P r o p h e tic Truth in the N e w s
October 2024
Published monthly by Mike Wingfield Ministries
All Bible references are from the KJV
(Examining Current Events in the Light of Bible Prophecy)
P.O. Box 67, Boones Mill, VA 24065
The Rapture & Feast of Trumpets
“Behold, I [show] you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” 1 Corinthians 15:51-52
By Mike Wingfield
Iran’s Armageddon Dream
“And upon Elam [the ancient name for Iran] will I bring the four winds from the four quarters of heaven, and will scatter them toward all those winds: and there shall be no nation whither the outcasts of [Iran] shall not come.” Jeremiah 49:36
By Mike Wingfield
For more than 30 years, Israeli leaders, and especially Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, have warned the world about Iran’s desire to develop a nuclear bomb. Not surprisingly, these warnings have fallen on deaf ears. The world has drifted deeper into the abyss of spiritual darkness and rebellion against God. This deadly spiritual darkness numbs the conscience of man to the point that he does not recognize or respect life-threatening dangers.
As a result of the world’s blindness, it will soon face the reality of a new form of nuclear madness. Recently, world leaders have learned that Iran is on the verge of having enough nuclear enrichment to acquire a nuclear weapon. That means that the world’s leading terrorist state will soon have a weapon of mass destruction at its disposal. In my opinion, this development signals that our world will soon be catapulted into the deadly days of the Tribulation. As Jesus described it, this will be a time of “wars and rumors of wars” (Matthew 24:6).

At the end of World War II in 1945, the United States became the first nation to develop and use an atomic weapon. The use of this deadly force against Japan stunned the entire world. People were horrified by the sheer magnitude of these weapons that leveled two large Japanese cities and killed more than 200,000 people. Many of the victims were instantly vaporized by the enormous thermal blasts! Thankfully, such weapons have not been used in warfare since 1945. However, thermonuclear weapons have since been developed. These weapons are hundreds or even thousands of times for powerful than atomic weapons.
For almost 78 years, the world has lived under the fear of a maniacal tyrant or an evil regime using a nuclear weapon to kill millions of innocent people. Today, there are approximately 13,080 nuclear devices in the arsenals of nine countries (the United States, China, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, India, Pakistan, Israel, and North Korea). Some of these nuclear bombs are 3,000 times more powerful than the atomic bombs used in 1945!
It is believed that the fear of retaliation has served as a deterrent to using weapons of mass destruction since the end of World War II. In other words, a nation with nuclear capability has not used such weaponry because it fears massive retaliation from the nation it strikes. A nuclear strike would bring unspeakable death and devastation to a nation. Furthermore, the territory impacted by the radioactive fallout of the nuclear implosion would be uninhabitable for decades.
Nonetheless, some world leaders realize that the fear of reprisal does not penetrate the radical mindset of the ruling mullahs in Iran. The radical Islamic doctrine embraced by these mullah makes them willing to die for their faith. Therefore, their devotion to annihilating their perceived enemies of Allah would motivate them to use a nuclear bomb without hesitation. This radical Islamic leadership views Israel and the United States as the avowed enemies of Allah.

Clearly, Israel is in the crosshairs of Iran. Iran has made it very clear to the world that it is consumed with hatred for the modern state of Israel. Iran’s statements and actions over the past 40 years have demonstrated they are committed to the annihilation of the Jewish state. This has been their declared goal since the Islamic Iranian revolu-tion began in 1979. Following centuries of Islamic anti-semitic doctrines, the founder of the Iranian revolution, the Ayatollah Khomeini, fanned the fires of hatred against Israel and sparked the Islamic revival that we are seeing in the last days. Since 1979, the followers of radical Islam in Iran have been openly calling for the death of Israel and America.

