It is apparent that the Middle East is rapidly moving toward a major war that the prophet Ezekiel wrote about more than 2,600 years ago (Ezekiel 38-39). In the last few weeks Iran, Russia, and Turkey have issued threats about going to war with Israel. All three nations have stated that if Israel invades Lebanon and attacks Hezbollah, an Islamic terrorist group sponsored, trained, and funded by Iran, that they will go to war with Israel to defend Hezbollah, Gaza, and the Palestinian cause.
On Saturday, July 27th, Hezbollah fired a missile from Lebanon that struck a Druze village (an important ally of Israel) on the Golan Heights. More than a dozen children were instantly killed as they ran for cover. This missile is only one of hundreds of missiles that Hezbollah has fired into Israeli territories in the last month.
The world is calling for Israel to restrain itself. However, the following day after this tragic attack on the Golan Heights, Iran’s proxy agent CONTINUED to fire missiles into northern Israel. News is coming out of Israel that Israel is preparing for a massive retaliatory strike deep into Lebanese territory. Like Hamas, Hezbollah is using the Lebanese civilians as shields to protect themselves against Israel’s attack. The IDF attack will be aimed at Hezbollah’s missile stockpiles and its militant leadership. If Israel does not destroy Hezbollah’s ability to launch its deadly arsenal of precise deadly missiles and attack drones, then tens of thousand of Israelis will be killed. Israel has no choice but to defend itself!
If Iran, Russia, and Turkey are not bluffing, we could be looking at a massive ground invasion of Israel that will dwarf anything Israel has seen in it 76 years of modern history. It will be the same war that Ezekiel spoke about in Ezekiel 38-39. The Bible says that this massive invasion of Israel will appear “as a cloud to cover the land” (Ezekiel 38:9, 16).
God will supernaturally defend His land and His people by destroying the armies of these invading nations. He will send a massive global earthquake that will trigger the 14 dormant volcanoes that dot the landscape of the Golan Heights to erupt, spewing “an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone” (38:22), killing the armies of Iran, Russia, Turkey, and other radical Islamic nations that join them. Russia and many other nations will also be destroyed by God (Ezekiel 38:6).
The Bible states that this divine intervention by God will stun the entire world and bring Israel to a place of spiritual repentance (Ezekiel 38:23; 39:721-22). This will perfectly set the stage for the beginning of the Tribulation Period.
Friends, for years I have been preaching that the Rapture will occur before or at the same moment this battle occurs. If what we are witnessing does materialize, we are possibly only a matter of a few months or weeks away from the Rapture!
Be ready for the shout that will take us out!