The Prelude to the Tribulation Period

As you examine the Scriptures and read about the conditions that will prevail during the Tribulation Period, it is obvious that we are witnessing the unique prelude to this deadly and dangerous time. I believe that some day we will look back and see the significance of the events that transpired in Israel with Hamas’ invasion of Israel. The events that took place in Israel on that fateful day represent the very nature of the events that will transpire for the duration of the seven-year Tribulation. The well-trained and purposefully orchestrated violence, murderous and brutal killing of innocent Israelis is an example of the actions and attitudes that will prevail for seven years in the army of the Antichrist.

At the very beginning of the Tribulation, the armies of the Antichrist will go forth “conquering, and to conquer” (Revelation 6:2). They will kill people with a knife-like sword (Revelation 6:4) and behead their enemies (Revelation 20:4). They will especially attack believers in Jesus, (Revelation 17:6) and Jews (Matthew 24:9). They will rape (Zechariah 14:2) and pillage the land and destroy cities and villages (Isaiah 14:17). They will kill Jewish children and rejoice while they commit such heinous crimes (Joel 3:3). Their trail of blood will decimate one-fourth of the global population near the beginning of the Tribulation. They will share presents and candy as they celebrate dead Jews they have killed and left to rot in the sun (Revelation 11:7, 10).

It has been startling to see the number of people around the world, and especially here in the U.S., that support and praise Hamas, rather respect and have empathy for the innocent Jewish victims of Hamas’ inhuman slaughter of Jewish babies, children, and the elderly. These same people will also worship the murderous and lawless Antichrist. They will love him and bow before him and worship him as a god (2 Thessalonians 2:4).

They will be drawn to this man because he is lawless and defiant. He hates God and shouts out blasphemous lies about God (Revelation 13:6). The world at the end will be against the Father, the Lord Jesus, and the commandments of God (Psalm 2:1-3). The Antichrist will hate Israel and with the aid of demons, direct a global war against the Jewish nation (Revelation 16:13-14, 16). This is the kind of leader the woke and wicked people of this generation are clamoring for!

The world has begun its march to Armageddon. At the front of this battle will be the Islamic nations that hate the God of the Bible and hate Israel (Psalm 83:1-8). The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Lord Jesus, is about to roar out His holy wrathful commandments against all the Gentile nations. Before that begins, He will call His bride, the true church, home to heaven to live with Him in His Father’s House (John 14:2-3).

My friend, it is much later than we think! We are almost home!

Be ready for the shout that will take us out!

Hesitation or Strategy?

It is very clear that the Israeli public is not in the mode of hesitation concerning the war with Iran and its terrorist proxies. The Israeli people are calling for their political and military leaders to attack Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in the north, and to strike the heart of Iran’s nuclear facilities. However, it seems that the leaders in Israel are not listening to their people, but to the counsel of former President Obama and President Joe Biden.

I understand that the United States is Israel’s strongest ally. However, I fear that it is a big mistake for Israel to listen to Obama and Biden. (1) Both of these men have failed America and the world with their lies and weakness in foreign policies. Thanks to their weakness, our world is much more dangerous. (2) Both of these men have said that Israel is their friend, but their actions have demonstrated otherwise. Both have negotiated with Iran in Iran’s march toward the production of a nuclear arsenal. They have trusted the liars of Tehran and given them large sums of money. All of this happened while the religious leadership in Iran continued to call for the death of the U.S. and Israel. (3) It is apparent that the West does not understand the Middle East. They do not comprehend the passion and dedication of Islamic warriors who are willing to commit suicide for the will of their god who call for the death of the free world. They do not understand that the radical religious elements in Iran are serious about bringing about global carnage so that their messiah will come to establish his sinister global kingdom over all the earth. (4) The nations of the world have told Israel for 75 years that Israel does not have the right to the land that God gave them. The world has consistently told Israel that they do not have the right to defend itself against those who are committed to the destruction of the one and only Jewish state in the world. (5) Most importantly, the counsel from Obama and Biden and other leaders in the West is not godly counsel. These men do not know God and do not have wisdom of God. They do not know or understand the Word of God. Their ways are not God’s ways. Their standards of morality and justice are not based upon just and righteous principles that reflect the holiness of God. Therefore, their counsel is deadly and misleading.