In January 2001, the current Supreme Leader of Iran, Khomenei, declared, “It is the mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to erase Israel from the map of the region.” One month later, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, a former president of Iran, said, “If one day, a very important day, of course, the Islamic World will also be equipped with the weapons available to Israel now, the imperialist strategy will reach an impasse, because the employment of even one atomic bomb inside Israel will wipe it off the face of the earth.” In 2005, the president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, stated, Israel “must be wiped off the map.” In recent months, General Hossein Salami, the Commander- in-Chief of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards forces, bragged, “Our strategy is to erase Israel from the political map.” Furthermore, Khomenei, published a 416-page book, in which he outlined how Iran will destroy Israel.
Iran is well known as the leading sponsor of global terrorism. Looking at the geopolitical landscape of the Middle East (see the map above), it is clear that Iran is spreading its hatred of Israel. Iran is inching closer to the implementing a dream it has pursued for more than 40 years! Recently, Iran displayed a ballistic missile that was painted with a message on its side, “Death to Israel.”
Iran’s thoughts and actions are being fueled by its commitment to their Shiite Islamic doctrines. The Iranian leaders believe their coming messiah, the “Hidden Imam,” or the “Mahdi,” will not come until they institute global chaos. They believe that Iran must first bring about global destruction that will remove Jews, Christians, and non-Muslims from power. After this global destruction, they believe their Messiah will suddenly appear on a white horse. Their commitment to make this happen dominates their political and military strategies. They are willing to commit national suicide to make it happen. The fact that thousands of suicide bombers have attacked Israel and points around the world demonstrates they must be taken seriously. The 9-11 attacks against the United States in 2001 illustrate their mindset.
It is apparent that the nations of the world, including the Biden administration in Washington, do not take these Iranian threats seriously. In 2007, Senator Joe Biden exclaimed, “My concern is not that a nuclear Iran someday would be moved by messianic fervor to use a nuclear weapon as an Armageddon device and commit national suicide in order to hasten the return of the Hidden Imam.”
We must remember that here in the West, the secular leaders do not consider religion to be an important part of society. This is especially true when it comes to political or military matters. However, this is not the case in the Middle East. The Israelis live in this region. They know and understand the mindset of the Muslims.

In an exclusive interview of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with American Israeli communications strategist Joel Rosenberg in 2007, Netanyahu made the following remarks, “I think the West fundamentally misunderstood, and still misunderstands, the threat of Radical Islam. It is a fanatical messianic ideology that seeks to have an apocalyptic battle for world supremacy with the West. It seeks to correct what it sees its disciples see as an accident of history where the West has risen, and Islam has declined. And the correction is supposed to be done by the resurrection of an Islamic empire and the acquisition of nuclear weapons and the use of nuclear weapons, if necessary, to obliterate Islam’s enemies and to subjugate the rest. This is a pathological ideology, much like Nazism was, and it poses a threat, in my judgment, in many ways bigger than Nazism. Because Hitler embarked on a world conflict and then sought to achieve nuclear weapons, whereas the leading radical Islamic regime in Iran, is seeking to first acquire nuclear weapons and then embark on a world conflict. And that is what is not yet understood in the West. And certainly, if it’s understood, it’s not acted upon.”
“You’ve already seen what the Sunni stream does, which is to smash into buildings in Manhattan with collective suicide, to smash into the Pentagon with collective suicide,” Netanyahu added. “And there’s no reason to believe that the militant Shiites, once they have atomic weapons, will not be suicidal. They say openly that they intend to remove Israel. Their first position – we’re the Little Satan. But remember that their goal is to get the United States, the Big Satan. We’re just a station, one station, on the way to world conquest. And to have such a regime that believes in an apocalyptic Armageddon with the West in which millions will die on both sides – but the Muslim millions go to a Muslim heaven with all the trappings – to have that crazy ideology in charge of a country that is developing atomic weapons is unbelievably dangerous and it should stop. Everything else is secondary to this” (Interview by Joel Rosenberg, 2007).
I am personally convinced the global hatred for Israel and the Jewish people is once against reaching a dangerous level. This hatred is so great that the world is secretly hop-ing that Iran will use a nuclear bomb against Israel and wipe it off the face of the earth. The United Nations is overwhelmingly controlled by Muslims, Communists, and Socialists. Outside of Israel, there is no leader that is condemning Iran for its repeated calls for the annihilation of Israel. Even here in America, anti-Israel sentiment is spreading like cancer. The administrations of Presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden have in essence supported Iran’s march toward nuclear supremacy. In recent years, only President Donald Trump has understood the danger of the Iranian mindset.
Thanks to the current godless and evil leadership of the West, we are now only days away from a nuclear Iran. We cannot begin to imagine how this will change our world! The Middle East is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.
The Israelis have clearly stated they will not allow Iran to acquire a nuclear bomb. They know the evil Iranian leadership is deadly serious about using nuclear weaponry against their homeland. Israel is only 45 miles wide and about 230 miles long. A relatively small nuclear weapon would effectively destroy the nation and make the land uninhabitable for many decades. Based upon the promises and plans of God, we can rest assured this will never happen! God’s sovereign eternal plans can not be altered by Satan, his demons, and all the evil leaders and armies of the nations!

