Just a few days ago, a professor of art at the University of Anchorage unveiled his painting depicting a nude celebrity holding the head of a beheaded President Donald Trump, with an adoring Hillary Clinton clinging to his leg. As noted by several journalists, this is a disturbing sign of the seething hatred the left has for those on the conservative right, especially those who call themselves Christians. The progressives (socialists), headed by former Obama and Hillary Clinton, are promoting this hatred.
When I saw a picture of this painting, my mind immediately recalled many of the cartoons and images from the 1930’s that I have seen on display at the memorial to the Holocaust in Jerusalem. These displays depicted the Nazi promoted hatred toward the Jewish people. It was this kind of openly accepted and applauded depictions of hatred toward Jews that eventually led to the Holocaust. First, the German society was conditioned to the ridicule the Jews, and then call for their removal. Jews were depicted as being a danger to the political future of a socialist Germany. Unless something changes, I am convinced we are witnessing the eruption of hatred and rejection by the political left that will lead to a horrific attack upon American conservatives. I am not calling for it, and certainly do not want it to come to pass. But, I feel obligated to blow the whistle to alarm us and call us to prayer about the future of our beloved nation and her people.
We are living in a pagan country. The moral compass that has guided this nation since its inception is gone. Too many Americans are living in deception, and no longer have a godly conscience. It is time for the true church to wake up and begin to cry out to God for mercy! It is time for true Spirit-filled believers to humble themselves and to call out to God in prayer in behalf of this nation. I fear for the future of my nation.