Israel needs to understand that this is not their battle. They are God’s people in God’s land. The Lord has promised them victory in their wars with their enemies. Like Israel in the past, they are trusting in the might of man instead of the power of God. Oh, that the Lord would have them to know Psalm 20:7, “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.”

I believe that the Lord is about to demonstrate to Israel that they must turn back to Him and trust Him. When the war of Ezekiel 38 comes (and it appears to be getting closer every day), the Lord will supernaturally destroy the enemies who invade Israel, which include Russia, Iran, and Turkey (Ezekiel 38:5-6). He will destroy them with a massive earthquake and volcanic eruptions on the Golan Heights (Ezekiel 38:19-22). As a result, the Lord declares, “Thus will I magnify myself, and sanctify myself; and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I am the LORD” (Ezekiel 38:23).

As we watch this current war unfold, let us pray that the Lord will demonstrate His presence and power to His people. Let us pray that the leadership in Israel will seek God’s wisdom, and not man’s counsel. Let us pray that the current situation in Israel’s war with Hamas is not a hesitation, but a time for seeking a godly strategy.

Iran Threatens to Strike Haifa

According to World Israel News, on Monday, October 23rd, an Islamic Revolutionary Commander warned they are ready “without hesitation” to strike Haifa. Iran warns that if Israel continues to carry out air strikes against Hamas’ positions in Gaza, they will launch a missile attack against Israel’s third largest city. Haifa is one of Israel’s major industrial centers on the northern seacoast. See map.

As this happened, several leaders of the Palestinians on the West Bank (biblical Judea and Samaira) praised Hamas for its attack against Israel on October 7th. It is reported that at least 58 percent of the Palestinians in Gaza also support Hamas and are calling for the destruction of Israel. This should open the eyes of the world to recognize that the Palestinians are not a viable peace partner with Israel.

It seems that the enemies of Israel in the Middle East are no longer hiding behind half-truths to blind the world into thinking the Islamic world wants to make peace with Israel. It is evident that we are about to witness a major eruption of war in the Middle East.

Israel’s only path to real, lasting peace will not come until Messiah Jesus comes to establish His kingdom. Only then will the Lord make wars cease (Psalm 46:9). Please pray for Israel and her soldiers as they stand on the front lines against Islamic warriors who are seeking to take control of the nations. This is the beginning of the major storm that will lead the world into the Tribulation Period. Prepare your soul to meet the Lord. Be ready for the shout that will take us out!

Iran’s Ring of Fire

The liberal west does not know it, but our world is in the middle of a religious war that is about to engulf all nations. While living in a godless culture, the masses and the leadership of the West are blinded toward the deception of radical Muslim elements. These elements currently seek to be political partners with them in the United Nations. The Communist and Socialist leaders believe they can temporarily support the Islamic war efforts to eradicate the United States and Israel. Then, they must think they can subjugate the Muslim world and establish a godless socialist New World Order. However, it is apparent that the West is in the process of moral and spiritual bankruptcy. All the major nations of the West are on the verge of economic collapse. When the Western nations internally collapse, it will leave Islamic forces to rule the World. This conclusion is supported by the prophetic Scriptures.

I believe there is overwhelming biblical evidence to conclude that the coming Antichrist and his global kingdom will be an Islamic kingdom, with its headquarters in the Middle East. According to Revelation 17-18, the Antichrist and his kingdom will be controlled by a very powerful religion that is in the desert (Revelation 17:3). This religion will hate Christians and Jews and will kill them by decapitation (Revelation 20:4). This conflict between the forces of the Antichrist and Israel will be the conclusion to the historical conflict in the book of Genesis between Ishmael and Isaac, and Jacob and Esau.

There are many Islamic groups that are working toward the establishment of a global Islamic kingdom. However, at the forefront of these efforts is the nation of Iran. Since the revival of the rise of Radical Islam in Iran in 1979, Iran has continued to call for the annihilation of the nation of Israel. Iran is recognized by many nations as the leading sponsor of terrorism in the Middle East and around the world. The Iranian supreme leader, the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has repeatedly called for the destruction of Israel. In April 2018, he lashed out at Israel, calling the Jewish state a “cancerous tumor’ of the region that must be “removed and eradicated.”