In recent months the political and military leadership in Israel have readied themselves for the day when they will need to use military force to thwart Iran’s nuclear advances. During a public security conference in Tel Aviv, on February 22, 2023, Netanyahu said, “I can tell you that I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. That is not merely an Israeli interest; it’s an American interest; it’s in the interest of the entire world.” It is not a matter of “if” Israel will do this. It is only a matter of “when!” We have now arrived at a very critical time for the Middle East and our world.
From a biblical viewpoint, Iran’s desire to deceive the nations and destroy Israel is an Armageddon dream. According to Revelation 16:13-16, the Battle of Armageddon will be a demonically induced war of deception against Israel by the Antichrist and the nations. The Shiite Muslims believe the coming of their Mahdi is imminent. Could it be that the Muslim messiah will be the one the Bible calls the Antichrist? In 2 Thessalonians 2:9, the Apostle Paul told the church at Thessalonica that the Antichrist will be “the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders.”
The faithful followers of Islam’s prophet, Muhammed, believe their coming messiah must be one of the great imams who descended from Muhammed. According to their teaching, the last of these imams (the 12th one) disappeared in the 9th century. They believe that he will suddenly reappear to rule over the global Islamic empire at the end of this age. Could it be that the “lying wonders” of the end would be a deceptive resurrection of this imam, the Madi? We cannot be dogmatic about this. We can only wonder! Given the current developments, it would seem this is a possible scenario. If not, it certainly demonstrates that we are living in times when the stage for the fulfillment of biblical prophecies is being set.
The Bible repeatedly declares that at the end of this age the world will be fixated upon the removal of a Jewish presence and control over the city of Jerusalem. A study of the conflict in the Middle East demonstrates that this is at the core of the Islamic hatred of Israel and their plot to destroy the Jewish nation. Discussions in the United Nations and other international ruling bodies of the nations that include the United States, prove the world is determined to surrender the Old City of Jerusalem (the ancient biblical city) to the Palestinians. The prophet Zechariah, in chapters 12-14, wrote about the Battle of Armageddon and the events that surround this final conflict of the Tribulation Period. According to this text, the ancient city of Jerusalem will be the focal point of the attack against Israel during the Battle of Armageddon. In this text, God revealed to Zechariah that the city of Jerusalem will be like “a burdensome stone” (Zechariah 12:3) that will ultimately crush all the nations in their conflict with God. Concerning this final attack upon Jerusalem, the Lord said, “I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem” (Zechariah 12:9).

Jesus told His disciples that when the end came, they would “be hated of all nations for my name’s sake” (Matthew 24:9). The nation of Israel and the Jews are hated more than any other people group in the world. For decades, the world has told Israel that it does not have the right to defend itself against lethal force and threats of annihilation. The world has repeatedly condemned Israel for retaliating against those who viciously attack them! However, it seldom condemns Israel’s enemies who attack the Jews. In recent weeks, the U.S. State department has told lies about Israel, making Israel look like the aggressor against the Palestinians. The European Union is helping the Palestinians to illegally take over the West Bank. Israel has its back against the wall. No nation, including the U.S., is standing with Israel! The Bible tells us that when Armageddon comes, “all nations” will come against Israel (Joel 3:2; Zechariah 14:2).
When Israel does attack Iran, how will the world react? The U.S. Department of State and a spokesman for the U.N. recently told Israel that any attack upon Iran would be considered “illegal.” China, Russia, Turkey, and North Korea all do business with Iran. Any attack upon Iran will instantly anger these allies of Iran. It is my opinion that Israel’s attack upon Iran could trigger the Gog and Magog invasion mentioned in Ezekiel 38.
J eremiah 49:36-39 seems to hint that there will come a time when Iran suffers a great defeat that will cause its population to be scattered around the world. The Bible states that the leadership of “the king and the princes” of Iran will be removed, so that the people of Iran can eventually worship the Lord and be a part of His kingdom (Jeremiah 49:38). Could it be that the dispersion of the Iranian population would be necessary due to its land becoming uninhabitable due to radioactive materials scattered across its land? Should Iran launch a missile toward Israel, Israel has the technology to destroy that missile over Iranian airspace. If that Iranian missile is carrying a nuclear payload, it would result in the dispersion of radioactive material over its own country.

