According to this prophecy, Russia, Iran, and Turkey and other radical Islamic allies will attack Israel “in the latter years” (Ezekiel 38:8). I think this attack will happen immediately before the Tribulation Period begins.

The Bible states that God will use something to lure these armies into this war so that He can defeat them on the mountains of Israel. Ezekiel wrote, “And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, set thy face against Gog [leader of Russia], the land of Magog [Russia], the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal: And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen,…” (Ezekiel 38:1-4).

Bible students have always wondered what “the hook in the jaw” represents. What will God use to force Russia and its allies to invade Israel? Could it be that we are watching this unfold at this moment? Since Hamas’ brutal and deadly attack upon Israel on October 7th, the world has twisted the facts and made Israel the aggressor and murderer of innocent people in Gaza. As a result, there has been an explosion of antisemitism around the world, calling for the death of Israel while praising the Hamas murderers. On Saturday, November 4th in Washington DC, it is estimated that 100,00 protesters (see photo) declared that Israel is the terrorist and chanted dead to Israel.

“Since the invasion, China, Russia, and Iran have all used their state-controlled media outlets to promote Hamas claims downplaying or outright denying the terrorist organization’s atrocities, while accusing Israel of persecuting Palestinians and even committing genocide” (World Israel News, November 5, 2023). It is apparent that the evil enemies of Israel and the United States are masking the truth and creating the dangerous context for genocidal attacks upon Israel and the United States.

Israelis are talking about Ezekiel 38 and its possible fulfillment at this current time. It is time for the Lord to demonstrate His sovereign strength when He destroys the armies who want to annihilated Israel (Ezekiel 38:18-23).

All this signals that we are near the time for the exit of the church to heaven. These are very serious developments that demand our attention and prayers. Please pray for truth to prevail. Pray for Israel. Those who hate Israel are the enemies of God (Psalm 83: 1-8). Prepare your soul for the time when we will all stand before Jesus as our judge.

A Bright Hope for Jewish Children

On that tragic morning of October 7th, one of the most heart wrenching things that took place was the horrific crimes that were perpetrated upon the Jewish children and infants. Children and infants were not only murdered but were dismembered and beheaded. These actions by the Hamas murderers displayed their immense hatred for the Jewish people. This is a clear testimony to their demonic depravity that has no conscience.

The Bible and history teach that one of the greatest barometers of a culture is what they do with children and babies. In the context of the defense of a culture, the Bible declares in Psalm 127:3, “Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.” Godly people realize that one of the greatest treasures in this life are our children and grandchildren.

The culture of radical Islam, like Hamas, not only hates Jewish children. They do not value their own children. All over the Muslim world that hates Israel, they are raising their children to be future terrorists and to hate the Jewish people. Children should never be taught to hate anyone. This poisons their soul. In contrast, this is not what is being taught in the Israeli culture. Golda Meir, the former Prime Minister of Israel, once said, “We can forgive [the Arabs] for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with [the Arabs] when they love their children more than they hate us…”

According to the Bible there will come a time, during the Kingdom of our Lord, when there will be peace between the Arab nations and Israel. Read Isaiah 60. Only then will there be a bright hope for the Jewish children. Long ago, the Prophet Zechariah wrote, “And the streets of the city [Jerusalem] shall be full of boys and girls playing in the streets thereof” (Zechariah 8:5).

We long for that day to come when there will be no more war. Jesus will rule over the nations and peace will be over His entire kingdom. Children will be able to be children and live in a world of peace. Come Lord Jesus!

Jihad Drugs

We now know that many of the Hamas terrorists that invaded Israel on October 7th were high on a very powerful drug call Heptagon. This illegal drug in essence induces a demonic brutality that gives the addict boldness, energy, and great strength. It causes a psychotic reaction in a person that makes them wild with no fear of death. In the Middle East, it is called the “Jihad drug.” ISIS terrorists used this drug several years ago before they carried out their barbaric acts.

i24 News from Israel reports, “Heptagon is known for its ability to provide extended periods of alertness, a quality that may have been exploited by the terrorists during their brutal attacks. The production of this drug is primarily centered in Lebanon and Syria. Originally, it was used as a medication to treat depression and attention disorders, as it induces a sense of euphoria and suppresses fear. The drug has earned various nicknames in the region, including “the drug of Jihad,” “the drug of ISIS,” and “the drug of the poor” (i24news, October 20, 2023).

According to the Bible, the followers of the Antichrist, who will be just like ISIS and Hamas, will use drugs. Revelation 9:21 says, “Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication [illicit sexual activity], nor or their thefts.” The Greek word that is translated as “sorceries” is pharmakia. This is the word from which we get the English word pharmacy. In Revelation 9:21 it points to illegal drugs. In ancient times, mind-altering drugs were always associated with witchcraft and sorcery. Those who took these drugs were inducing themselves into a demonic state, while submitting themselves to demons to control their mind and body.

As in the days of Noah, our world is descending into an evil lifestyle of rebellion, violence, sexual immorality, and brutality. Not only are people rejecting God, but they are openly joining the dark side and inviting demonic oppression and possession. It is apparent that our world is being rapidly prepared by Satan and his demons for their final rebellion against the God of Israel during the Tribulation Period.

That they May Know that the Lord God is the One and Only True God

As Israel has begun their ground invasion of Gaza, they are encountering many horrific obstacles. The Israeli troops are forced to fight Hamas on their own turf. The challenge of gun battles in the congested alleys and streets of Gaza, and the vast terrorist tunnels under Gaza (see photo), are a great challenge. Mines and booby traps are in place to kill many Israeli troops. The IDF will have a difficult time instantly identifying their targets as the civilians in Gaza will be used as shields to protect the Hamas terrorists.

Please join me in prayer that the Lord would reveal His presence and power to the IDF forces in Gaza. Also, please join me in praying that the Lord will be greatly glorified by the outcome of this war. Let us claim the promise that the Lord has given to His chosen people in Isaiah 41:8-12, “But thou, Israel, art my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend. Thou whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called thee from the chief men thereof, and said unto thee, Thou art my servant; I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away. Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish. Thou shalt seek them, and shalt not find them, even them that contended with thee: they that war against thee shall be as nothing, and as a thing of nought.”

Let us pray that the nations will see the hand of God in this war. May they see and hear about His defense of His people, and His eternal plan for Israel’s ultimate redemption. Many times, in the past, the Jewish people faced an existential threat as they do at this present hour. Pray that their leaders and people will pray the prayer of Israel’s King Hezekiah as he called out to God to destroy the powerful Assyrian army that was surrounding Jerusalem to annihilate the people and to destroy the city and temple. The Assyrian army, like Hamas, was a barbaric enemy. They slaughtered their enemies and decapitated them, piling up their skulls in a heap at the city gate. Listen to what Hezekiah asked God to do, “Now therefore, O Lord our God, I beseech thee, save thou us out of his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that thou art the Lord God, even thou only” (2 Kings 19:19). God answered his prayer. The night before the Assyrians were to attack, the angel of the Lord (the pre-incarnate Lord Jesus) went throughout the Assyrian camp and killed 185,000 warriors during the night. The surviving remnant packed up and quietly went home to Assyria.

Speaking of Israel, God has declared, “This people have I formed for myself: they shall show forth my praise” (Isaiah 43:21). With the eyes of the entire world upon Israel in Gaza, may He display His glory for all to see!