In the last few decades, Iran has established it proxy Islamic terrorist groups in a ring of fire, surrounding the nation of Israel. See the map with this article. As you look at this map and reflect upon the events that have transpired in the Middle East since October 7th, it is very apparent that Iran has begun to make its final move to annihilate Israel. Iranian backed terrorist groups in Gaza, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, the West Bank, and Yemen are all prepared to join each other in a multi-front war effort to overwhelm and defeat Israel. All of this is happening while it is being reported that Iran is very close to the development of several nuclear weapons.

As we watch these developments, we must remember that the Bible tells us what is about to take place. (1) We are watching the continuation of a campaign of “wars and rumors of wars” against Israel (Matthew 24:6). (2) We will see how the keeper of Israel will protect and defend His people (Psalm 121:1-8). (3) We will see the developments that will cause the West to collapse and make way for the rise of political Islam to take control of the world. This will not fully materialize until the beginning of the Tribulation Period (Revelation 6:1-8). (4) At any moment the church will rise to meet Jesus and be snatched out of this world in the Rapture.

We must rejoice that our God is sovereign and is directing the nations toward His divine conclusion. Read Daniel 4:34-35. May the Lord give us wisdom to know how to pray. Be bold for the Lord and proclaim the gospel. Keep listening for the shout that will take us out!

War Update for Wednesday, October 18th

Soldier at Sunset pic
courtesy IsraelToday Magazine

According to Israel Today, about 50 Jewish communities near Gaza and in the north near Lebanon have been evacuated due to the war with Gaza, and the threat of war in the north. This means that a total of about one-half million Israelis have been displaced by war. This represent just a small fraction of the pain and suffering that the Israeli public is enduring at this hour (Israel Today, October 17, 2023).

In the midst of all of their misery, death, and destruction, the Israelis are beginning to realize who they at war with. Israel Today describes how the Israeli public views this current crisis and war, “The Palestinian Arabs and their supporters want to eliminate the State of Israel, and they want to kill every single Jew—but these are two separate objectives. They will kill, torture, and maim as many of us as they can, whenever they can, even if it has absolutely nothing to do with achieving the objective of statehood.

“It’s worth noting that the purportedly ‘secular’ Palestinian Authority begins each of its official communications with the words, ‘In the Name of Allah,’ and actively supports both objectives—death to Jews and replacement of the State of Israel with an Islamic Arab entity.

“Another thing that should be clear is that the distinction between Hamas, the PA [Palestinians on the West Bank], Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, the Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine and all the other ‘factions’ is an artificial and meaningless one. This enables the United States, the European Union, and ‘enlightened’ countries around the world to play a deadly shell game.

“There is no difference between these groups; They share objectives, support one another in every possible way, and are all equally dedicated to the destruction of the Jewish, democratic State of Israel” (Israel Today, October 17, 2023). Therefore, any attempt to create a Palestinian State on the land West of the Jordan River would be asking Israel to commit political suicide. In the minds of Israelis, the idea of a two-state solution to the Arab/Israeli conflict is dead. It has never worked, and it cannot work due to religious hatred promoted by the Arab Muslims for centuries. Furthermore, according to the prophetic Word of God, this conflict and war over the land of Israel will not end until Jesus comes to establish His physical kingdom upon this earth. Only then will the acts of violence, terrorism, and war against Israel end once and for all.

The world is currently sympathetic toward Israel. However, when Israel’s war against Iran and its Islamic militant groups begins, the world will change its tune. They will all call for an immediate cease fire that would force Israel to continue to endure many more attacks like what happened on October 7th. This would indicate that either the world has forgotten about Israel’s suffering, does not care about its suffering, or really hopes that this ongoing war will end with the eventual elimination of the Jewish state of Israel in the Middle East. The bottom line is that anti-Semitism is flooding the global population, and this is fueling the rejection of the nation of Israel.

The Jewish people have had enough suffering. They are adamant that the idea of a Palestinian State on the West Bank is dead. It is impossible due to the Arab hatred for Israel that has existed for more than 4,000 years, and continues to this day! According to the Bible, the nation of Israel will continue to be at odds with the world concerning the conflict over the Promised Land. This conflict with the nations will fester and become very painful for Israel. This conflict will produce wars and rumors of wars. It will ultimately lead the world to declare war on Israel to force them out of their land. That is the purpose of the Battle of Armageddon at the end of the Tribulation.

From where we are today, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Soon, the church will be raptured and the global conflict with Israel will intensify. “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm122:6). Be ready for the shout that will take us out!