Another development should be considered. “Iran is one of the most seismically active countries in the world, being crossed by several major faults that cover at least 90 percent of the country. As a result, earthquakes in Iran occur often and are destructive” (www.wikipedia.org). If Tehran would suffer an earthquake of 7.0 or greater, geologists estimate that more than one million people in Tehran would be killed.
Iran’s nuclear facilities are spread out in many locations. They are entrenched in bunkers deeply buried under the mountains of Iran. The Iranians have chosen this kind of construction to protect their nuclear sites from powerful bunker-busting bombs. However, this would also make them very vulnerable to powerful earthquakes. Perhaps in His time, the Holy One of Israel will choose to display His power and destroy these weapons that have been designed to destroy the Holy Land, the Holy City, and His chosen people. God has given His people the following promise, “Whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake. … No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD” (Isaiah 54:15, 17). According to Ezekiel 38:18-20, a powerful global earthquake will be used by God to stop the invasion of the Russian/Islamic coalition in the last days.
Friends, I believe we are witnessing the final events at the end of the Church Age. The events happening in Israel and around the globe are shaping our world for the lawless one – Satan’s Antichrist – to appear.
As believers in Jesus Christ, we need to be wise. We shall soon stand before our blessed Lord Jesus. When He comes, He will be our judge. Are you ready for His judgment? We need to be “redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:16).
If you are not saved, please do not hesitate to call upon the Lord for salvation. The Bible says, “Behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). Do not delay. Give your life to Christ now before it is too late. Listen to this warning that will accompany the coming of the Antichrist. “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness” (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12). People do not come to Christ because they love their sinful pleasures too much. They do not want to give up their immoral lifestyle, drugs, alcohol, or other things that displease God. Do not let the love of sin stand between you and spending eternity in heaven!
All sin is an offense to our holy God! He hates sin! Sin does bring temporary pleasure. However, it carries a heavy death penalty. The Bible declares, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). There is only one way to receive eternal life and to escape the penalty of sin. Jesus exclaimed, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6). Eternal life does not come through a church or religion. All our work or efforts cannot take away our sin. The Bible says, “For by grace [the mercy of God] are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Why not cry out to God and ask Him to save you? He is waiting for you to come to Him now.
Be ready for the shout that will take us out!
The Approaching Economic Earthquake
We recently witnessed the second- and third-largest bank failures in U.S. history, involving Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank. Will this be the beginning of a domino effect that will lead to the collapse of financial institutions around the globe?
Michael Snyder, a Christian leader who researches and writes about global economic affairs in light of Bible prophecy, recently commented, “The mainstream media continues to tell us that the economy is in fine shape, and you can believe that if you want. But evidence continues to mount that indicates that we are headed for very serious trouble.
“Inflation is out of control, home sales have fallen for 12 months in a row, large corporations all over America are conducting mass layoffs, and hunger is spreading like wildfire as economic conditions rapidly deteriorate. … A major economic meltdown has begun, and it will eventually get a whole lot worse. We aren’t just witnessing the end of an economic cycle. What we are witnessing is the end of a deeply corrupt, deeply flawed system. The greatest debt bubble in the history of the entire planet is starting to burst, and the whole world will soon be experiencing severe pain as a result” (Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog, March 13, 2023).
According to the Bible, the opening months of the Tribulation will include global wars, terrorism, famine, hyper-inflation, and earthquakes (Revelation 6:1-17). The food crises will become so severe that a couple loaves of bread will cost an entire day’s wage (Revelation 6:6). In some parts of the world, this is already a reality. In the U.S. our affluence has somewhat sheltered us from what is taking place in other countries. However, it will soon catch up to us. Now is the time to prepare for the financial storm that will brew until Jesus comes.

Presently, more than 30 countries, including the United States, have unsustainable debt. The world is teetering on the edge of an economic collapse and one major event could trigger it all. A financial collapse in the U.S. would trigger a global financial meltdown, because the U.S. is the largest consumer of commercial goods. It is only a matter of time before this occurs. We are facing a situation like the world has never seen before. Our world is in dire straits.
Rejoice with me that our hope is in the Lord, not our money. “In God we trust.”