The International governing body of the nations, the United Nations, continues to prove that it is unfit to have any authority over the nations. After the accidental death of Iran’s president, Ebrahim Raisi, in a helicopter crash in Iran, the UN has announced it will pay tribute to the memory of Raisi on May 30, 2024 in the General Assembly Hall. Raisi was known in Iran as “the butcher of Tehran.” He was a murderer with a lot of innocent blood on his hands.
It is tragic to note that this same body of international leaders still refuses to condemn Hamas’ attack upon innocent Israeli civilians on October 7, 2023. When people praise murders but condemn their innocent victims because they are Jews, it is a clear indication that these leaders cannot be trusted to make critical decisions concerning the lives of the nations. They have made evil good, and good evil. The Bible condemns such diabolical actions. The Bible declares, “Woe to them that call evil good, and good evil” (Isaiah 5:20).
The world is at war with God (Psalm 2). The Bible teaches that the world will be united against Israel when the end of this age comes. We have arrived at that point in history. God has promised that He will not forsake His people – Israel. When Christ returns to this earth, He will destroy the enemies of Israel as He fights for His people (Zechariah 14:1-3, 12). This evil generation is rushing toward its divine appointment with the Holy One of Israel.
Why is the Biden Administration so adamant about having an open border policy? Why has he allowed millions of illegal immigrants to infiltrate our national southern border? The truth is, the liberal socialists in this country realize this is another way to destroy the old America and recreate a new America that will adopt the socialist/Islamic agenda of the New World Order. Both history and common sense tell us that an open border policy is dangerous. One of the chief responsibilities of any good and faithful leader is to defend and protect his country. The basic way to do this is to seal and control the borders to keep out the enemies who want to infiltrate to destroy and create disorder, bringing about the ultimate demise of that country.
One of the evil tactics of the New World Order is to first break down the present order of sovereign nations and all of people’s attachment to their culture and world order. This present order was set in place by God with the judgment at the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11. The people of the world in Genesis 11 were united against God. They wanted to defy God’s order to multiply and spread out over all the earth (Genesis 1:28). In this revolt against God, they wanted to unite and create a new order that would worship other gods. The purpose of the tower was to view and chart the heavenly stars and planets and worship them (Isaiah 47:12-13). They believed that the order of the stars and planets held the secrets to life. They worshiped the creation rather than the Creator (compare Romans 1:20-23). So, God judged them and stop their agenda. They all woke up one morning and were speaking different languages. Along with this language barrier, the people were separated from one another and formed different cultures and nations.
Now, in a similar way, the evil leadership of the world is attempting to reverse the consequences of God’s judgment at the Tower of Babel. Once again, they are worshipping the creation – “mother earth.” Furthermore, they want to reunite the people of the earth and make them one in a rebellion against God and His laws (Psalm 2). Speaking of this evil agenda, God told Daniel, “They shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave to one another” (Daniel 2:43).
I highly recommend that you watch the link at the end of this article. It is a documentary produced by Epoch News about the mass migration taking place at the U.S. southern border. This film is very eye-opening. It reveals that the U.S. government and the United Nations are encouraging, aiding, and financing the movement of millions of people traveling from South America across Mexico into the United States. This is all a part of their evil strategy to destroy the United States. When people are mixed with different languages and customs, while worshiping other gods, it will destroy the sovereignty of that nation. This is an ancient tactic that was used by the godless and ruthless leadership of the Assyrians 2700 years ago. After the defeat of the 10 northern tribes in Israel, the Assyrians deported most of the Jewish population and imported various Gentile people groups to weaken the region of northern Israel. Their plan worked. The result was the mingling of the Gentiles and Jews to create the Samaritan people, who were part Jewish and part Gentile. It was Satan’s attempt to weaken the nations (Isaiah 14:12) and destroy the message of God coming from His chosen people, Israel.
As believers in Jesus Christ and His ambassadors, we need to be aware of the deceptive agenda of our evil leaders. Please join me in prayer for our nation and churches. As spiritual watchmen on the walls of America, we need to sound the warning of these developments.
Please prayerfully click this link and watch this film about this dangerous mass migration of our nation. Pass the word along to your family and friends. Pray that this evil agenda to destroy America will be exposed. Pray for our future elections this November!
The link below will take you to the page to access the film. Anyone can watch the trailer for free. Anyone with a subscription to should be able to access the entire film. Otherwise, will ask for a $4.00 payment by credit card or paypal. This will also subscribe you to The first four weeks come with that payment, followed by monthly payments as described at the bottom of the pay screen. Subscribing is encouraged/recommended. There are many great documentaries and articles.